Phantasmal Genesis

Chapter 27: The first encounter

Chapter 27: The first encounter

The black-robed Fang Bei panted as he held on to the iron sword in his hand, its blade drenched with blood as it dripped on the ground beneath.

They ran. Ji Zhen watched the figures move further and pouted, Theyre not as strong as I thought!

He did say that we could revive endlessly in the battlefield of rebirth, with that in mind, our enemies cant just be at this level. Fang Bei cautiously analysed the situation.

Indeed, the appearance of the three people was similar to humans on Earth, but it was impossible for humans on Earth to control beasts.

The two of them were shocked when the wolf-like creature pounced towards them.

Are we magicians secretly tasked with protecting planet Earth? Why am I wearing a magicians black robe? And I have a sword? Xi Qiu walked through the screen.

Hello everybody, I am the magician Xi Qiu! He announced proudly.

Bastard! Im definitely going to kill you!

Even before the person came through, his voice rang out first. The moment he rushed out, Lu Hai immediately threw his fist towards Xi Qius forehead.

It was unknown what kind of strange setting he had given himself this time, but Xi Qiu didnt turn around immediately and start another fight with Lu Hai. He simply touched his head as he looked at Lu Hai with pitiful eyes, not saying a single word.

Fang Bei sighed in exasperation, he didnt know what to do if these two continued to fight. But luckily, despite how weird he was, Xi Qiu seemed to have a bit of sensibility.

Is your name Lu Hai? From this day forward, we are comrades from the same team, wont you stop fighting with him? Fang Bei spoke with a furrowed brow.

It was unclear what kind of enemies they would encounter, and infighting was basically asking for death.

Xi Qiu was obviously unhinged, and a variable in their team. If Lu Hai continued the way he did, Fang Bei knew this time bomb would eventually implode.

Hah! Lu Hai laughed indifferently and chose to keep quiet. In this five-man team, excluding that old man, he was the oldest, and if he couldnt think of the situation Fang Bei was thinking of, wouldnt he be worse than a high school student?

Imyoung again? A voice laced with amazement came from behind them, and an unfamiliar man walked through from the screen before it slowly shrunk and disappeared.

You are? Fang Bei looked at the man with surprise, he could find a sense of familiarity in this mans face, was this the old man from just now?

Reverse ageing?

What did this mean?

And after that, Fang Bei was calm again. All of them had already died once, reverse ageing was nothing to them.

Mr Kun! theyre here! Come quickly!

A voice similar to a humans came from the small alleyway, speaking a language that they couldnt understand. The five of them immediately turned towards that direction.

A group of a dozen men suddenly appeared at the alleyways entrance, following a dozen of large beasts that charged towards them. (Dozen is used very loosely here, it actually means within the range of 10-19.)

Dont let them run away! Qian Kun shouted excitedly.

Because of his fear of pain, he never participated in fights and never understood the pain of a blade slashing through his flesh. In his eyes, except for the monsters from that day, there was nothing that his team couldnt defeat. (He refers to his team as people who are carrying him.)

The black-robed mens appearance was like a dessert on the dinner table to him, and as someone who had gotten tired of greasy food, desserts were something that was exciting for him.

An ambush!

With a roar, Xi Qiu charged forwards with his sword unsheathed. He didnt look back once as he spoke, Ill stop them! Run! If I die, dont forget to tell my wife her man was a hero!

At this moment, in their eyes, Xi Qius back was similar to a self-sacrificing hero, this sightwas really familiar

Fuck! Who even knows who the fuck your wife is! Lu Hai gritted his teeth and yelled. He was almost, just a little bit, moved to tears.

Everyone reacted to the situation, Xi Qiu, that bastard, was reciting lines from a show!

Dont be afraid everyone! That man said that on the battlefield of rebirth, we can revive endlessly! We are all people whove died once, how can we be afraid of death? After finishing what he had to say, Fang Bei pulled out his swords and charged forward.

The remaining three followed suit without hesitating or retreating.

If they couldnt die, how would they be afraid of a battle?

A tiger collided with Xi Qiu, but with a gaze as sharp as a sword, Xi Qiu unhesitantly avoided the tigers claws and cut deeply into the tigers hindleg.

A pained cry immediately came from the man next to Qian Kun as he bent over to grab his lower leg.

After countless fights against the giant praying mantises, their pain tolerance had increased greatly, what was the big deal about this bit of pain?

The tiger fell onto the ground, and with a twist of its body, it appeared in front of Xi Qius eyes before he could even react.

Ah! I should leave!

In that instant, Xi Qiu was brought down by the tiger as its large jaws unhinged towards his neck.

The four men who were fighting against the remaining beasts watched in shock as the tigers mouth closed and blood pumped out, dismembering Xi Qiu.

De-Dead? Taking advantage of his loss of focus, a spotted leopard immediately pounced and bit into Fang Beis wrist. With a pained cry, he dropped his sword with a loud sound.


After taking care of the Xi Qiu, the tiger locked on to Fang Bei and started attacking without rest.

Fang Bei! Ji Zhen screamed as he swung his sword.

Qian Kuns team was one of the strongest in the current player base, everyone had powerful beasts as pets, and they had fought from day to night to build their combat experience.

Fang Bei and the rest had just picked up their iron swords, and compared to a dozen of vicious beasts, how were they expected to win with zero combat experience?

The only reason they werent terrified was that they knew they could come back to life.

Following its owners commands, the tiger avoided the iron sword by lowering its body as if it was prostrating for its life.

In an instant, five wolves pounced at the opening. Ji Zhen was immediately flustered, and he watched as their fangs advanced towards him. In a desperate attempt, he tried to pull his sword back into a defensive position.

Pu tong. (Impale sounds.)

With shock and fear still in his eyes, Ji Zhen fell onto the ground, blood pouring out of his body.

Ji Zhen!!

Fuck your mother! Despite knowing that it wasnt true death, Fang Bei couldnt help but curse as he gritted his teeth at the man who seemed like the leader.

HahahaI thought they would be strong, but it seems like they only amount to this much! What a waste! Qian Kun chortled.

He didnt know that the maddened Fang Bei was now targeting him.

Was this group of people really human?!

Someone had clearly lost their life to them, and they dared to laugh?!

This was their first meeting with the people of this world, and Fang Bei held onto some hope that the people in the phantasy world were humans. He even believed that this fight was due to some misunderstandings, and once it was solved, everything would be fine.

However, when his close friend Ji Zhen died before him, Fang Bei came to a sudden realisation.

This group of people were monsters!

God damn it! Fang Yan bellowed, his eyes filled with strong killing intent.

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