Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 142: Full-time Nanny

Chapter 142: Full-time Nanny

Although Snow was just a 10-year-old brat, she had never been afraid in dealing with these sly old foxes.

Her age was her protective umbrella, her cute appearance was her best disguise. Previously at Sheryl City, that dirty old man, Peterson, was tricked by her immature appearance. A bishop had his dick chopped off by a little girl, and was burnt into ashes.

Thats why even if she was assigned to Sheryl City with an unfamiliar Bishop, Snow was never worried shell get bullied.

If Anderson really planned to have a show of strength, she had sufficient methods to deal with it, but against the damn fatty, who was a wolf in sheeps clothing, Snow couldnt see through him.

After Snow was transferred, Anderson never bullied her, never made things difficult, and never looked down on her because she was a little kid. On the contrary, he enthusiastically worked with her to take care of things.

Although he was cooperative in terms of daily affairs, he had no intention of changing his terrible ways, he still pigged out just like before, exercising no restraint.

What he said was that he was almost 50, and he devoted the first half of his life to the Goddess, killing demons daily and never had a good day. Now that he was an Archbishop, he wasnt corrupt or lecherous, he just liked eating. Just that, so even the Goddess should be understanding.

Speaking of that, Snow couldnt force him to do anything, especially since Anderson didnt lie, and he didnt have any other problems other than his gluttony, he was a model archbishop.

But for no reason, Snow hated this damn fatty.

He didnt know how to speak, even eating that fatty meat couldnt plug up his damn mouth. Even earlier he faintly mocked her by telling the blind Snow to look at the steak he was eating, yet he was still acting as if it was natural.

Look my ass! How about I poke your eyes out and let you have a look?

It would be nothing much if it was just him running his mouth, but he was also a scheming fatty!

On the surface he cooperated with Snows work, and reported everything big and small to Snow in accordance with the rules, accepting the Saintess supervision, but he continuously sneaked around behind her back.

After this many years, Anderson already had a tight grasp on Winterless City. If he actually wanted to hide something, it wasnt something Snow could see through at one moments notice.

Was he hiding a gold vault? Or cultivating power?

Snow didnt know the answer, but today, she finally caught onto Andersons tail.

This damn fatty actually prepared a large transport squad behind her back! If it wasnt because Snow was quick-witted, he would have almost gotten away with it.

Archbishop Anderson, you didnt report such an important matter, could it be that this is something I shouldnt know about? Although Snow was asking him, it carried a denouncing tone.

Haha, what are you saying? Youre the Saintess, you have the right to question anything in this dioceses, you should know everything! He forcefully chewed and swallowed the meat in his mouth, and smiled.

He was eating steak in his mouth, but he felt like he ate shit. Although he was smiling, he really wanted to stab Snow to death with the knife in his hand.

How the hell did this damn blindy find out about his movements! He hid it with all his resources, he planned to take everyone away and desert the place, and when Snow realized it wouldve already been too late.

But he never expected her to stop him within the church before he even left!

Preposterous, how could this damn blind brat be so hard to deal with?

Sometimes when looking at her cute loli appearance, Anderson even suspected that she wasnt a 10-year-old kid, but a monster that possessed a little girls body.

If thats the case, Archbishop Anderson, why didnt you tell me beforehand? Your reason? Snow sternly asked.

Snow, I was just busy eating uh no, busy with work so I forgot about it. Dont think too much of it. Anderson was uncomfortable and could only try to laugh it off.

Busy with work? Snow mouth twitched, and she quietly sneered, Are you bullying me because I cant see anything? So are the plates and bowls on this table filled with work, or pig feed, pray tell?

Pig feed? Uh Saintess, y-you really know how to kid around. Anderson frowned and had an unnatural expression, but didnt dare express it.

Anderson, tell me honestly, whats with this transport team? Snow didnt waste any more time, and got right to the point, If you dont give me an acceptable reason, I have the power to immediately disband it! At that time, dont even think about going anywhere, and you can just obediently eat your pig feed in the church!

Disband? No, no, no, we can discuss it uh that Anderson was finally hit in his sore spot and looked all around anxiously.

It seems like he wont be able to get away with it, if he doesnt find some way to take care of Snow, he might actually be put under house arrest by this damn brat. A Saintess putting an archbishop under house arrest, although its unheard of, he knew Snow would do it!

Anderson didnt act pretentious anymore, he quickly wiped the oil off his mouth and hands, went around the table next to Snow, bent his waist and flatteringly smiled.

Saintess actually, its like this. I have to go to Heino Kingdom to carry out a mission, so please be merciful. Anderson moved closer to Snow and whispered.

Hehe, youre making it sound as if Im deliberately making things difficult for you. Snow twitched her lips in dissatisfaction, What are you going to the Heino Kingdom for?

That isnt the Eileen 18th Annual Academy Tournament about to begin? Its because When he finally got to the main subject, he chose his words carefully and started explaining to Snow.

Winterless City dioceses was in the capital of Lombard Kingdom, although Anderson had the most authority in this dioceses, he still had to listen to the king.

Here, imperial power and religion had conflicts, if he wanted to preach here, they could never escape the control of the country, no matter how much authority an archbishop had, they wouldnt go against a king.

But this was Andersons merit, all this time, his dioceses never had any conflicts with the imperial family, they even had a close relationship, all the officials were close with him, here imperial power and religious rule worked together.

Of course, there were also officials that didnt work with him, like a bad guy called David, but he was assassinated a while ago and got his just desserts.

Saintess, you should know, the fifth prince, Caesar, and his fiancee, the Great Qin Empires princess, Shen DaiYing, they are going to Heino Kingdom to represent Loran Academy. Of course, their family will worry, so Caesars brother asked me to go along with them and preach while taking care of them.

Caesars brother, the eldest, Thomas Alex, the first in line to the throne. Of course, his words carried weight, even Anderson had to oblige, and obediently be a nanny for Caesar and Shen DaiYing.

The Holy Light Church also had influence in HeinoKingdom, but compared to how they thrived in the Lombard Kingdom, they had much less influence there. The people there had no interest in the Goddess, so this time, other than secretly protecting Caesar and Shen DaiYing, he was also responsible for spreading his religious doctrine and recruiting believers.

In other words, Anderson had to play the roles of a missionary and a nanny.

I see. But since youre doing missionary work, why didnt you tell me beforehand? Could it be that youre still hiding something? Snow couldnt find any loopholes with what he said, but it still felt strange.

Even if he was going to spread doctrine in Heino Kingdom, he had no need to disguise as a transport team, right? It wasnt something shameful, so why the disguise?

Besides, people would still recognize them, its not like they could dress up, they had to obtain Heino Kingdoms banner and openly cross their borders with the Holy Light Churchs banner, it would be hard to hide.

Wait Snow thought of another possibility.

Anderson wasnt using the transport team to hide their mission, but using the mission to hide the existence of the transport team!

Archbishop Anderson, may I ask whats inside those carriages? Snow coldly asked a crucial question.

The goods that the carriages are carrying are what he wanted to hide the most, right!


Andersons complexion had an abrupt change.

He didnt expect that his words earlier were useless, and this damn brat still caught onto the crucial point.

If Snow could see Andersons current sorry figure, she would immediately rush out and personally inspect the goods, as long as she opened all the heave chests, she would see the truth!

But alas, she was blind and couldnt see Andersons expression and also had no way of personally inspecting the goods, so she missed a good opportunity.

S-saintess, the carriages are just filled with some supplies. Anderson was sweating bullets, but he still forced himself to change into a calm tone, and seriously responded.

Snow couldnt see!

So he still had a chance to get away with it!

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