Paradise of Infinity

Chapter 169: The Staff

Chapter 169: The Staff

Chapter 169: The Staff

"So... Nik's not in the tavern, too?" Jin questioned as she sat in front of the pleasant owner of the Tea Store and Nik's master— Mushi, across a game of paisho. Honestly, she had no interest in the game but she had nowhere else to be. She had cleaned her face while Mushi prepared the pot of tea and sunk in silence after he shook his head and responded, "He will return in a few hours."

"Would it be alright if I stayed the night here? I..." Even before she could add anything else, Mushi chuckled and sipped on his tea, "Of course. Any person in need is welcome here... do you wish to talk about it? A conversation over a cup of tea and a game of paisho is most pleasing and relieving."

Jin was about to deny it but thought for a moment and then nodded, "You know what... I like the sound of it. I don't think I'd be able to sleep right now anyway."

And just like that, Iroh with his moniker of Mushi and Jin began to play the board game while she began to unload what had happened. At first, Jin was a little hesitant. However, Iroh was a good listener and when she found she hadn't bored him to death... she began with the truly vile part she had faced recently, from her girlfriend no less.

In her state of venting and gaming, Jin failed to notice a sense of disappointment and helplessness in Iroh's gaze. What Jin went through was terrible... and it made his expression contort slightly by knowing who was the other party.

"Don't get me wrong, I liked Zulon... well until he decided to march into my bed and force his way into many things in a single night... but both he and Azu have some serious issues to deal with. Azu is too controlling... too scared and, too... unresponsive. She wouldn't try to make me feel happy at all... it was part of her charm at first but now..." Jin shook her head.

"And Zulon... he's too confused... even now, I wish there was some way I could help them, for Aunt Ursula but not before letting her know that I won't be her toy anymore. I just... I can't imagine what even goes in Azu's head that she could come up with stuff like this..." She huffed and placed a game tile on the board while Iroh digested everything she had to say.

"I'm sorry, Jin... no person should ever feel like getting toyed in such a manner," he smiled softly, "But it is relieving to see that you still want to help them. It's the thought that counts in moments like these. Your situation actually made me recall a distant legend."

"A distant legend?" Jin grew curious.

"Hmm, it is said that long ago, a pair of friends named Ra and Raat walked on these lands. Ra was always smiling and walking ahead. Raat was always silent and following behind. As such, Ra was the first to greet people happily and when he moved ahead, Raat's silence would make the people they meet feel a little stifled."

"One day, Ra looked back and questioned Raat— Why don't you ever talk to anyone else or smile at them?— To this, Raat replied— I already have you doing that for me. I don't like others but I like following you. So whomever you smile at must also face my silence. Your smile is beautiful and your nature is lively. But I don't mind being the dull one of us two."

"You see, Raat was conscious of his nature. He liked following Ra, but he felt that he didn't have anything of value. Sensing this, Ra grinned at his friend and admonished him— Dull? Nonsense!— With that, Ra pulled back Raat's pitch-black hair to reveal his dazzling, almost starry eyes."

"From then on, Ra smiled and cheered others but as they met the silent Raat, they were enamored by his starry eyes. They enjoyed his silence as it allowed them to observe the beauty of his eyes and appreciate him truly."

Iroh nodded at Jin, indicating that he was done with the legend as she sighed softly and sipped her tea.

"So which one am I?" She questioned, "I left Azu... and whether I admit it or not... I had thoughts of infidelity before this happened..."

"Jin... just like the sun brightens our day and the night allows us to silently introspect our lives with its celestial sights... we aren't any ONE of them but both. Do not mistake happy smiles for not holding painful experiences and never assume the silent stares to be devoid of emotions. You didn't have an understanding of the current Azu, and you finally walked out. It's a courageous act. And courage is shared by both Ra and Raat."

Jin grew silent as Iroh placed his move on the table but stopped centimeters before, "Now, see? If I do this, I win... but we are having such a pleasant conversation so I will do this instead." He placed the tile elsewhere as Jin scoffed and rolled her eyes at him.

By the end of it, as Jin began to feel exhaustion take over her body, she smiled and thanked Iroh, "Thanks a lot, Owner Mushi... I thought I wanted to meet with Nik but... talking with you helped me a lot."

