Paradise of Infinity

Chapter 171: A Princess Training Couple

Chapter 171: A Princess Training Couple

Chapter 171: A Princess Training Couple

"Mind repeating that, Mai?" Azula slowly stood up and Nik discovered others around them beginning to back off.

'Just what kind of presence does she hold? Wait... if she's a firebender, would Heat Vision act as a gauge of her abilities? After all, Iroh's is pretty much a dead giveaway...'

Nik closed his eyes and concentrated for a second.

"I remarked the pathetic state you've fallen to, Azula," Mai's smile began to broaden, "Didn't expect to run into you here."

Azula blinked and the next second, her palms were covered in haunting blue flames, and she rushed towards Mai!

'Woah... she has three cores? It's outrageously... hot! Wait... it's moving... Mai's core shifted... it's moving towards me? An attack?... Yes, it's definitely an attack...'

Still keeping his eyes closed, Nik suddenly reached out to press both of his hands on Azula's head as Mai had evaded the vicious grab and jumped over her. Her groan instantly echoed as Nik rolled in the air and landed rather cleanly before opening his eyes. Mai continued to stare at him in silence while Nik looked at his own hands.

'It was a better feeling...'

He turned to look at Azula who was pushed into a crouch position as she stoically glared at the two of them.

"Nik... Mai... hehe, hahahahaha!" Azula giggled and her soft chimes turned into loud laughter, "Oh, how foolish of me to greet a good and an old friend of mine... please, excuse my outburst. It seems my dear brother's stupidity rubbed off against me. Mai... we haven't seen each other in a long, long time... come, let's chat about our past friendship, shall we?

And Nik, I believe Jin ran off to your store last night? There's no reason we still can't be civilized about it."

Azula smiled gently and quite sincerely while brushing one odd strand of hair back against her ear as Nik and Mai looked at each other.

Of course, Nik wouldn't follow her. Those blue flames... were terrifyingly hot but Mai seemed wholly unconcerned and began stepping after Azula. Shrugging since Mai did feel quite excited, he followed along. After all, they did need the map and he may just get a reward in some other manner. Maybe he could loot something since the rebellion must have kept quite a stash for themselves.

"So, is it fine if I call you Azula?" Nik questioned and she narrowed her eyes, "As long as others are not around. And why did you all come looking after us? Did my Royal Father send you here?... Hmm, wait, Mai, was that your mother in the tea store? The shameless slut who wears that tight outfit? On other hand... tea... tea... it brings some strange and distasteful connections, more so than Royal Father... ah, forget that.

How does your pathetic father even live with having your mother display herself in this manner in the broad daylight?"

Azula sneered, her words otherwise biting as Mai shrugged, "My father may have minded it but he was a pig... Nik doesn't... not that he's not a perverted pig himself. But at least, my mom gets to be happy... heh, and I'm sure Jin would feel quite relieved soon enough after escaping your woeful clutches."

Nik didn't know who was the Firebender because Mai was positively burning Azula. Not that the Fire Princess would show it on her face.

"Ho? Quite the big talk, Mai... I can guess from your words that you're no longer a nobility. I wonder if it's temporary like mine or permanent but how low must have you fallen. You and your mother both..." She cast a glance at Nik full of mockery and contempt, "To rely on a peasant."

"Quite the talk after having the same peasant jump over your head," Mai smiled, pulling Nik closer and embracing her hand with a coy gaze, "Unlike you... do you even have any peasant for yourself right now, Azula?"

"Many," She scoffed, "The numbers would scare you."

"Sluts generally tend to intimidate me, yes... especially manipulative, ex-noble sluts like yourself."

Azula stopped for a second, her shoulders shuddering and her hands clenched tightly as heat visibly rolled off of her body. But soon, she turned and smiled like nothing happened, "Ah, Mai, you beat me at my game. Come on, there's a secret tunnel not too far from the village."

Nik and Mai looked at each other once again.

"Hey... should we bolt?" Nik whispered, feeling pretty creeped out at this point.

"Doesn't the mystery excite you?" Mai questioned in her usual monotone.

"It has my heart racing but even if we do combat one another... isn't it better to do it in open space?"

