Purple Romance

Chapter 261: No strings attached

Chapter 261: No strings attached

''Whoa, who knew you would be so protective of your little wife this much? Buy me a drink, I just saved a lady and brought peace to your club''

''I came with my family; they are still outside. Join us for a night out''

''I still haven't found the one for me tonight'' Leslie said knowingly.

''You stay and make up for not attending the wedding'' Joel insisted.

''Lisa?'' Paige recognised Lisa the moment she reached the counter with Carlien.

''Oh, Paige?''

''Is she someone you know?'' Mirabel asked Paige and she nodded her head.

''Yes, she is Jordan's friend''

Lisa looked at them and saw that they were well dressed and she flushed and tried to stretched her dress down a bit. Even if she was someone who usually did what she wanted, she still always wanted to blend in with people. The ladies were in jeans and tops and she was in a short dress. She didn't know she would end up meeting someone she knew tonight.

''The weather is a little cold, don't catch a cold'' Leslie removed his trench coat and placed it on her shoulders.

''It seems everyone knows someone here. How about we sit together? Lucas and Jordan are parking the cars. They will join us soon'' Carlien suggested.

''I'' Lisa was going to reject but Paige didn't allow her to.

''Lisa, join us, please. Jordan will be happy to see you''

''Then, I will impose on you for a while''

''Who is imposing on the other here? Lisa fancy running into you here?''

''I know, right?''

''Let's go up then'' Joel held Mirabel's hand and they took the lead. They had come here to have a group date and bumped into both Lisa and Leslie.

Leslie waited for Lisa to start going before he followed her. They went into a private room and snacks was served and they started eating and chatting.

Paige touched Lisa's thigh she turned to her and she asked, ''about your friend. How is she doing?''

''Paula, she is fine''

''I don't know why but I've been worried about her since that day. Since we are all in the city, anytime you want to hang out, you can just call me. I am busy most of the time, but I can still spare some time to hang out. Carlien and Mirabel are my close friends and we usually hang out together. they are fun to be with''

''Thanks Paige. I will let Paula know, it will be fun to get together some time and hang out'' Lisa smiled, grateful for the concern. Her eyes lingered on everyone and settled on Leslie who was busy arguing with Joel. It seemed those two were close as they kept jabbing each other making everyone laugh.

It was a fun filled night and after hanging out, they all decided to leave and go home. Lisa waved her hands at Jordan and Paige and watched them leave with the others before she turned to Leslie. She removed his trench coat to give it him.

''Thanks for your help in there with that man''

''It's alright. I am glad I was able to help a pretty lady out''

''You said Andy was your brother?''

''Yes, we are twins and he is the younger one. How do you know him?''

''He is a friend of a friend''

''I see, but I am not Andy. I am Leslie and you are Lisa right?''

''Yes, and you are just my type'' Lisa added and kissed him.

''Do you want to go home with me?'' Leslie asked.

''Do you live alone?''

''Yes, I do. my car is over there'' he pointed at his car and they both smiled knowing what the night awaited them.


Lisa woke up and looked at her surrounding, memory of the night came to mind and she smiled and turned to look at the empty space beside her. She got down from the bed and saw her clothes neatly folded and placed on a chair with a note attached to it.

Lisa quickly took a shower and changed into her dress according to the instructions written on the note and went out of the bedroom. While she walked down the stairs and took in the interior decoration. Indeed, the houses of the noveau riche was different from peasants like herself who came from humble backgrounds. But none of that deterred her. She had worked her way into what she was today. She was someone who liked to play by her own rules, she didn't want to answer to anyone. That's why soon as she completed school, she set up her own caf shop. Her parents were both teachers but their income was enough to get them by. Now, she could take care of herself.

Lisa felt that she was living a fulfilled life. She did whatever she wanted without having to account to anyone. And most of all, she had the one person who never judged her in the world as her best friend. She and Paula had come a long way and even though they started on the wrong foot, they had warmed up to each other and had grown closer to each other. All her life, the people she met always wanted something from her or either took advantage of her kind heart and hurt her in the end, but Paula was different. She treated her like she did with everyone else. She would never judge her and would always support her even when they both knew it was going to get them in trouble.

Paula was the only person Lisa felt she owed a lot of things to. That was why, she didn't care if anyone hurt her but if the person hurt Paula, it was a different story. She would trace that person to hell and kill them twice if they were dead and she believed it was the same with Paula.

That was the kind of friendship she had with Paula. That was also why, at this moment when the thought of the silly girl came to mind, she immediately took out her phone and made a call because she knew she would be dead worried about her. Lisa didn't know that someone was busy lusting at her body as he set the food on the table and watched her.

''Hello my love. That's why I called you. I knew you would be worried. Me?'' Lisa looked towards Leslie when Paula asked her where she was, ''I am somewhere. P dear, guess what happened to me last night? Tsk, such a party pooper, I will still tell you when I get home. Where are you going? Then, take care and make sure you cover up. The weather report yesterday said there might be some showers today, make sure you don't catch a cold. En, love you too, bye darling''

''I am jealous of this darling of yours?''

''Get over it because not even the heavens can replace her in my heart''

''Then, this person must be important''

''Very important. Someone who makes my heart race by just looking at her. A perfect human being the world doesn't deserve''

''Now, I am curious about this person'' Leslie pulled out the chair for her to sit and joined her across the table.

''Mmm, I love men who can cook''

''I can cook but I can even eat you out more than I can cook'' he said suggestively and Lisa smiled.

''Let's be friends with benefits''

''Was the sex that good?''

''Very good. I give credit when it's due. Also, my babe asked me to get at least one partner if I want to keep sleeping around. I want to take this risk for her and you aren't so bad. So, what do you say?''

''A no strings attached is my kind of things and you weren't so bad yourself''

''Then, let's have a pleasant collaboration''

''I don't get into a friends with benefits without knowing the rules''

''Get me a paper and a pen, let's mark out the dos and don'ts then''

Leslie quickly went into his study which wasn't far from there and returned with two sheets of white papers and two black pen.

''Here, write the things that you find acceptable and the things that aren't acceptable to you, I will also do same''

Lisa took the paper and started writing down and Leslie also did. They had no idea how far their deal was going to take them and what the future held for them. They were just two people who didn't care to think much about the future. They would rather enjoy the moment. Two eccentric people coming together. Only the future knew what would become of those two.

''Done'' Lisa placed the paper on top of the paper after writing down what she expected from their partnership.

''Let's exchange them and read them out'' Leslie suggested.


After exchanging the papers, both of them looked through it and then at each other and smiled.

''Looks like even our minds works the same way'' Leslie said.


''So, this sex is purely casual. We will meet if one of us or both of us want to have sex. In the period of this partnership, no one should have another sex partner'' Leslie read out the content of the agreement.

''That is to protect ourselves from STIs, having multiple sexual partners is dangerous''


''Also, during this period of partnership, one must not ask the other any personal questions. No need to tell each other what kind of family we come from and all those things. What we do for a living isn't anyone's business. If one of us is getting married, then the other party needs to be informed three months before''

''Lastly, love is an absolute no in this partnership. The first person to fall in love will call off the partnership and never get in touch with the other person ever again. No matter the circumstance, love is not an option'' Leslie concluded and they both nodded their heads.

''Let's have a good partnership''

They shook hands and then concentrated on their food.

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