Oukoku e Tsuzuku Michi

Chapter 488: Unreasonable Demand

Chapter 488: Unreasonable Demand

Next Morning. Dining Hall.

「M-my hips......」

「Mother, are you okay?」

「You’re getting up in years, so don’t push yours――hiiih! Sue, protect me!」

「Mama, scaryー」

Ruu and Kuu calls out to Mel, who walks unsteadily with a hand on her lower back and takes a seat.

Kuu’s unnecessary comment triggered Mel for an instant, but seeing the teary-eyed Suu calmed her down.

The women other than Mel, who also seemed to have withstood the affair last night, are slumped over on the desk and have bags under their eyes.

Still, they managed to wake up because I was playing with all of them at the same time.

Fucking them until they faint is nice too, but it’s also wonderful to share the listlessness after the deed until we fall asleep.

While waiting for breakfast to be served, I slowly direct my eyes at each of them.


Maria, who played as my innocent lover, blushes shyly.


Rita and Marta, whose uniforms are disheveled, shift awkwardly.


Carla, who looks refreshed after fully enjoying her sexual fetish, stretches.

Catherine, having been satisfied, has a gentle ladylike appearance, Gretel sits down after tottering to her chair, and the Treia mother and daughters help each other to their seats.

「Their behavior is different, but it looks like they’re satisfied.」

Now, the girls who accompanied me to the battlefield from participating last night. I wonder how they’re doing.

「It feels great to do morning training in a familiar place!!」

「You stink of sweat! Irijina-san, please take a bath at least!」

Irijina laughs heartily as usual, while Myla, who notices my gaze, puffs her cheeks and pouts in an attempt to appeal to me. I better do it with her again soon.

I check to see if Celia is also pouting in the same way.

「Fufu, ――was fun, huh? Celia-chan.」

「Y-yes. I guess you can say that.」

Celia and Leah are chatting.

Upon closer inspection, Leah is the one who is actively speaking to Celia, who is replying in embarrassment.

That reminds me, Leah joined partway in the night and she was already dripping wet by the time she came to bed.


「W-what is it......?」

Leah brings her face close to Celia, who pulls back in response.

「You were incredible last night. Cool, if I might add. I really enjoyed myself.」

「I-I don’t remember it because I was drunk! I don’t remember anything at all!」

Leah’s face presses even closer, but Celia pushes her back with both hands.

It’s good they get along so well. I don’t know what she enjoyed though.

(I feel like I’m a little back to normal. Fufu.)

Casie stares ecstatically in the mirror.

She’s at about 3.5 balls now. It’s still definitely an odd appearance.

Sensing a strange aura, I turn beside me――to Nonna.


「U-um, madam......the food has arrived, so I should step away.」

Nonna is staring at her attendant Maruru at close distance――no, she’s glaring at her. There’s no more than a few centimeters separating their faces.

If they kiss here, my dick’s going to get hard again.

「No, I will eat like this.」

「Err, could it be about last night?」

「What might you be referring to?」

「N-nevermind. Hiieee......」

It’s not like she’s laying hands on her, so I’ll leave them alone.

「Kyaa, I’m sorry.」

A soft scream draws my attention to the corridor.

Apparently, a maid setting the table bumped into one of the mansion’s guards and spilled soup on him.

「It doesn’t feel hot since it got on my armor. More importantly, on your next break-」

「I’m working right now! In the afternoon at the courtyard......」

It seems they connected during the secret party last night.

Since waking up this morning, I’ve seen a few men and women around the mansion with a suspicious atmosphere.

There, I hear something in the direction of the garden.

「Haah!? None of you are going to get engaged with me!?」

「I mean, I have a girlfriend. And I promised to marry her after the war......」

「I can’t afford to......so I think it’s better if I remain single.」

「I would have liked it if you had slightly larger boobs.」

If I had to guess, the woman was swept away by the three men who took advantage of the situation wet with lust and had a foursome, but at the break of dawn, the men came up with excuses to flee.

「「「It was because of the alcohol.」」」

「Don’t screw with me!! You fucked me in all my holes and didn’t use any contraception! I’m going to murder you!!」

Sally the attendant shuts the window to block out the ruckus.

Polte is following Sally for some reason.

「Excuse me, Sally-san. About last night, why were you in Adolph-sama’s room......Sally-san.」

「I’m in the middle of my duties so I can’t talk.」

「Hahaha, that was a rowdy but fun meal time.」

As I finished eating with a chuckle and got ready to stand up, that was when Leopolt and Adolph happened to walk in.

「Lord Hardlett, if you have finished your meal, I ask that you please check the plan to reorganize the army.」

「I also ask that you check the repairs of Rafen and the surrounding area as well as the fall harvest and the extra planting of crops.」

I thought it was odd they didn’t say anything to me yesterday and now they’re bringing all this to me first thing in the morning?

