Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 67: I want to understand

Chapter 67: I want to understand

The silvery white short hair was clean and transparent, slipping through Lin Xiaos fingers, itchy, slippery, rubbing against the skin. The soft sensation ran through his nerves, making one linger on and reluctant to part.

Currently, the more Lin Xiao looked at Elena, the more beautiful he felt she was.

That wasnt an ordinary beautiful, but from the bottom of the heart, not because she was big breasted and not because of her entrancing bloody red eyes, but because she was Elena, a fallen monarch, an aloof maid, a pitiful girl who does not know how to express her feelings.

Lin Xiao didnt understand what happened to him today. The sentimental feelings were especially serious. The uncharacteristic children grew up. It was nice to say that this is called the beginning of love, and it is hard to hear that this is probably called warm and lustful.

Lin Xiao didnt which one it was.

Although he didnt know, he still had to continue.

Lin Xiaos fingers gently fell on Elenas warm cheeks.

Finally, like she was struck by lightning, Elena suddenly retreated backward!

What, what are you doing?

She quickly escaped like a startled bunny, staring at Lin Xiao with her big bloody red eyes.

This damn pervert was trying to take advantage of her when she was in a daze earlier! She didnt even think that Lin Xiao would dare to touch, to touch touch her face? In broad daylight, this damn pervert was getting bolder and bolder!

Elena could not help but hold her chest with both arms, ready to resist at any time!

Oh I, I actually that oh. Lin Xiaos face was red, and his eloquence of the past was suddenly gone, stuttering and sloppy, he could only foolishly scratch his head to conceal his awkwardness.

Elena was also at a loss to Lin Xiaos reactions.

In the past, after he had teased her, Lin Xiao would always laugh and couldnt care less, then continue on with whatever he needed to do, there was no shyness and embarrassment at all, but today, Lin Xiao, who has always been brazen, was actually embarrassed!?

If Lin Xiao was acting like a pervert, she could still lash out at him, but if Lin Xiao put on an expression like a pure and innocent boy, and was blushing with embarrassment, what should she do?

Elena was dumbfounded.

So like this, they foolishly stood in the middle of the street, motionless, no one speaking, even with the bustling passers-by that walked by them, the atmosphere became very awkward.

Finally, Lin Xiao found a way to break the awkwardness.

Cough I, I just saw a bug on your face, so I helped you brush it off. Looking at the scenery in the distance, Lin Xiao forced himself to change to an indifferent tone. Dont misunderstand, I wasnt thinking of doing anything.

Bug? Oh. Obtaining an answer, Elena nodded, and the tension quickly disappeared, but she felt an inexplicable flicker of disappointment.

That was an expected answer, wasnt it? Did she think that the answer would be something strange?

Elena mocked herself, and her momentarily smiling expression once again froze over.

Are we not leaving yet? Or is there still a bug on my face? She said with a clear voice and ever so distant voice.

Ah, no, no bugs lets go.

The awkward atmosphere was broken, and the master-servant relationship returned as usual.

This was the normal relationship.

Lin Xiao stared straight ahead, and brought Elena all the way to Loran Academy, squeezed into the library, and then found the ancient texts area.

It was an old wooden door in the corner of the library. It looked tattered as if it could be smashed with a single kick, but it was actually an ancient wood and was hard to destroy by brute force.

Dont ask how Lin Xiao knows, he just wore through a couple pairs of shoes when no one was looking

Although the door was very sturdy, the lock has always been an ordinary metal lock, or else there would be no way for Lin Xiao to sneak in before. But this time, he didnt have to sneak in.

He took out the key in his hand to open the door, and at the same time, he also fulfilled his promise, his promise of taking Elena with him into the ancient texts area.

The ancient texts area was not like the outside library. It was more like a study room in the house of an aristocrat. The ancient books were neatly displayed on the bookshelves, and the not so spacious room was completely filled with rows of bookshelves. There was just a wooden table at the entrance to provide a place for people to read.

Lin Xiao has been here many times, so nothing felt new, he again repeatedly warned Elena to not damage the books, and then he left to find some books.

Magic History lets read about some history.

It was rarely seen, but Lin Xiao retrieved several of his once loathed history books from the bookshelf.

Although he didnt want to admit it, he suddenly noticed that he did not understand Elena and the demon race.

That wasnt good!

Since he had thoughts of wanting Elena to stay as his maid, even if it was high hopes, he at least had to fully understand Elena.

Before that, the first thing he had to do was to understand the demon race.

