Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 41: The Loli Saint and the Snow Witch

Chapter 41: The Loli Saint and the Snow Witch

The Jackalweres attack on the camp was not a coincidence.

But in a sense, it could count as a coincidence.

One day prior

Black Lake Forest

Elona was still escaping for her life.

She could be counted as dead after being surrounded by the Crucifix Guards. Even Elona herself forgot how she was able to escape yesterday.

Although she survived and fled into Black Lake Forest, the dogs of the Holy Light Church no longer pursued her, but she was far from being safe.

Yesterday, the Snow Witch sent someone to set up an ambush, and attempted to seal her with a boundary, and catch her alive. Elona fell into the trap without any precautions, thinking that she had come to a dead end. At the last minute, she suddenly found a gap in the boundary, so she rushed out!

The 20 believers meticulous arranged the demon sealing boundary, a portion of the circuit seems to have been written with the language of the ancient gods, its power was enormous. Elona couldnt understand why there was a weak point in the boundary. Not even a first-grade magic apprentice would commit this kind of low level mistake. It was impossible!

Did that Snow Witch do something? Did she abide by her promise, secretly destroying the boundary and letting her live?

It was impossible no matter how you thought about it. They were enemies and it wasnt a guaranteed promise, she had no reason to do it. Elona didnt believe that the other party would deliberately let her go.

Although Elonas little life was safe, she couldnt escape the effects of the magic boundary. Elona has lost all the power of being a demon, she couldnt even restore her original form, she had no way of turning into a red-eyes black cat and could only run forward with her two legs in human form.

Her pitiful look has shamed the demon race, but she couldnt fall down, she still couldnt give up, she must arrive in Winterless City, and find the missing Demon King!

If she couldnt, the entire demon race will face an unprecedented disaster!

Why does my head so dizzy As she ran, Elona felt like the world was spinning around her, and it felt like a big block of iron was stuffed in her head, she would slant left for a moment, then slant right.

She saw a strange lake not far from her, the lake was a deep black, which appeared exceptionally strange in the middle of the forest.

She remembered that it was Black Lake, as long as she arrives at Black Lake, she would be safe!

Strange why cant I walk straight

Elona felt her legs become very light and fluttering, as if she could fly into the sky at any moment. She tried to move her body forward, but she could not help but sway all over the place, and could not move straight ahead. On several occasions, she almost slammed into a tree.

Oh why is it suddenly dark

It was still clearly bright out, but the scene in front of her eyes was getting darker and darker, and more and more blurred. Before she completely lost her vision, she saw a large humanoid type of demonic beast lying on the ground.

At the same time, the other party also noticed her.


The shape of the Jackalwere was twice as large as the ordinary ones. He held a broken sword and wore a complete set of armor, it looked impressive. It seemed to be the leader of the Jackalweres.

After noticing that a stranger was approaching, the leader vigilantly got up and strangely wailed. Soon, many Jackalweres emerged from all four directions, and Elona was firmly surrounded.

Seeing this group of Jackalweres, not only was Elona not afraid, but she showed a happy expression.

Cute little jackalweres, hurry and save me

Before she even finished speaking, Elona stepped on air, lost her balance, and fell to the ground. With this fall her remaining consciousness was scattered.

The leader of the Jackalweres and others curiously walked over and did not understand what happened to this human.

The leader bent down and completely sniffed Elonas body with its black nose, then suddenly froze. It realized that this girl was not human!

Little wolfie, save me Elona closed her eyes and squeezed out those words, then fainted.

The leader howled and grabbed Elona with one hand and carried her on its shoulder and slowly walked deep into the forest.

At the same time

Southern Black Lake Forest

Gorgeous robes, holy white silver cross, thick covenant scrolls, all the things that came into view were out of tune with the dark tones of Black Lake Forest. They seem to be a light of hope from the sky. A desperate battle line built in the desperate forest, a clear boundary drawn between darkness and evil.

Dozens of believers of the Holy Light Church stood quietly, seemingly waiting for something. In front of them, a group of people with solemn expressions were lined up. They held various weapons and kneeled on one knee, and also lowered their heads deeply.

Unlike the believers, the robes of their group were not gorgeously decorated. They were very plain and pure white. Only a huge cross pattern was painted on their back, as if it was the mission and responsibility that they must bear in their lifetime.

The highest power of the church, the Crucifix Guards that was their name.

They were extremely mysterious in the eyes of ordinary people. Rumor has it that the Crucifix Guards have been protected by the goddess, with unlimited magic and endless vindictiveness. Even the most powerful king of the Demon race must retreat a bit in the face of the Crucifix Guards!

