Out For Karma: Mass Effect

[Book Three] Chapter 21: First contact

[Book Three] Chapter 21: First contact

Chapter 21: First contact

Life was beginning to get back to normal on the Citadel. At least as normal as can be when people finally realize that war was on their doorsteps. Until Cerberus coup attempt it was a foreign concept to the inhabitants. The fighting was out there, it wasn’t as bad as the news reported. Turned out it wasn’t out there and was as bad. That was a painful wake up call.
Jane had talked with Biley about the situation. Kai Leng had fled through the sewers like the rat he was but not before releasing an VI erasing every trace of footage of himself. She was not worried as she knew she’d met the man again and would properly deal with him this time. At the c-sec commander’s insistence she persuaded her brother to let c-sec keep the program he had given them. It had the easiest interface to read and use and made the work easier and faster. There was almost no text to read and just symbols and pictograms easy enough for everyone to understand what they did.
The redhead had visited Thane. The wound he got while fighting Kai Leng had been devastating and while the surgery had been a success his already weakened body was at his limit. The drell was fine with it, he already survived the prognostic the doctors had given him for his sickness, he was content. Especially since his last act was to save the life of Councilor Valern. After decades of killing people as an assassin, he was happy to end on a good note.

As she made her way to the Normandy to take a shower and get a change of clothes she met Kaidan waiting for her. The man apologized for not trusting her more and said that it would not happen again. Jane simply noted and walked in silence towards the sas of the ship, seeing that she was alone doing so she turned around and spoke.

“Are you coming in or staying here forever?”
“I.. you..” he didn’t quite know what to say to that.
“If you think I’ll deal with Rick alone when you can help, you’re dead wrong.”
“Is that… a punishment?”
“You know, technically I outrank you now. I don’t have to…”
“Get on the ship Alenko.” she said in a flat tone before walking again.
“Yes, Ma’am.” he replied with a smile and followed her.


Rick entered the Purgatory to talk with his mother, when he didn’t find her at her usual spot he was perplexed for a moment. Looking around she saw her further down the nightclub, Jennifer’s kids around her as if she was holding court. Getting closer she was surprised to see his mom with a pleased smile on her face. For a moment he wonders if he didn’t die in the car crash that killed Udina and was just in some sort of purgatory, dreaming everything.

“You’re holding court, now?”
“Why not? Those kids are your students and while childish, are fun. It fights boredom.”
“We’re celebrating, Mister Wald!” said Seanne as she grabbed his arm tightly and put him in the valley of her modest breasts.
“What?” she replied innocently.
“Sorry, girl but I’m married.” Rick replied as he disengaged himself from the young lady and showed her his wedding ring on his finger.
“You’re a widow.” Aria corrected with a frown.
“Well, I’ve never been good at following rules and traditions. The ‘until death do us part’ didn’t stick with me.”
“That doesn’t stop you for fucking around with multiple bitches. Though in this case I’d object.” Jennifer said as she picked Seanne and sent her to her twin brother on the side.
“But Ma’am!”
“Worst sister in law ever.”
“““““WHAT?!””””” Even Aria was on it, shocked at the revelation.
“Oh yeah, I didn’t tell you.”
“You certainly didn’t.” she replied with a frown.
“Didn’t know you had a sister Ma’am.” Pressely addressed Jennifer.
“Didn’t know either until this dickhead told me who I was. Now I’m stuck with him.”
“And you love it.” Rick stated as he put his arm around her shoulder and brought her close.
“As if.” was her answer but her body said otherwise as she didn’t free herself.

Rick looked at Aria and with a jerk of his head signaled that he wanted to talk in private. She didn’t show any acknowledgement besides getting up and making way towards her area followed by Rick.

“Where are they going?” Asked Rodriguez.
“Probably talking business.” Jennifer answered.
“What kind of business?” Micheal asked.
“Well, considering she’s the queen of Omega something criminal related?”
“Ma’am! Are you saying that…”
“She’s Aria T’Loak, yes.”
“Who’s that?” Rodriguez inquired.
“The biggest crime lord in the galaxy who rules Omega and indirectly all the Terminus systems.” Pressly answered.
“Wow indeed. I hope you realize how lucky you are to have fought alongside her and how lucky you are that she found you amusing. She’d killed for less.”
“Who cares about that! I want to know about your sister and Mister Wald!” Seanned yelled, clearly a bit drunk now that Jennifer thought of it. Looking at the said girl and the expectant look in her kids’ eyes, the badass ex-convict sighed.


“He got away.”
“I know. You would have brought me his head otherwise.”
“I’m sorry, I failed.”
“That’s alright.” she replied as she lifted his head with a hand under his chin. “We’ll get him one day. It’s not like we’ll not encounter him again.”
“You’re right on that.” he said, sitting down on the couch as they reached them. “So having fun with the kids?” he asked in an amused tone.
“Surprisingly. They’re annoying but good. You did a good job.”
“Jennifer is the one who developed their biotics. I just taught them to be ready for battle and a few tricks.”
“A few tricks? Like curving your biotics and using your legs?” she asked rhetorically with a brow raised.
“I wanted to surprise you with them in our fight but the situation called for it. Want me to teach you? Curving is easy, using your legs is a bit more work but not that much.”
“Why not. It’s interesting and useful.”
“I have a few more but it’s mainly about using control to augment your power. Though if Jack can’t learn it I doubt you could.”
“And why is that?”
“You’re too used to using your biotic in a certain way.”
“I’ll be the one deciding if it is or not.”
“Alright, fine. The last trick is this.”

