Peerless Genius System

Chapter 461 - The Super Hacker

Chapter 461: The Super Hacker

Su Li presented Xiao Luo with a men’s watch—it was a branded Swiss watch. Xiao Luo didn’t lose his mind entirely from excitement, but he was very moved. It was the most expensive gift he had ever received in all his life, and also the gift he loved most. When he was in a romantic relationship with his ex-girlfriend, Zhao Mengqi, he was the one who was always giving, he never missed a birthday, an anniversary, or a Valentine’s Day, but Zhao Mengqi had never given him anything proper.

“I don’t quite get this woman!” When he got back to his apartment, he sat on his bed and looked at the watch on his wrist; he couldn’t help murmuring to himself. Truth be told, if Su Li had not said to him that things would be over between them sooner or later, he would undoubtedly have thought that this woman had fallen in love with him.

“Well, since I’ve accepted an expensive gift like that, I should do the right thing!”

As the saying goes, gifts blind the eyes, and he had precisely that feeling right now.

He got out of bed and walked to the living room. He made himself a cup of tea and sat in front of his laptop. Soon, his pale fingers were clattering swiftly across the keyboard like those of a pianist playing a soulful piece of music, inputting commands after commands into the notebook.

Suddenly, the alarm went off in the backend of a news and media platform that was currently very popular—the Penguin Net.

“Hacker’s intrusion detected, activate the defense system now!”

The manager responsible for internet security immediately set off the alarm to alert the staff members to operate in defense mode.

“Clack, clack, clack, clack...”

There was some furious typing going on in the company’s internet security department, and it sounded like a scatter of shots were being fired—everyone was gawking at the computer screen in front of them, building a firewall after a firewall, and trying to stop the hacker’s intrusion.

“How dare you piece of sh*t hack into our system? You must be looking for trouble. Trace his IP address right away, zero in on the suspect; I’ll not rest until I throw him into prison.”

The security manager thumped the office desk with his fist, he abhorred any hacker that dared breach into the company’s system, and it showed visibly on his face, as an expression of disdain and scorn glowered in his eyes. In his opinion, the hacker was like nothing more than a mayfly trying to shake a tree, charting a course to its own ruin.

“Oh no, the first firewall is down!” An urgent voice cried out.

“What the hell?”

Panic was painted on the security manager’s face, for the staff members responsible for their company’s internet security were all top-notch. They had fought off countless hackers who had tried to hack their company’s system many times before this, and they were very experienced and proficient with excellent computer skills. Therefore, the hacker would have to be exceptional to breach the first firewall in such a short period.

“Hold out! He must be stopped, do not let him get through!” The security manager yelled.

“Yes, sir!”

The messenger turned around and passed on the manager’s command to the staff members.

The staff members became more nervous as they were busy hitting the keys on the keyboards, and some of them were already soaked in sweat, appearing like they were about to collapse from the strain.

“The ... the second firewall has also been compromised!”

When the security manager heard the report, a shudder ran through him.

Who was that?

Was he some foreign master hacker hired by their business competitor?

Two of the company’s firewalls were torn down within five minutes. The speed of the intrusion was simply terrifying and beyond human.

“The third firewall is down; the enemy ... the enemy, has gotten in!”

Another situation report came in, and the security manager’s face went as white as a sheet.

The security team had no means to fight back at all, and they were utterly crushed. They had never seen nor heard of this kind of hacker before, an all-powerful nemesis to internet security teams everywhere. The company’s system had already become the enemy’s backyard, and they could do nothing but helplessly watch the enemy wiping their background data.

“Boss, what he deleted was the news about the national goddess, Su Li. All of the ten thousand comments are also gone!” One of the staff members looking at the background data said.

“I’m not blind!”

The security manager yelled furiously at him. The hacker was probably not sent by their competitors, but by the national goddess, Su Li, to remove the negative news.

After a block of Su Li’s data was removed, a window suddenly popped up on the system’s interface, and a string of block letters began to be typed in: Do not publish any more of Su Li’s bad news, or face the consequences!

The bold red letters radiated an eerie and cold message, no matter how one looked at it.

The security department staff members of Penguin Net felt a chill run down their spine as they looked at each other in horror. A dead silence fell upon the whole department, and even the sound of a needle dropping on the floor could be heard.

An unstoppable breach and a calm exit—this kind of enemy was precisely their worst nightmare!

“I totally did not expect that Su Li would be able to hire such a master hacker ...” The manager of the security department exclaimed.

“Boss, we just heard from,, Sina and ten other news platforms, they were also attacked by the hacker. They experienced the same thing, and the hacker only removed the negative news about the national goddess, Su Li, and left the same warning before he left.”

“He invaded more than ten companies’ systems by himself at the same time?”

The security manager was shocked to the core, his whole body was suddenly covered in a cold sweat, and he collapsed into his office chair. This was not some master hacker; this was flat-out a monster of a hacker!



Satisfied, Xiao Luo closed his notebook. He took the cup of tea from the table, walked to the balcony, and languidly enjoyed the tea.

Two hours later, the Weibo platform, unaffected and operating as usual, was astir with breaking news of the hacking.

“Did you hear, more than ten news platforms including the Penguin Net,,, Sina News et cetera were hacked, all the negative news about Goddess Su were wiped clean? Every company also received a warning.”

“Shit, is it real? I’ll go and have a look if all Goddess Su’s negative news is really removed.”

“No shit, Goddess Su is really so powerful, huh? She has the power to make a super-hacker attack those influential new platforms’ backend.”

“This is not just extreme; this is one in a million! He’d need to have real b*lls to hack into those internet giants’ systems. He got in successfully, this is too awesome!”

“The expression on Old Ma’s face must have been fascinating when he got the news about his platform being hacked, hahaha ...”

All kinds of comments about the new platforms being hacked filled all the pages in Weibo. In seconds, tens of thousands of them appeared on Su Li’s Weibo profile page, and everyone was discussing the hacking incident.

Su Li’s phone rang. It was Shen Qingyan calling her.

“Li, tell me who the super-hacker is, I want him to be my teacher!” As soon as she picked up the phone, Shen Qingyan couldn’t wait to cut to the chase.

Puzzled, Su Li frowned and asked, “What super-hacker? What are you talking about?”

“God, you still don’t know anything, do you?” Shen Qingyan cried.

Su Li only got more and more confused. “What should I know?” she asked.

She was with Su Xiaobei the whole time. She knew that the entire internet community was talking about her, so she decided to go offline to find peace of mind.

“A super hacker hacked into all the popular news platforms and wiped all the bad news about you,” Shen Qingyan said.

Su Li bolted up from her sofa abruptly, and astonishment was written all over her cold face. “When did it happen?” she asked.

“It was two hours ago.”

Shen Qingyan continued, “The CEOs of the new platforms blew their top, they threw the internet security managers in their companies out. They have also called in the police and claimed that they want to catch the super hacker. Li, you really have no idea who the super-hacker who helped you is?”

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