Phantasmal Genesis

Chapter 18: Data Visualization and Illusion Enhancement

Chapter 18: Data Visualization and Illusion Enhancement

I have been following Chen Li until this person finally found out that Tang Sword can be used to slash monsters, Meng Ke canceled following Chen Li with satisfaction.

This time the monster attacked the reality event, is him using his mental power with all his strength for the first time. The untraceable spiritual power and the illusion were a perfect fit.

The reason why Chen Li thought he had entered the phantom body was because Meng Ke cut off all his senses, so that he could not feel his body, and then let the illusions give him all kinds of real feelings, which were synchronized with his thoughts. In an instant, he thought that he had entered an illusion body.

Think of this as a brain in a vat, and the visions of incomparable reality are definitely more jaw-dropping than a brain in a vat.

"It seems that my understanding of illusions has to be refreshed again." Meng Ke thought thoughtfully.

The connected person's pet is a projection of their subconscious mind, proving that phantoms made from illusions can read minds.

He only needs to guide the other party to imagine a mental projection board, and he can turn every picture that the person thinks into an illusion and appear in front of Meng Ke's eyes.

Once he thought about it he immediately put it into action, Meng Ke quietly opened the window, and in the alley downstairs, a sloppy figure was sleeping soundly.

Dreams are also minds, and they can reflect a better picture. Meng Ke directly started his first attempt.

Just like a children's animation, a white cloud rose from the beggar's head and stopped in front of Meng Ke.

In the middle of the white clouds, there is a picture of a young handsome man in casual clothes. The table in front of him is full of various fruits, and a beautiful woman in scantily clad is lying in his arms, as tame as a kitten.

The first step was successful, Meng Ke set his eyes on the beautiful woman with strange eyes.

When people are dreaming, they are most sensitive to the environment around their bodies. When the weather is cold, the dream world will become icy and snowy, and when the weather is hot, the dream world will become an empty hot day.

Meng Ke can control people's senses, and naturally, he can also control people's dreams indirectly and easily.

However, Meng Ke thought deeper.

Since the illusion can be projected into reality, then, I wonder if it can be projected into the dream.

When he started to fantasize, the handsome man in the dream immediately realized that the one he was holding in his arms seemed to be a man?

He looked down in confusion and saw a man with muscles all over his body wearing only a pair of delicate trousers, showing him a weird smile.

Suddenly, the beggar sat up from the cardboard, sweating coldly.


So, is the location where the illusion can be projected only up to the location where I can observe it?

Meng Ke sat back on the computer chair and continued to ponder.

Now, Meng Ke has determined the influence of the subconscious on the illusion.

The so-called subconscious mind is a process of mental activity that is occurring but has not reached a state of consciousness.

Illusions, on the other hand, can present this mental activity that has already occurred.

So, can illusions also allow the main consciousness to capture and observe some things that only the subconscious can observe?

It must be known that the subconscious does not only refer to a body consciousness that a person has formed from birth to the present. Read the most updated version of this novel and other amazing translated novels from the original source at Novel Multiverse NovelMultiverse dot com

The subconscious mind is a large amount of knowledge accumulated from ancient times to the present since the birth of human beings. This kind of knowledge is deeply embedded in the genes of human beings and has evolved together with human beings.

For example, there are about 150 billion neurons in the human brain, but more than 95% of the neurons are unused, and this 95% is the subconscious mind.

Of the known subconscious access methods, self-hypnosis is recognized as the best subconscious use method.

But even so, if you want to exercise it successfully, it will take a few years at the shortest, and only constant hints can make it a part of the subconscious and be used.

However, some subconsciousness has always existed, it's just that people don't notice it.

Take eyeballing as an example.

Can't humans directly estimate the length, width, and height of an object with both eyes?

Many people know that if a tailor who makes clothes is a truly OP tailor, he only needs to look at you, and he will already have all your measurements.

In his field of vision, Meng Ke used an illusion to delineate a length of one meter, represented by a white dotted line and wrote an inconspicuous label "1 meter" at a distance of one meter, and so on.

In an instant, he turned his head to look, the whole world was full of various data, all objects had a very intuitive length in his eyes, and there was a distance between his body and the object.

Like how he was still "5.5321424 meters" away from the bed, this stat would change as he moved.

He looked down at the window, which was "32.5994297 meters" from the ground.

A light blue horizontal line is more clearly marked at five meters to indicate "needs attention"

About fifteen places had the indication "dangerous" with a bold orange horizontal line

Thirty meters in bright red to indicate "probable death"

This data will change depending on the ground, and it will also prompt the best landing posture, unloading skills, where to grab to prevent the fall, and where to start preparing for the best.

Seeing that Meng Ke became restless.

But fortunately, he restrained, otherwise it will become [the protagonist died, the whole book is over]

Then, Meng Ke temporarily closed his data vision.

He still has many ideas about his abilities, and data visualization is just one of them.

He took out the book that he used to record, turned the contents into an illusion and re-recorded, and burned the book with a fire.

Going through the original records again, if he remembered correctly, at first he thought that illusions could affect the five senses.

This kind of illusion is extremely real, but it is only a superficial image. Looking at the details, Meng Ke still has many things that he has not added.

If someone could see the microscopic world, then in the eyes of that person, Meng Ke's illusion would have no texture and look a bit unreal.

Of course, this does not mean that he is not capable, but that Meng Ke's use of illusions is still superficial and needs to be supplemented in detail.

such as smell.

The smell that people smell is actually a pheromone. When the nose comes into contact with the pheromone, it will respond to the brain. This is called smell.

And his ability can directly make the brain reflect this smell without passing through the nose, and then use the nose to smell it.

He omits that process, and if someone can distinguish the process, they can immediately know that the smell is fake and that the nose did not smell a pheromone.

However, that was in the past, and now even if someone can distinguish this process, Meng Ke is also giving the illusion of the nose, which is equivalent to the process of giving the nose pheromone.

Moreover, even people who have lost their sense of smell can smell and see, as if they can help the blind to see again. It has nothing to do with their bodies, it just depends on whether Meng Ke wants to.

There are many such examples, so I will not explain them one by one.

Because of this discovery, Meng Ke had a more interesting idea.

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