Still sitting he created a small biotic bubble around them without using his hand. Aria’s brow shot up high at the sight.

“I’m using the nodule between my shoulder blades. Found out it was possible to train each nodule and use them as well as the one in our hands or feets.”
“Impressive. I need to learn this.”
“That’s not all. Look at the barrier closely.” he advised and she did.
“Fuck me!” she exclaimed, understanding the implications of what she was seeing.
“Anytime, anywhere. Anyway, the control for that is colossal. Just like Jen, you're a power type so I don’t think you’ll get it but if you really want to learn I’ll send you my notes.”

“I’ll definitely look at them. Now back to business, in a week I’m taking back Omega, warn Shepard to be ready.”
“Just her?”
“Mom, I trust the team, they could…”
“I trust them with your own life.”
“And I don’t doubt you but that’s beside the point.” she replied putting the matter to an end.
“Ugh… Your hubris will be your downfall, mom.”
“Perhaps. Now go, I want to hang back with the kids. As annoying as they are, they remind me of a little shit that broke into my home years ago.”
“Please, tell me you just didn’t compare my awesome younger self to them.”
“I did and who knows maybe I can get you some pussy out of it, that brunette seemed eager.”
“Mom! I don’t need you for that, I got plenty of it on the Normandy.”
“And yet, no grandchildren in sight.”
“Are you fucking kidding me right now? Since when do you want to be a grandmother?”
“I am not and since I only have you left.” she said as she stood up and went back to join the cadets.


Rick was spending time with Ashley in a little cafe on the presidium, watching the view. They have been there for a while, simply enjoying each other's company, though Ashley seemed a bit contrite. Since she wasn’t talking, he asked.

“Something on your mind?”
“My family will arrive soon. Sarah… Sarah learned about her husband falling in the line of duty.”
“I’m sorry.” he said as he took her hand in hers.
“She’s holding up from what mom says but not very well. Then there is this place. It reminds me of a time when my father was alive. Family outing, you know?”
“Not really but I can imagine.”
“Sorry, I forgot that...”
“It’s fine Ash. I don’t care, you shouldn’t either.” he said as he kissed her lightly making her sigh in contentment.
“Would you… Would you like to meet them?”
“Your family? Sure. I suppose I have to prepare myself for one hell of a grilling.” he joked.
“Yes, though my sisters are docile. It’s my mom you have to be wary of.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
“Honestly you should feel lucky that it’s only my mom. My dad would have hated you.”
“A military man not liking a scoundrel like me? What a surprise.” he said with a laugh.
“He would have shown you his gun collection to intimidate you.”
“And I’d probably just talk about the pros and cons of each one without a care in the world about his indirect threat and his status as a military officer and your father.”
“I can picture him frustrated as hell and asking me to break up with you or else as soon as the door of the house hits your ass.” she replied with a giggle as she leaned on him.
“That far?”
“Yeah. With time he would have relented though. After seeing how loyal and caring you can be.”
“Yes, I’m sure me dating you and the others would have sat well with him.” he replied with a snort.
“I wouldn’t have let him know.”
“In your dreams, Bombshell. In your dreams.”

The conversation stopped there. Both knowing where it would lead and it wasn’t a conversation they wanted to have right now. Talk of marriage and children was for later, for after the war. Instead, Ashley got up and dragged him along.

“Let’s find a hotel room, Lover. I’m in the mood for a long session of love making.”
“Are you complaining about sex?” she asked with a brow raised.
“I thought sex would come after our date, not right in the middle. I mean, we never properly had a real date before.”
“It’s fine. We’re doing it our way and there will be plenty more in the future.”
“Alright but we’re taking a break in the evening. I want to treat you to dinner in a very nice restaurant.”
“You just want to see me in a dress and wearing heels.” she chuckled.
“That too.”

As they walked away from the cafe to find a nice hotel on the Presidium Ashley asked about how his relationship with Jane was going.

