Possessing Nothing

Chapter 206: The Sea (1)

Chapter 206: The Sea (1)

It was a noisy atmosphere at the bar Lee Sungmin was at. Lee Sungmin was drinking casually at the bar, sipping his beer and basking himself in the smell of alcohol, loud mercenaries and laughter.A man suddenly started to approach Lee Sungmin, who was sitting.

Are you trying to get on a boat like the others here?

Lee Sungmin shifted his gaze to meet the voice who was talking to him. In front of him, stood a man of a sturdy build, tanned skin, rugged physique, and tattoos along his forearms. The man noticed Lee Sungmins silent gaze and burst out into laughter.

Dont be too nervous. Im just asking.

The man reached out his hand to shake as he said so. Lee Sungmin immediately noticed the deep calluses on his huge hands.

Lee Sungmin slowly reached out and shook the mans hand.

Are you a boatman?

Huh? Well, yeah.

The man nodded at Lee Sungmins question. He had an excellent physique, but a few traces of his internal circuitry could be detected by Lee Sungmin.

He may be some type of master that was beyond Lee Sungmins capabilities, but such suspicions were light. Even if he was some type of master that was seeking to hide his strength, it would not get past Lee Sungmins eyes and ears. Since even if the man was a realm above Transcendence, Lee Sungmin would inevitably know.

Lee Sungmin reached the decision that the man in front of him was not a warrior.

So. Where are you going?, the man asked Lee Sungmin.

Im looking to go to Belador.

Lee Sungmin replied. Belador, a port city on the west side of the continent, relatively close to the Forest of Fairies, was the destination of Lee Sungmin.

The reasons why he chose the sea route instead of travelling on land was due to the pursuit that Beyond The Heavens would naturally be sending soon and would bother him if he travelled in the main cities.

Even if its the sea, it wont be safe though.

It couldnt be helped. Moreover, the reasons why he chose to ride a ship was not all about the pursuit of the secret organization. When Lee Sungmin took time and efficiency into account, his decision to ride a boat was likely to be the best in terms of speed.



Why was this man talking to him? Lee Sungmin glanced at the mans face to try and guess his intentions. He could tell from reading the mans expression that the man was wanting to ask him something.

Lee Sungmins face was circulating through information guilds as a rogue. Right now, Lee Sungmin had no way of getting information other than through Erebrisa and had found out about this information, so naturally Lee Sungmin was hiding his identity at the moment.

Do you have any intention of trying to make a fortune?

The man asked slowly in a quiet voice. His choice of words were off-putting.

You mean a lump sum of money?

Yes, its not that difficult. You just have to deliver something to someone in Belador..


Its not that difficult.

No, why dont you tell me what it is?

Are you going to or not?

A man asked tenaciously. Lee Sungmin already figured out what the man was trying to do. He was trying to get some goods smuggled over to Bellador.

Most commercial transactions in Eria went through merchant guilds. The merchant guilds would take commission prices and sometimes even tax heavily through tariffs to obtain huge gains of money, hence why smuggling was somewhat popular but still dangerous.

No, thank you.

Youre worried, arent you? You dont have to worry about anything like your safety. You just have to run a quick errand and Ill give you more than enough money.

I already have enough money., Lee Sungmin replied curtly.

You said you had enough money. But is it enough to get on the ship?

A man chirped around as if he knew everything Lee Sungmin was doing.

Lee Sungmin no longer continued to listen to the man. It was best not to make things for himself more troublesome before going to see Wijihoyeon and Sima Ryunju.

If one was to get caught up in the smuggling ring and the underworld of Eria, they would naturally be entangled with the cach of the Merchant Guilds. The Merchant Guilds had strong connections everywhere and that included the Murim Alliance.

Hey, if youre not going to do it, youll only be losing out on money. Dont regret it later.

After a glance at Lee Sungmin, who was blatantly ignoring his words, the rugged man lifted himself up.

