Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 34: A Hero’s Demeanor (1)

Chapter 34: A Hero’s Demeanor (1)

Those that could go for a walk unperturbed under the encirclement of demonic beasts were not limited to villains, it was also possible that it was that good-for-nothing transmigrator and his maid.

Lin Xiao and Elena were like transparent people. No, they would be two harmless big trees. The surrounding Jackalweres ran by their side one after another. When passing by, they also deliberately ran to both sides, afraid theyll collide with them.

It feels so good to be covered by the Demon King!

That was Lin Xiaos heartfelt feelings.

Jackalweres, go, kill them! Kill those lowly humans! Kill!

Lin Xiao pretended to command the surrounding Jackalweres, but the Jackalweres did not pay attention to him at all and continued to carry the big wooden sticks towards the camp center.

Are you an idiot? Elena did not even have any strength to roll her eyes.

Hehe, it doesnt feel too bad to have a group of underlings, I also want to be a high-level demon.

Elena didnt even know how to respond. She couldnt believe there was a human being who wanted to be a demon? This guy was definitely a fake human!

You, that should be heresy in the Holy Light Church. Elena searched her memories. If I remember correctly, they dealt with heretics by burning them at the stake.

Oh dont scare me, were the only two here, so I wont get discovered. Although he said that, Lin Xiao still subconsciously lowered his volume.

If this scene was seen by others, he would certainly be suspected that he was leading the Jackalweres!

However, thanks to the dark burqa that he bought before, he and Elena were black and gray, walking in parallel with the moonlight, like ghosts in the darkness, perfectly blending with the night, so no one could notice their existence.

Well, its time to go to the camp center and meet up with the teachers Hey, whats wrong?

The camp center was in front of them, they would arrive after going around the two burning tents in front of them. Lin Xiao could even hear Teacher Momms screaming voice, but Elena suddenly stopped and gazed steadily ahead.

She felt a strong magical fluctuation.

The humanoid self-propelled magic detection radar never fails. Sure enough, after a few breaths, a huge white array appeared in the center of the camp. Soon, the array suddenly disappeared, and a huge ball of light exploded and enveloped the entire camp.

Using double chant to amplify magic shield to build a line of defense from all angles, as expected of Teacher Woos. Thats the most sensible choice at the moment. Lin Xiao commented as the ball of light expanded.

You also understand double chant? asked Elena.

Of course.


Why are you looking at me like that? Its only double chant. Not only do I understand it, but I can also use it. Lin Xiaos serious tone did not sound like he was bragging.

But as far as I know, breaking through sixth-level magic is an absolute condition for mastering double chant, and you only have fourth-level magic.

Tsk, youre not a magician, what would you know?

Oh? Elena raised her eyebrows.

You dont believe me? If I have the chance to show you

Halfway through, Lin Xiao suddenly heard the voice of Woos coming from the front.

Who hasnt come back yet?

Theres only 3 people that havent come back yet. Caesar, Rosie, and Lin Xiao!

The other voice should be Momm, Lin Xiao guessed.

Wait How come theres only three people, theres obviously four people. Did they forget that I still have a maid? Is my maid not human, are they looking down on my maid?

Lin Xiao did not rush over to Teacher Woos and engage in a moving reunion, but he was talking to himself.

I didnt think that Caesar and Rosie were also left behind Hey, did they sneak out and get raped by the Jackalweres?

With their strength, even if they were surrounded, they wont be easily defeated, but its hard to say if more time passes, they may have already fallen into a difficult situation and need help!

Thinking of this, Lin Xiao had an idea.

If Caesar was surrounded by the Jackalweres and facing a crisis, then he happens to be the hero that saves the princess Oh no, the hero that saves the prince, perhaps he could take the opportunity to resolve the duel between him and Caesar!

The gratitude of saving his life this should be the best way to make the proud prince admit defeat! Only in this way, can Caesar give up on their duel!

Come out, humanoid self-propelled magic detection radar, its time to show your strength! Lin Xiao excitedly said to Elena.

I dont understand. Elena twitched her mouth.

Cough, in other words he was too excited, Lin Xiao corrected his speech. Demon King, please use your powerful perception to help me find where Caesar and Rosie are.


Elena was somewhat reluctant, but she still obediently closed her eyes and fell silent for a moment.

To the southeast, outside the camp, in the jungle 600 meters away, two humans are hiding in a big tree, it should be them. She quickly gave an answer.

Amazing! Lin Xiao stuck up his thumb.

Magic detection radar was a well deserved reputation!

With the help of Elena, the radar, they could definitely save Caesar before the teachers!