“You’re really weird Ash. You may be the only woman I know who wants to talk about other women on a date.”
“I just want to know how you’re holding up. The things she says during girl’s night… I’m surprised you still didn’t bend her over every surface on the ship.”
“Having your dick sucked is scary now? I learn more everyday. Should I stop?”
“Don’t you dare! Not feeling your lips on me after a few days is pure torture.”
“I guess I tamed you well.” she replied with a knowing grin.
“You’re a freaking succubus, that’s what you are.”
“Everything is fair in love and war. If I want to keep you I have to use underhanded tactics. But seriously, how is it scary?”
“She’s… Before she was just… clingy? And overprotective and bossy. It was… suffocating. Now? Now she’s… she reminds me of Analysse.” he confessed, the last part in a whisper that the brunette didn’t miss.
“Really?” she asked in shock.
“She lets me be and doesn’t order me around but asks strongly. I have plenty of space but she gives me clear and fair rules to contain me. I… I can feel the care you know? It’s indirect and subtil but it’s there. Then there is… her coming on to me strong. Getting what she wants and I just… I can’t say no to her anymore in those situations. There is a hateful voice in my head screaming to just… kick her ass and deny her but my body does the opposite. I can’t muster any kind of control in those moments and it’s not just because I know how good I’ll get it, I just… I just don’t want to… oppose her.”
“Like your heart’s not in it?”
“Yeah. But at the same time I don’t… I don’t feel the need to go further than what she’s doing to me. Not like I don’t want to but doing it would change things and I’m not sure I’m ready for that. If I ever would.”
“That’s alright. From my perspective it’s progress. The both of you got closer.”
“That scares me too. The last time we were close…”
“You made her legs all Jelly.” she joked.
“Sorry! Sorry! It was too tempting.”
“Ah! Ah! Keep laughing, we’ll see how you’d laugh when stuck in a wheelchair with jelly legs for life.” he replied as one of his hands went for her ass and squeezed.
“You can’t! You won’t be able to look at my legs and ass anymore!” she replied as she put her own hand on his, inviting him to squeeze harder.
“... You win this time.” he shot back dejectedly, making her laugh again.


After a wonderful afternoon, evening and night, Rick had to carry Back Ashley in a princess carry to the ship. He half suspected that she was playing him with her sore and non responding legs but he indulged her nonetheless. The smile of pure contentment and bliss on the brunette face shot down any protest or rebuttal he could have made. And he didn’t dislike the experience, quite the contrary. He loved feeling the soft kisses she gave him on his neck as she had her head buried in its crook. He wanted to drop her off on his bed but the fair lady asked him to bring her to Liara instead. Entering the asari’s quarters she saw his girlfriend in a very nice white nighty sitting on her bed talking with his sister.

“It’s a girl, Dr. T’soni. Careful, the package is heavy!”
“Hey!” Ashley protested and bit his neck.
“With how wonderfully big it is, that’s not a surprise.” he added and moved his arms so his hand could squeeze her well toned ass. “You’re lucky there aren’t many as good as this one.”
“You can put it on the bed. I’ll open it later.” Liara said, getting in on the joke.
“I’m right here you know?!”
““We know.”” Rick and Liara answer in unison, making Jane laugh at the scene.

He tried to put his lover down the bed but she would have none of that. Locking her arms behind his neck she held fiercely and it was only thanks to Liara’s whispering in her ear that she finally let go.

“I was going to ask if you were ready for our date but I can see you’re not. And no I won’t let you out of this room dress like that.” Rick spoke to his girlfriend.
“I’m sorry but we have to reschedule. Mother is arriving tomorrow, not today. Something happened on Illum and her flight was delayed a day.” she replied contrite.
“That’s fine, it’s not a big deal. I’ll find something to do.”
“Me!” Jane shouted prompting everyone to look at her. “I mean… you promise me a date so why not now?”
““You did?!””

Both Liara and Ashley, who raised her chest up, looked at Rick in surprise.

“I was under duress.”
“You were not!” Jane protested.
“You used on me the same tactic we used to get you your spectre status. Asking me to meet with your mother then asking me for a date.”
“It wasn’t like that.” the redhead defended.
“Who cares about the how! You have a date!” Ashley yelled. “Now you! Get out, we have girl things to talk about and do.” she said pointing at Rick who immediately left, then turned to Jane. “ And you! We’re going to prep you up. No time to waste!”
“She’s right, Jane. You can’t waste this opportunity!”
““No buts!””
“The only butt that matters is yours, thrusting back and meeting his cock! Liara mind starting?”
“No but why?”
“I’m not sure I can stand on my feet yet…”


Her many protests had gone through the thick skull of her girl friends. Instead of wearing wonderful lingerie - Ash’s words - which in fact were down right slutty, Jane went with a more modest but still totally seductive underwear. The whorish dress that the brunette lent to her was also denied and Jane simply went with a casual look. At least as casual a really tight jean which emphasized her heart-shaped butt and which, she was pretty sure, would rip if she made too big of a movement. Next was a two size too small green shirt that artfully showed her belly button while distending the cloth around the chest area, forever ruining it for any other woman that would try to wear it, unless they wanted to be shamed. Thankfully for her, her N7 leather jacket that EDI provided for the occasion - something that the AI wanted to give her at a later date - hid most of her shirt. It didn’t hide the shape of her bust by any means but it did the job. The last touch was her face. Her lips were a deep red that went perfectly with her white irish skin thanks to a new lipstick. As for her eyes she had put on some evergreen eyeshadow and a dark eyeliner making her emerald eyes a sight to lose yourself into. Finally the last touch was her earrings, two small and thick half silver rings on each of her lobe.
Looking at herself in the mirror under every angle, she found herself quite pretty. Getting out of her bathroom she was met with Ashley, Liara and surprisingly organic EDI. The brunette looking at her simply whistled loudly, clearly impressed.