Then, he looked around the bar and headed to another man drinking alone. Lee Sungmin chuckled as the man was indeed precisely aiming for people visiting the town and none of the locals with his proposals of business.

After emptying his glass of beer, Lee Sungmin raised himself up. He fiddled with the small mercenary badge in his arms.

It was a fake mercenary badge purchased through Erebrisa. Even if it was indeed forged, there is no fear of being caught. As a matter of fact, it was a genuine mercenary badge that belonged to someone else, so technically there was no possible way Lee Sungmin could get caught with a fake badge.

A C-Classmercenary, Jeong Hyun-soo. Lee Sungmin didnt know the name of the badges owner. He was probably dead, or hes better off dying, considering it was being handled through Erebrisa.

Lee Sungmin, who left the bar, checked the time. It was time for him to get on board his ship.

Among the many trade ships to Belador, what Lee Sungmin chose was a humble merchants trade ship, which was neither big, nor too small. He wanted to ride in a larger ship if possible, but he would never get the opportunity to ride a ship of such calibre with his fake identity because they would never hire C-Class mercenaries for guarding important and significant shipments.

Of course, it was not something he couldnt ride of course if he decided to give up his identity as a mercenary guard and just pay the ticket fare.

But, if I do that, I would only stand out.

Naturally he would have to show another form of identity which he did not want to try and obtain. Not only that, but that information would be registered through the wider networks of the Merchant Guild and immediately signal red flags about his identity.

Having purchased a C-Class mercenary badge, Lee Sungmin was determined to act the part. Information networks and people would not care too much as long as he was careful with his actions and played the part.

Even if it was Erebrisa, one of the largest and most secretive information brokers, Nobody could buy information as long as it didnt exist in the first place.

[And youre gonna put this old man in this pathetic armor?]

Heoju complained to Lee Sungmin. It was sadly inevitable. The flashy and magical Demonic Armor that Heoju generally rested his conscience in, was too flashy for a C-Class Mercenary to afford, so Lee Sungmin had to move Heojus conscience into a piece of lacklustre and quite average armor.

[Youre just being silly. Why dont you just board and then take over the ship? Just tell them to shut up and head to Belador. Isnt that easy to do?]

Its just an easy way for us to gain more notoriety and an even worse public image than it already is. Not only that, but it would tip off the Black Dragon Association quickly. And werent you the one who said for me to be careful with my actions?

[Of course, Im just trying to lighten up the atmosphere with a joke or two. This is a better course of action, even if its annoying.]

The Heoju of the past, would have not tried to restrain Lee Sungmin from taking violent or forceful action, but over the course of being together, many things had changed since then.

Heoju knew that Lee Sungmin did not want to turn into a monster, and Heoju himself wanted to help Lee Sungmin keep track of his humanity.

That was also the reason he had restrained Lee Sungmin from committing a mass murder in the Elven Forest, out of cold blood.

Well, if things dont go to plan and go awry somehow, in the worst case scenario, it might not be a terrible plan of action.

Lee Sungmin thought so and headed for the ship.

Zod had an ambition.

He was just a lowly individual merchant right now without much backing, but his ambition was to be at the top of the merchant guild someday. Although his retired father used to always tell him not to be overly ambitious and to live within his means, Zod still stayed faithful to his ambition.

Even if his ship was an old caravel inherited from his father, and he had only about ten C-Class mercenaries as guards for his goods because of his lacking budget, it was his first trip to the great port city known as Belador, where he would start his business.(T/N : a caravel is a special type of Portuguese ship from the 15th-17th century ish I believe)

It would be alright, he thought. Zod picked up a cheap wine in his room.

For him, wine was only for show, and Zod knew nothing about the profound taste of wine.

If Im going to Belador, Ill buy a true bottle of fine wine.

Zod twirled around his wine glasses and bluffed when it came to social occasions. But never mind that, it was time to start sailing soon. Zod wanted to savor the moment before departure. It was because of the fleeting expectation that if this voyage ended successfully, there would be a significant profit for him.