"It's quite alright... how about next time we talk, you tell me more about those siblings so I can help them in your stead?" The request sounded strange but Jin nodded regardless, "How about tomorrow morning? After all, I'm staying here."

"Haha, very good," Iroh grinned and set up the spare mattress for Jin to sleep on.

As she did, Iroh massaged his forehead, "Oh... I don't know if Azula and Zuko would have been worse than this under their father... but still, it's a good thing Ursa escaped with both the kids..."

He thought of Nik then who had strangely shown interest in something like lightning bending when it should have been reserved knowledge of the Fire Nation Royalty... truly, the stronger they are... the stranger the younger generation feels.


Nik and Mai learned something new about her skill that they dubbed sensitivity bending. While Mai could easily mark someone who doesn't oppose the link... she could also mark an unconscious individual relatively easily. So, the two of them stared at the petite woman tied down on a chair with her mask placed aside and a blindfold covering her eyes.

"Where am I?" Jet questioned but Nik silently observed her. After Toph, June, and Suki captured her, they left it on the 'standing' group to extract value from her. Suki did eventually come to realize that the woman was from the same terrorist group that had attacked them in name of freedom. And it was easy to convince Jet to enter his personal space... Nik found a loophole. All he had to question was whether she wanted to see how he made things disappear and she agreed. Nik didn't even wait for another second to knock her out, blindfold her, and send her into this room to be tied down while it was Mai who was more interested in the act of extracting information.

After all, she even went ahead and made a contract with the Flower of Fertility to have the ability to pleasure her opponents while harming them so her interest was reasonable.

"I said, where am I?!" Jet struggled against her bindings. Of course, Nik secured her hu he wasn't about to let her understand anything. As far as he was concerned, Jet shouldn't be handed to Azu... Azula, because the former leader of the Freedom fighter may just be aware of them and would give Azula the information about them that he didn't want to.

"We ask questions here," Mai smirked, plainly smacking Jet's thighs as she squeaked suddenly. Her body shuddered within her confines while her thighs struggled to squeeze together. Mai had already toggled Jet's sensitivity to 5 times, after all... and Nik couldn't help but sigh at the remarkable skill as Jet's crotch had begun to dampen at a breakneck pace.

Of course, Nik didn't have THOSE thoughts for Jet, no. Far from it... he was currently having the hots for dominant Mai who leaned forward, her fingers tracing Jet's cheek as she whispered, "I'll get everything out of you..." her tone was stoic but Nik knew better. Mai was excited. He could smell it.

"Nik, I got this... do you want to stay and watch or..." She looked at him curiously as he shook his head, "The same situation with June."

"Hmm... understandable," Mai nodded. They truly needed to clear things regarding June once and for all but it was just too strange. Even Nik didn't know what he should actually do to rid her of the supposed curse but June was fine with the status quo for the time being.

As such, Nik left Mai alone with the quivering Jet who would have the time of her life... ironically. Of course, Mai wouldn't forget her real purpose and make her spill the beans alongside a lot more.


"Ummh..." Jin woke up to the sound of movement around her. She still lay sprawled over on the kitchen floor as her eyes slowly opened only to find a rather affectious, brown-skinned woman noting her gaze and smiling at her. She was beautiful, Jin thought. Like Yue from yesterday. Ocean blue eyes, her hair neatly tied into a braid with two great loops pulled out that made her look amazing. The woman smiled, "Hey, you're awake. Take your time... it's still a little over dawn. If you want, I can wash the dishes later."

"Hmm... no, it's alright. Um, I'm Jin, nice to meet you, and good morning," Jin sat up slowly, her palms rubbing her eyes as she was certain her bed hair wouldn't agree to anything in this world for some time. For a second, she silently observed Katara washing the dishes... there were many, many dishes...

"Is it really just dawn? Did you guys open the store already?" She couldn't help but question even when she knew most of the plates shouldn't even be used to serve tea.

"No, we just had our breakfast. Three of us usually leave early in the morning then Nik has training, too, so we just try and eat together if possible." Katara smiled and explained.

"Um..." Jin rubbed her eyes for a second and looked at Katara who seemed to have stopped leaning against the sink and questioned with a gulp, "How are the dishes still getting cleaned?"

"Oh, this?" Katara looked sideways and raised her hand, causing a flatware surrounded by water to pull up, too, "It's called waterbending."