“That good?” the redhead asked, owning it.
“And more.” Liara replied with a smile.
I’m tempted to throw you on the bed and have my way with you, Skipper.”
“Sorry, Ash. Still not interested and I have a date right about now.”

“I do have to say that from my limited perspective you are… physically more appealing to the eye than usual.”
“Thank you, EDI.”
“That’s what good clothes and a bit of makeup do to a woman. Want to try?” Ashley asked the AI.
“Why not? I’m next the day after tomorrow, that would be an interesting new experience. I wonder how Rick would react.”
“Well, we’ll know tonight or tomorrow morning.” Liara teased.
“Probably tonight.” answered the redhead with a sigh.
“It’s not like he’s the only guy around. Can’t wait to see Joker’s face when he sees you.” snickered Ashley.

Checking the time, Jane saw that it was almost noon and that she needed to go if she didn’t want to be late and make Rick wait. Taking the elevator with the others, she exited the CIC and went up the ship, meeting along the way a certain special com officer Samantha Traynor that had her eyes locked on her and her jaw on the floor. Jaw that Jane picked up delicately with her hand, closing the younger woman’s mouth and gave her a teasing wink making Traynor blush the reddest she ever did as she didn’t stop a second to walk.

“Hey! Joker!” Ashley yelled.

The man in question hearing his name being called out, turned his seat around.


His question kept on going as he saw his commander, his brain completely frozen and not unlike Traynor with his jaw hanging low.

“I hope you recorded that, EDI.” Ashley asked, laughing.
“Oh! I would never miss recording Jeff’s embarrassing moments.”
“At least now you know how good you look to a healthy male, Jane. Good luck.” Liara said, giving her friend a hug.
“Thank you, girls.” was all she said before leaving the ship.
“I think the commander broke Jeff. Curious.” EDI said as she poked him tentatively on the cheek. The man was clearly unresponsive. “Should we help him?”
“No.”/ “Yes.”
“What? I want to see how long he’s going to stay like that. And it’s not like we can slap him out of it.”
“Perhaps…” EDI began then her synthetic body that was on the co-pilot seat extended her hand and sent a small electric shock to the man’s rib. It worked as intended and Joker jumped a bit out of his seat.
“EDI!” Liara protested disapprovingly.
“It worked.”
“That’s not… Nevermind.”
“What happened?” asked Joker, confused.
“I shocked you to snap you out of your… transe.” the AI answered.
“You froze when you saw Sheppard dressed to kill or rather fuck.” the brunette explained.
“So it wasn’t a dream then?”
“Dream? Do you dream often about the commander, Joker?” Ashley inquired teasingly.
“I... You know what? I’m not playing that game, I have work to do.” was all he said before turning back around his seat making Ashley and Liara laugh as they went back down the CIC with organic EDI in tow.

Still feeling in a playful mood Ashley couldn’t help herself and teased Traynor on the way to the elevator.

“Liked what you saw, Traynor?”
“What? I… What?” she didn’t know right from left anymore, making the older brunette laugh.
“Ashley! Be nice!”
“I believe that Miss Williams is still… horny.” EDi clarified her observation, making Traynor gasp.
“That I am and drop the family name, EDI. Please.”
“After the night you had you still are?!” the asari shot back in shock.
“What can I say Liara, all the teasing, Jane looking like a pornstar, Traynor looking so cute… I can’t help myself.”
“I think Miss Traynor is broken too. Come, a game of chess will keep your mind focused.” EDI that as she grabbed poor Samantha and dragged her towards Rick’s quarter as the chess board was there.


Jane had just gotten out of the ship and passed the Citadel’s sass. She saw Rick leaning against the wall waiting for her and looking at his gun. Getting closer she spoke up.

“You brought a gun to… our date?” she asked with the last part being whispered.
“Anyone going anywhere with you without a weapon has a death wish.” he replied nonchalantly, finishing to inspect his weapon.
“You have a death wish.” she replied with a frown.
“But an annoying redhead among other people forbids me to die, so I’m stuck.” he replied as he put away his gun on his hip. Looking up he saw Jane’s new look for the first time and stayed silent. If he had any reaction Jane couldn’t tell. She hoped the said silence was one.

“Well? What are you waiting for? Lead the way.”
“Me? Why would I?” she asked, confused.
“Because you’re the one who asked for this.”
“I… I thought you would have planned something.”

Sighing, Rick started walking, signaling her to follow. She didn’t need to be told twice and quickly caught up to him. They entered the Citadel’s elevator and made their way to the Presidium. Jane felt like the prettiest woman in the world when she saw some men from all species (and some asari) almost breaking their necks to have a better look at her as she walked alongside Rick. Sadly for her the only one she wanted the head to turn was not looking her way at all. Her mood peaked up when she saw where he had brought her. A big menagerie selling both organic and synthetic pets. It took all her willpower to not squeal in joy when she saw several puppies behind a glass, licking it. Turning around she hugged her brother for all she was worth and buried her head in his chest.

