Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 100: There’s Nothing Wrong With Being a Maid

Chapter 100: There’s Nothing Wrong With Being a Maid

TN: Chapter 100!!! Hit 3 digits for this novel too! Phew.

In that instant, Elona froze.

She tried to yell, but she couldnt make a sound no matter how much she tried. A strong fear gripped her neck, obstructing her breathing, and almost suffocated her.

The past events flashed by her eyes, this was the witch that trapped her at West Wind Town, and almost took her life. She was also the one who brought the Crucifix Guards and forced her into the demon sealing boundary.

What should she do? Should she run away?

But it was impossible!

Her entire body was frozen! She couldnt move!

Elona could feel her heartbeat quickening, cold sweat was pouring out, and she even lost control of her body.

Hi, Elona! I Eh? Whats wrong? Jasmine brought Snow next to Elona and was about to introduce her, but she didnt expect Elona to reveal such a fearful expression.

Her red cheeks swelled more and more, and finally she made an ear piercing sound like a balloon that exploded.


Elona shrieked like she was mad, and attracted the attention of the believers within the church. If it wasnt for Bishop Jasmine waving her hand telling everyone to not worry, a lot of people would have rushed over.

The loud sound next to Snow gave her no choice but to cover her ears.

Blind people have sensitive hearing, the thing Snow hated most was someone raising their voice next to her, Elonas actions undoubtedly got on her nerves.

You damn brat, what are you yelling for? Shut your mouth! She angrily furrowed her brows, and coldly threatened her, Youre Elona? Listen up, if you scream again, even a bit, Ill get someone to snip your tongue off!!

As she said that, she used her index and middle fingers to make a scissoring motion.


Elona was frightened by her and almost yelled again, but she quickly caught herself and used her hands to clamp her mouth shut, she was afraid of making a sound even if her face was getting red from having breathing difficulties.

Shes seen what this witch is capable of before! She wasnt joking! If she says shell snip her tongue off, shell actually do it.

In order to preserve her tongue, Elona covered her mouth with all her might, she even almost started crying.

Hehe, youre not yelling? Thats better, a quiet kitty is a good kitty. After the clamor next to her disappeared, she nodded her head with satisfaction. She retrieved the half of the golden coin and shook it a bit without worrying whether the others could see it or not. Hey, this was the keepsake Lin Xiao asked you to give me, right? You want to go to Winterless City? No problem, Lin Xiao is my brother, Ill listen to him and take you to Winterless City.

Eh? Really? Youre really willing to take me to Winterless City? Hearing that, Elona was extremely happy and her previous sorrow instantly vanished, she even wanted to run over and hug that cute little girl.

But just as she was about to do that, she suddenly stopped.

Wrong! You damn witch! How do you know that I want to go to Winterless City? Also, why do you have that keepsake? Hmph, you want to trick me again, right? I wont be fooled again! Elona shook her head like a small rattle drum, rejecting her trap.

Ha? Fooled? What is this kitty cat saying? After continuously encountering Elonas baffling statements, Snow was displeased. She simply ignored her and then turned to ask someone else who knew, Sister Jasmine, whats wrong with her, whys she acting so crazily? You didnt mistreat her, right?

Mistreat? How could I do that! Snow, stop purposely saying such scary things, look at how scared she is! Jasmine didnt explain to Snow, ran up to Elona and embraced her while consoling, Good girl, Elona, dont be scared

After getting comforted by Jasmine, Elona was able to calm down. Elona clutched onto Jasmines arm like she was a lifesaver, while occasionally making strange sounds.


She, what? Oh, you havent met her yet, right? Shes the girl that youre looking for, Snow. Jasmine rubbed Elonas small furry head and gently explained to her.

W-what are you saying? Shes Snow? Hearing that, not only was Snow not relieved, she exclaimed in surprise, to the point of forgetting about the threat of getting her tongue cut, No, no, no! Shes not Snow, shes the Snow Witch! Earlier, she lead the Crucifix Guards to chase me down to kill me! I almost died by her hands!

It was this damn blindy that almost killed her, Elona was sure!

Chase you down? Eh? Jasmine was stunned.

Hoh? Your memorys not too bad. Snow finally smiled, and took over the conversation, Thats right, Snow, the youngest Saint of the Holy Light Church in the past couple hundred years, and also Snow Witch, those titles all belong to me, just me. What, are you that surprised?

