Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 59: S-level Muddler

Chapter 59: S-level Muddler

TN/ED: Its the new year! Enjoy the chapter. Im going to stop procrastinating this year

Demon King, could you please try a bit more with your acting? Are you at a funeral, whats with your stiff tone? Or, do you want me to personally instruct you in acting?

Lin Xiaos voice was very quiet, only the two of them could hear it, but Elena pretended not to hear him, and her expression still remained the same and looked like she had facial nerve paralysis. She continued to cry stiffly, as she hammered away at Lin Xiaos chest with her small fists.

Master! Im so happy, master! Master!

Cough You, stop hammering me! It hurts I was wrong, I was wrong Lin Xiao couldnt even speak clearly because of her hammering, and quickly pleaded for mercy.

Seeing Lin Xiao regain consciousness, Woos and Momm quickly came over. Right now, they werent worried about punishing Lin Xiao for leaving the camp without permission, they just wanted to figure out what exactly happened.

What happened by Black Lake last night? Where did the Jackalwere leader go?

This was the story that Lin Xiao gave

In order to obtain the S-level evaluation, Lin Xiao, Caesar, Rosie, and Elena formed a small team to go deep into Black Lake Forest to find the Jackalwere leader. Unexpectedly, Elena was captured by the Jackalwere leader last night and almost died.

After deliberation, the three decided to pledge their lives to save Elena! The three of them succeeded in killing all the Jackalwere lackeys, but the leader was too strong and they entered a tough battle!

Fireball was ineffective! It was too strong, it was also wearing armor, and our attacks were completely ineffective!

As of now, Lin Xiao has not lied yet, but the story afterward was worlds apart from the actual situation

What did you guys do then? Momm was once again attracted to Lin Xiaos story and was unable to take his eyes off Lin Xiao, like a primary school student, giving Woos a headache.

The battle entered a deadlock. At this time, Caesar thought up a way to defeat the enemy! Lin Xiao replied.


Momm didnt believe it. The Jackalwere leader had magic immunity, no matter how much of a genius he was, what good idea could he have?

At this time, Lin Xiao gave the answer

Caesar told us that although the fireball cant damage the Jackalwere leader, the temperature and explosion caused by the fireball will not disappear!

Temperature? Momm touched his big bald head and couldnt understand what he meant.

Yes, temperature! Wasnt the Jackalwere leader wearing sturdy iron armor? Even if it didnt hurt, as long as we continue to attack with fireballs, the iron armor will be heated because of the explosion of the fireballs! As the temperature rises, the armor becomes teppanyaki! The temperature will make it burn!

My God, there was such a means? Caesar really is smart, as expected of a magic swordsman, his thinking is very nimble! Momm continued to exclaim in admiration, and sincerely raised his thumb.

That is of course! The Jackalwere leader was howling because of the heat, and then Caesar used his sword skills to pick off the armor piece by piece! Finally, with Rosies protection, he wounded one of its legs and caused it to fall into Black Lake and sink to the bottom of the lake!

This was the story that Lin Xiaos racked his brains to fabricate. How exciting! How trustworthy! Even he himself felt that he was a genius of storytelling.

It was like it was real!

Wonderful! So the person who killed the leader was Caesar! After listening to the story, Momm quickly clapped.

Everyone was deeply impressed by Lin Xiaos story, and there was no doubt about the authenticity. Only Woos was stroking his beard and quietly thinking, he did not speak for a long time.

If the situation was really as Lin Xiao said, then the credit naturally belonged to Caesar alone. The person who closely cooperates with Caesar and played the supporting role was Rosie. She did the second most work. As for Lin Xiao, in the story, he himself was an indispensable character that was completely taking advantage of the situation and had no feeling of existence.

Woos did not believe it.

He felt like Lin Xiao was purposely trying to cover something up, he deliberately gave the credit to Caesar, and is concealing his own strength! With his understanding of Lin Xiao, he was mature, he didnt covet fame and glory, and is very scheming If it was Lin Xiao, he would definitely spread this kind of panic!

However, Woos had no evidence to prove that he lied. Anyways, the body of the Jackalwere leader was already gone, and dead men tell no tales, so Lin Xiao could say whatever he wanted to.

Not long after, the other students rushed to Black Lake under the leadership of the other teachers. Everyone was shocked when they heard Caesars magnificent feat of defeating the Jackalwere leader.

As for Caesar, Rosie and Lin Xiaos group, the students gave them different evaluations.

Caesar is too powerful! Is this the power of a magic swordsman? He can beat the Jackalwere leader in such a clever way After returning to the academy, the principal will surely award him an S-level evaluation?

Expected praise. The students were already numb to Caesars various stunning achievements. It is better to say that Caesars existence was originally an unrivaled symbol.