“Thank you!”
“Yeah… well… The puppies are out. At least the organic ones, can’t bring them on the Normandy. EDI won’t be happy with them.”
“I know but still! Think I can ask to see one for cuddling?”
“I don’t… and she’s gone.” he said to himself in a sigh.

To his surprise she did get one of the members of the staff to give her one of the puppies for a bit. The little thing couldn’t help himself and licked her face happily like she was the greatest treat in the world and Jane loved every second of it. When it was time to give the little ball of fluff back she was heartbroken but quickly cheered up when Rick brought her to see the fish. They had some kind that she didn’t have in her aquarium. After some time to make a decision she bought five of them and asked for them to be delivered to the ship. When they exited the shop she was happy as can be and linked her arm with his.

“Where next?”
“Next is food. It’s getting pretty late for lunch so there will be less people.”

He brought her to one of the acceptable establishments in terms of price. Not because he was being cheap but because they were not dressed properly for the uppity ones he brought Tali in. Besides, he doubted she would like those kinds of places. In the end they ended up in a Steakhouse with an Elcor chief. They didn’t know one bit where the meat came from and from what animal but the taste was to die for; so were the fries and the sauce that came with it. After three serving for Jane and five for Rick they were stuffed to the brim. They paid their bill and tipped generously, Jane even asking if the owner, a Hanar, wanted some publicity from her, something that the Hanar readily accepted and gave her a twenty percent refund on the bill, promising that it was a privilege for regulars. The redhead promised to come back often as she loved the steaks making the Elcor blush. Well it was an Elcor so he said he blushed but the result was the same.
They did a bit more window shopping but didn’t buy anything as they already had the best of military tech or noted some clothes that interested her. Rick showed her some special shops. One of them was an antique shop with plenty of old but rare things from all species. Most of them were from Earth as the owner was human but he had everything. This was the place he bought the two shirts that Jane and EDI ruined by simply putting them on.

“Hello, Mister Bean.”
“Ah! If it isn’t my best customer! Welcome Mister Wald! And who’s your… Commander Shepard?!”
“Hello! Nice shop you got there.”
“My, thank you! It’s an honor to have you here in my humble shop.” the man replied, making Rick snort.
“Humble? I’m sure there are close to half a billion credits in goods.”
“Half a…”
“Not quite but close, Mister Wald. Though I would appreciate it if you didn’t yell that out.”
“Of course. It won’t do me any good if some idiots tried to steal anything here.” Turning to Jane he asked if she wanted to have a look around to which she nodded and began to explore the shop by herself. Turning back to Mister Bean he asked some questions. “I had a problem with the two shirts I bought last time.”
“A problem? I assure you…”
“Yes, yes I know they were perfect and the real deal, that’s not what I’m talking about.”
“What is it then?”
“She put them on!” he whispered loudly.
“What?! Who?” replied the man offended and saw Rick point to behind his shoulder at Jane with his thumb.
“She thought it was just a cute shirt.”
“You and…”
“No! She’s just stealing my shirts because my quarters are closer than hers when she ends her training and has to change clothes. Nothing more.”
“Ah! Okay. What’s your question then?”
“Since she wore them, their pristine condition is gone and they aren’t worth much…”
“I wouldn’t say that. Sure the price would be far lower but you could still get a good dozens thousands of credits out of it.”
“Well, that’s still far lower than what I bought them from you so my question is how much could I get out of them since she had absolutely nothing underneath when she put them on if you get my drift?”
“Nothing? Not even…” Asked the man, suddenly very interested in the subject.
“Not even…”
“Sorry! Sorry! I was just surprised. Well… right now with her resume and by focusing on the right target… At least double what you spent on it?”
“D-double? You’re kidding me, right?”
“No, not at all. You don’t know how much perverts and people severely touched in the head are ready to pay for that! Some would sell their entire fortune and their own family.”
“Holy shit.” 

‘And once the war is won the shirt’s price will skyrocket even more.’
“Thank you for the info, Mister Bean. I’ll be sure to contact you if I ever decide to separate myself from them.”

The man nodded and Rick went to look for Jane. It didn’t take long for him to find her in the music section to his astonishment.

“Finding anything interesting?”
“Plenty. That store is amazing! It’s like a time capsule, though the prices are…”
“Out of this world I know but that’s normal after all everything here is not made anymore.”
“Do you know what this is?” she asked as she pointed to a big object under a glass cube.
“That’s a phonograph record.  You put a Vinyl…”
“A big black disk. Like this one over there.” He said, pointing to another glass cube with a big Vinyl in it. “You put the disk down on the phonograph making it spin at a certain speed then you lay the needle on top of the disk and music comes from that big thing up top.”
“I gather that each vinyl has different music on it?”
“Do you have one back home?”
“No. I never saw the point. Current technology gives a better sound and unlike the vinyls, is not limited to a dozen tracks. And while I’m interested just for the collection, I have no place for it.”
“You know you never talked about your home, now that I think about it.”
“I burned it to the ground.”
“Not that one. I mean… After and before… you lived somewhere, right?”
“Not really, I just slept on Aria’s couch or on her bed when she wasn’t there.”
“You and Aria ever…”
“If you’re referring to sex then no. Not for a lack of trying on my part.” he answered Jane with a small laugh.
“I find that hard to believe, you two seem rather close. Even closer than with Ash. She literally had your balls in her hands multiple times.”
“Aria and I have a lot of history together but no, nothing ever happened.”
“I’ll take your word for it. Still I wonder how your relationship came to be.”
“Is between you and her. I know, both of you served me that same speech.”
“Anyway, found something you want?”
“Not really? I don’t know what most of those things are. Don’t get me wrong, sure I'm curious about what they are and what they do but that’s it.”
“Maybe the clothing section will interest you more?”
“Now you’re talking! Where is it?”