Regardless, I hold out both hands and cut off their sentences.

「Sorry, I’ll do it later. I have something I want to talk to you about first.」

I wipe my mouth dirtied from the food I recently finished before recanting my plight to the two men who look at me like I’m about to talk about something meaningless just to evade work. Sorry to say, this time I have a real story.

I put my arms around each of their shoulders, bringing them in for a huddle, and speak at a volume low enough so the servants can’t hear me.

「Eh, you’re kidding. T-there was such a development!?」

I’ll ignore whoever said that.

「We have to recapture Malt, Biado to be more precise, within a week. I want you to come up with a plan.」


Their voices overlap. How rare, I want to note that down.

Astonishment simultaneously washes over both of their faces for an instant before their expressions diverge, Adolph closing his eyes and tilting his head down while Leopolt furrows his eyebrows slightly.

「We will begin mobilization after one week. Is that what you’re saying?」

Leopolt asks a question without waiting more than a second.

「No, we have to begin recapturing after a week. It’s not a time period to sortie.」

Leopolt’s eyebrows curl closer together to each other.

「Is there an additional element we are not aware of? For example, has the house arrest been lifted, or is there an offer of extra income?」

「Not really. I want you to formulate a plan as is.」

Adolph clutches his head with both hands.

「Considering the time it takes to march, we won’t make it if we don’t sortie after three days.I’m counting on you.」

I pat both of their shoulders lightly in encouragement and then leave the room laughing.

「Ah, I’m coming too. Leah, make sure you don’t disclose that topic to anybody no matter what!」

Celia springs up from her chair and chases after me.

Adolph and Leopolt, who froze in place for a couple seconds more, hastily gathered their documents in messy piles and then also went their own ways.

「Oh, right.」

I pound my chest as I stop them with my voice.

「If there’s anything I can do, let me know. I’ll help out.」

Hey, who was the one that clicked their tongue just now?

In any case, I think things will be fine.

「Are you sure......everything is fine? That was clearly an unreasonable request.」

I rub the head of the concerned Celia.

「They would have told me if it was impossible. Since they began to move, that means something can be done.」

I know it’s a tight schedule, but they’ll surely come up with a possible solution.

「Until then, there’s point in me scrambling around. I’m just going to wait for the moment things are ready――」

A maid holding a broom passes in front of me, prompting me to squeeze her ass.

「Kyaa!? P-please save it for nighttime!」

The maid shows me the number of her room.

Fumu, I’ll be intruding tonight then.

――Three Days Later.

「The drafting and preparation of the plan is complete. This is the mobilization scheme.」

I give the document Leopolt hands me a once over.

The numbness in my lower body and the pain in my back stings a little.

I didn’t expect Lammy to acquire such a technique or Brynhildr to be so angry.

Mirumi was something else too, but let’s concentrate right now.

「The troops to sortie――400 including 200 from the penal unit......」

400, not to mention half of them are members of the difficult to manage penal unit.

This group will invade the enemy-controlled Malt and charge into the capital, Biado.

「That’s absurd! No matter how much South Yuguria weakened and how far Malt is distanced from the main warfront, there are definitely at least a few thousand soldiers left there! Attacking with a mere 400 soldiers is suicidal!」

Myla slams her fist on the desk.

Leopolt looks at me and I urge him to continue with a wave of my hand.

「Of course it’s impossible to break through the national border and go south with this army. Thus, we will use another detachment.」

Leopolt nods and then two uniformed individuals slowly steps forward.

One of them is Bejček.

He is a former commander in Vandolea who I picked up along with his subordinate after he was discarded by his country after getting caught in the eruption.

The other is Daša.

She is Bejček’s adjutant and her family was wiped out by the eruption.

I met them quite some time ago in the past.

If I remember correctly, they should have started a new village with the other Vandolea soldiers.

「We will use those former Vandolea soldiers. With how depleted South Yuguria’s forces are, they will see a chance to reclaim their fallen country, form a faction and start to head south.」

「But you two were――」

I was about to say, ‘thrown away by Vandolea’, but I managed to stop myself in time.

Well, that stuff doesn’t really matter, this is a drama.

These guys are former Vandolea soldiers, whose nation was destroyed, and now the party responsible for that destruction has lost much of their vigor.

The alignment of those conditions is enough to create a situation for them to act.

「They will go south in a straight line from the east and clash with the enemy. ......but they are ultimately remnants of an army who cannot get past the border and will struggle there forever. Is that what you want?」

The outline is to use the opening when the enemy force is drawn out and run past the border into Biado.

「It’s true that 400 is a bit dicey, but the enemy doesn’t have a large army either. If the Vandolea soldiers form a faction and appear, the enemy should utilize their full force to stop them. They can’t afford to leave a massive squad in reserve.」

Myla puts a hand to her chin and nods.