"What is better? To fight her in open space and let her maneuver her firebending in any manner of defeat her in a covert tunnel... capture her and extract every piece of useful information from her them tame her!" Mai let out a slightly huffed breath at the end, her eyes lit up with the added desires she felt brewing within her after 'torturing' Jet.

If she hadn't worried Nik already, Mai ended up impersonating Iroh's speech and muttered, "My desires are like a brewing pot of tea... and Azula is the fire needed to mix them... I must face her."

"Wow... who's the perverted pig now?" Nik scoffed.

"... we are..." Mai accepted hard facts quickly with a soft blush.

"Are you two done muttering? Come on, help me move this chute," Azula frowned and began pushing a large metal chute behind a desolate and decrepit hut and once the duo cautiously helped her push it away, a tunnel could be seen going straight down from the spot.

"After you," Azula smiled, "Once we are there, I will see to it that you get the most benefits for helping ease my mother's mood."

"We're not going beforehand. You first," Nik scoffed but Azula only snickered, "How cowardly, Nik... I wonder what Jin saw in you?"

"Easy, the only pair you don't have... now go on, make a move," Nik smiled and gestured for her to enter the hole as Azula's eyelids twitched once again.

Managing a smile with trying effort, Azula entered the hole and disappeared but before Mai could enter, Nik held her hand and cackled, "Hey, since we've decided to blindside her completely... why not do it with utmost advantage. I can still see, you know."

Nik closed his eyes while taking off his boots before stomping on the ground. In the next second, his world of darkness was filled with the light of not only seismic sense but also heat vision. Although Nik hadn't been able to simultaneously bend two elements... this could be considered the start of it.

He saw the tunnel being one-way with no one around them to close it. It was either they'd pissed Azula off too much that she took this approach or there were sentries out there who would check this location on a regular interval and hide the hole but the latter was less likely. As to why Nik thought that they'd successfully pissed Azula off... currently, her 'figure' was rounding dozens of men in the chamber that connected to various other openings and Nik looked at Mai thoughtfully.

"What? Would it be too difficult?"

"On the contrary... only Azula might be a problem but do we really have to do this? It's senseless to pick a fight with her at best."

"Not senseless," Mai narrowed her eyes, "The moment she stood up and recovered after seeing me... I realized that even if Azula has changed after disappearing from the capital... some things have stayed the same. Nik, she will only scheme and scheme until she gets what she wants... it's easier to let her know who's really in charge. I've seen this, too, Azula responds to a strong... hand."

Nik blinked, "And... how much of it was just to try and entice me, hmm?"

"None," Mai replied with a straight expression as Nik rolled his eyes internally as he continued to look at her.

"When I was in the Royal Capital, Azula made my life pretty damn hard and I had to keep a straight face because she was the princess and I had a crush on her stupid brother, I want some belated revenge."

"There you go," Nik grinned. Although he was a little irked with the capacity of time for how long Mai could keep a grudge... he enjoyed this truth rather than some excuse. Although, Mai may have said a few things honestly about trying to control her, too. As for Iroh and Ursa... they just had to be REALLY convincing that Azula doesn't rat them out but he was all up for it as the earth swallowed them whole.


"Line up, everyone," Azula looked at the group of men practicing in the center of the chamber. Various straw dummies could be seen spread across the area as her piercing words instantly brought all the men and women to attention. Their bodies flinched in locations where she'd wounded them herself. Of course, as Azu and not the Blue Devil. There are certain benefits that come with two leaders acting as one, after all.

Still keeping a pleasant smile that only sent a shiver down the spines of the group of well-trained men, Azula continued, "A bitch and a bastard would soon enter from this trap passage. Blue Devil wants you to beat them until they pass out. Remember, when it comes to bitch, focus on her face and when it comes to the bastard, focus on his dick. Right?" She clapped and then saw her people surrounding the entrance without any question.

They won't question a thing, Azula was sure of it. Silently, she sat back and leaned against one of the walls of the chamber, purposely stretching her arms up and instantly feeling a few furtive, scared, but nonetheless lascivious gazes land on her. She smiled internally, puffing her sizeable breasts out further and enjoying the attention until the two fell to their certain captivity.

She would make sure to make the event all the more hellish.

'Jin... tsk, tsk, poor Nik will face the consequences of your actions—'

She fell back.


