Paradise of Infinity

Chapter 151: Outburst

Chapter 151: Outburst

Chapter 151: Outburst

Nik found Toph in the morning as they had discussed last night. They weren't going to act in the morning, of course, but later in the evening where she would raise a ruckus and force Lao to return. The underground prison aside from earthbending could only be accessed by the Beifong Trade House near the statue of the Phoenix King.

As they walked, Toph suddenly revealed, "You know, we did meet outside two days ago. Near Yu's Dojo."

"Hmm?" Nik looked at her but couldn't recollect seeing Toph. Despite her volatile nature and affection for cursing others, quite frequently in her parents' absence, Toph was quite literally a doll with how her hair had been combed and the cute dress on her body. Of course, the fact that wearing shoes, at least, with slightly thicker soles made her 'vision' blurry so she had to hold Nik's hand and made him compare their heights. Poppy was closer to Michi in height but Toph... is small.

No doubt she had a woman's body, but she wasn't exactly stacked either. He would call her petite but her words were— Fuck Petite! I'm a grown-ass woman!

"You know, I had my hair cover my face? Walking barefoot. You were with someone else. I never thought you'd end here," Toph smiled as Nik's eyes widened.

"You're that destitute little brat?" Nik gasped when Toph's remarkably soft but firm hand tightened around his intertwined fingers as she let out a threatening, "Huh?"

"Hey, don't make me pretend that you aren't small or cute as a button. You might not like hearing it but it's true," Nik frowned, this time exerting his own strength. Strangely, Toph's physical strength was as great as his. At least, the way she exerted her strength made it clear. How long she could last, however, is unknown.

"Stop spouting stupid things..." Toph looked on the ground, her fair porcelain cheeks flushing a rosy pink and she muttered, "A blind thug like me ain't cute..."

"Again, I'm not gonna pretend that it isn't true," Nik shrugged.

"Then I won't pretend either... Nik," Toph scoffed. She expected a halt in his footsteps but he continued entirely unconcerned and inquired, "How did you know?" His curious tone made her swallow back a spiteful comment for sleeping with her mother.

"I just do," she muttered, "How can you bend multiple elements? I once eavesdropped on mother and father talking about you. They said your whole shtick is making things disappear."

"Well, my hidden shtick is bending multiple elements," Nik smiled. They weren't closer to the estate as they walked around the garden. There is still a little time until Lao calls everyone for breakfast. Right now, he might be checking the inventory.

"How?" Toph questioned while Nik couldn't help but let a yawn escape. He hadn't slept well last night with two needy mothers on his bed. Hearing him yawn, Toph let go of her question and sneered with a dirty grin unsuited to her current display, "My mom and that woman Michi didn't let you sleep last night?"

And then she realized what she had done.

"You've been spying on us?" Nik tilted his head as the girl sputtered. Not waiting to hear her explanation, he shook his head, "Not cool."

"It wasn't like that!" Toph let out a hushed shout with a frantic expression.

"Then what was it about?"

"... I... have no explanation," her shoulders slumped as they walked. Her blunt honesty made him chuckle.

"Well, if you must know how I got to bend the four elements, my situation is a bit like you. I stumbled across something who took interest in me... that's about it. Your story has a Badger Mole, mine has a spirit."

"Spirits ain't real."

"Your father's integrity ain't real, more like," Nik snorted while Toph blanched. She felt she had met her match for the time being. Not regarding Earthbending, no, but insulting someone's honor.

"Spirits are very real, you'd do better understanding that now. And each one of them... is dangerous in their own rights. Isn't Avatar the bridge between humans and spirits? Don't you know that?"

"I know... screw it. Fine, so you can also bend all elements, huh?"

"Yep, and more. There's bloodbending, lavabending..."

Nik began to describe the variety of other bending styles he had learned. He even told her about Bumi and his ability to bend without movement... which Toph claimed to have mastered to some degree. But her interest was completely hovering around Lavabending.

"So, you're telling me that an Earthbender can make the group turn into a steaming puddle of lava that can melt things! Whoo! I'm not even annoyed that you're sleeping with mom."

"... With how you've been constantly droning about it, I think otherwise," Nik muttered.

"Oh, please. We've all had our problems. I'm just happy mom... won't be used..." She sighed softly and stopped, "I never knew that was the true reason..."