Recently, she and Celia have been really cute.

My personal army is still undergoing major reorganization, but 400 can be mobilized without any issue.

Furthermore, the former Vandolea soldiers were always excluded from the count, so they are also free to sortie.

「Are you fine with being a decoy?」

I ask Bejček’s opinion out of curiosity.

「You’re not telling me to put my life on the line or anything, we just have to continue fighting without winning or losing, right? We’re all ex-soldiers, so we can do that with ease. Approximately 5000 are already heading south from the pioneer village and we can meet them on the way.」

「5000, you say?」

The Vandolean village has a population where 9000 are men and all are former soldiers, so they could all theoretically work as soldiers, but getting over half of the village’s men is still incredible.

「This is the best we can do because of the autumn harvest. If we don’t harvest the wheat, the village is finished.」

「That’s good enough. I appreciate it.」

He arranged for this much despite the countless negative factors such as the short notice and having to play the role of decoy.

「You provided us with a way to start a new life after we were abandoned by our country. It’s natural to return the favor......although if you’re asking, I do have one request.」

「Let’s hear it.」

I say with a gradually grimacing face.

Seeking payment is fair and I wouldn’t feel bad about giving it to him.

However, if they call for the revival of former Vandolea like those guys from Libatis, I’d have to lie and use them to my advantage. That wouldn’t feel good.

「Fufu――your thoughts are showing on your face, but it’s nothing like what you’re thinking of. Our nation is already gone. We know it will never come back. What we want―― are women.」

「I see, a valid request.」

I nod at Myla who is hunched over on the desk beside me.

「We don’t simply want prostitutes for entertainment, we want wives......we have a terrible shortage of them.」

「Yeah, I’d agree.」

There are plenty of other places where refugees started up a new village.

But no place started with 9000 men and 0 women.

We’ve made many accommodations for them, but the ratio of men and women remained skewed.

「We’ve picked up girls who have been tossed aside by their parents, wives whose husbands left them......and even women nearby who have a hard time finding food to eat, but that’s nowhere close to being enough. The number of single males are reaching a point where they’re recently claiming to feel attracted to sheep and cows.」

Myla recoils in disgust.

「I got it. When everything has been settled, I’ll request for a large number of suitable applicants. I’ll only be referring them to you though. I’m not a slave trader so I’m not going to force them to do anything」

「Sure, and just so you know, their physical appearance or figure doesn’t matter. For starving men, anyone will do as long as they’re female......also while you’re at it, I’d be happy if you could pull them onto the road or something.」

「......while I’m at it, huh?」

Adolph slumps his shoulders, while Celia and Myla glare at him scornfully.

Anyways, I’ve received his request.

「Alright, now we have the strength and the goal.」

In other words, the military problem has been solved.

「Next is――the money.」

I look to Adolph.

「I’m at a loss. That’s why the only option is to do this.」

Adolph brings out a big stack of papers. From what I can see, there’s a note on them.

「We will sell each piece of paper for a hundred gold.」

「What the-?」

What kind of idiot would offer a hundred gold for a slip of paper?

「Then when the spring tax comes in, we’ll buy it back for 110 gold.」

Oh, so we’re going to be in debt when all’s said and done?

「If we’re unable to buy them back in the spring, we’ll buy them for 120 gold during the next fall.」

Well, if we don’t have any money, it makes sense that we have to borrow.

「By the way, I’ve issued 500 of these slips, which is equivalent to 50 000 gold...... and 80% of them have been purchase by Claire-san. I’ll be honest, I am no match for her. When I think about the aftermath of the war, my head won’t stop aching.」

Adolph comments somewhat offhandedly.

I notice quite a few of his hairs have fallen on top of the stack of papers.

If I don’t settle things fast, he’ll go bald again.

「I’m prepared. I’ll think about it after the war.」

This solves the problem with money.

All that’s left is the political side, in other words the fact where it’s bad to mount an attack without permission when I’m under house arrest.

「That has also been partially solved. Bejček’s squad acted separately from Lord Hardlett’s will and attacked simply aiming to reclaim their home nation. You may be held responsible for the management of territory but you can use the confinement during a disturbance as an excuse to counter the Military Commissioner’s argument.」

Fumu, I feel a little sorry for Erich, but I’ll use it as an excuse.

「The small group marching to Biado will proclaim themselves as spontaneously generated Malt volunteer soldiers. Because they’re a small unit, disguise is possible.」

Fumu, distressed about the military occupation, they will advance to the capital to retake their country. What a wonderful plot.

「However, one huge problem remains. That is......Lord Hardlett.」


Adolph nods and Myla folds her arms.

「For this strategy, Lord Hardlett plans to sortie along, right?」

「That goes without saying.」

I was the one who promised Celestina, so I obviously have to go.