Although they also fell behind like Lin Xiao, Caesar and Rosie did not have the protection of the Demon King, they could not order the Jackalweres to go away, so their experience was much more miserable.

Caesar, w-what should we do were surrounded by Jackalweres wuuu

The two filthy people hid in a dark hole of a tree and the damp air obscured their smell. Although several Jackalweres passed by, they did not notice their existence.

One was a prince, and the other was a noble lady, but now they looked like refugees who have been plagued by misfortune, their faces were full of helplessness and despair.

Although they were safe for the time being, how much longer could they hide for?

Drip, drip That was the sound of blood dripping on the stone, the smell of blood, couldnt be concealed.

Caesar! Blood, y-youre bleeding! Rosie covered her mouth so that she didnt shout.

Damn, at such a time Caesar lowered his head and saw that the wound on his left arm began bleeding again.

Earlier, in order to escape the encirclement, Caesar had to face the attack of four Jackalweres at the same time. Fortunately, his wide-blade sword was sharp enough. By relying on the flexible means of the swordsman, he simply killed the four Jackalweres. However, one of them gave him a final blow with his teeth before he died, and he tore a large chunk of flesh from his arm!

Although it has been wrapped with rags, the wound was too big, the blood has soaked the cloth, and was oozing out drip by drip.

The faint smell of blood dispersed through the air. Not far away, there were several Jackalweres who noticed something and sniffed around. The sweet bloody smell made them excited, and soon they turned their attention to the big tree that Caesar and Rosie were hiding in.

They were discovered!

Caesar, Im sorry, sorry, wuuu Its all my fault, blame me Rosie couched on the ground, holding her knees, and was about to cry.

Its all her fault, if she had not dragged him along with her out of the camp, they would not be found by the Jackalweres who attacked the camp, and would not all be surrounded, and they wouldnt have had to hide in the tree struggling to survive.

Everything was her fault!

Caesar ignored her and tore off a cloth strip from his clothes, he bit one end in his mouth, enduring the pain, and then used the other hand to wrap the cloth tightly around his arm, hoping to stop the blood.

After doing all this, he extended his left hand, grasped the air a few times, and shook his arm. He confirmed that the injured left arm was still free to move and finally sighed.

As long as he could still move his arm, he could continue to fight!

Caesar, Im sorry, I dragged you down, wuuu Im too willful

For Rosies apology, Caesar still did not say anything.

He vaguely heard the sound of rustling coming from nearby. He quietly peeped his head out, and saw the Jackalweres who were attracted by the bloody smell.

This is bad, their noses are too good. Theres a total of fiveno, theres one more to the north, six! Tsk, this is troublesome

Wuuu Caesar, I was wrong, Im sorry

Rosie was still weeping endlessly, this time Caesar finally could not endure it anymore.

Miss of the Childe family, you, do you only know how to apologize? Caesar said coldly without turning his head.

Eh? Rosie was shocked. She raised her head and looked at Caesars back with teary eyes, not knowing what to say.

In fact, even if Caesar was screaming and cursing at her, she wouldnt even mind, in fact that would probably be better. All of this was her fault. She was so scared that Caesar would be in danger together with her. If they could survive if she just gets scolded, she would be willing a hundred times over!

Its all my fault blame me Rosie began weeping and muttering to herself again.

Enough! Caesar impatiently scolded.

The surrounding Jackalweres were getting closer and closer, evidently attracted by the smell of blood. Caesar couldnt be bothered to suppress his volume anymore and simply shouted.

He was already tired of cowering and hiding.

Rosie, if you must apologize, then wait until we return to the camp alive!

Caesar clenched the broad-edged sword in his hand, and cracked his neck, like he was preparing for a battle to the death.

Alive, return? Rosie said in a daze, But Caesar Although the camp is not far, we cant escape! As long as we release magic or make a sound, their companions would come and support them, them well be surrounded like before!

So what?

We cant do it! Even if we cooperated, our magic is limited my magic is already almost out, youre also hurt We cant hold on for long!

So? said Caesar, So, are we just going to wait here for death?


Even if we continue hiding here, Teacher Woos cant find us either. In the end, well still die the same? If we rush out, there still might be a chance!

But if we

If we are surrounded by the Jackalweres, will we eventually drain our magic and die? Caesar spoke first and interrupted her. Even if thats so, what of it? If we only had that much strength, it wont matter even if we die.

Speaking of this, Caesar gripped the sword in his hand even more tightly.

At this time, Rosie vaguely heard a continuous rattling sound, it sounded like metal touching stone. Following the sound, she saw a trembling broadsword

Along with the hand of the young man that was holding the sword, it was trembling.

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