"Cheer up," Nik smiled and tugged the girl who yelped due to sudden yank, "Your mother wouldn't want you sad... or even knowing all of this. And as you so humbly declared, I'm better than your father so she's gonna be fine."

"When did I say that?"

"You indirectly meant it."

"Nope, did not. And despite his problems, my father is the wealthiest and controls the town! How are you even better?"

Had Toph asked this when Nik just after he had been given a second chance at life, he wouldn't have an answer but now he did.

Sporting a cocky grin, he pulled the beautiful girl into a princess carry, "First of all, I am young. This means, Poppy can get tired of me but I won't get tired of her. Secondly, I have a freaking battleship that I can drop on anyone!

Third, I bend four elements and more, a multitude of women, too, while your father bends his... well, own prick probably.

Fourth, while your father is wealthy, I can make his mansion and trading house disappear with a single tap of my hand."

Toph hadn't had so much as squirmed in his grasp. In fact, she soaked in what he had to say and hummed thoughtfully, "What do you mean... multitude of women?"

"Multiple women."

"Not the literal meaning, you perverted ass! Why say that?"

"Oh," Nik smiled, "I'm engaging in multiple affairs that deal with providing pleasure to many parties as they would try to co-operate and tolerate my shenanigans as I bring forth more and more—"

A portion of ground under him slid and almost made him slip and tumble down alongside Toph as she snorted, uncaring of the damage it would have caused her, "Stop screwing with me."

"It's a harem, doll," Nik muttered, "Wow, feels a little corny saying to someone else..."

"I cringed," Toph mustered with as much Monotone as possible.

"I humbly apologize," He sighed as she arched her brows, "So? Am I to assume that my beauty has attracted you? You did call me cute, right? RIGHT? You can't take something like that back. But I think if you just listen to all my—"

"What the hell are you on about?" Nik inquired, bafflement clear on his expression.

"Why are you holding me like this then?" Toph frowned.

"Because a Spiked Turtle would have overtaken us!"

Toph blushed at that and looked away. Well, she didn't know which side was away so as she hung her head low, incidentally facing Nik, she buried her head in his chest. Although she realized what had happened belatedly, aside from a cringed groan, Toph didn't move her head.

"Don't worry though," she heard Nik speak, "You're definitely cute, I won't take that back. But you're also going to be my teacher... and well, I have a little bad reputation amongst my most recent teacher bar one... no, three," he recalled Aang, Sun, and Hama.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you know about the harem I just said?"

"I remember cringing."

"Well... three of them taught me things to some degree. Bending and fighting techniques amongst other things."

"Really? I haven't heard of any harem in the Earth Kingdom... so? Consider my attention yours. How many chicks you've gathered?"

"Including your mother... hmm, 6," Nik smiled, "And don't say things like 'gather', Doll. They are all sweet and noteworthy."

"Woah... how do you feed them? Where are they?"

"Well, that's a discussion for another time."

Despite constantly pestering him to tell more, Nik kept his quiet, and when they were closer to the pavilion, he let her down and she slowly made her way up to where her mother waited. She instantly smiled at the sight of two beings that could bring joy to her.

She did feel a strange knot in her heart and revealed a complicated expression when Nik helped Toph up the stairs but she kept her mum about it.

She had more things to consider now. Not only for Toph's safety but also for his preference. Unknown to Nik and even Michi, Poppy found pleasure in serving. Or, the act of serving and reward. That much was clear from last night as she openly declared Nik her new master, even opting to give him the right to who should she sleep with aside from him. Earning her gratitude with a rather common act of kindness and selfishness, in turn, making sure that Poppy understood she belonged only to him if she was so ready to 'serve', they didn't understand her dedication to the act. Or precisely, they underplayed it instinctively.

Only when Nik stepped aside to play the role of the guard did Poppy fuss over her daughter as usual. But to her pleasant surprise, Toph was reacting... eagerly instead of her usual, almost stiff responses. She smiled more. She nodded more. And she was more receptive than ever. Instead of plain 'Yes, Mother,' Toph had more to speak.

For the first time in ever, Poppy felt her daughter's flair return.

So, while she was happy, Toph was also trying to ease her guilt by being more responsive. No matter how much she hides it or plays it off... she was deep down horrified. Her mother had gone through terrible things but had the strength to smile. It was almost poetic that Toph, too, had her set of troubles which she dealt with growing up but... hearing her mother so happy yesterday, Toph wanted to be a better daughter... at the very least, in front of her mother.