Where did the wall go?

She could see her men glancing in her direction, their eyes widening in surprise as they rushed forward but it was too late. Suddenly, a layer of ground in the chamber disappeared magically as her men fell one level under. They would be injured at best but Azula had already fallen on her back within a dark, uncharted cavern as she heard the sound of earth rising up and covering the sudden hole once again.

Azula quickly got to her feet, the surge of pale blue flames around her hands filling the sizeable tunnel with little brightness as she hissed, "Show yourself—"

A pillar of earth suddenly shot from the side and revealing her rather monstrous skills, she evaded the surprise attack but two knives precisely pierced into the edge of her boots right in front of the toes, pinning the tip of the shoes alongside the soles of it into the ground while earthen locks quickly clasped around her foot.

"You're a fool!" Azula suddenly snickered and shot a trail of intimidating blaze towards the direction where the knife came from and she saw her.


Dodging the attack, yes, but not dodging the impact as her neat robes caught on fire. Mai didn't even think another second to tear away the portion of the cloth, not after having clothes in an excess while two earthen poles rolled and settled under Azula's arm with clasps rising around her wrist once again.

"You bastard!"

Azula grinned, screaming in response, while flames revved under her feet, instantly turning her boots into ashes while sending the rock around her foot flying about as her body upturned due to the sudden momentum of sharp jets of flame throttling from her legs and as her palms faced downward with her body up, she intended to close off the jets of flames around her leg and do the same with her hand to break free.

Alas, as she moved, the opponents moved, too, and they had a humongous advantage due to the sudden nature of the attack. The poles that caught her hand slid outwards, making her hands stretch to her sides as she instantly felt her balance tumble. Before she could seriously hurt herself by falling down and twisting her shoulders in a not so pleasant manner, a gust of air balanced her body, causing her to feel stunned but not for long as slabs of earth this time formed a pyramid-sort of shackle until her waist and locked her upside down!

"Mai! Let me go! Nik! You sons of—"

"Careful, my mother really was a bitch so you'd be unknowingly stating a fact," Nik's voice echoed through the hollow chamber but both of them still didn't get any close to her.

Azula gritted her teeth and pulled at her shackles until blue flames erupted once again, the force itself pressuring the earthen lock around her wrists even if she couldn't apply her entire strength due to her arms spread wide. The chamber was brightened once again as Azula caught sight of Mai once again but she still hadn't seen Nik at all. Due to the echo of his voice, it was hard to estimate his position to the point she didn't know if he was in front or the back.

"Shall we discuss the exchange of maps instead of you trying to ambush us? Don't deny... one of your own gave it away," Nik's entire purpose was to confuse her. Words are a powerful force when uttered with conviction and since Azula could not have imagined Nik seeing through the earth, her mind was diverted in that particular direction, too.

"What if I don't? Huh? How long do you think you can keep me tied down here?" Azula snarled.

"Keep you tied down here?" Nik chuckled... actually, he didn't know himself, but why break the act? "Mai has something more interesting planned... she thinks she can make you talk about everything. Of course, I don't think she can... so, here we are."

"Mai, once I leave, I will make sure—"

"To do what?" Mai responded coldly.

"Bitch, you'd hear it if you stop cutting me off!" Azula growled, "I planned to have you beaten up by my men and then thrown into the cell so that I can deal with you later! He's here! That old, fat bastard is here! But I won't touch him, no... I'll go after your mother!"

"See? I told you, she's untamable. A heavy hand is needed..." Mai muttered, her hollow words echoing in the chamber when a butt of a metal fan accurately hit Azula on the back of her head as she grew limp against the restraints.

"That was... quite aggressive. Although, I'm beginning to think that now that Jin is in that shop, she would have tried something sooner or later."

"My bet is on sooner since... the moment she saw 'something' belonging to her in someone else's hand, she'd lose it..." Mai mumbled and stepped forward. A good portion of her breasts was still visible once Mai cut a portion of her robes and Nik instantly let deep orange-red flames cover his palm and admire her assets.

"Do you want to do it here?" Nik inquired while Mai began planting the mark of fertility on Azula now that she was unconscious.

"What do you think?"

"It's too close to their usual base... so it might just ruin your fun."