Caesar was equivalent to invincible, equal to S-level hero.

Miss Rosie is awesome. Shes the personification of strong and brave! Shes clearly a girl, yet she did not cower in battle until she exhausted the last drop of magic Damn, why am I not Caesar? I also want to be pursued by a good girl like Rosie!

Rosie was equivalent to strong and brave, equal to goddess.

As for Lin Xiao can anyone tell me what he did? He is far worse than Caesar! Hmph, I dont know what method he used to grab onto Caesars legs, what a lucky fellow!

In the story Lin Xiao described, he deliberately reduced his sense of existence to a great extent, giving people the illusion that he wasnt doing anything during the battle. It is no wonder that the students would blame him.

In the students eyes, it was a great achievement for Caesar to finish off the Jackalwere leader, and Lin Xiao just followed along and luckily completed the task. It was too unfair!

If Caesar was a S-level hero in the students minds, then Lin Xiaos title was a bit strange

Lin Xiao was equivalent to soy sauce, he was equivalent to an S-level muddler.

Is that not it? The reason why he was able to team up with Caesar was thanks to Rosie. When the camp was attacked by the Jackalweres, he saved Rosies life by chance, and Rosie wanted repay it, so she convinced Caesar to bring this baggage along.

Damn S-class muddler! He actually took advantage of Rosies kindness for his personal gain, how disgraceful!

However, Lin Xiao, paid no mind to the students discussion, because this was exactly what he wanted. To keep a low profile and conceal his strength, so that he can become an unremarkable reserve hero!

In any case, the Jackalwere leader was dead, and their entire pack was nearly eliminated. The actual combat drill finally came to an end. While the students discussed, the group returned to the camp outside Black Lake Forest, boarded the carriage, and prepared to return home.

Although Caesar, Rosie, and Lin Xiao were all awake, they were still very weak, at least Caesar and Rosie were really weak. Since Lin Xiao was able to accumulate magic through sleep, he could recover most of it by taking a nap. His current weakness was all faked.

Originally, with a skeptical attitude, Woos wanted to go to Caesar to find out what happened last night. He thought that Caesar could truthfully tell him, but unexpectedly, Caesar stammered, squirmed left and right, and even called Lin Xiao at the crucial moment to act as his spokesman.

As for Rosie, it seemed like she had a lot she wanted to say, but Caesar stared her down every time she wanted to say something, so she did not dare say anything.

After all that, Woos still came up empty handed. In the end, he could only give up, chalk it up to him over thinking, and concentrate on organizing the students to embark on their return trip.

In order to rehabilitate, Woos arranged a four-person wagon for them to let them lie comfortably. Lin Xiao couldnt help but use this opportunity to give Caesar and Rosie a heads-up.

Although Caesar kept his promise and did not sell him out, but for Miss Rosie, some things were better off clearly explained.

Missy, you can never tell anyone about the secret I hold! I was just there to make up the numbers in yesterdays battle, thats all you have to remember!

Elena sat next to Lin Xiao and fulfilled her role as a maid. Of course, it was a nominal fulfillment. The other three were lying side by side, and Caesars arm was wrapped with a thick bandage, like a hero who withdrew from the front line.

Hmph, am I that kind of woman? You saved me, of course Ill keep your secret! Not to mention that Caesar also promised you saying that, Rosie peeked at Caesars expression, Seeing him remain unchanged, she continued to speak, But Lin Xiao, Im very curious about how you did it? That was a double chant!

Thats a secret technique of the Eastern Tribe. As for the specifics, sorry I cant say more. It appeared, the all-purpose Eastern Tribe, the best excuse!

Once Rosie heard it was a secret technique, she tactfully changed the topic.

A secret technique but theres a price to use it, right?

Yes. The secret technique has side effects. My magic temporarily drops from the third level to the first stage of the second level. It may take a month to recover.

Ah? Lin Xiao the side effects were so strong?

I had no choice, in order to save Elena, but also to save you guys, this is the price Im willing to pay! Lying in the carriage, Lin Xiao waved his hand, and even Rosie, who always looked down on him, was moved.

His lies really flowed out naturally. From the beginning of the conversation, Elena was staring at Lin Xiaos eyes the whole time, and she once again confirmed something.

Lin Xiaos acting skills is superb!

His current magic level has risen to advanced fourth-level, and he could break through to the fifth-level at any time. There was no decrease at all, but it has risen a lot! His use of double chant also had no side effects whatsoever. The Eastern Tribes Secret Technique did not exist at all. It was all lies!

From the beginning to the end, Lin Xiaos expression have not changed at all. You could not tell at all that he was lying. If Elena did not have a strong perception, and could not accurately perceive Lin Xiaos true magic level. Perhaps she would also be tricked.

This guy was not a magical genius at all, he should be an acting genius, eh?

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