Purple Romance

Chapter 237: The past that came haunting us 4

Chapter 237: The past that came haunting us 4

Carlien rushed into the hospital ward and saw Paige with a lot of tiny white tables in her hands. She was about to swallow them when Carlien opened the door, so she simply looked at her and asked, ''Oh you are here?''

''Paige, No. This isn't the right thing to do. I know it's hard and your heart is in a lot of pain but still doing this isn't right'' she walked slowly towards Paige.

''What is she talking about?'' Paige tsk-ed and picked a glass of water by her side to drink and heard Carlien scream again.

''Paige, no. Please, don't do this, okay? this isn't the end of your life. You are still young and you will meet a lot of handsome men on the way. Huh, who hasn't met a couple of scums before, right? Jordan isn't the only man that exist. If you want, I can arrange for a couple of mem to come and see you every morning''

Paige placed the glass back, still holding the tablets in her hands. She sighed and looked at Carlien was obviously worried and asked, ''hey, you just what thoughts are you having? What do you think these tablets are?''

''Aren't they sleeping pills? Weren't you about to overdose on sleeping pills and die?''

''Come here'' Paige beckoned on Carlien and the latter walked closer. Paige flicked her forehead.

''Ahh, it hurts'' Carlien frowned rubbing her forehead.

''Did you think I did it because it won't hurt? You you should have your doctor's licence revoked on a more serious note. What makes you think I was going to overdose and die? What did I do wrong to be the one to die?''

''Those aren't sleeping pills?'' Carlien looked at Paige with a serious expression. Paige removed a small medicine box from her side and handy it over to Carlien. The latter's expression changed and she turned to look at Paige, ''daily medicine dose?''

''Yes, look'' Paige stretched her hand to show Carlien. In reality, there were just four different tablets in her hands.

Carlien gave an awkward chuckle when she realised she was overreacting and scratched her head.

''I don't know, but when I entered and saw that you had tablets in your hands, I thought I saw a lot of them and not just four. Sorry!!!'' she took the glass of water and gave to Paige, ''drink it quickly. I brought you some of your favourite food''

''Did you seriously think I was going to kill myself? Why?''

''Well, I thought you were overwhelmed by what happened and wanted to end it all''

''You should just become an actor. With such wild imagination, being a doctor is simply a waste of your talent'' Paige took the medicine and gave the glass back to her.

''How do you feel? I'm sorry I couldn't come earlier. I was so warped up and had to leave two days after. I should look for that man and beat him into a pulp''

''Forget of it. It's already over'' Paige laid back on the bed.

''It's over? You mean you and Jordan are over?''

''Then, what do you think? We can't forget everything that happened and be together. being with each other will just make us feel guilty. I will always be reminded of what his father did and he will never be able to forget it either. My father is also hurting because of all this. I can't forget of the pain of the people around me''

''I thought you would be crying yourself to sleep but, you are playing it even cooler than I thought. Paige, I know you are acting tough because you don't want to hurt your father, but sometimes a good cry is the best way to let things go. Don't bottle things inside of you and suffer alone''

''Truth is; I want to cry too. I really want to cry but I can't bring myself to doing it. It just feels so unreal to me. I don't know when my heart suddenly grew cold but right now, I don't feel like crying. It is pathetic to do that too''

''Has Jordan come to visit you since that day?''

''No, if it's you. Would you have the guts to come here too?''

''That's right. I wouldn't even want to see you either. But, I heard that he met with your father this morning''

''My father?'' Paige furrowed her brows, ''why did he meet up with my father?''

''Lucas told me he had gone over to give his father's assets to your dad''


''Yes. Now, he is penniless, but that's not all. It seems he has also cut off ties with his father and might be leaving the city with Jessi, soon''

''So, he wants to be the first to run away first? He is much of a coward than I thought''

''You do you mean?''

''Last night, my father came here. He said that we will be going over to my mother's town when I get discharged from here''

''What? No, this isn't right. What about your school. You still have a semester to go''

''He was asking me to go with him, he was telling me to go with him'' Paige looked at Carlien.

''No, I have to do something. I will go and have a talk with Uncle. I know both of you are hurting but this is extreme''

''Don't. I already thought about it. I will go to the school and ask them if I can take online classes for the last semester and graduate with the online students''

''But, that is super expensive. The online students pay three times of what we pay. Where are you going to get the money for it?''

''I will work and attend school. Carlien, this isn't something that we can fix. Maybe years to come, it could be fixed but definitely not right now. Everything is a mess right now''

Carlien sighed and tussled her hair as she looked at Paige.

''You are doing all of this for your father. What about you? Paige, I am worried that you are going to build a bridge around yourself like how you did when your mother first passed away. You didn't cry, you didn't mention anything about her. In fact, it took you until high school graduation before you opened up about the damage and hurt you went through. Please, Paige, just for once, give yourself the chance to feel the pain. Go through it and overcome it. Don't get lost in doing what you think is right. You matter and your happiness matter too, please''

''Can you give me a hug?'' Paige looked at Carlien.


''I don't think I will be able to allow myself to go through the pain yet but I think I am about to cry''

''Come here, silly girl'' Carlien pulled Paige up and hugged her.

Outside the ward, Jordan's eyes were red as he stood by the door. Remembering everything he and Paige's father talked about that morning, he didn't have the guts to face her. He had already promised her father that he was going to stay away from her. Today was the last day he was going to be this close to her again. He watched the door longingly until Lucas arrived.

When the latter saw him, he sighed and walked up to him, ''you should go inside and say your goodbyes properly''

''I lost the right to see her, Lucas''

''Not seeing her for the last before you leave. Are you sure you will be able to take it?''

''En, I should do that. Have you bought the tickets?''

''Yes, I did. But, Ad-Din said I should tell you that, Maria will be waiting with a gun at the airport. That woman is seriously no joke. When she heard that I hurt Carlien, even though she didn't know her, you should have seen how she always looked at me. She is scary''

''I will just get shot by her then'' Jordan said and chuckled.

The door suddenly opened and Paige came forth. The air grew tense and Carlien and Lucas stared at each other awkwardly. They had missed each other but it would be awkward to hug and kiss when the two people that brought them together were no longer together. The simply smiled and nodded at each other.

''I thought I was hallucinating but you are really here? If you came all the way here, shouldn't you at least say hello before leaving?'' Paige looked at Jordan after speaking. While she and Carlien were inside, she thought she was hearing voices and a sudden crazy idea came to her. She decided to confirm whether she was the one thinking too much or if he was really behind the door. Indeed, he was also there.

''Hi, Paige'' Lucas said.

''Hi, Lucas. Why are you so tensed up? It's not like this is a funeral house'' Paige said to them.

''We we will go and give you time to have a chat'' Carlien said and went over to Lucas' side.

''That's right. We will be waiting here'' Lucas added and pushed Jordan into the room. Jordan unintentionally hugged Paige in the process and their bodies stiffened. Carlien smirked and pulled the door close and turned to Lucas.

''That was done intentionally, right?''

''En'' Lucas said and they laughed.

''Such a naughty boy. I missed you''

''Me too''

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