Pokemon: An Icy Path

Chapter 44

Chapter 44

Some reading music if you want.  

[Flannery POV]

I’m not sure why, but the Frost in front of me feels wrong. The slim but sexy body and cute face is still her but my body is telling me that it isn’t. It is like someone else is in her body but how could that be? I can still feel a connection between us but it doesn’t feel the same, it’s not as comforting, it’s wrong… more like I should submit to her rather than be her equal.

I see Not Frost glance towards the Eevee pod that she was protecting and slowly raise her hand towards it. Each of her movements are filled with an unnatural grace as a swirl of blue mist flies off her hand and grows in size until it engulfs the pokemon. A moment later a translucent, yet nearly transparent, blue dome appears over the cowering Eevee.

Why must you lowly creatures attack the innocent?” Not Frost asks in a quiet voice,the venom clear in her slow words, as a song starts to quietly play. “Why must there be blood spilt before you are satisfied?

Not Frost looks over the now frozen battlefield. I notice that not a single pokemon is moving, and all the humans are currently staring at Not Frost with their mouths agape. In the deathly silence, all I can hear is the quiet music playing from somewhere and the out of place steps as Not Frost walks towards the Rockets.

Once she steps past the first line of pokemon, the frozen world seems to start to move again as a nearby Meowth takes a swipe at her, its claws glint evilly in the light. With a muffled smack, the Meowth is sent rapidly flying towards the Rockets with a painful screech. It lands next to one of the Rockets but doesn’t get back up. 

I didn’t even see her hand move, just one moment she was getting attacked and the next the pokemon went flying. The only tell that she even did anything is a lingering blue haze where the fiery tip of her spear passed. 

“Kill her!” One of the Rockets orders. In the next moment, another barrage of pokemon moves rains upon Not Frost. Her spear disappears into a blur of blue as she calmly knocks away the physical moves, yet the special moves seem to wash over her. I feel my heart clench in fear as I see her suddenly come to a stop after a Dark type move hits her. 

Interesting.” Not Frost says as she waves one of her fair hands in front of her, creating a transparent shield that blocks the incoming attacks effortlessly. “It seems that this world has some interesting ideas. Was it something like this?” 

She lifts her arm again only this time there is a periwinkle colored energy in her hand. I try to focus on it but it feels off, like my eyes don’t want to focus on the energy in her hand. In the next moment she flicks her wrist at the still rampaging pokemon around her as the pale purple energy flies away from her. 

Snow Flurry.” Not Frost calls out, much to her own surprise I guess if the perplexed look on her face is anything to go by. A moment later, the energy turns into swirls of snow that engulfs each pokemon in a snowglobe-like barrier filled with a swirling storm snow.

After a few seconds, the snowglobes disappear and see that a good quarter of the pokemon that are attacking are now frozen solid. The rest of the pokemon don’t look like they are doing so hot themselves, with a good number of the weaker pokemon passed out on the ground and the rest staggering like a drunkard. 


“You stupid fucking mutt, I told you to kill that bitch!” The loudmouth Rocket from earlier screams brandishing his whip.

My head snaps in the direction of the Rocket that just snapped at one of the still standing pokemon. I can feel a fire building in me as I see a deep gash open up and blood starts to seep out of the wound on the only Houndoom in the group. How could someone treat their pokemon in this way. This isn’t right. They must not be right in their head to act this way. This is wrong

The small fire of injustice within me continues to grow in size as my thoughts spiral about. I can’t think straight but I know I cannot, will not, forgive this sight. My vision starts to grow hazy as my body begins to heat up uncontrollably with the fire growing inside of me. I want to help. I should help. 

I begin to stand up when a sudden refreshing burst of coldness washes over me and an ice cold hand presses on my shoulder, keeping me seated. I try to focus on the coldness and see where it is going as all I can currently hear is the sound of a roaring fire threatening to consume me if I don’t let it out.

You are not safe again. Let me help you.” A soothing voice says as it penetrates the sound of my fire. I feel something frighteningly cold press against my stomach.  I gasp sharply as I feel the burning suddenly disappearing into the coldness on my stomach. The sudden disappearance of the fire makes me feel short of breath as I realize I am sweating profusely. “You are safe again. Please don’t cause yourself harm again, it’s distracting. Now, let me take care of these pests.

