Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 276: The Enemy of Your Enemy is Your Friend

Chapter 276: The Enemy of Your Enemy is Your Friend

Sigh, its so boring

During the banquet, Rosie was in the corner by herself, muttering to herself with irritation.

Everyone at her table were her fathers old acquaintance, or in other words, weird and greasy middle-aged uncles, so she didnt bother talking with them. Her beloved prince was sitting at another table, holding his fathers hand and having his marriage being announced. Rosie was so angry she wanted to flip the table!

Of course, she wasnt an uneducated idiot, so she didnt throw a tantrum, in order to calm herself down, she started observing someone who was even worse off than her Lin Xiao.

Did he just find out?

Rosie noticed that Lin Xiao was still happily flirting with his maid in the corner and feeding each other. When he heard the announcement from the king, his complexion instantly paled and he sprawled out on the table like he was dying.

That ShenDai Ying is so terrifying

Rosie suddenly felt a chill.

ShenDai Ying clearly knew that Lin Xiao liked her, yet she still purposely invited Lin Xiao to attend an engagement banquet between her and another man. It was incomprehensible was she not afraid that Lin Xiao would do something irrational in a fit of anger?

Hmph, well I dont think he would dare, he doesnt have what it takes.

ShenDai Ying probably saw through Lin Xiao and knew that he wouldnt do anything so she could do this, not just that, maybe she purposely wanted to provoke Lin Xiao to give him some pressure and get him to start chasing after her and not just laze around.

Well, she definitely succeeded, he definitely got stimulated quite a bit.

Compared to Rosie watching her prince get stolen by another woman, Lin Xiao would definitely be more heartbroken, the reason was due to gender differences.

Even if Caesar really married ShenDai Ying in half a year, its not like Rosie didnt have a chance anymore. If it came to it, she could still be a concubine, which was still more than enough, right? And after marriage, she was bound to be more pampered than ShenDai Ying! And if she gives birth to a boy first, then her position would be even more solid!

As for Lin Xiao hehe, if ShenDai Ying got married, then he probably wouldnt even get a chance to see her anymore.

After the king finished his announcements and greeted everyone, the banquet was near halfway through. Everyone ate to their content, and a lively ball began.

The banquet hall was extremely spacious, and there was a large empty area in the center, with radiant chandeliers hanging from the ceiling and a soft rug over the floor. A band was already ready to go, playing a wave of upbeat melody, the elegant and gentle song spread throughout the hall, mesmerizing the audience.

The guest with a dance partner walked to the center of the hall and began dancing along with the music, the other nobles held their champagne and wine and left their seats to mingle with the other nobles.

It was now time for the younger people, King William left with a low profile before the ball began. Before doing so, he didnt forget to warn Caesar to take care of ShenDai Ying and ordered him to have a dance with her.

No matter how unwilling Caesar was, since it was an order from his father, he could only obey.

So the scene that would bring the venue to life, the handsome prince accompanied by the beautiful princess. The two stepped onto the gorgeous dance floor crowded by the audience and prepared to act out a graceful dance.


Thats no good!

Seeing that, Rosie could only pull in her ally.


Holding a cup of red wine, Rosie avoided all the surrounding people and sneakily approached Pelle and stopped her.

Sister Rosie? Pelle ridiculed her without thinking, Sister, why arent you dancing with your fathers friends? They should be able to help your fathers business a lot, right?

Dont start that with me. Rosie was about to get angry, but then endured it after thinking about it.

This princess was different to her, she had legit princess syndrome, so she looked at merchants like her with disdain. Since she was a child, she didnt like this pink-haired sister that always followed her brother around. She always mocked and ridiculed her trying to think of a way to get her away from her brother, but now Rosie took advantage of the fact they went to the same school to get closer to Caesar.

They havent gotten along well, but now Rosie decided to make an alliance with her, because they had a common enemy, ShenDai Ying!

Little sis Pelle, lets not fight anymore, we have to be careful to not allow others take advantage of the situation! Rosie circled the wine in her cup, squinted her eyes and raised her hand, pointing ahead.

Take advantage?

Pelle didnt understand and followed Rosies line of sight and understood.

