Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 122: Take a Sniff, and a Lick

Chapter 122: Take a Sniff, and a Lick

Lin Xiao forced himself to calm down, kneeled down by Shen DaiYings legs and examined her beautiful legs from a close distance.

Even without the black silk and the high-heels, the princesss sexy legs werent any worse off.

Because she took off her shoes and socks, Shen DaiYings bare feet were exposed. To make it easier to apply the medicine, she placed her feet on Lin Xiaos knees, and entrusted her entire leg to Lin Xiao.

Right now, Lin Xiao could embrace this white and delicate long leg, kiss and lick it, and enjoy this hard to come by happiness.

But no!

He forcefully suppressed his erotic thoughts, and concentrated on the medicine bottle in his hand.

He couldnt betray the trust the princess had in him.

He pulled off the cork with a pop, the dark red Demon Kings blood was slowly flowing withing the bottle, like it was a fatal poison, its mysteriousness made one couldnt help but raise their vigilance.

Firstly, it was the wound on the outside of the lower legs.

Lin Xiao took a big gulp, and did his best to stare at Shen DaiYings wound and not her smooth white skin. He carefully tilted the medicine bottle, the red viscous liquid slowly spilled out and fell onto the wound drop by drop, and quickly seeped in.

Un~ A quite faint groan suddenly came.

Perhaps it was because she was nervous, chills came from her wound and made her limp from head to toe. She wanted to move but her left leg was in Lin Xiaos embrace, and if she moved it might seem like she was flirting on purpose, so she could only helplessly continue to endure. Her feet was tightly clenched and arced like a ballet dancer, it was extremely cute.

Next up was the wound on the inner thigh.

Um sister Ying, can you lift your clothes up a bit? Lin Xiao awkwardly said while holding on to the small medicine bottle.


Shen DaiYing stiffened, then she realized that because Lin Xiaos jacket was wrapped around her waist, the wound was covered. So to apply the medicine, she had to lift her skirt up.

Thus, she could only do as requested, she gently used her fingers to pinch the hem of her skirt and lifted it up, revealing the hidden wound. But with that, her white underwear was also exposed.

Lin Xiao could feel his blood pulsating, and couldnt help but have the thought of pushing the princess down.

This scene was simply too erotic! The princess lifting her skirt of her own accord to show a man her underwear, if that got out, her reputation would reach rock bottom, and she would never be able to become a bride!

But no matter, Im willing to take responsibility, Lin Xiao seriously thought.

Lin Xiao? Since he stopped moving for a while, Shen DaiYing couldnt help but get embarrassed and urged, Please stop staring at my underwear

Cough no way, I definitely wasnt looking! Lin Xiao refuted with embarrassment.

Sigh, hurry up with the medicine, someones going to come.


Lin Xiao awkwardly pursed his lips, and leaned his body forward, placing the medicine bottle above the inner thigh, preparing to drip the medicine.

With that, he was even closer to Shen DaiYings snow white panties, he could almost sniff it.

No, no, no, he was an upright gentleman, not a pervert!

He silently slapped himself inside his head, then he concentrated on applying the medicine.

Again, as soon as the Demon Kings blood dripped onto the wound, the fantastic red liquid quickly seeped into the skin. Soon, an itchy sensation assaulted her, Shen DaiYing notcied with amazement that the wound stopped bleeding, and the flesh was quickly recovering, and the wound was noticeably getting smaller.

Lin Xiaos medicine has such a miraculous effect!

Although the wound healed quickly, the itchy sensation became even more intense, Shen DaiYing couldnt help but want to reach down and scratch it.

You cant touch it, sister Ying! Seeing her move her hands, Lin Xiao grabbed her arm, You cant touch it even if its itchy, otherwise it would leave a scar!

Oh. Shen DaiYing was like a child who did something wrong, and feebly nodded her head.

After he finished with the medicine, he unlocked the door and found some gauze from another room, then he carefully helped her dress her wounds. Then like trying to show it was his masterpiece, he tied it off with a beautiful butterfly kno, falling on her thighs, it was rather suitable.

Its all good now, itll completely recover in a few days with rest and it definitely wont leave a scar! After finished, Lin Xiao nodded his head, pleased.