The door opened up this time and a Poppy appeared with her hands holding a stack of empty plates as she deposited it over on the sink and looked at Jin, "Oh my, awake are we? Come on, you should eat something while he hasn't gone through the day's stock again."

Katara winced slightly, "He's still eating?"

Giving the woman a sidelong glance, Poppy couldn't help but give an amused smirk, "Look who's talking. You're the one who usually works him the most... the least you can do is be happy he still has an appetite."

Blushing, Katara began to wash dishes alongside waterbending to make things quick while muttering, "I don't..."

She does.

"Here, I'll help you out," Poppy rolled her sleeves up and wore an apron. Though she has been part of a wealthy family for many years, it was her sheer beauty that allowed her to compensate for her humble beginnings when marrying her former husband so chores like this weren't foreign to her.

"Where's Mushi?" Jin inquired while standing up and trying to comb her hair down with her fingers, an unsuccessful attempt it was as Poppy smiled and wiped her wet hands against the apron before gesturing her to step forward. As Poppy settled her hair, she also spoke up, "Owner is outside, trying to have an eating competition with Nik... although, his belly would most certainly fail him. It's still entertaining to watch the two of them breathe the food down their throats. I hope you're hungry because we do have a lot of ration still remaining."

Jin blushed at the touch. Only Ursa had ever shown such maternal care this naturally before but she wouldn't deny it was comforting to have first thing in the morning. Nodding, Jin quickly exited while Katara whispered, "Hey, Poppy... she swung by yesterday night... what do you that's about?"

"I don't know," Poppy muttered idly while doing the dishes alongside Katara, "I thought I heard Iroh saying something about swapping when he was whispering last night's details to Nik."

"Oh?" Katara grew curious. After all, Iroh hadn't explained anything Jin told to others except for Nik.

Meanwhile, as Jin went out of the kitchen... it was right to say she was in a daze.

There they sat, almost taking up half the area of the seating region for themselves. Women... many of them. In the center of them sat Nik and Mushi who continued to eat down whatever was caught in their hands. Not only that, but every woman in the encirclement was also eating something.

"Fire comes from the stomach so it's necessary to keep it stoked, right?" Nik cackled, snatching the piece of bread from Iroh's hand and practically inhaling it, "There you go! More heat!"

Not betraying his round belly, Iroh scoffed and slurped up a cup of broth before sighing, "Puah... you have the raw potential, young man. But the art of eating is ack—" Seeing Nik steal a dozen of items when he was about to preach, Iroh acted once again while Michi caught sight of Jin and waved her over.

"Mai, this is Jin. Jin, this is Mai, my daughter that I told you about. Come on, have something." Michi smiled while Jin nodded. Not far from her, Jin even saw the woman with the terrifying beast as she was wholly engrossed in the battle of food titans.

"Hi..." Jin muttered and Mai nodded silently.

Seeing the utter lack of enthusiasm from Mai that her mother displayed, Jin couldn't help but feel slightly awkward.

"Mai doesn't really talk all that much," Michi shook her head with a wry expression and began introducing others just for the sake to make Jin more comfortable while serving her breakfast that was already present on their table, "The one that looks like a bandit is June and the girl next to her who looks like a doll but actually IS a bandit is Toph. The one with face paint on her face is Suki. She also teaches me some self-defense techniques... hmm, and you already know Yue."

"Woah... do they all work here?" Jin questioned as Michi shook her head, "No, of course not. Do you think those who like bandits and are bandits would want to work?" she smirked.

"Hey! I heard that!" Toph scoffed and Michi retorted, "Oh, you love being called a Bandit!"

"That I do!"

"But all she really is is a coddled kid," Mai mumbled.

"Fuck you, Mai!" Toph snarled and Michi frowned, "Language, sweetheart. Or do you want Mai and Poppy to punish you again?"

"I'd pay to watch that," June chuckled, winking at Jin, "And nice to see you up and running, girl. Where did you knight in shining armor go?"

June's words caused Jin to freeze up as memories of last night emerged once again.

His breath against her lips... his rough kiss... his almost broken expression when he realized how wrong he was to jump the gun...

It just made Jin lose her appetite, "He's fine," Jin mumbled in a monotone while Suki elbowed June and scoffed, "Does your insensitivity knows no bound?"

