Parallel Memory

Chapter 412: Rank-S + Monster: Ifrit

"We will win!"

Professor Mia declared.

Zero and Amelia also had no problem with her decision. Among the three of them, Professor Mia had the most experiences and even though Zero might have fought countless fights in the Tower Of Obelisk, Professor Mia was better at judging the situation than him.

Zero was uncertain about his ability to defeat a Rank-S+ Monster. He had attempted it in the Tower Of Obelisk before but had failed.

He had firsthand knowledge of the immense strength possessed by monsters of that level, and he knew he couldn't defeat them alone.

However, with the assistance of Professor Mia and Saintess Amelia, and having grown since then, he believed the outcome would be different.

And since Professor Mia said that they could win, they would be able to.

The trio deliberated on the strategy to confront the Ifrit. They recognized that Ifrit had the advantage of fighting on its home turf.

Additionally, Ifrits, being spirit-like entities, possessed the ability to regenerate their bodies instantly. To kill them, complete annihilation along with the destruction of their core was required.

Mia revealed her other Art.

'Level 6: Thunder Beast Fist'

"I might not be as good as Zero in close combat but my strikes are powerful and could deal a serious blow to Ifrit."

Professor Mia said.

Her skill with the Art was not bad but she had only trained with this Art for about 4 months. Still against Ifrit, rather than using Ice Abilities, using this Art was much better.

And using Dual Art, when she combines the Lightning aspect of Thunder Beast Fist and Ice Energy, it produces a very destructive power.

As long as Professor Mia is able to land a hit on Ifrit with that technique, she was certain that it would kill the Ifrit.


Having made their strategy, they waited for a few more days to learn about the beast and look for the perfect opportunity to fight.

After knowing that it was the perfect moment, Zero and Mia launched their assault on the Ifrit.

[ "Demonic Emperor Sword: Extermination Blast" ]

Zero right away used Dark Energy. Mia and Amelia were already aware that he could use it, so there was no need to conceal it.

Moreover, Ifrit was not an opponent that Zero could fight by holding back his power. And his other Art was not effective against Ifrit.

Even the Dual Art. Dual Art heavily relied on Ice Energy for dealing damage, it would be less effective against the Ifrit. Thus, to quickly defeat it without exhausting himself, Zero utilized the Demonic Emperor Sword.

[ "Stellar Annihilation Waves" ]

Professor Mia also started with her strongest skill. Stellar Annihilation Waves is a Rank-S skill which is light based attack.

Simultaneously, Professor Mia unleashed her Rank-S skill, "Stellar Annihilation Waves," a light-based attack. Both of them opted for long-range attacks, hoping to inflict significant damage on the Ifrit before their confrontation.


The combined force of Zero's "Demonic Emperor Sword: Extermination Blast" and Professor Mia's "Stellar Annihilation Waves" unleashed a powerful explosion that shook the surroundings.

The impact of their attacks sent shockwaves rippling through the air, creating a momentary burst of blinding light.

As the smoke cleared, they could see the Ifrit standing amidst the aftermath of their assault. Ifrit stood there showing no sign of having gotten damaged.

"He's tough!" Zero remarked. Although he expected it, witnessing the fact that their powerful attacks, which could annihilate a group of Rank-A Monsters, did nothing to the Ifrit was disheartening.


Ifrit, unfazed by the powerful assault from Zero and Professor Mia, let out a menacing laugh. Its fiery aura intensified, and the temperature in the vicinity soared to unbearable levels. The Ifrit was ready to retaliate.

Suddenly, the ground beneath their feet cracked open, and molten lava burst forth, creating a barrier between Zero, Professor Mia, and the Ifrit. The lava flowed rapidly, surrounding them and cutting off any escape routes.

[ "Divine Shield" ]

Amelia immediately used her skill to protect them from the lava.


As the Ifrit advanced, its flaming claws slashing through the air, Zero and Professor Mia prepared for the imminent confrontation.


Zero defended against the Ifrit's attacks with his sword, each strike heavy and scorching. Zero wished he could control Ice Energy in addition to Dark Energy, but harnessing the chaotic nature of Dark Energy was already challenging enough, let alone combining it with Ice Energy.

[ "Primordial Ice Palace" ]

While Zero was clashing with Ifrit, Professor Mia conjured her Ice Palace. The size of the palace was smaller than normal and felt less powerful in front of the scorching lava and Ifrit.

