Paradise of Infinity

Chapter 159: Laying the Truth Bombs

Chapter 159: Laying the Truth Bombs

Chapter 159: Laying the Truth Bombs

"Woah, almost got me!" Nik smirked while avoiding the water whip to his legs and then instead stole the water from Rena's control before shielding against a throttle of dull knives with a circular shield of ice yet he wasn't given respite as he was shackled by slabs of earth against which Nik slammed his head hard!

The front of the slab cracked apart, giving him enough time to raise a gargantuan wall to block Sun's and Toph's blow but even if he could hear Aang and Sokka behind, all he could do was manipulate air without much movement and swirl a mini hurricane. Something that Aang cut apart rather easily to reveal Nik no longer in the confines of his shackles but Toph's loud yell was heard nonetheless.

"Caught him— Ah, damn!" her frustrated groan rang as Nik, who had been burrowing through the ground, instantly caused the ground to shake and break off her concentration just enough to plunder her control over the rocky arm that contained him and shoot out of the ground.

Suki met him alongside Mai the next instant as the more dangerous of the duo now used rubber-pointed needles while Suki wielded a wooden blade to make Nik step back for a second and then suddenly dash forward to hold her wrists. Smilingly, Suki thrust herself forward and coiled her legs around his waist, "Caught you ~!"

The next second, Nik jumped high into the air as Suki's expression crumpled, her stomach fluttering as she couldn't even scream. Meanwhile, Sokka and Mai ended up attacking one another with their boomerang and needles. While the latter avoided the boomerang, Sokka gasped in pain.

Yet, even the sky wasn't safe for Nik as he held Suki in a princess hold and caused gusts of wind to shoot through his feet in swift bursts to cushion his landing where Sun waited with a wide grin of his own and his arms layered with plated rocks.

Nik then cast a glance at Katara who had water swaying around her, ready to swat him down the moment he enters her range.

And then he looked down at Suki, who had her sword held against his neck...

"You know, in a real battle, it isn't under a woman to use her beauty," Suki whispered before pecking his cheek. Of course, this was bullshit. But he did let his emotions get better of him to hold Suki comfortably so that she doesn't vomit on him...

"Huff... fine, about time we end the spar..." Nik grinned, feeling good about himself naturally. His growth these past few days has been explosive! Just knowing about things didn't make him better but when he began to train and apply various foundational techniques... the results were immediate. Of course, that still didn't solve the major issue of learning Lavabending but at least, Nik had started getting serious with firebending that he still hadn't shown to the group because there was no firebender around.

But the thing to note is that he wasn't the one who caused their sparring sessions to be this blown up...

"Happy?" Nik smirked at Katara who couldn't help but let out a defeated sigh, "I hate you."

"No, you don't," Nik scoffed as a matter-of-factly and she groaned, "At least, let me have this..."

"Fine, you hate me," he shrugged.

In reality, it had been a snowball of sorts. From Katara, the situation continued to escalate until everyone realized that due to his reserves and now added knowledge, it was going to be hard keeping up if they all didn't take him on together or... Aang didn't enter the Avatar State.

They would have been jealous of him if Nik had continued to keep all the knowledge to himself but the truth was that he could share whatever they wanted to know with this group.




Only four individuals still stood aside.

Yue, Michi, Poppy, and Tom-Tom who couldn't wait for Aang and others to leave so that he could follow them, too.

"You were amazing," Yue skipped forward, adoration clear in her eyes as she didn't mind others' gazes and pecked him on his lips while Michi and Poppy had gotten to understand more about the battle. They didn't intend to fight, but they definitely intended to learn more from Suki now that the training was beginning to benefit their body and deep down... Nik couldn't wait to see Michi and Poppy in their Kyoshi outfit.

"Good stuff... let's go and pla—" Before Aang could complete, Toph held the back of his neck and dragged him away, "Not until you punch through five more boulders!"

On the other hand, Nik looked at Mai. They still had their own training about using hidden weapons.

Naturally, at the moment, all of them were out of Nik's personal space.

Before he and Mai could step aside for their training, Sokka huffed and approached Nik with a sigh, "Hey, can we talk? We should discuss a few things before we do leave today..."

Nik looked at Mai who shrugged. Her meaning was clear that he could choose what he wanted to do so, it wasn't hard to decide to hear Sokka out.

"Yeah?" Nik inquired once they were a little away and leaning against a tree as Sokka cleared his throat.

"Well, with Pakku going off to the Southern Tribe... I was left wondering how things are going there so... do you want to tag along? The kids loved you and Aang... they'd probably want to see you again... you know, before you disappear."

Nik blinked in surprise but he had a question of his own, "I haven't thought about returning to your village but... tell me this... if I were to ask you to come along with me, with the villagers... would you be willing to settle within the Personal Space?"

It was Sokka's turn to be surprised... he could see what Nik was actually trying to get at and the idea was definitely feasible...

"Then what about the risks? If we're alone then it's fine but if you're running into different... worlds, god that sounds too weird... then is it actually safe to stay with you?" Sokka's concerns were duly noted but Nik couldn't help and sigh at this point, "It's definitely a risk... what I wanted to ask was... would YOU be willing to settle in there... if, you know..."