Before drinking the last bit of wine in his glass, someone burst open the door and came inside. Zod, who was leaning back in his chair and drunk on the taste of the cheap wine, was not embarrassed or angered at all. Because  It had happened all the time.

And the mercenaries are arguing yet again.

He would constantly pretend to be the innocent merchant who did not know much about the mercenary world and simply ignored them. The mercenaries that Zod hired were not mercenaries from the mercenary corps inside the mercenary guild. They were freelancers.

In many ways, the quality of protection and skill was poor, but it was incredibly cheap. In addition, even if the quality of skill was lacklustre, as long as they were paid, they would honor their word. That was the code of all mercenaries.

But that was only what Zod expected.

Lee Sungmin slowly turned his head. The blow didnt hurt a bit. It wasnt even powerful enough to scratch an itch. Still, Lee Sungmin took the blow and played weak. If he didnt, it wouldnt make much sense for him to still be standing if he was indeed a C-Class mercenary.

Are you all sick or something?

The one who had punched Lee Sungmin was a man with a brawny build. Lee Sungmin couldnt quite recall his name No wait he did. His name was Yang-Suk. He was a C-Class mercenary like the rest of those on board.

Lee Sungmin was not the only one who was punched by Yang-Suk. Eight other mercenaries were fuming in anger quietly as they glared at Yang-Suk and rubbed their faces where they had gotten punched.

However, as mad as they were, none of them dared to attack Yang-Suk. They were C-Class mercenaries. Based on the criteria of the group, they were, at most, barely second-rate martial artists. It was difficult to truly gauge other peoples level when they were that weak, so the best way to do it was through combat.

If you listen to me carefully without arguing, you wont get hit again.

Yang-Suk. Lee Sungmin rubbed the cheek that was struck with his hands, just like other mercenaries were.

Yang-Suk seemed to have the intentions of suppressing the others and getting more pay and recognition for a rank-up. And it seemed his intimidation was successful. None of the other mercenaries got up to resist him.

Yang-suk made domineering eye contact with each of the mercenaries he hit, one by one. Everyone lowered their eyes when they met his gaze. When Lee Sungmins eyes met Yang-Suks, however, he did not lower them at all.

[Gahahaha! How can a master in the Transcendence Realm accept a beating from someone so incompetent?]

Heoju burst into laughter. Yang-Suk gave Lee Sungmin a glare and stared at Lee Sungmin. His big fist suddenly went up and flew towards Lee Sungmin.


However, Yang-Suk could not swing his fist. This was because Lee Sungmin kicked Yang Suks shin. If it was kicked properly, the leg would have been completely smashed and the bones crushed, but Lee Sungmin reduced the strength as much as possible.

Yang-Suk grabbed his leg and screamed. Lee Sungmin quickly followed up with his fist at Yang-Suk.


Yang-Suks head went wide to the side. Lee Sungmin initially thought it would be better to get beaten up and stay on the down low. But, Lee Sungmin also had his pride as a martial artist, and if there were complications in the future, he did not want to have to bow down to someone else.

Whats wrong, are you sick?

Lee Sungmin repeated Yang-Suks initial question right back at him with a sarcastic tone of voice. Yang-Suks shin was in immense pain, and he could not stand properly, as well as his cheek bone throbbing from Lee Sungmins punch. Yang-Suk fell on the floor and looked up at Lee Sungmin.

Dont bother me from now on.

Lee Sungmin said, tapping the spear on his back with his fingertips. It was a cheap spear he bought at a weapons store, but the blade was still sharp. Yang-Suk swallowed his saliva as he watched the sharp blade of the spear, dangle in the sunlight.

Yes, yes.

By subduing the mercenary who had beaten and angered the other 8 mercenaries, this also gave Lee Sungmin a bit of a positive image in their minds. Lee Sungmin turned around and headed towards his room, satisfied with the outcome of the events.