As the Primordial Ice Palace materialized, it provided a temporary respite from the searing heat of the lava. The icy structure acted as a shield, protecting Zero and Professor Mia from the Ifrit's relentless heat.

However, the Ifrit's lava attacks relentlessly hammered against the frozen fortress, gradually weakening its integrity.


Zero and Professor Mia fought with Ifrit. With Professor Mia's help, Zero was able to cope with Ifrit heat and Professor Mia also provided support.

[ "Demonic Emperor Sword: Demonic Force Manipulation" ]

Using the strengthened sword, Zero once again went to confront Ifrit.


However, despite using his full power, in the confrontation, Zero was at a disadvantage. The only saving grace was that Zero had eaten Ancient Dragon's Heart which made her mana capacity very high.

Despite burning mana which could have exhausted an average Rank-A human, Zero was still fine and had more than 80% of his mana.

Amelia also raised barriers and shields whenever Zero and Mia were in a dangerous situation. And she would also heal them whenever they received injuries.

Professor Mia continued employing her Ice Art to bolster Zero while seeking the perfect opportunity to unleash her Dual Art.

However, her mana reserves were limited, unlike Zero's vast pool, allowing her to employ Dual Art only once or twice.

"Found it!

Professor Mia exclaimed upon discovering the location of the Ifrit's core. Without hesitation, she dispelled her Primordial Ice Palace and prepared to unleash her Dual Art.

Purple electricity emanated from her body as she concentrated her mana into her fist, augmenting it with her Ice Energy.

"Zero, evade!" Professor Mia signaled Zero.

With her gaze fixed on the Ifrit's core, Professor Mia focused her energy, merging the lightning aspect of her Thunder Beast Fist with her icy abilities. Surrounded by a crackling purple electric aura, she unleashed her Dual Art technique.

[ "Dual Art: Frozen Lightning Devastation" ]

With a powerful thrust, Professor Mia's fist connected with the Ifrit's core, sending a surge of electrified ice energy through its fiery essence. The impact was immense, causing a momentary freeze in the air around them.


The Ifrit let out a deafening roar of agony as the combined power of the Thunder Beast Fist and Ice Energy penetrated its body and was making its way towards the core.

Sensing weakness, Zero seized the opportunity and channeled all his remaining mana into his Dark Energy.

[ "Demonic Emperor Sword: Cataclysmic Destruction" ]

Zero swung his sword with tremendous force, unleashing a torrent of dark energy that crashed into the damaged Ifrit.


As Zero's "Demonic Emperor Sword: Cataclysmic Destruction" collided with the damaged Ifrit, a cataclysmic explosion shook the surroundings. The sheer power of the attack sent shockwaves rippling through the air, causing the fiery beast to stagger momentarily.

But to everyone's astonishment, the Ifrit quickly regained its composure. Its burning aura flared even brighter, radiating intense heat that seemed to scorch everything in its path. With a deafening roar, the Ifrit unleashed its ultimate attack.


A massive inferno erupted from the core of the Ifrit, enveloping the entire area in an all-consuming blaze. The temperature skyrocketed to unimaginable levels, turning the battlefield into a hellish landscape.

[ "Ice Wave" ]

Professor Mia attempted to block the attack with her Ice Wave, but her ice-based attack was immediately destroyed by the Ifrit's overwhelming heat.

[ "Sacred Barrier: Divine Nova" ]

A brilliant, radiant barrier formed around Zero, Professor Mia, and herself. The barrier pulsated with holy energy, acting as a last line of defense against the devastating flames.

Zero and Mia missed this opportunity as they failed to destroy the core. However, they were now witnessing the full power of Ifrit.

Zero had the answer to whether the place was turned to desert because of Ifrit or whether he stayed because it was suitable for him.

It was definitely the fromer looking at this skill that he used. Everything in the vicinity was burning and this skill could easily turn a forest to a barren desert.

Despite Amelia's efforts, the Ifrit's overwhelming power began to breach the barrier. The scorching flames licked at their defenses, threatening to engulf them completely. The trio knew they had to take action swiftly to turn the tides in their favor.

If the situation continues for a few more seconds, the barrier would be completely destroyed and they would be burned to crisp.

Considering the gravity of the situation, Zero made a decisive choice.

"Give me one minute! I have a skill that will definitely kill him."

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