Eh??? It was like Elona was struck by lightning.

Its over, shes dead this time!

She never would have expected Snow and Snow Witch to be the same person!

Lin Xiao clearly made a solemn vow that they arent the same person it was all a trap! Lin Xiao and this damn blindy were in it together, she was able to escape with great difficulty and now she was sent back into hell!

Elona was about to explode with anger.

That damn Lin Xiao, as expected, humans are all bastards!

What should she do now?

Falling into her hands, how will she survive? Shell definitely be chopped into minced meat!

Snow, whats going on? Jasmine couldnt endure and asked.

Hehe, do you want to know? If its Sister Jasmine, Im willing to tell you. Silently standing there, with a pure and holy smile, Snow slowly spoke of the horrifying truth.

This kitty cat in front of them, Elona, was the murderer in West Wind Town. At the same time, she is also the one that is being chased by Snow.

At the outskirts of West Wind Town, Snow surrounded Elona with her people and heavily injured her, then ordered the Crucifix Guards to drive her into the demon sealing boundary, but in the end, she escaped.

The reason she was able to escape, wasnt because she was lucky, it was because I purposely let her get away. It took a lot of effort for me to do that, and it was almost exposed.

But why did you purposely let her get away? Jasmine didnt understand.

Hehe, if I didnt let her go, how could she come back to find me? Snow talked to herself while grinning, My foolish brother, he wouldnt even dream of me becoming a Saint this quickly. When the time comes, I really have to give him a good scare.

But, Snow Elona is a murderer thats being pursued by the church. I you let her go, why did you get her to find you again? Jasmine became even more perplexed.

If it wasnt Snow and was anyone else, Jasmine would have already released divine magic to crucify this wicked heretic to a Holy Light cross. Collaborating with demons was a major crime!

But it was Snow, her most beloved, no matter what Snow did, she couldnt blame her.

Hehe, sorry Sister Jasmine, thats all I can say anyways I have a reason.

Oh. Jasmine blinked, and reluctantly gave up her questioning, But, how should we take care of Elona?

Although Jasmine had good intentions, but to Elona, it was like thunder in a clear sky.

What does Take care of her mean?

Was sister Jasmine, someone who always treated her gently, going to take that damn blindys side and do something as well?

Damn blindy, dont think Ill go down without a fight, today, its to the death!

Elona bit her lips, and bared her cute canines and adopted a fighting posture. The hat on her head had long fallen down and her two furry triangular ears were slightly trembling, it was extremely cute.

Sigh, dont be nervous, I never planned on killing you.

Not killing me? T-then what do you plan to do to me? Chopping me into mincemeat?

Really am I that bad? Snow pretended to sigh, then explained, I want you to be my maid.

Dont try to lie to me, I wont be fooled! I eh? What did you just say? Maid?

Elona subconsciously cursed at her, but she suddenly noticed something strange?

Be her maid?

Did she hear incorrectly?

Un, you heard right, a maid. Obediently be my maid kitty cat, or else, Ill make your life a living hell. Snow wasnt asking, she was ordering.

What kind of joke is that? Damn blindy! Stop dreaming, I wont be your maid! Im a red eyed black cat, a high-level demon, how could I be a maid for a lowly human? Elona raised her voice and cursed loudly, but her trembling legs sold out her innermost panic.

Whats wrong with being a maid? Theres nothing embarrassing about it. Snow pouted and earnestly said, Your beloved Demon King, Elena, has already been trained into a qualified maid by my brother.

What? Impossible, y-youre lying! Hearing that, Elona almost fainted from anger, What kind of respected status does Elena have? How could she be trained into a maid Impossible! Dont insult my Elena!

Hehe, its fine even if you dont believe me, youre going to meet her soon anyway. Of course, as a maid Snow finally stopped using her playful tone, got serious and slowly approached her.

W-what do you want? Dont approach me! Get away from me you damn blindy! Elona waved her arms around like she was ready to risk her life.

D-dont move!

Before Elona exploded, Jasmine hugged this violent kitty cat, afraid that she would use her fingernails to scratch Snows face.

Dont be scared Elona, Snow wont bully you, definitely not! Most likely not, maybe not wuuu Jasmine wanted to comfort Elona, but she lost confidence as she went on.

With her understanding of Snow, she definitely wont easily pull back now that shes caught her.

If its just bullying, that would be the best for Elona.

Snow still had a lot of other methods to torture people with

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