Overpowered Broadcast System

Chapter 178: The Retribution of the White Antler Spirit Deer (2/2)

Chapter 178: The Retribution of the White Antler Spirit Deer (2/2)

The hole was deeper than expected, probably going almost three metres.

It looked like the poachers had put in a lot of work in the past.

Theres actually a baby moose in here!

Its not a moose, right, but it looks so cute.

Master Ning Guan hurry up and save it, this little deer seems to be injured.

Yes, hurry up and save it.

Who dug such a deep hole here, really heartless.

Its so deep, its not very good to save it.

Go get help from the reindeer tribe, it shouldnt be a problem.

The netizens were getting a little nervous when Ning Fei jumped straight down from the edge of the pit.

This was a somewhat dashing scene.

The pit was not too big, just enough room for one person and a deer.

Ning Fei said to the spirit deer as gently as he could, Dont be afraid, Ill help you up.

After seeing Ning Feis sincere look, the Spirit Deer, which was still a little frightened, instantly became calm and no longer agitated.

Ning Fei raised his head and glanced at the pit.

The three-metre pit didnt seem deep from above, but it was still a bit high when viewed from below.

Going up by himself was a minor problem, but the key was that there was still a deer.

And then, Ning Fei made a decision in his mind, came to the side of this deer and directly lifted it on his shoulder.

When the netizens saw the scene, they all shouted Damn in unison.

Ning Fei put the deer on his shoulders and held it up with both hands to steady it.

A netizen said nervously.

How is Master Ning going to climb up like this?

Then, under the watchful eyes of the netizens, Ning Fei used his Chinese martial art: light kung fu.

It is called light kung fu, but it was just a case of stepping on the cave wall with his right foot, using his strength to step on the other side with his left foot, and jumping up in this way.

If one were to do this by oneself, it would not be too difficult.

The key was that Ning Fei was carrying a deer on his shoulder!

All this happened in just a few seconds. While some netizens were still making plans for Ning Fei, Ning Fei had already jumped out of the hole.

And then, Ning Fei placed the spirit deer on the ground and clapped his hands, not really feeling anything.

He immediately squatted down and checked the Spirit Deers injuries.

The netizens were also able to get a good look at the deer at this time.

This deer was indeed very different from ordinary deer, the most crucial thing being the horns on its forehead, which were glowing white and looked as if they were transparent.

The hair all over its body also appeared somewhat white.

The most crucial thing was the eyes of this deer, which, when viewed with human eyes, looked as if they had been made up and were extraordinarily lively.

What kind of divine deer is this?

Whats this deer called?

A deer is supposed to be a spiritual animal and has always been the object of praise for the literati, this deer is actually so spiritual!

Master Ning, what is the condition of the deer?

The netizens were instantly very concerned about the deer.

Ning Fei took a closer look and confirmed that the spirit deer had only slightly broken its left leg due to the excessive height, and that there was nothing seriously wrong with it.

He remembered that he still had two trauma ointments that he had drawn from the lottery, so he put them on the deers left leg.

This wound ointment is quite magical, it will automatically come off after its effect, so there is no need to worry about the deer not being able to tear it off.

This should be a mutated breed of plum deer, individual differences, just like the grey penguins and white tigers.

Ning Fei didnt want to explain too much.

He knew for himself that it wasnt a mutant species of plum deer.

He used the Biological Encyclopaedia and got the following answer.

White antler spirit deer, a spirit-level creature that only lived in the forests of the far north of China, in extremely small numbers, and was once one of the totems of the ancient Chinese clan.

Another spirit-level creature. Ning Fei said darkly in his heart.

The last time he had encountered a spirit-level creature was when he had caught a white jiao fish during his time at the Qingfeng Guan.

These creatures were a side-effect of the fact that China was a vast land and still had spiritual energy and luck.

This is something that the Taoists have always believed in and are willing to guard.

Your injuries are not serious and you should be able to walk normally.

Leave early.

Ning Fei looked at the White Antler Spirit Deer and spoke in a low voice.

As if it understood, the White Antler Spirit Deer twitched its ears and whirled, then slowly departed towards the depths of the forest.

When the netizens saw this scene, they could not help but feel a little disappointed.

Ning Fei didnt want the white antler spirit deer to attract too much attention, if people only knew it was a plum deer, they wouldnt be so surprised.

After all, there were many places in China where the woods had traces of the presence of a plum deer.

But the name, White Antler Spirit Deer, was a little too big.

Ning Fei hoped that it would just live well deep in the deep woods.

When the white antler spirit deer had gone, Ning Fei looked at the pit next to him and sighed.

He rolled up his sleeves, went to the side to find a very thick wooden stick, and said.

We have to plug this pothole, otherwise animals will always suffer some injuries if they fall in.

Then, Ning Fei got busy. He pushed the soil around the hole downwards with great force. The soil here was not hard and came in quick chunks, so it was easy to push it into the hole.

Ning Fei was busy plugging the hole right at the entrance, and many netizens praised him for his actions.

Then, something that no one had expected appeared.

As netizens watched the live feed, they only saw that behind Ning Fei in the drones footage, the white antler spirit deer was slowly walking back.

When it came back, the white antler spirit deer still had a plant in its mouth that looked like nothing else.

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