Purple Romance

Chapter 257: Turns out you were our matchmaker

Chapter 257: Turns out you were our matchmaker

After making the call to Andy, Paula and Lisa were about to set off when Lisa received a call from the building owner of their apartment whom she had been wanting to meet for a while since her lease was about to end and she needed to renew it, so it was decided that Paula would go ahead to meet with Andy at the restaurant that they picked and then Lisa would join them later on after meeting the building owner.

Thus Paula found herself standing outside the oh-so familiar restaurant that she used to eat with Gideon. She didn't think too much into it before deciding to meet there but little did she know the kind of drama was waiting for her inside.

The moment she entered the restaurant and went over to an empty seat, she saw Gideon and his new girlfriend eating at that same place. She turned to leave immediately when the latter saw her and call her.

''Stop there'' he said and started walking towards her. ''What are you doing here? Don't tell me you are following me? Don't you know that this is called stalking?'' From start to finish, he didn't wait for her answer and made his own assumptions.

Paula looked at him, suddenly feeling regret and disappointed in herself for loving such kind of person, ''hey, stop been so full of yourself. Does this place belong to you? Can't I also come here to eat?''

Gideon chuckled and stuffed his hands into his pockets proudly saying, ''you don't like to eat outside. You are always looking for ways to save money and always complain about how expensive restaurant foods were. A frugal person like you coming to eat here is impossible, so you don't have an excuse to make. Just admit it, you came here hoping to see me, right?''

''What? A frugal person?'' Paula chuckled sarcastically. She admitted that she preferred to cook her own food but she had never been frugal towards him. He was the one who didn't have money to buy food from restaurant because he claimed he was working as a volunteer at his senior's hospital. Even when she found out he was lying to her, she didn't expose him and simply didn't care about it. she had thought that he was trying to make them save but, it seemed he had only viewed her as his cash bank and made her sponsor him with meals every day.

''Yes, anytime I told you to let us eat outside, you would disagree and then bring me homemade food. Paula, if this isn't being frugal, then what is it?''

''But you always enjoyed those homemade meals, Gideon, do you know the end of people who are ungrateful and don't see the effort of others? The always end up with nothing!!! take that from me, you will end up with nothing!!'' Paula looked him in the eye as she said that and became satisfied when she saw the distorted and uncomfortable look in his eyes that he tried to mask.

''Which part of the letter didn't you understand? I am no longer interested in you. Stop stalking me everywhere I go'' he said loudly and Paula noticed the eyes that had turned towards them. She knew he had done that on purpose to spite her.

''Gideon, what is going on?'' his rich girlfriend walked over and stood next to him. He held her hand and turned to face her affectionately.

''Darling, I'm sorry. I didn't know that she would follow me to this place'' he said and draped his arm around the lady's waist.

''Hi, I am Bella. Gideon's fiance. I believe I saw you yesterday at the hospital with a friend''

''Fiance?' Paula chuckled and nodded her head.

''I see; well can you do me a favour?'' she asked the woman named Bella.

''Let's hear it. If that will make you stop stalking my fianc''

''Tell him to stop bringing you to all the places I introduced him to. We first met in this restaurant and then became lovers. Doesn't it bother you to he brought you to a place he used to hang out with his ex?''

''Gideon, is that true?'' Bella looked at Gideon who had a stiff smile.

''Hey, Paula what do you think you are doing?'' he pushed Paula backwards with his hand and she almost tripped but bumped into a steady chest.

The familiar scent of the man made her look up and she saw Andy smiling down at her. He pulled her to his side and held her hand before looking at Gideon who seemed to have recognised him.

''You you are the man I gave the letter to, right?'' Gideon asked.

''Yes, and now you just pushed my girlfriend and she almost fell. And as a fellow woman, does it give you satisfaction to see him act with such ruthlessness towards a fellow woman? Your show if sophistication is just a show, no?'' Andy looked at the woman and Gideon.

''What? Who are you?'' Bella became angry after hearing what Andy said. She pointed at Paula saying, 'she is the one coming after my fiance. He already broke up with her, yet she follows him around and wouldn't let go''

''Why would she do that when she has me? Do you think everyone is blind?'' Andy turned to look at Paula and asked, ''did you wait for long? I asked you to wait for me and here you were acting naughty again''

''Who is he to you, Paula?'' Gideon fled up in anger and embarrassment.

''He is...'' Andy stopped Paula and answered the question.

''Who am I? Well I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Andy and she is the woman I'm so crazy about. But, I should thank you because you were the one who brought us together that day''

''What?'' Gideon turned to Paula, ''is that true?''

''Yes, that is true. Turns out you were a matchmaker'' Paula replied with a satisfied grin as she looked at the flustered faces of the so called fianc and fiance. ''that's right, take that hoe' she said internally.

When Andy looked at the smile on her face and the dimples that appeared, he suddenly felt that she looked cute up close. He had the urge to pinch her cheeks but stopped himself as soon as she looked up to meet his gaze.

Watching them act all lovey dovey in front of them, Gideon and Bella became furious. Gideon had an impulsive urge to separate the two of them. He has been with Paula for so long and yet, this was the first time he felt that she was looking beautiful with another man. It made him angry.

Bella hit Gideon when she saw how he was openly looking at Paula before saying to Andy, ''I am Bella Muni, the only daughter of the Muni family. Your open arrogance towards me can incur my wrath''

Andy furrowed his brows and frowned as he turned to look at her, ''what can you do to me? I will be waiting to see. Babe, let's go'' he held Paula's hand and walked out with her outside the restaurant.

''How do you know that man?'' Bella asked Gideon and he explained the situation to her. it made her angry and she went to take her bag and leave the restaurant.

When Paula got to Andy's car, she saw Gideon running out after Bella and they stood there watching them. Gideon was about to get inside Bella's car when the latter drove away leaving him. He looked at Paula angrily and spouted, ''you will hear from me, Paula'' he said and ran to the roadside to pick a taxi and follow after Bella.

When they all left, Paula turned to look at Andy and asked, ''what was that all about? When did you arrive?''

''It's amazing how I always find you in the middle of something dramatic anytime I see you''

''What can I say? Drama seems to follow me everywhere''

''Why did you choose this place? We could have just met at the hotel's restaurant''

''Didn't you hear what he said? I am frugal. I had no option that's why I came out to meet you. I prefer to make my own food. Saves time and money''

''Let's go somewhere and eat. I didn't eat anything because you said you were treating''

''Why did you help me inside there?''

''Because I wanted to. We are considered friends, right?''

''Are you interested in me?'' she cocked her brows at him.

''Oh, what is this smug expression on your face? No, I am not interested in you''

''Then, did you help me because you find me pitiful?''

''No, trust me I am not one to do things out of pity. You are someone who owes me a lot of money, I need to make sure you are not under any emotional stress, so that you can pay me back fast''

''Then, it will be your treat''

''What? Miss, you are the one who called me out''

''But, you are the one who suggested we go somewhere and I know it is going to be an expensive place''

''So, that makes me my treat then?''

''Yes, also my friend will be joining us later. She had to attend to something before coming''

''Let's go'' he opened the door for her and she got into the car.

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