Of course, infinite magic and endless vindictiveness is a lie to fool people, only them being strong is true.

The strange thing is that now this powerful Crucifix Guard squadron was willing to bow down. Why, were they waiting to hear the gospel of God?

No, standing in front of them was just a short, very cute young girl with long blue hair.

You have all worked hard. The little girl closed her eyes and stood quietly in front of the squadron. She smiled slightly, the smile was so holy, just like the goddess came, it seemed that as long as you looked at her pure and innocent smile, the evil and darkness in your heart will be driven away.

Everyone present knows that the little girls eyes are blind and she cant see anything, so she always keeps her eyes closed, but even so, even if she loses her right to light, she can dedicate the unlimited light within her heart to the world

Although she has her own name, everyone is used to calling her Saint directly. The reason was probably because she is the youngest saint of the Holy Light Church within the past 100 years.

Saint, we are very sorry, we have failed the expectations of you and Great Sage Bellco, the mission was a failure. A middle-aged man stepped forward, kneeling on one knee, and said to the little girl, As the squad leader of the sixth division of the Crucifix Guards, I take full responsibility!

That being said, something was quite strange about this situation

Under the command of the Great Sage Bellco, the Sixth Division of the Crucifix Guards accepted the command of His Royal Highness to arrest the murderer of the West Wind Town murder case, which was the high-level demon, the red-eyes black cat.

The arrests have been going smoothly. Yesterday, they set up an ambush in the southern part of Black Lake Forest under the command of the Saint. The 20 believers set up the demon sealing boundary in advance, and the Crucifix Guards drove the red-eyes black cat into the boundary. The goal was to catch it alive!

Demon sealing boundary is a very old and powerful magic boundary. Believers do not know the boundarys circuit formation, but thanks to the guidance and teaching of the knowledgeable Saint. The believers were able to succeed in arranging the demon sealing boundary.

However, the plan failed!

That demon found an opening, broke through the boundary, and fled north into Black Lake Forest. Once in the Black Lake Forest, it was almost impossible for them to catch the red-eyes black cat black cat.

Captain, please dont say that. Youve already done your best. As for the mission failure that was probably the arrangement of the goddess. The girl smiled faintly, without any intention of rebuking them.

Yes, Saint But what should we do next?

Hmm, let me think about it why dont we go back earlier, Great Sage Bellco is probably having an anxiety attack. The little girl said with a giggle.

Yes! Saint, the Holy Lady, we shall return to the Holy City!

Un then lets go. The little girl fiddled with her long blue hair, and slowly lifted her right hand, weakly dangling in the air.

Since the Saint was blind, she needed someone to lead the way.

The captain immediately understood. He stepped forward and gently grasped her palm, and led the way for the Saint.

Everyone got out of the way one after another, and opened up a passage in the middle of the square, as if the queen had just arrived, it was extremely majestic, and it only lacked a red carpet down the middle of the road.

At this time, there was a sudden discordant clamor within the crowd.

Look at her, shes just a brat that hasnt even hit puberty yet, who does she think she is, acting all self-important like that

You dont know? People call her the Snow Witch

Several believers secretly spoke bad things of the Saint. People always say that blind people have better hearing, the Saint lost her vision, so her hearing was naturally very strong, so she was able to hear their discussion from far away.

So, she walked towards the sound, the unrelated people quickly avoided her and was afraid of being involved.

Soon, the gossiping believer appeared in front of her. She gently said with her eyes closed: You, what did you just say?

The believer was called Tennyson. He unbelievably said something as rebellious as Snow Witch. After being caught in the act, his companion quickly pulled away from him, for fear that he would be involved.

Saint, I Tennyson was sweating profusely, and wasnt able to say anything.

He has heard about her ruthless methods, otherwise she would not get the horrible nickname of The Snow Witch. Now she was standing in front of Tennyson. Although she was only a blind 10 year old girl, her imposing aura was already suffocating Tennyson.

Whats your answer? Im asking you, what did you just say? The little girl repeated the words coldly, I dont want to repeat myself three times!

Yes, Saint! Tennyson jumped and fell to the ground on his knees. I, I just said that you were the Snow Witch Im sorry, Im guilty! Please forgive me!

Hee, who knew my nickname would be spread to this point. The little girl raised her mouth slightly and gently called another person, Captain?

Yes, Saint, what are your instructions? The captain, who stood next to her as the person who led her, bowed his head respectfully.

The girl faintly said two words to the captain:

Kill him.

At that moment, everyone stopped breathing, and everything fell into a deathly silence.

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