Rick led her to the back of the shop where small stairs were going down. Once there Jane had stars in her eyes as she saw aisle and aisle of clothes. They were first split by species then between male and female then by decade. After spending an hour checking everything humanity had to offer, Jane had found a pair of leather boots that reached her calf with plenty of buckles. It was love at first sight for her and went to ask Mister Bean if he had her shoe size. Unfortunately he didn’t but he had just the size above which was fine for her and took them anyway for a reasonably good price.
Having spent enough time in the antique shop the duo left and walked aimlessly in the Presidium. Tired of walking they found an ice cream shop and sat on a bench nearby, looking down at the fountain some feet in front of them.

“Thanks.” Jane said once she ate her ice cream.
“What for?”
“I didn’t do much, just showed you some interesting places.”
“Would you believe me if I told you it was hands down the best date I ever had?”
“Every single guy I dated, not like there have been many but all of them sucked. A drink at the bar, a concert for some awful band the guy was a fan of… One even invited me to a football match of his favorite team! It’s like…I was just eye candy to show around while they did their things!”
“And you… you just alternated with my interests and yours and it was perfect. I did what I like and discovered what you like and…”
“I just did what I did with Analysse. I’m not much of an outdoor person most of the time and she was the one to drag me out. With time I learned and just… mimicked what she did.”
“I wished I could have met her.” she said sadly.
“I don’t.”
“What?!” she exclaimed loudly, her head whipping around to look at him. “Why?”
“I don’t think I could have handled the two of you at the same time.” he replied, making her snort.

She took his arm in hers and leaned her head on his shoulders. Jane didn’t know how long they stayed there in this comfortable silence and position but she didn’t care. She was enjoying the moment and that was all that mattered. Finally she asked a question that has been plaguing the entire date.

“Am I pretty?” she asked as she kept looking at the water falling from the fountain.
“What kind of question is that?”
“When I left the ship, I passed Traynor who gaped seeing me. Pretty sure she wet her panties too. Joker’s brain checked out and most of the male that we came across during our date turned their heads to have a better look at me. You were the only one who didn’t have any reaction at all.”
“I did. You didn’t see it because of the helmet.”
“That didn’t answer my question.”
“It does, indirectly.”
“Directly, please? Indulge me.”
“...You’re beautiful. Especially today.”
“Thanks” she replied as she brought him down to kiss the side of his helmet before melting further against his side.

When they got back to the Normandy it was very late. They entered through the Cargo Deck to pick up her purchases. Getting on the elevator Rick went to leave her alone when they reached the CIC but she held him back and brought him to her cabin. She immediately put her new fish in the aquarium asking him to lift her up, then pushed him onto the bed. Removing her jacket and shoes she simply crawled on top of him and rested her head on his chest as she hugged him. After a few minutes he put his own arms around her and hugged her tight. With a smile on her face, Jane fell asleep.


Sleeping dressed for hours was not the smartest thing to do. In fact all that clothing made them quite hot and when both siblings woke up their mouths were completely dry. Getting out of bed, Jane grabbed his hand and led him to her bathroom for a quick shower. Nothing exciting happened as the redhead just enjoyed the proximity and intimacy with her brother. Not even a simple kiss. When they got out Jane dressed just like she had done the day before. Except this time she forgo the bra as the shirt was already constricting her enough. She was glad to have quickly gone shopping with Liara, EDI and Ashley in the morning before the date. She bought plenty of new clothes for downtime as she was tired of the simple Alliance uniform. When it was time to put her shoes on she decided that she would wear her new boots instead. Once ready she joined Rick at the entrance of her cabin and took the elevator down to the CIC so he could change his own clothes.

‘I wonder if he’ll notice the big red lipstick mark I left on the side of his helmet. Reminds me of Tali, I hope she’s alright.’

Seeing Rick come back dressed differently she smiled seeing that her lips were still on his headgear.

“I have to meet with mom at the embassy in two hours. Want to have breakfast at the Presidium before that?”
“Eh, why not? I’m tired of making my own.”
“Let’s go then.”

They greeted Traynor as the woman exited the elevator and went up the bridge where Joker was already drinking his coffee. They greeted him too before exiting the ship. After a fifteen minute trip they were on the Presidium near the embassies and found a nice coffee shop open all time around. The Turian clerk didn’t even flinch when they asked for two dozen pancakes and said their order would be ready in ten minutes and to sit at a table in the meantime. Jane picked a double table, one for four people as she wanted to sit next to him, looking at the view.