"Hey, I just asked her a question," June narrowed her eyes.

"There we go again, catty confrontations," Toph shook her head.

"Shove it, let's go," June snorted and looked at the entirely unconcerned Nik, "You'll get us the map?"

"Forh shuubhh," Nik grinned, his cheeks filled and his voice muffled as he gave an ok sign with his thumb and index finger as June unceremoniously picked Toph up and left with Suki but now before waving at Jin, "If you're gonna stay, hit me up later. I'm new 'round here, we should drink or something. I'll tell you all about Nyla and how sweet he is."

"Nyla?" Jin tilted her head.

"My Shirshu, the one that scared you," June smirked and left and Suki turned around and looked at Jin, "It's better not to get drunk with her. She'd lead you to make some questionable choices— uhk!" Before Suki could fully snitch, June pulled Suki away with her unreasonable strength, too.

"Puah... that hit the spot," Iroh finally leaned back and patted his belly, "Should I prepare the tea while you help our guest?"

"Hmm? But I'm still not finished," Nik smiled as Iroh's expression froze.


Replying with his action, Nik picked a large bowl of meat broth and chugged it down. Everyone around him felt full seeing him DO that but he only exhaled in utter satisfaction, "Now THAT hit the spot!"

Iroh snorted, mumbling something under his breath while Nik continued to rub his belly until Yue smiled and called out, "Shouldn't we start cleaning things up?"

"Uh... In a minute..." Nik groaned, purposely leaning further into his chair to protrude his belly out comically and burping slightly.


"You still haven't moved," Yue smiled 'kindly' but her words were jabbing as everyone around him had started to clean up.

"Wow, you really like to grind it, don't you, Princess... I'm, ah, entertaining guests," Nik looked at Jin and hurriedly waved at her, smiling and now filled with chuckles as his actions couldn't help but make them roll their eyes at him. He really shouldn't have tried to eat that much if the result would have been temporary incapacitation out of satisfaction... then again, everyone around him had felt the same at some point after being too filled.

"Hey... sorry to have bothered you," Jin did come over, apologizing while sitting. But after she'd got something to fill her empty stomach with, she felt a little better.

"Come on, no worries. Mushi told me about what happened and only me... that was definitely outrageous, huh..."

"You have no idea," Jin pouted, hanging her head low and she looked around. She knew that at least Yue was in a relationship with Nik as he'd rather easily kissed her yesterday or she heard but Azu seemed to believe that something more was going on around here.

"Jin, I'm not going to look the other way. It was fairly obvious why you came here yesterday and I am relieved that you met Mushi. Don't get me wrong. But Mushi just knows how to calm someone down and allow them to think straight if they want to think straight."

"I did," Jin chuckled, blushing slightly as he was right, it was fairly obvious, and seeing him not beat around the bush made her feel slightly reluctant, too.

"But if you still want to talk, have a drink, or anything else. You should know that I'm not about to just keep you at bay. Oh, by the way... do you work somewhere? If not... would you like to take the job of dishes back in the kitchen? We'll pay—"

"I'll take lodgings and this kind of delicious food over pay anytime!" Jin replied quickly and it was clear she was thinking about breaching the subject. Her words caused Nik to smile as he leaned forward. Though surprised for a second, her eyes widened as she gazed at Yue and then back at Nik before blushing even more heavily and leaving for the kitchen quickly.

"What did you say to her?" Yue and others looked at him as the white-haired princess questioned curiously.

They had yet to fully understand her circumstances but Nik looked rather casual about it as if it wasn't anything new for him and truly, in the face of the drastically shifting technology of his new homeworld that Nik still hadn't fully understood, the act of wilfully swapping partners and such... wasn't anything new to him.

Since they had a lot of time before the opening of the store, Nik quickly went ahead and completed his chores while


Shoutout to Yann Schurmans, msafz, Alexander Nduka, Skoll, Kushar Dipesh, Mr Crowley, Leigh Robertson, Pierre-louis, Ahliyor Teshaboyev, Jonas Lyhne, x xx, Cdubey, Derrick Porter, TC, Seliores, Mordeus, Justin Cuningtion, Joseph Bibb, Andrew, The Rew, Keldris, Primordi, ExitialeUmbra, Danny, Nikita Yablochkov, and Angel Diaz!!

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