Deep down, she was also a little scared. The things her mother went through almost felt traditional and if so... what would have happened to her?

Blind Bandit may be an irredeemable thief but her father hid her from the eyes of the public as much as he could as if she was the most beautiful existence. Saving her... treasuring her...

If her mother could be sent to someone else's bedroom for money...

What about her?

It creeped her out but she didn't let any bout of weakness show on her face.

"Ah, everyone is already present. How wonderful!" Lao arrived as Michi and Poppy engaged in a pretentious short conversation, unaware that Toph had stood witness to a pretty scandalous event last night.

The trio greeted Lao as he nodded and sat down.

"The Bandit did not strike yesterday, too. Toph, darling, did you sleep well?" Toph flinched slightly as her father patted her head and almost felt disgusted by herself. No matter how much he tried to hide her away, he had never done anything bad for her and the thought of doubting her father... despite the recent revelations made Toph lower her head in even more guilt.

"Yes, father," Michi and Poppy noticed the differences instantly. Michi pursed her lips. It was as if she was viewing a young Mai, the thought of which pained her motherly heart.

Gleeful, Lao nodded, "Very well. Miss Michi, is it about time you delivered me Mayor Bumi's message?"

Michi smiled in response, "Yes, he asked me to deliver it tomorrow evening specifically."

In fact, there had been some words Bumi wanted to spread under his name. Of course, he wanted them revealed at a very specific time, too. But it was conditional on how quickly the group achieved its objective.

Lao nodded with a hearty smile. What was one day's worth of wait?

As they began eating, Lao continued to chat about many things. But the women had their own thoughts right now.

"Dear, I remember now," Lao smiled, "Minister Qin will be arriving tomorrow to discuss his interest in our trading house and mines. Be sure to prepare everything for him."

Poppy's hands halted in their tracks while Michi glanced at her. Biting her lips, Poppy was about to agree instinctually. But, for the briefest second, she looked towards Nik. His head bobbing up and down indiscreetly.

The fact is, he had stared into the 'abyss' that Esta proclaimed until she broke him eventually. He had gained the will to escape out of revenge once again but had been betrayed nonetheless. Still, Nik wished dearly that in those dull moments where even the brightest color felt grey just because of one person and her clutches on him... there could be someone to encourage him. Maybe just say— It's going to be alright.

He had recovered, luckily. And he wasn't alone. He wasn't about to discredit the women around him. Yes, there had been an attraction between them for other reasons but being with them AND conquering battles, experiencing many situations, Nik had... gotten better. And so, he wanted to fill that role for Poppy. He had promised to never abandon her, just as his mother and caretaker, Cresta had promised to him only to betray him and then die an uneventful death. Unlike her, he intended to keep his promise.

Seeing him nod, strength returned to Poppy's polite smile. Her almond eyes lit up with a sense of fervency.

Compared to the wealth that her husband could provide and the satisfaction Nik could, she would choose the latter. After all, the price to pay for the former is a cold shoulder from her husband and all but greedy men hungry for her body who would indirectly force her to whore herself out...

She didn't want this anymore as normal as it still sounded to her.

"Minister Qin, hmm... I think I will let a servant prepare everything he needs."

Not even expecting such a response, Lao's movements dulled as he processed what had happened.

He didn't lose his cool, however. Instead, he sipped from his cup of tea and remarked coolly, "I see."

But his next words shocked not only Poppy but even Toph and everyone else.

"It is fine. I am sure you are tired from showing around Miss Michi. Say, Toph, would you like to help Papa complete a trade tomorrow? We can even move around outside. You've always wanted to go out, right?"

Toph's expression froze. She couldn't... believe what she was hearing. Her breathing turned shallower as Poppy spoke hastily, "Dear, Toph should be resting—"

"You would seriously whore ME out!"

Toph shouted. Loudest she had ever been!

Her hands slammed into the table as it split apart with the delicacies splattering over the platform eliciting heartache from Nik. Despite her modest frame, Toph stood up and took off her sandals before punching them aside.

A slope of earth tore from the ground as she practically hissed, "You would make me go through the same things you forced my mother though?"

Poppy's frame shuddered. Unknowingly, in the scene of chaos as the pavilion itself shuddered, tears began to well in the rueful mother's eyes.

"And you dare say that I've been wanting to go out now as if I'm a pet who can be placated with a walk outside?!"