“The guy didn’t even seem surprised by the number of pancakes.”
“He must be used to serving active biotics. Especially now that most biotics in the military are doing their R&R here, colonies being too dangerous.”
“Makes sense.”

They didn’t have to wait longer than told for their food and savored every piece of it. They were almost done when someone sat down in front of Rick, a coffee in hand. Short red hair and emerald eyes that both siblings were familiar with. In a flash Rick drew his gun and pulled the trigger multiple times. Unfortunately for him no shots were fired.

“When did you put the safety on?” he asked Jane as she took the gun from his hand while fixing the woman in front of him with his eyes.
“In the elevator.” she simply replied.
“Good morning, Jane…Rick.” The woman greeted her children, her eyes not leaving her long lost son, totally unperturbed by the fact he had just tried to kill her and her daughter’s common sense was what saved her life.
“Mom, we were supposed to meet in… One hour at the embassy.” Jane said, looking at the time.”
“I know, there has been a change of plans from higher up.” she replied, still looking at Rick who kept on staring back.

He suddenly extended his right hand in front of Jane and did a ‘gimme’ motion with it.

“Not if you’re going to try again and you can’t promise me that you won’t.”
“Fair enough.” He said as he tried to stand up but was held back by his sister.
“If the higher ups are involved it means Hackett and that may be important for the war.”
“You got five minutes, Red.” he answered and sat down.
“Thank you.” she said releasing him then faced her mother. “What happened?”
“Normally, I would have come later but I received a call last night from Steven asking me to be early. I am to take Udina’s place as Humanity’s Councilor.”
“God dammit! Even dead that asshole is annoying!” Rick shouted.
“From what I heard I have to thank you for the promotion.” Hannah replied with a smile.
“Uh… Congratulations, I guess? I never saw you as the politician type.”
“I’m not, Jane. And that’s precisely why I was selected. After Udina’s less than stellar term, Steven, since he’s the head of the Alliance now, wanted someone with a heavy military background. Both to make a contrast with my predecessor and because my reputation is something that people would look up to in those times.” the eldest Shepard explained and that made Rick snort.
“It’s really the end of the world if people look up to a butcher like you.”
“You may call me butcher if you want, I don’t care but of the three of us my death toll is the smallest. Jane killed three hundred thousand batarians. You killed all the collectors when you activated that bomb and destroyed their base. Torfan? A drop in your respective bucket. And let’s not forget your little episode in the Terminus three years ago. Yet people look up to the both of you. Especially you, Jane.”

Rick had no retort to that as it was the truth. While the genocide of the collectors and the murder of those batarians were a necessity unlike Torfan, at the end of day a life is a life. The reference to his rampage against pirates and clans in the terminus when Jane died was digging the knife further.

“What? It’s the truth.”
“That’s not…”
“Calm your tits down, Gingerbread. She’s right, it is the truth.”
“She’s trying to draw a parallel between us, specifically me so we have something in common. I’m unimpressed by the attempt to mingle into my life.”
“It’s an attempt like any other.” Hannah confessed as she put one elbow on the table and rested her head on her hand, her eyes never having left Rick. “The first of many that are to come.”
“Try all you want. I do not want nor do I need you. You’ve been replaced long ago.”

For the first time Shepard’s senior eyes left Rick to look at Jane. She saw the shock on her face and knew that it was news to her. Setting them back on her son, she wasn’t giving up.

“Who are they?”
“Not your business.”
“It is when they did what I should have done. I’d like to thank them for raising you into a fine young man.”
“Thanking them with a bullet to the head, I’m sure. Though if I had to bet I’ll bet on them surviving and you dying. And a fine young man? Every time we’ve met the past three years you’ve been antagonizing me, meaning in your eyes I wasn’t a fine young man. Which is reassuring actually, it means that for normal people I, indeed, am a fine young man.”
“Despite what you believe, I’m not some bloodthirsty jealous monster. And I antagonized you because you were an unknown, very dangerous threat to the Alliance and humanity. I wanted to see you tick and make you slip revealing some information about yourself.”
“And failed. You seem to do that a lot, first as a person then as mother, perhaps that’s why Stevie gave you the post of Councilor, to continue the incompetence.”
“I failed at many things. Being a good mother is the greatest failure of them all but I never failed at my job. Didn’t you flare your biotics in our first meeting? I call that a success though no one had the necessary information to pick up on it.” she replied with a smile making Rick want to slap it off her face with a chair on fire.
“Alright, stop! The both of you!”
“See? Such a failure you need your daughter to come to your rescue.”
“I believe she came to yours.”
“Enough! This is not the time nor the place!”
“You’re right, the five minutes are over anyway.” Rick said then stood up, picked up his gun from Jane’s side of the table and left.
“That went well.” Hannah commented letting out a sigh.
“Really mom?!”
“I’m still alive, I consider it a win.”
“Only because of me! It was pure luck! Seriously, what were you thinking approaching him out of the blue like that?!”
“That I wanted to speak to my son.”
“Mom… I know you want our family back together and I want it too but you’re just widening the gap between the two of you and the gap is already the size of the galaxy!”
“I don’t have any other way, Jane.” she said in a sad tone looking at her coffee. “If I don’t take any chances, any opportunities then I will never get back my baby boy.”
“He’s not your baby boy anymore. He’s twenty-six, a widow and was about to be a dad.”
“He’ll forever be my baby boy long after I’m gone, just like you’ll forever be my baby girl.” Hannah replied with a smile. “That’s something you’ll understand when you have your own children one day.”
“... Are you seriously playing the ‘I want grandbabies' card right now?”Jane replied in a flat tone clearly unamused.
“No, not all. I’m just… sharing a bit of parent wisdom to you. God knows I don't have much of it so it’s even more important that I do so.”
“Now, Jane… Tell me… How could you let him do that stunt on Tuchanka?!”
“Oh, gosh.”  the younger redhead replied, not wanting to get a scolding for her brother's stupidity.


