Purple Romance

Chapter 206: Carlien's true family 1

Chapter 206: Carlien's true family 1

Country A.

Residence of the head of Military Coups.

An old man in his late eighties sat relaxed in a sofa chair sipping a mug of tea as he listened to the reports brought by his secretary.

''The parliament is divided. MacDamien Alfonso the third has managed to turn most of the council members to his side. If we are not able to bring the Young Miss back early before the next enthronement, I'm afraid the minds of the people might be changed and they will be against you''

''How is she doing?'' the old man asked. His face had wrinkles signifying his numbered days left. Though he looked stunt for his age, he was still not healthy enough to carry on with life.

''The Young Miss is safe for now. Cassax is still in coma but things are a little difficult right now because the Young Miss' friends are now involved and they are not ordinary people. they hold a lot of power in City B.

''I see. it is good to see she found herself some trustworthy friends, especially that one who saved her life. Contact Housekeeper Newalla. Tell her I said it is time to tell the Young Miss the truth about her birth. Things are already chaotic here without her addition. Let the decision to take over the throne be in her hands''

''How do you plan to deal with MacDamien Alfonso III? He might plan another assassin on the Young Miss if you delay in dealing with him''

''Don't worry about MacDamien Alfonso III, he is the least of my worries. Noah, do you know the kind of enemies that should be feared the most in this world?''

''No, sir''

''The ones that wear the cloth of a friend. MacDamien Alfonso III is the visible enemy we all know. His attics are always predictable but what about the invisible enemy that lives with us and poses more danger to us than anyone else?''

''What do you mean?''

''Your third uncle. The one who went pretending to be a friend and tried to save the Young Miss is the one we should be wary off''

''Third uncle? Is third uncle not on your side?'' the young man called Noah asked in a surprised tone.

''He is on no one's side. Do you think he would risk his life fighting Cassax just so he could bring the Young Miss back safely and hand over all power to her?''

''What you mean is, he intends to get into the good books of the Young Miss and then steal the throne from her?'' the young man was shocked upon confirming such a revelation. Their third uncle was considered the least of their problems in the country because he was always meek and followed their grandfather's directions.

''I can only trust you to go and make things right and bring back the Young Miss before things get out of hand''

''I will leave for Neo Island tomorrow. Grandfather, don't worry too much. I will make sure cousin is safe from all harm''

''You two are now the only true heirs. Though legally, you cannot inherit the throne, you have always been a good child and I haven't had any moment to worry about you''


Touching lives healing centre.

Kate Arthur came out of Carlien and Paige's quarters holding a silver food flash containing congee she had made to give to the girls. After ensuring that the door was locked she turned to go and came face to face with a young man.

''Noah?'' she took a step back and almost fell but for the young man's help.

''Aunt, you still remember me? don't be afraid. I didn't come for harm you. Grandfather sent me a message for you'' Noah assured her calmly.

''Let's go somewhere and talk. I don't want Carlien to see you'' she said and started walking away. Noah nodded his head and followed her.

Carlien walked out of the hospital in her doctor's blue scrub and saw her mother walking away with a young man. She smiled and decided to follow them.


''You have grown so well''

''I am surprised aunt was able to recognise me'' Noah said and removed a letter from his bag and gave to Kate Arthur.

''What is this?'' she asked looking at the letter in her hands.

''Aunt, don't be so nervous and guarded against me. I might be a bastard child but you don't have to worry. I am nothing like the others who scheme for power. I have stayed by grandpa's side for so long, I know what I should do and shouldn't be done. I am on you and the young miss side'' he said, smiling warmly at her.

''I know. After leaving Country A, you were the person I was most worried about. You have always been different from everyone. I was worried that you will be bullied because you were always so kind and tiptoed around everyone. I am glad you grew up to be such a fine young man, Noah''

''I'm sorry that I am only reaching out to you and sister right now. I have been occupied with a lot of things''

''I know''

''How is sister doing?''

''She is fine. She has been discharged and has returned to her work. This is their last month here. I still haven't told her anything about her birth. The truth is, I don't even know how to start telling her about it. I fear that the truth might be a little overwhelming for her to handle''

''Actually, grandpa knew that it would be difficult for you to tell her that is why he asked me to come here on his behalf. Have you heard from Third Uncle since the day of the incident?''

''Third uncle? Was he here?''

''Yes, he was the one who found the Young Miss first and told MacDamien Alfonso III. The man who tried to kill the Young Miss is the right hand man of MacDamien Alfonso III. Aunt, you have to be careful around third uncle. He isn't exactly what he portrays. He might act like he is on the side of the Young Miss, but that is because he is trying to keep her close''

''Third uncle is eyeing the throne, right?'' Kate turned to face Noah.

''Yes, but unlike uncle Alfonso III, he is hiding behind a mask and playing the good cop. I'm afraid, whatever happened might have even been a plot diverse by him. He is the real danger that grandpa wants me to warn you against''

''Actually, I don't think we can keep the truth from Carlien anymore. This is something she might find out sooner or later''

''I will be here until sister makes a decision. Grandpa said the decision to come back and rule the people is entirely in her hands. He would not force her to do anything she doesn't want to. I will keep you two safe''

''Where will you stay while you are here? I will bring you food everyday''

''I am yet to find a place''

''I have to send this to Carlien. She might be hungry after attending to her patients'' Kate said and stood up with Noah. She turned and saw Carlien at a distance watching them. 'Carlien!''

Noah also looked at and saw her. she walked towards to them as the two looked shocked to see her.

''Carlien, did you''

''Is this why we never stayed at one place for too long? Because I really have a secret about my birth?'' Carlien asked as she clasped her trembling hands together.

''Carlien, let mom explain. I didn't intentionally keep everything from you. I had a reason''

''Young Miss, can I have a word with you?''

''Who are you?''

''I am your cousin, Noah Derrick Alfonso VIII''

''Mom, Paige must be hungry, you should send that to her and Jessi first. Let's talk later''

''But, you are''

''Mom, I am not angry with you. just go, I will come and find you later''

''Oh, then, make sure you bring Noah along with you. Noah, I will leave her to you''

''Don't worry, Aunt. I will explain everything to sister''

''Let's go to my quarters. Is this way'' Carlien said and led the way''


Paige was watching Jessi doing her therapy when Kate Arthur arrived with their food. She stood next to Paige and watched as Jessi held unto the two bars and learnt to walk with the help of the therapeutic nurse and doctor in the therapy room.

It was amazing how she had come far within the two months that she had stayed with them. even though she had yet to open up about the accident, she had fully opened her mind to wanting to walk again so they were working with what they had at the moment.

''She is doing so well?'' Kate said standing next to Paige.

''I thought so too. Her zeal for wanting to recover is quite strong. Aunt, I'm hungry. Is that our congee?''

''Yes, but, Carlien is speaking with someone right now. You can eat without her''


''Paige, aunt wants to ask you for a favour. Can you be there for Carlien. I'm afraid that she might be disappointed with me for lying to her for so long''

''Aunt, I don't know much about Carlien' past but I have a lot of faith in Carlien and I know she always makes the best decisions. Whatever it is, I'm sure she will be able to handle it. Don't worry too much'' Paige said and hugged the older woman.

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