Lin Xiao flipped through the old documents and hoped to find more knowledge about the demon race.

What are the demons?

In demon society, according to blood and intelligence, they can be divided into two categories, namely demonic beasts and high-level demons.

As the name suggests, the beast was emphasized for demonic beasts. They were similar to ordinary beasts. They live in the jungle and in the mountains. Their living habits and lifestyles were exactly the same as wild animals, natural and primitive.

According to their strength, humans assigned ranks to known demonic beasts. From one to nine, the higher the level, the stronger they were, but unfortunately, no matter how powerful they were, they were still demonic beasts, they had no wisdom, no intelligence. They are destined to be a beast from birth, and they can never become a high-level demon.

Although demonic beasts were savage by nature, fond of fighting and killing, but because they had no intelligence, they couldnt assemble together to launch large-scale attacks on human villages and towns, they have also never thought about destroying the world or annihilating humans. They were like a part of nature. Born from the heavens and the earth, reproducing, flourishing, and dying. As long as there were no troublesome humans constantly intruding into their place of residence, they didnt bother with the humans.

Because of this, demonic beasts were not the real enemy of humanity. What humans really hate are the high-level demons.

Blood, origin, race, these determined the status and strength of a high-level demon. They have considerable wisdom and are comparable to humans, they even have a grasp of language, mathematics, law and other things that signified intelligence and civilization, like the demonic beasts they also possess terrifying strength and strange abilities. Even some of the nobility of the high-level demons can shed their demonic beast-like form and become a human!

For example, red-eyes black cats, their true form was a huge pitch-black cat with red eyes. Their destructive power was amazing, their magic resistance was also very high, and they can also transform into humans, but some features, such as their cat ears and tail were still preserved and they could not completely transform into human form.

Of course, Elena was a special case. Her human form was perfect, even more beautiful than a human, it was preposterous

But this was not the most powerful ability of the high-level demons. What really made humans fear them was their innate talent to control demonic beasts

The high-level demons have the ability to command and control demonic beasts. This ability was dubbed as Monarchs Aura by Lin Xiao. This kind of power had a very strong restraining effect on ordinary demonic beasts, and was much better than a human army!

The high-level demons did not need to learn the skills of a commander and do not need to maintain the morale of the soldiers. Their Monarchs Aura was the best commanding tool. Dozens of high-level demons, each using Monarchs Aura to command a dozen demonic beasts, together thats an army formed with hundreds of demonic beasts! This power was really frightening.

The human soldiers have family members and friends. Many came to the battlefield in order to get a salary, but what about the demons army? Under the command of the high-level demons, the powerful demonic beasts were not afraid of death and bravely pushed forward. As long as there were high-level demons in the back, they will continue to sacrifice themselves as cannon fodder. As long as they could still breath, they will continue to fight!

An army of demonic beasts commanded by the high-level demons, this was why the demon race was so frightening!

The enemy that the Holy Light Church really hated was not ordinary demonic beasts, but these high-level demons!

Since high-level demons were mentioned, you have to mention a certain person, the leader of the demon race, the supreme king, the boss of the red-eyes black cats, the 89th king of the demons, Elena Santemirion!

Like Lin Xiao, Elena also took several ancient books and was sitting in front of Lin Xiao reading. That beautiful face, peaceful expression, elegant posture, he couldnt help but look, and never seemed to get tired.

Who would have thought, the king of all the demons, has now become my maid? Lin Xiao whispered to himself.

There were hundreds of years of indiscriminate hatred between humans and demons. The Holy Light Churchs highest doctrine was of destroying the demon race. Lin Xiao was a transmigrator. He has no hatred for the demon race. If it was up to him, he would much rather live in peace with the demon race.

Of course, in addition to this, he had a deeper reason. It was this reason that allowed Lin Xiao to completely let go of the hostility against the demon race.

The demon race was an evil existence, the enemy of mankind, a filthy scum that must be eradicated, as told by the people of the Holy Light Church, but why?

No one ever thought about it, and no one knew, what would Eileen become if the demons really disappeared one day.

Lin Xiao doesnt know the answer, but he knows that it was because of the existence of the demons that Eileen obtained the hero to contend with the Demon King, the hope of confronting the darkness, the Holy Light Church, the opposite of courage, the Four Kingdoms.

Lin Xiao feels that if the things in this world were only distinguished using, black and white, good and bad, although straightforward, but it was biased.

Were the demons really the enemies of mankind?

Not necessarily.

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