Rick was walking aimlessly on the Presidium. The conversation with his birth giver and every detail of it disturbed him greatly. It has been like talking to an older female version of himself. Her mannerism, the way she spoke, the tone she used and the words she chose. All were too familiar because they were his. He had very few memories of her; he had only been five when she had stopped interacting with him and before that she had spoken like a mother speaking to a child so he didn’t really know her beyond the fact that she was a racist and selfish bitch. But back there, she had spoken to him, an adult. Not him as a child. That was a new experience. He had not missed the peak of emotion in her eyes when he told her that she had been replaced. The side glance to look at Jane had confirmed what he saw. Then there was the bluntness and the truth of what she was saying. There was absolutely no lie in her words. She really considered failing to be a good mother her greatest failure. That was mind blowing to him especially when there wasn’t an ounce of pride in that but instead shame and regret.
Instinctively he made the comparison with Aria. The asari had been supportive, caring and loving but at the same time was uncaring of most things that weren't related to her. He loved and hated that. Hannah Shepard or at least the Hannah Shepard he had just met was different. Where Aria would just shrug away most things he said that she didn’t like, Hannah took it head on and accepted it, fought back when what was thrown her way was inaccurate or simply untrue.

He really didn’t like it. He had accepted that as her son he got some similarities from her but he believed they were few, instead they were so many and so glaring he didn’t know if he should laugh or cry. The realization that he was closer to her than the woman he called ‘mom’ left a bitter taste in his mouth. That wasn’t all, the fact that they were so similar made him wonder if her way of thinking was the same and if it was… Did she orchestrate the whole conversation before her ambush? Did she more or less predict that he will overthink the whole conversation long after it ended? While he was a lot smarter than she was - proven by the fact that she was a simple soldier - she had the initiative. She had the time to prepare and years of experience for those kinds of games. Something he had lacked. Sitting down on a bench he began to think deeply on how to utterly destroy the woman in a verbal exchange the next time they met. There was no doubt in his mind that now that she was the new human councilor she’ll find a way to meet with him often.

Rick was so focused in his thoughts that he didn’t see the time fly by nor Jane sit besides him. When she realized he was in his own world she simply took his hands in hers. It was effective as he looked up at her.

“Are you alright?”
“No. I’m overthinking about some things that I don’t like. I’m drawing memories, making comparisons, making connections. I don’t want to. I want to think about something else but I can’t.”
“What can I do?”
“I don’t know. A distraction for sure but what? I have no idea.”
“A distraction, huh? I think I have an idea.” she said with a mischievous smile.

Raising her hand to the side of his helmet she pushed the button that opened the jaw part revealing everything down the nose. Before he could say anything she kissed him fiercely, putting her tongue in his mouth and playing with his with passion. He immediately answered her back with the same intensity, trying to take back control of the situation but failed. When Jane pulled back she rested her forehead against the top of his helmet.

“Red, we’re in public! What if…”
Better?” she asked forcefully.
“... Yes.” he whispered.
“That was stupid, what if people…”
“We went on a date yesterday and with how close we were at the end on that bench, I’m sure people are already talking. There is also the mark of my lips on your helmet since yesterday.”
“Its location does make it a bit innocent though, so don’t worry.”
“Do you know what would happen if anyone besides our close friends knew about it? Hackett? Anderson? What about Kahlee, heck your own mother?!”
“They’d say nothing because of who you are and I couldn’t care less what they would say to me. I love you. From the moment mom put you in my arms the first time when she brought you home I have loved you. I loved you more and more as we grew up and I will keep on loving you more until the day I die for good. I love you in a way that no one else will ever know from me. No one matters to me as much as you by a mile. So I’m not giving you up. I promised you that and if anyone has anything to say they can go fuck themselves. I’ll burn down on that hill before not choosing you first, no matter the consequences.” she declared as she hugged him tightly, her head resting on his shoulder.
“... You’re not fighting fair.” he whispered.
“I told you I wouldn't.”
“Why did you have to be so stupid back then?”
“Because love makes us do stupid things and I have an infinite amount for you.”
“Well it sucks! It’s the root of most of my problems.”
“And sometimes it’s the best solution to everything.”
“Pretty sure that’s violence.”
“Violent love, then?”
“Violent love? How does that work?”
“Well… If I believe what Ash told me…”
“Oh God…”

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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