Primordial Villain With A Slave Harem

Chapter 7: Medieval Hygiene, Here We Go

- Day 2 -

I wake up the next day, feeling like I've slept on a cloud. For the first time in a while, I feel super energized. I glance around the room and notice how barebones it is; I didn't notice yesterday because I was too overwhelmed with my unique situation.

The room is simple: just a bed, a small table, and a few chairs. The walls are plain, and there's a single window with a wooden shutter. It's a far cry from the comforts of modern Earth. I really start missing some conveniences from home- a morning bath, a toilet with a plumbing system, and, surprisingly, I especially miss my toothbrush and paste. I can't help but worry about my teeth rotting.

I'll have to look around the town later, maybe they do have something similar or at least passable replacements.

I get out of bed and stretch, feeling the muscles in my body responding more energetically than they ever did back on Earth. It's a small comfort in this strange world. I splash some water from the basin onto my face, trying to wake myself up fully. The cold water is refreshing, but it doesn't quite make up for the lack of a proper morning routine.

I decide to head downstairs to the common room, hoping for some breakfast. As I make my way down, the innkeeper greets me with a nod. "Morning," he says. "Sleep well?"

"Yeah." I reply with a smile. "Do you have any breakfast available?"

He shakes his head apologetically. "We don't. I recommend you head to the bakery down the road. My son-in-law works there, their products are well-priced and really tasty."

Before heading out I decide to inquire about the local amenities. "Thanks, I will check it out. By the way," I say to the innkeeper, "do you know where I might find some basic toiletries? A toothbrush, perhaps? Or any place to get a proper bath?"

He looks at me curiously. "A toothbrush? Can't say I know what that is, but you can find tooth powder and brushes made from animal hair at the general store."

Damn, that is disappointing. Also a bit disgusting, not gonna lie.

He then continues, "as for a bath, there's a public bathhouse a few streets over. It's not luxurious, but it gets the job done. We also provide a similar, more affordable service here, for an extra bronze coin we bring you fresh, warm water in a wooden bucket and a few clean rags to wipe yourself with."

"Why didn't you tell me that yesterday, old man? I could've used a wiping." I ask with a bit of annoyance in my voice.

He looks me up and down curiously. "I'm sorry sir for my incorrect assumption. You looked pristine clear, I thought you wouldn't need a bath for the next week."

Fuck. Me.

Medieval hygiene, here we go.

"... Thanks for the information," I say, trying to hide my discomfort. With that settled, I step out of the inn and into the bustling streets of Aldoria.

The town is waking up, merchants setting up their stalls and people going about their daily routines. I take a deep breath, feeling a mix of excitement and apprehension. This is a new world, full of dangers and opportunities, and I intend to make the most of it.

Following the innkeeper's directions, I find the bakery without much trouble. The warm aroma of freshly baked bread fills the air, making my stomach growl. I step inside, greeted by a young man behind the counter who I assume is the innkeeper's son-in-law.

"Good morning! What can I get for you?" he asks cheerfully.

"Morning. I'll take whatever pastry you recommend," I reply, hoping to get a sense of the local cuisine.

He hands me a sweet-smelling pastry. "That'll be one bronze coin," he says.

"Can I pay with a silver coin?" I have a single bronze coin left so I could pay the exact price, but I really want to find out how much a silver coin is worth.

He glares at me for a second before relenting. "... Yes sir." He then brings a pouch out and counts 99 bronze coins. Yep, my guess is confirmed. A silver coin is worth 100 bronze coins.

I pay him and take a bite of the pastry as I leave. It's surprisingly delicious, filled with a sweet fruit jam that I can't quite identify. The bread is fresh and hearty, perfect for a quick breakfast bite.

With my hunger satisfied and my new toiletries in my bag, I step out of the general store, taking a moment to count my remaining coins. I have 1 silver and 100 bronze coins left. Not a fortune, but enough to get by for now.

I decide to explore Aldoria further, hoping to find opportunities and get a better understanding of this place. The town is alive with activity: merchants selling their wares, craftsmen hard at work in their shops, and people moving through the streets in a constant flow. It's a vibrant, bustling town, and I'm eager to see what it has to offer.

One thing I didn't notice yesterday but stands out today is the prevalence of slavery. Roughly every seventh person I see has a collar around their neck. The collars aren't linked to chains, almost like fashion accessories rather than tools of oppression. I suppose they must be magically bound to ensure loyalty, eliminating the need for physical leashes.

This greatly piques my interest. If slaves are indeed magically bound to be loyal, they could be invaluable. Equipping one with a sturdy shield could allow me to level up safely by having them take the brunt of the attacks while I look for opportunities to strike with my iron spear.

But first things first. I need to get a price estimate for the goods I scavenged from the merchant's carriage. Two wooden figurines and two wool products are nestled in my backpack, and I have no idea what they might be worth. Selling them would give me a clearer picture of the local economy and help boost my finances.

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