Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 173: Bargaining Chip

Chapter 173: Bargaining Chip

Its said that the silver vault was full of silver leaf fruits, there were at least a hundred. Charles revealed that there was far more.

A team with zero points can enter the vault and instantly obtain enough points to become the champion! So, if they wanted to ensure the championship seat, not only did they have to defeat their opponents, more importantly, they had to find the hidden silver vault!

The vault lies in the jungle at the center of the island, the terrain is complex, and the trees cover the sky. Its very easy to get lost, so you wont be able to find the entrance without a map. Charles used his fair fingers to pinch the map and shook it, and flaunted, What about it, this map is pretty important for you guys, right?

Lin Xiao stared at the light yellow cowhide map in his hands, then asked.

If its that great, why are you just telling us? I dont believe in a free meal Lin Xiao changed the subject and looked disinterested.

Charles was taken aback at his reaction and revealed a happy smile.

This Lin Xiao was too interesting, was he really just a 15-year-old youth? How can he remain so calm towards such an enticing lure?

Earlier, Charles used the same map to negotiate with another team. Although they feigned prudency, they were unable to remain rational under the lure of the map, the childish questions they blurted out made him shake his head.

Where did you get the map?

How can you prove that the map is real?

Although asking about the authenticity of the map is to be expected, but it shouldnt be the first thing thats brought out during a negotiation. If you let out your desires, you would be taken advantage of.

Thats a big taboo for negotiations.

It was simple logic, suppose Charles map was real, then why didnt he hide it, instead of offering it?

Since hes taking out such a precious item during a deal, then he treated it as a bargaining chip and is trying to obtain something worth as much or more than the map itself. That meant that Loran Academy had something he wanted!

That meant that Lin Xiao didnt have to get too anxious, although he couldnt completely see through what Charles is planning, its fine even if he doesnt get the map because that meant Charles also couldnt get what he wanted, and that isnt something he would want.

What a crafty guy.

Besides Charles sighing inwardly, to his surprise, that maid next to Lin Xiao actually revealed an expression of disdain.

Speaking of strange, Charles has always found her very much so.

Ever since they met, everyone saw them as formidable enemies and had grave expressions, only she was indifferent. She stood obediently next to her master without any worry or apprehension as if she wasnt scared as long as her master was next to her.

Did she trust her master that much?

Charles felt a tinge of jealousy.

Dont worry, I found someone to draw this map before the competition, its extremely accurate and there are two copies, so I can give you one as for authenticity, I guarantee that its reliable, so you dont have to suspect it.

Since Lin Xiao didnt take the initiative, he could lay down a few cards first.

So, what do you want? Lin Xiao asked.

Hehe, since youre so smart, can you not guess? Charles provoked him.

Without waiting for Lin Xiaos response, Caesar lost his cool.

Lin Xiao, Charles is devious, and is good at psychological warfare, my brother said to never get involved with him! Stop wasting time, we just have to defeat them to get the map!

Uh so youre saying we should just directly snatch it?

So what? This is a competition, were not playing house!

Hmm thats true. Lin Xiao swayed.

Indeed, snatching the map was the easiest choice, the silver vault was worth the risk, and if they could finish off Heino Academy here, then they would undoubtedly secure the championship!

The problem was that Charles evidently didnt plan on fighting, and if they wanted to run, Lin Xiao wasnt confident that they would be able to catch them.

That was Loran Academys biggest weakness, their flexibility since they had Elena and Rosie dragging them down.

So the next question was what exactly did Charles want from them?

In the first place, Loran Academy didnt have a lot of points, so that was out of the question, also, they didnt really have any treasures either, only Caesars sword was worth something, but that was impossible.

So it wasnt for material goods.

If not that, then what about information.

No, thats not it either.

Theyve only defeated three small fry teams so far, so the intel they had was limited, on the contrary, they held valuable information on the silver vault.

If its not those, then theres only one possible answer left.

Elena, are there still enemies nearby? Lin Xiao pulled her close and whispered.

Elena glanced at him not understanding why he asked, but she still obediently started carefully investigating their surroundings.


Elena turned around at a loss and stared into the depths of the forest in a daze.

Are there or not?

Yes. But how did you know?

Just tell me, are they close by, a total of four people thats motionless? Lin Xiao urged her.

You even got the number of people right Lin Xiao! Do you also have a perception skill? Elena was astonished.

You dumb cat! If I had that, then I wouldnt have just noticed!

Tsk so you were guessing?

Of course. Lin Xiao didnt bother explaining and turned and said to Charles, Hey, you want us to be hired thugs, right?

Oh? You actually got it right, impressive. Charles nodded with satisfaction, he turned and said to Devoru, Send the signal and get them to come.

Yes, your majesty.

Devoru stepped back, swung his long spear, the golden head creating a dazzling arc, then with a fierce thrust, it shot up towards the sky exploding into smoke.

Good luck, Lin Xiao. Charles didnt waste any more team, he slowly crouched and gracefully placed the map on the ground, then quickly retreated under Devorus protection.

Eh? Why did he leave? Shen DaiYing approached Lin Xiao and grabbed his arm, at a loss for what to do.

She couldnt understand at all what was going on between Lin Xiao and Charles.

They were just talking about a deal, so why did he just leave the map and run?

Also, what did he mean by hired thugs?

Lin Xiao, do you want me to pick up the map? Shen DaiYing nervously asked.

Sigh, Sister Ying, no rush Caesar, get ready for battle! Rosie, be careful. Elena, hide behind me properly. Lin Xiao helplessly sighed and didnt rush over for the map, instead, he ordered everyone to ready themselves for a fight.

After Charles left, four people quickly scuttled out of the forest wearing light blue uniforms, Caesar immediately recognized them.

Water Academy?

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