She slammed her palms together as the portion where Lao stood, still shellshocked by what was happening was instantly torn from the pavilion itself. The portion of the pavilion went crashing back but Lao had fallen on the ground and rolled into the grass earlier.

Hands cocked, fists clenched, Toph huffed with her eyes bulging out of their sockets in rage!


Yet, when she heard her mother's weak whisper, all that anger turned into sadness as she spoke without looking back.

"I'm sorry, mom... the blind, helpless girl you think I am isn't there... I am an earthebender. And I am really good at it!" She clenched her fist, emphasizing the point as all the guards around them sunk into the ground to their necks!

"I have always been good! Better than Yu, better than other masters you sought out for me. I am blind, but I can see! Believe it! I am the best earthbender this kingdom will ever see!"

She panted softly, her chest heaving in and out as she looked back. With a shy and coy smile that Poppy had never seen on her doll.

"And I kind of... spied on you last night. Actually, I could always see without looking as if there aren't any walls around me so... sorry. But you shouldn't feel bad. I don't love you any less than I always have..."

With her lips quivering, Poppy silently pulled her daughter into a deep hug. Toph didn't resist. Instead, she closed her eyes and enjoyed the warmth of the hug.

"Toph, oh, Toph... I'm sorry," Poppy sobbed, "I never wanted you to ever be considered for it. I never wanted you to replace me. Never... never..." she chanted. Her words made even Toph tear up.

At this moment, what they felt wasn't just sadness. It was years of complicated emotions and frustration that couldn't be put into words so... they cried in each other's arms. Both of them did.

Lao regained his bearings. Slowly, he pulled himself up. His robes were marred with mud and he could taste the sappiness of the grass in his mouth. His expression turned into a deep scowl. His gaze finally flickered with venomous anger and he stepped forward.


With all the guards down in one fall swoop, even benders of their caliber unable to bend without necessary movement, Nik stopped Lao with a tremendous wave of flames that burst forth his fist.

This instantly attracted Michi, Poppy, and Toph while Lao screamed in fright and stepped back.

"Right... things would have been simpler if you'd just kept your pimping mouth shut," Nik took off the helmet with an exhausted sigh as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Michi," Nik looked at her and realized what he wanted to convey.

"Mayor Lao, what Mayor Bumi wanted to express was...

It's Time for Revolution!"

The next second, almost as if in sync, Toph knocked her father out cold with a small pillar of earth jutting out and striking his chin.

Nik looked at the waves of flame that had begun to spread and looked towards one of the Firebending guards who were still reeling from shock, "Right. Which one of you can actually put out such a flame—"

"Screw them!" Toph shouted as Poppy gasped.

"Toph, dear... language!"

"Ah... shi— dam— ahhhh! I can handle it!" Toph was instantly frustrated and as she'd expected, she couldn't curse at all in front of her mother.

Instead, Toph exaggeratedly skipped a step forward and pushed her palms out with her wrists bending inwards, and then pulled back!

It was as if something heavy was stopping her from pulling her arms back but... the large portion of ground trembled and the next second, Toph had flipped the ground splattered with flames.

Nik and others gaped.

While she had claimed to be the best, Nik still considered Bumi the best in the art. However... at such an age... and given her potential...

Nik looked at his newer and cuter Earthbending master who didn't snort out a chuckle every few seconds and was fun to hang around with unless you're hungry. Then she's more of a bitch. But overall, a huge improvement over Bumi.

Still, he felt his senses tingling. He wasn't planning to be a good student at all. While he had laughed at her claims to be treated as a woman, right now, she had never looked anything but that.

"See that? Chump!" Toph sneered at Nik when Poppy finally spoke up, "Toph, you must treat Sir Nik with respect! Never call him names!"

"Huh?" Toph looked at her mother in surprise. What happened to their rekindled bond? Their tear stains hadn't even dried but Poppy showed she liked herself getting smeared by Nik way more.

It felt like Toph's smugness was transferred to him as he continued to smile and with an impish thought, Nik turned to touch the cobblestoned path of the estate and...

"Let's go!" Nik chuckled alongside Michi as the Beifong Mansion disappeared. Only their garden was left but the plants were alive and Nik didn't know how to get their permission.

The many servants of the large estate fell stunned as the structure disappeared completely but now that the things were out in the open... many more things were bound to disappear!

Nik particularly eyed that statue. Not for the personal space but to feed to infinity for AP.


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