Eh? What? Brother is going to dance with that bitch?

She was actually very against this marriage.

What should we do? Sister Rosie, we cant let that bitch have her way! I-Ive never even danced with my brother, I cant let her get in front of me!

The enemy of your enemy is your friend, Pelle may be young, but she understood that reasoning!

Speaking of that, Ive also never danced with Caesar at a formal occasion, Caesars first time should be with me!

Hah? What did you say? Brothers first time should obviously be with me! Me, me! Pelle puffed out her cheeks making her round face even cuter.

Uh okay little sister Pelle, lets not fight, if ShenDai Ying snatches it, then itll be neither of us!

It was just the first time dancing, but these two made it sound like something strange.

Okay then Sister Rosie, how should we stop them? Since Pelle was still young, she didnt have any good ideas and could only ask Rosie for help.

Hehe, I do have an idea here take this.

Rosie smiled confidently and handed her cup of wine to Pelle, then whispered something next to her ear. After hearing it, Pelle burst with joy and patted her chest with confidence that shell definitely accomplish the mission.

Rosies smile expressed her approval, but her eyes kept sweeping across Pelles chest from time to time, after she those things swaying, she couldnt help but silently curse.

Who knew how she got so developed, Pelle was two years younger than her and just turned 14 and her breasts were already so large. Although not as exaggerated as Elena, but certainly much stronger than her flat grasslands.

G-good luck!

She patted Pelles shoulders and saw her brave teammate off.

A good show was about to start!

On the other side, Caesar already walked to the center of the hall with ShenDai Ying and was ready to engage in a dance full of love. The band was also very perceptive and changed the music to a romantic and moving song, the atmosphere in the hall was approaching the climax, waiting for this prospective married couples performance.

Back to the other side, the brave teammate was already in position!

Hehe, Caesar, you dont have to force yourself if you dont want to dance with me.

I really dont want to. Caesar honestly answered.

Then how about we just leave it at that? If I dance with you here today, then I think a certain someone is going to hate me for the rest of their life. Saying that, ShenDai Ying looked away towards a youth drowning himself in alcohol.

The youth wasnt able to hold his liquor, almost spitting it out just as it went in. He could feel his mouth burning, but he still forced himself and continued downing the alcohol. On his side, a calm maid was trying to stop him, rebuking him while taking the cup he was drinking from and throwing it aside. Her cold expression is unusually harsh, she was just short of grabbing him by his collar and trying to sober him by giving him a couple of slaps to the face.

How could ShenDai Ying bear to make him even more sad after seeing him like that. Even if she did want to provoke him to make progress, she had to have moderation, if she really made him completely heartbroken, then she would have no one to look forward to

Okay then, well go our separate ways. Caesar breathed out like he was relieved of a heavy burden and didnt care about asking her for a reason and was prepared to leave.

Hey, wait!

What, you changed your mind?

I say, you really are dense piece of wood your father ordered us to dance, and youre going to leave your fiance alone in front of everyone, isnt that too rude?

Uh how annoying.

Indeed, even though he wanted to leave as quick as possible, but if he actually left ShenDai Ying alone, not just her, but not only she will become a laughingstock, he would also be criticized for not being a gentleman, and he would definitely be scolded by his father after the fact.

Everyone already had their eyes on the two of them, he had nowhere to run to.

What should he do?

It was impossible to get someone like Caesar to think of a good idea, and he could only place his hope in someone else.

Hehe, I do have an idea, but heh, shes coming.


Caesar could only see ShenDai Yings smile that carried a deeper meaning, but didnt notice the brave teammate behind him!

Princess Pelle quickly walked over carrying a glass of wine and called out to her brother at a close distance.

Brother, I congratulate the two of you ahhh!


Caesar turned around and accidentally collided with Pelle.

Pelle fell forward with great exaggeration, and the wine in her hand also accidentally fell out of her hand, spilling on over Caesars clothes, staining it a burgundy color.

The glass fell onto the soft carpet with a thud and the atmosphere also froze along with it.

Oh yeah!

Within the crowd, Rosie clenched her small fist to celebrate.

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