Thank you

Looking at the gauze wrapped on her own leg, and thinking about the embarrassing events that just happened, Shen DaiYing had an unrealistic feeling.

How did she get into this kind of relationship with Lin Xiao?

At the start, she was simply curious about this youth that was from the same tribe, coming to Lombard Kingdom, she was shouldering a mission that had nothing to with him. But later on, she was confessed to, taught how to get closer to someone else, a secret side of her was coincidentally seen, she was also defeated, carried away in a daze in front of an audience, and locked alone with him inside a classroom

Afterwards, she took off her pants, and socks in front of him, and handed over her precious legs over to him to allow him to do as he pleased, her lower body was also seen by him, even her type and color was all seen

How did things end up like this?

She didnt know, but she knew that their relationship couldnt continue on like this.

Lin Xiao, you cured my wounds, so Im very grateful. She sighed, then hardened her tone, However, Lin Xiao, you should remember, Im Caesars fiance. Although I dont really mind, but you carried me away in front of everyone no matter what, thats not really fitting, right? It was too disrespectful.

Sorry Lin Xiao lowered his head to express his apology.

He was rather careless about that, he had to explain it properly later on. His reputation didnt matter, but it wouldnt be good if it embarrassed Shen DaiYing.

However, her words were kind of strange, Although I dont really mind, why?

Was she just being polite, or

Cough, Lin Xiao, you arent thinking about something rude, right? Shen DaiYing squinted while questioning.

No, no, definitely not!

Sigh actually, youll regret it sooner or later. Shen DaiYing dejectedly sighed, her tone became more dim, I actually know that the person you like isnt me.

Not you?

Yeah we havent known each other for long, right? Also, you obviously have someone worthy of treasuring next to you compared to her, Im very hateful, right?

How could that be? I Lin Xiao didnt know how he should express his feelings, so he continued on, Then, how hateful are you?


Shen DaiYing evidently didnt expect Lin Xiao to ask something like that, curiously lifted her head to look at him, opened her mouth, but didnt know how to respond.

Could you be as hateful as that princess who gave those beggar sisters some coins? Lin Xiao gently smiled, and seriously said, I thought that you were very cute.

Shen DaiYing stopped and remembered what happened yesterday and laughed.

Lin Xiao, you really are different. I clearly told you to forget what happened, why are you so disobedient?

Sister Ying, I Seeing her beautiful smile, Lin Xiao was momentarily stupefied.

Dont tell anyone about yesterday, just treat it like a dream similarly, I also wont tell anyone about your multi-casting. I know that you dont want to reveal your strength, right? Shen DaiYing raised a suggestion.

okay. Lin Xiao could only nod his head.

But you really are amazing, hundred times multi-casting good thing I was quick, otherwise it wouldve been terrible! Shen DaiYing jokingly rebuked him.

No, sister Ying, youre even more so, right? Youve never even used that short sword.

He knew that Shen DaiYing never went all out.

That? She gently touched the short dagger at her waist, her eyes became lax, and her voice became sentimental, and she quietly mumbled, I wish that Ill never use it again especially against you.

What did you just say?

Nothing. Sorry, I have to go, otherwise everyone would misunderstand!

She left a sweet goodbye, and hastily left, leaving Lin Xiao alone in the room.

The effects of the Demon King HP Potion was indeed astonishing, she was just limping earlier, but now nothing looked off when she was walking, only the masculine jacket wrapped around her waist looked weird.

Watching her leave, Lin Xiao suddenly remembered.

Hey, sister Ying, your shorts, and also your pantyhose!

He yelled loudly after her, but there was no response, she was already long gone.

Seeing those two pieces of female clothing, his heart beat faster.

What should he do? Should he take it home?

Of course, its not like he wanted to take it home to sniff or lick it he just wanted to find a chance to give it back to Shen DaiYing!

After some turmoil, he looked left and right like a thief, then tiptoed over, and tried shoving them inside his pockets.

At that time, a cold voice came from the doorway.

Pervert, how disgusting also, thats my blood, right?

A silver-haired red-eyed maid was standing at the door, her eyes filled with disdain.

Eh? Elena? W-why are you here?

Lin Xiao jumped, he didnt even have time to explain before she poured cold water on him.

That woman, will be the death of you.

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