Driving the ship is what the sailors would do, not the mercenaries. What the mercenaries were here for, was when any task required force : like subduing pirates, monsters, rebelling sailors etc.

In other words, there was no reason for Lee Sungmin to stay on the deck if there was nothing to be done.

Ill be in my room. If theres a problem.

Lee Sungmin raised his fingertips to point at Yang-Suk.

Solve it yourselves.


Yang-Suk replied in a timid voice. Lee Sungmin headed to the room assigned to him. As he passed by the deck, he made eye contact with the crew.

They only glanced at Lee Sungmin and did not say anything to him. This was because they knew well, that mercenaries were fundamentally different from sailors in their jobs and how they operated.

[Youll be uncomfortable going forwards.]

I think so as well.

Lee Sungmin had never been on a boat whilst working as a mercenary in both of his two lives. It was mostly because Lee Sungmin had almost never travelled outside of Behenger in his previous life.

But he heard stories about his travels at sea, several times. In the case of long-distance voyages, there were always bound to be troublesome events. The sea itself was large and wide, along with being inhabited by countless underwater monsters and brutal pirates.

Simply put, the ship he was on was insignificant on these vast waters. It was essentially the perfect prey for all sorts of monsters and pirates.

To be honest, even Lee Sungmin didnt understand his employers actions. Wasnt having only 10 C-Class mercenaries too low of a number for such a long voyage?

So youre one of the mercenaries on this voyage.

Someone approached Lee Sungmin and spoke. He was a middle-aged man watching the petty disturbance between mercenaries earlier from afar.

Lee Sungmin glanced at the man. The man was wearing a plausible-looking knife around his waist. Lee Sungmin immediately measured the mans internal energy levels and noticed that the man speaking to him was a Peak Realm martial artist.

What about you?, Lee Sungmin asked, feigning ignorance.

The shipowners escort. Dont make too much of a fuss going forwards. Were all on the same boat together for this voyage, and I dont want to kill a colleague.

The man said. Lee Sungmin immediately scoffed inwardly at the blatant idiocy of the ship owner. He must have believed if there was at least one Peak-Realm martial artist they would be safe.

Are you a mercenary as well?

Thats the way it is for now. Even my water supply is different from yours. I belong to the Merchant Guild. I got on this ship to prevent any kind of unnecessary mishaps on this voyage.

Lee Sungmin understood what he meant. He had heard about it in his previous life. If a smaller merchant invested some of their money into the merchant guild early on, before going on a voyage. The merchant guild would send an arbitrator of sorts to ensure the smaller merchants safety.

They would play the role of the shipowners escort, and if the ship had a conflict with any kind of rogue pirates, they would negotiate with the pirates in the name of the merchant guild on behalf of the shipowner.

Negotiation meant paying the toll that the pirates requested on the behalf of the merchant guild, while still ensuring the shipowners safety, but the shipowner would have the extracted toll be placed on their tab with the guild when they reached their destination.

It was a bit of a failsafe in case things broke down with people on board during the journey. Most pirates did not want to be at odds with the merchant guild. Therefore, if a mediator was identified on board one of the ships, they would simply ask for some money from the shipowners as a toll and then let the ship go on their way.

If you are an arbitrator, then its safe to say this ship will be safe.

Sure thing, theres an unspoken promise between the rogue pirates and merchant guild in the waters leading up to Belador that they dont attack the ships with mediators on board.

The mediator said so and looked up and down at Lee Sungmin.

Do you understand what I mean? My existence is protecting your life.

Thank you for your hard work.

Lee Sungmin bowed his head and passed the mediator.

[There are plenty of bastards who dont know anything about respect these days when it comes to those greater in power.]


Lee Sungmin responded to Heojus bitter remarks and came into his room.

But Im glad. I think well be able to get to Belador without getting involved with any pirates.

[I dont know if its going to be that easy.]

Heoju giggled mysteriously.

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