Sokka mulled for a second and then the more he thought, the enticed he felt.

"I won't lie... seeing other worlds... other civilization sounds enticing. Truly. But then before I leave, I would want to hand the tribe to safer hands or if you would just man up and tell everyone the truth, I would be able to ask the villagers frankly if they would want to leave with you."

Nik's gaze flickered and he smiled, "Wouldn't that be something..."

Sokka smiled in return, "So? Are you planning on telling them?"

"Yep, that I do... and the more I think about it now, the less weird I feel. I mean... I have a Library inside my head. Things can't get a y weirder." Nik pointed at his forehead as Sokka clicked his tongue, "Lucky bastard!"

"Thanks. Anyway, I wanted to try and see if we can find your father in Ba Sing Se. You know, we can meet there later. Give the kids my regards though."

"Do you even mean that?" Sokka rolled his eyes as Nik chuckled, "Just a tiny bit."

But that wasn't the end of the conversation as Nik continued, "Did you ask Katara? She would want to come along."

"I did..." And then Sokka punched Nik's arm not quite lightly, "She said she wanted to travel with you although you guys really DON'T travel all that much."

"Sorry... you said to not ignore Katara. I'm just doing what you asked."

"Oh, fuck you," Sokka groaned before chuckling, "Do you think Michi would let us borrow Tom-Tom? Say what you will about him, he's literally one of the sharpest tools in the shed."

Nik looked at Sokka before scoffing, "Are you crazy? I'm not asking Michi that!"

"Then ask Mai," Sokka shrugged while Nik pursed his lips.

Nik glared at the youth and shook his head eventually, "I'm not going to do any of that."

Sokka groaned and then looked at Nik, "Think of it this way... if Tom isn't here, you can have some time with Michi!"

"You think I'm 5 years old?" Nik sneered, "I'm already having plenty of time with everyone."

"Fine, fine... you win. It was never about the boy," Sokka shrugged, "But let me tell you this... he will want to stay out... like Toph."

THAT got Nik's attention. He wasn't trying to be a bad stepdad or something but he's already been balls deep into his stepdaughter... so he can probably skip the formalities as Nik silently brooded over the matter. But eventually, he didn't want any hand in Michi's son being spirited away so he left without a reply but due to the problem Sokka left him in, Nik did flip him off.

The Avatar's group was almost ready to leave but much to everyone's surprise, and probably even Michi's, she turned to her son and gave him a look. She had seen him train.. and now that she had started practicing here and there herself, Michi was well-aware that even compared to average fighters, Tom-Tom would come out on top.

Mai was that cruel in her training.

And so, she groaned and pushed him forward, "Don't you want to go with Aang? Boy, if you want to play hero, you've got to stop worrying about me and Mai so much. We'll be fine... just be safe."

Even before Tom-Tom knew what was happening, in his daze, he climbed atop Appa while still gazing at his mother. And just when he felt his eyes threatening to spill large, wimpy tears, he rubbed his eyes and grinned, "Thanks, mom! I'll... uh..." blushing furiously, the boy finally mustered, "Miss you...!"

He didn't dare look up for the next half-hour but Michi was more than satisfied. Elated, the mother hung her arm around Nik and watched her son leave and once they were left alone, just when they all thought that Nik was thinking of making up for all the lost time in their other training, Nik finally opened up, "I want all of you to know... the kind of problem I'm facing right now. It's what you all wanted to know for so long..."


Nik looked toward everyone present as they silently took in what he had to offer. The truth may have been simple but if it was beyond their wildest imagination... what else could they feel but a grave stupor?

"You were killed?" Yue gulped and questioned. Her gaze was more worried than ever since she had seen her own demise in the flashes of the future Tui had to offer.

Granted Nik didn't have to go THAT far about his truth, he selfishly wanted to earn some points and let them cope with the truth a little better. If he was selfless, a harem was the last thing he'd end up finding himself into.

"Yes..." He kept it concise, having already explained many things about his past and how he intended to leave this world, too.

Others finally came to realize that if Nik had actually gone ahead and proposed to each of them and even if they had said yes, the news would have struck even harder that time.

"So... a whole different world... amazing," Toph only had this to offer but Poppy didn't try to inhibit her daughter's ambitions. Instead, she felt she had fallen into quite the dilemma.

"Yes," Nik nodded, "And as selfish as it sounds, I hope that I can take you all..." Although he sounded confident at first, as he saw their mullish expression, even he couldn't help but falter by the end of it. In the end, it was too great of a news and he assured of that by stating what they stood to lose. Even though he wanted them to come, it could never be done while leaving an undercurrent of remorse and regret.

"You may lose your loved ones here... tribes and villages. Cities and traditions... Of course, I don't mean your immediate family, and Yue's suggestion of wanting to build the Personal Space gave me the thought of bringing others in, too... for instance your villages so that you're not left alone, feeling trapped..."