The welcome chill moves away and I look up and focus on the back in front of me. Even though Not Frost is not my Frost, she still helped me. Noticing the silence around me, except for a few whimpers, I notice that Not Frost has knocked out, or frozen, all the pokemon the Rockets brought with them. I notice a lack of movement except from the girl(?) in front of me so I take a chance to glance around now that my brain is functioning again.

My entire field of view is filled with white as snow is falling over the silent battlefield. I can see four of the Rockets fallen to the ground, their faces filled with fear, but not running away or saying anything. It’s not until Not Frost moves further away from me that I see the last Rocket. 

He stands as still as a statue, frozen in time. His arm is raised in action, the whip in his hand looks like it is moving in a smooth motion. The expression on his face shows pure fury but his eyes… they show fear, a primal fear of death.

Not Frost stops in front of the time stolen man. I wonder what she wants to do, I mean he is already out of the fight. I continue to watch as she lifts her spear into the air as a sudden feeling of dread washes over me. She is about to kill him! I open my mouth to say something but my throat is dry and doesn’t want to work. I reach my hand toward her with my eyes growing wider and shaking my head.

She is going to destroy my Frost! I close my mouth and try to get some saliva built in my mouth so it can work again. I can’t let her destroy Frost’s life! Not like this! The more I struggle the drier my throat feels. I can feel tears running down my face as I keep shaking my head no even though she can’t see or hear me. While I am struggling to get Not Frost’s attention, a brown blur rushes past me and stands in front of her while grabbing onto her spear.

“Please enlighten me Frost. What were you about to do with this spear?” Bea asks in a voice colder than anything I ever heard from her before.

I was about to put him down like the rabid animal he is.” Not Frost’s emotionless voice responds. For the tone in her voice gives you the feel of just how little she cares for the frozen man.

“Okay, you kill him. Then what? The Jenny’s will be here soon and they will arrest you. That is the end of your season.” Bea responds while staring into her eyes. That causes Not Frost to flinch slightly as if something hurt her. “Criminals cannot run the circuits, any of them. That is the end of your career as a trainer right there.”

I don’t…I can’t…” Not Frost murmurs as she shakes her head while taking a few steps backwards, the spear and wings on her back dissipating almost instantly. A moment later, Frost crumples onto the ground as her scarlet dress disappears in a puff of snowflakes shortly after, leaving my very naked girlfriend for all the world to see. Luckily, the only ones that can see her are Bea and I.

[Frost POV]

My brain slowly wakes up from what I can assume is the lack of blood. One by one, sensations start to reconnect to my brain in a wholly unpleasant experience. First is my sense of taste, that makes me feel like I have a mouth full of sand, no actual taste but gritty. Next is my hearing, I can hear the sounds of what sounds like breathing nearby and different bird pokemon chirping away happily in the distance. 

A moment later my sense of touch returns and I immediately wish it would go away. All the way down to the core of my bones I feel immense pain. That pain is mixed with a burning heat on one side of me and a couple patches of cold on my other and on my chest, which is likely the reason why I can’t seem to breathe properly at the moment, but that could be due to the amount of pain the simple action causes. 

I can’t even attempt to scream from the sensations as I have a feeling that it would just make my situation worse. One thing I do notice in all my pain though is the frigid feeling of something on my back. Since I have been in this world, I have never felt anything actually cold which is why my brain seems to pick out that sensation to focus on.

After what must have been a thousand years of pain, the intense sensations fade into a dull ache, except for the cold sensation on my back and a burning pain in my core. I can feel movement on my chest that reminds me of a dog's tail when they are happy. I slowly open my eyes, only to be greeted by a twilight sky where stars are just starting to appear. I slowly lift my head and tip my chin down to see what is moving on my chest, only to see a pair of big ice blue eyes staring at me intently.

“Good morning Skadi.” I croak out of my sore throat. “Is everyone okay girl?”

“Vul~” she answers back quietly, seeming to not want to wake the other sensations near me. Yet before I could respond back a pair of ruby flame-like eyes stare at me intently. I stare back into those beautiful, loving eyes but the longer she stares at me the more ashamed I feel. I can feel a blush building on my face for some reason.

“G-good morning Flannery.” She continues to stare at me as if looking for something but after a while her eyes soften and she gives me a smile that I swear will give me diabetes. With the grace of a panther, she slides up onto my chest, effectively pinning me down onto whatever surface we are laying on.

“Good morning my beautiful mate~.” She finally responds with a decent amount of mirth in her tone as my senses are suddenly filled with cinnamon as our lips lock into a passionate kiss.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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