"I'm not doing this for fun," Mai narrowed her eyes.

"Sure... let's go with that," Nik chuckled, "But let's go someplace deeper then..."


Azula came to be and found herself in a well-lit dungeon tied down on a chair that she could burn easily but something was different. Different about her. She felt unnaturally hot and not similar to how she would bend her perfect blue flames, no... something more primal than the urge of destroying everything was gnawing away at her thoughts.

She felt more sensitive to the slightest breeze... but this also meant that this chamber, no matter how deep, is connected to the outside world and she can escape. Just like her brother had underestimated their rat group, she, too, had underestimated her former friend. She would not have even imagined Mai, of all people, to try and antagonize her.

Her fierce golden eyes fell on her slightly disheveled figure. Someone had... given her an elaborate pat-down, that's for sure. Her tunic felt out of place, her waistband shifted from her usual spot and she gritted her teeth, staring at the duo, "You think wood and ropes will stop me? I can break through these in a second!"

She spat and looked at Mai and Nik.

"She's right, you know..." Nik looked at Mai, "She can easily blaze through her confines. But then again, we do have some shared interest, right?"

He looked at Azula, "You mentioned throwing us in a cell... probably iron and steel. How did the rebels get their hands on it?"

"Why would I tell you anything? Is that it? You tied me to interrogate me?" Azula snickered as flames burnt through the ropes around her wrist and she massaged them with a scowl, "That hurts."

Mai didn't comment on the ease with which Azula freed her hands but noted the bruise around her wrist for a moment. Meanwhile, Nik continued, "Did you guys perhaps encounter a prison of sorts... keeping benders locked in metal cells?"

Azula narrowed her eyes and smiled, "It seems you know more than you let on. The map should be to find these locations... too bad, all those prisoners you speak of make up the larger portion of the rebels themselves. You're late. They will never see someone else as their leader!"

"So, they would still follow a firebender?" Nik crossed his arms.

"A firebender that melted their prisons and freed them. Oh, how pitiful. Let me guess, my good old Uncle cannot standby and watch these atrocities and want to secretly free them? Maybe reconnect old bonds alongside? How pitiful!"

Azula stood up, her chair already on fire as blue flames began to sparkle into existence around her once again, "Once I'm done with you two, I'll go and get Jin once again. A fool needs to be taught, after all... and my men would welcome the Fire Lord the way he deserves. Of course, I will see to it that your women take care of— nngh!"

Azula suddenly felt weak in the knees, a throbbing jolt of pleasure shot up her spine as an intense heat overtook her body due to the pleasure from the pain she received from her bruised wrists. The next second, she was on her knees, biting her lips with enough force to draw blood to stop another moan from leaking but that itself made her shoulders shiver. Her eyes widened as Nik and Mai silently observed her, not the least bit shocked.

"Jin is such an awesome girl... but you're right, a fool needs to be taught," Nik chuckled as he stood behind Mai. His hands began to peel the layer of her clothes until Azula's eyes widened at what she saw!

Wearing nothing more than a thin strip of black cloth that tied around her waist and hung around her shoulders and thighs, covering many portions but her breasts and naked crotch, Mai enjoyed the sensation of Nik's hands over her shoulders and his body behind her, the crotch of his pants strained by the bulge he packed that he fully pressed against her pale and perky butt, "Mai would like to be your teacher. We don't generally do this but... I suppose special methods are required for someone as special as you, Princess."

Nik's gaze narrowed from behind Mai. He truly felt... devilish at the moment and no, not because Azula only saw his pair of violet pupils sparkling with avarice behind Mai as she stood in front of him. It was because... Nik found that somehow, he had influenced Mai and not just with how some of his requests would broaden the horizon of many in his harem but with how he'd let Mai onto Azula. There were many ways this could end. And usually, he would have mediated if things went out of hand but not this time...

He deeply desired to see where this would end up taking him alongside others and would he even be stupid enough to deny Azula's and Ursa's charm? No! He wanted more... he could accept more. So, why not take steps or in this case, not take the action to have his desires fulfilled, too?


Shoutout to MrKnighty, Branden Eugley, Alhron Ello, Anthony Pignataro, SanMarco Geddes, Jacky Chen, Jimmeuht!!

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