Suki was the first to speak after a few minutes of silence, "I would be willing to—"

"Don't make promises on anyone else's behalf... please," Nik whispered as it caused Suki's lips to quiver. Smiling, trying to psyche himself up but only presenting a sad one instead, "Everything may just turn out for the better. But I know you always want to return by the side of your group... you want to teach young girls how to better protect themselves... so this decision of yours and everyone else shouldn't just hang at your words alone because... if it turns out to be a lie... it will be devastating. I will be."

"He's right," Yue responded this time, "I know the sense of love and responsibility we often feel for our home... but my home has been by your side for a long time now. Nobody makes a decision for me, everyone here treats me well... and I enjoy your company the most. If there is a civilization to live in... well and good. If not, I'll still be satisfied by your side."

She moved closer to Nik and pecked the top of his head, "So, I will give everyone a chance to think for themselves, too. Should we go outside?" She gently held Nik's arms and he was quite reluctant to leave. A part of him, despite all the warnings he stated, wanted others to speak similar things like Yue and be by his side but... he eventually stood up and followed Yue towards the thicker end of the foliage.

He wasn't too far away that they may be threatened out of nowhere but he wasn't within his level of earshot, too.

"It was a brave thing to do... my warrior," Yue whispered as the moment they reached away from everyone's gazes, Nik wrapped her into a hug before listlessly falling to the ground and leaning against a tree. His hands weren't looking to do anything perverse but holding Yue and hearing her calming voice truly soothed his heart.

"Is it wrong that for a moment there... I wanted to be forceful? To lock every one of you until I had you submit to me..."

Yue blinked in surprise but spoke without many worries, "Hmm... everyone has a dark side... just as I first wanted to hurt Hahn using you... the question is, by forcing us, who was the person you really wanted to hurt?"

"I don't know..." Nik whispered knowing the answer was himself. But it felt too complicated... too deep. He would rather not think about it especially when he was already wrought with worry and all sorts of distressing emotions.

"My warrior... you are brave... and now that I know more about you, my convictions remain true. If it's force that you desire, you would have taken such a path... and maybe, towards a few in the future, you just may adopt this path... but who would even complain?

Those beings you dominate?"

"You're pretty smart for a sex-scroll reading princess..." Nik hummed, a chuckle full of mirth escaping his lips as the Princess pouted, "Now that your arms are sneakily getting lower, am K to assume I did a good job cheering you up?"


"Hmm, then I deserve a proper's princess reward!"

"I know— to be treated as anything but a princess," He whispered against her ear, "But I'll have you wait for now. With everyone... because I don't really see leaving anyone of you here alone..."

Yue could feel the sheer determined exuding from his voice a soft, mewling whimper escaped her lips while she nuzzles against him. It's as she said, he was her home... and it was beside him that she found comfort.


"I don't know what to think..." Other girls hadn't moved at all. They had stayed together long enough to know that even if it felt like an individual decision, in reality, they had to look out for one another now more than ever. So, Mai was the first to let out an exhausted sigh and reveal a cloud of confusion and hesitation that she couldn't move through.

"I know... I'm leaving!" Toph claimed, making Poppy gasp.


"Like Yue said... Nik helped me. Well, that's arguable since I would have caused destruction to his household the moment he thought of trying and chip me away like some barter." Her words made Poppy pause, "He makes me happy. I don't know about marriage and all... and how it will make me feel any different. But I don't want to try and find someone all over again just because I got cold feet now. New world? New challenges? I'll have them with or without my bending."

"It's easy for you to say," Katara muttered, "Your family is here with you... but how will I tell Sokka about this—"

"He knows," Toph interjected as Katara's head whipped up, "What?!"

"Yeah, he knows from way before, if I have to guess. I found that bit out in the library."

Katara's gaze turned blank for a few seconds before she nodded and sighed, "Now I want to refuse traveling with Nik for a whole different reason... how the hell Sokka knew it before me!"

"That's what I said!" Toph scoffed.

"Girls," Michi interrupted with a soft sigh, "You're allowed to freak out without blaming others... "

With that, both of them turned quiet.

"I mean... if Tom-Tom comes along... it's simple," Michi mumbled under her breath while Mai glanced at her mother. If she had any different thoughts she would have said it out loud but as Mai already said, she didn't. In fact, to Mai, staying with Nik wasn't a matter of only bodily pleasure... that she could take care of with even the worst guy in the world by increasing her sensitivity...

But would she have the heart to not find a handsome man attractive? His devotion to them amazing. And even if there is a healthy chance that they wouldn't be the only ones... as long as Nik has the mind to not forget them, would they feel bad at all? In fact, chances are that they themselves would be too busy coping with changes if any.

Actually... almost all of them including Katara had half the mind to accept it right away but they stayed their hand to see if any other issue might crop up...

The only person who truly felt conflicted was none other than Suki.

Like Nik, she was devoted to many other things aside from him. She took her teachings seriously and even if she didn't have any parents while growing up, she did have the Kyoshi Warriors and her village as her family and it was probably because of this very reason Nik stopped Suki from giving any promises because if they turn out to be empty...

Both of them will eventually feel devastated.


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