Overpowered Broadcast System

Chapter 64: Become a Blessing Koi? (2/2)

Chapter 64: Become a Blessing Koi? (2/2)

After seeing the auspicious clouds, surprisingly, many people started praying for blessings. Ning Feis live room instantly became a wishing house, more and more people in Ning Feis live room posted pop-ups.

At this time, Ning Fei also felt good mood.

No wonder the ancients could write such grand poems as the hand can pick the stars, the water of the Yellow River comes from the sky, raise a glass to the moon, because at a particular moment, the magnificent natural scenery will make people feel a different mood.

For example, now, the sunset light sprinkled on Ning Feis body, so that his body is clad in a layer of light gold.

Ning Fei put the cloth bag containing the bellows, Swiss knife, flashlight, ignition stick, etc. to the ground, so that the body completely empty, then, his feet horse stance, hands into palms, actually a starting gesture.

Chinese martial arts, Tai Chi!

Tai Chi, martial arts to perform the Taoism, pay attention to follow the Tao of Heaven, use the momentum to exert force.

The real Tai Chi is a combination of rigidity and flexibility. It is when it should be slow, when it should be fast, the action should not only be fast, but also explosive power!

In the past, many fake masters, Tai Chi compared to Qigong hands lightly pushed, opponents will cooperate with the flight of a few meters away, are pure bullshit.

Ning Fei at this moment practiced Tai Chi, and the park bosses to strengthen the body Tai Chi is not the same, his movements are fast, looks more explosive power.

The drones camera pulled away, it is zooming out

The mountains spread, the sunset sun, the top of the mountain, a Taoist priest is to my immersion in the moves, his movements are suddenly calm and steady, suddenly domineering and fierce, each posture is both standard and full of beauty, so that people look extraordinarily comfortable.

This scene, no longer know what language to describe, netizens can clearly feel, the kind of peace of mind, heart and soul of the mood.

More and more netizens began to send pop-ups to pray for blessings.

Many netizens dont like to send pop-ups when they watch live broadcasts, but seeing so many words of blessing, and then seeing such a pleasing live picture, they cant help but send their blessings for their families.

Douniao live platform, at this moment, the head of the technical department Wang Hai saw a certain live room suddenly flooded with a large amount of data, which directly led to the live room line full and live room lag.

Whats the situation? Such a large stream of data?

Wang Hai was dumbfounded, and immediately checked, only to find that it was Ning Feis live stream, and the pop-up retention rate had surged to over 70%!

You know, usually the live broadcast room, almost only 10%-20% of the audience will speak, at most when the famous scene, the speech rate can reach more than 30%.

Now, Ning Feis live broadcast room actually reached 70%?

Im going, so fierce?

Hurry up and add bandwidth, and even out some more lines for him!

Wang Hai immediately operated and gave all the spare lines to Ning Fei, only barely holding up the huge amount of pop-ups from the netizens.

At this time, Wang Hai was also curious, so he clicked into Ning Feis live stream to take a look.

First of all, naturally, there were dense pop-ups, covering up the entire screen.

Wang Hai shielded the pop-ups to see the specific content of the live broadcast.

Mountains, sunset, red clouds, martial arts

The beauty of this scene looks like it was made by special effects.

Im going, can I still see this kind of scene in the live broadcast room? This has reached the level of film production, right!

Wang Hai exclaimed.

You know, outdoor anchors usually live broadcast is the reality of the situation, the countryside often look a little shabby scenery, and will not be so atmospheric.

And now Ning Fei is good, an endless mountain formed a green ocean, he was playing Tai Chi on the peak of one of the highest mountains!

This tone, completely not a level ah!

Looking at this beautiful scene in the live stream, Wang Hai also did not hold back and sent a pop-up screen.

I hope I can make a fortune this year and get rich overnight!

This pop-up of his, mixed with countless blessing pop-ups, floated in Ning Feis live broadcast room.

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