「The moment Lord Hardlett sorties, it renders all excuses useless. Therefore, the premise of this particular plan requires Tristan or someone without a public position to be placed in command.」

I immediately lock my eyes on Leopolt and declare in no uncertain terms.

「No, I’m going. If that’s enough to wreck the plan, then come up with another.」

There isn’t much time as it is, so I can’t leave it up to other people.

That’s the one point I can’t compromise on.

But Leopolt, after blinking once, goes on in the same tone.

「Then we’ll proceed with the spare plan of the operation.」

So you have one after all. Why bother acting with an air of importance?

When he gives a signal, there is a heavy rattling of something being carried in.

「Hey, hey, you must be joking......」

It has an overwhelming sense of intimidation and presence, and is notably shining brightly――

「So you brought this......」

It’s a dark memory I nearly forgot about, the golden armor with a shady history that Claudia gifted to me.

「I know it doesn’t need confirming, but are you telling me to hide myself by wearing this?」

「Yes. Lord Hardlett’s face is known by enemies and allies alike. I’m sure there are many who recognize your fighting style as well. However if you wear this stupidly fancy armor――」

「The gaudy armor will attract attention and make it more difficult for the person inside to be identified――I feel like this has been told to me before.」

I spit out bitterly as Leopolt continues cooly.

「There will be a slight change to the plan. The small unit will not be called spontaneously generated volunteer soldiers, but rather the army of the golden-armored instigator-『Golden Lager sounds good!!』......the volunteer army led by Golden Lager will blitz the capital, free the trapped citizens, reinstate Celestina as queen, and then disappear like a phantom. That will be the plot, is that alright?」

He’s asking for confirmation, but after telling him arrogantly to change the plan, I can’t back off and say I dislike the armor......

「Fine, fine. I just have to wear it, right!!?」

Thus, that was how Golden Lager, the heroic savior of Malt was born.

Protagonist: Aegir Hardlett. 25 years old. Autumn.

Status: Goldonia Kingdom Margrave. Great Feudal Lord of Eastern Area. Mountain Legend.

Friend of the Dwarves. Friend of the King of Aless. Dragon Slayer Hero.

Elf Mediator. Sex King of White City. Mad Demon God

Condition (Hero of Salvation, Golden Lager)


Nonna (insight), Carla (satisfied), Mel (tired relief), Celia (adjutant), Leah (satisfied), Pipi (breeding duty)

Miti (concubine), Maria (concubine), Catherine (pardoned), Gretel (wife), Melissa (concubine), Kuu (lover), Ruu (lover), Mireille (lover), Casie (3.5-ball body), Rita (naughty head maid), Yoguri (playwright), Alice (ass lover), Marceline (string, mother), Daughters – Stephanie (string, eldest daughter), Bridget (string, second daughter), Felicie (string, third daughter)

Sofia (lover), Dorothea (capital mansion supervisor), Claudia (artistic body), Clara (madam’s attendant)

Celestina (sortie), Monica (volunteer corps), Adela (pro lover)


Myla (commander), Irijina (smells of sweat), Luna (free), Marta (altered mini skirt), Sebastian (butler)

Gido (ー), Leopolt (staff officer), Adolph (falling out), Tristan (escape), Agor (assistant commander)

Yakov (free), Mack (free), Jim (consolation money), Suzy (pleased with herself), Solana (speechless), Christoph (penal unit captain), Guigue (reformed)

Altair (founder), Remia (ー)


Sekrit (sortie), Ivanna (floating), T-99 (sortie), Brynhildr (tired of attacking)

Natia (excursion, forest), Felteris (excursion), Ijaris (excursion), Yularen (excursion)

Annette (doubt), Piris (insane, pregnant), Baroness Rukino Escaote (VS Nonna), Seika (VS Carla), Naesys (VS Maria), Nasis (VS Mel), Busco (low-life), Zillia (woman’s intuition), Visitacion (mother), Benel (coma)


Lammy (compromise), Alraune (proliferation), Mirumi (pandemonium), Pochi (building addition), Messerschmitt (sleeping), Tropical Smooth-scaled Monitor Lizard (passionate love), Schwartz (horse)


Army – Southern Goldonia (All units reorganized, unable to sortie)

Escort Unit: 40

Infantry: 2700 ⇒ 2800

Cavalry: 350 ⇒ 360

Archers: 350 ⇒ 360

Cannoneers: 360 ⇒ 370

Bow Cavalry: 1000

Cannons: 40, Large Cannons: 21, Dwarven Cannons: 15, Field Artillery: 15, Chariots: 35


Reinforcements / Allied Forces

105 Army Corps: 3300 ⇒ 3350

Elves: Black: 200, White: 200 (out on excursion)

God Altair’s Army: 1000

Teries Fleet: Battleship Suvorov, Battleship Leviathan IV (temporary), Large Combat Ships: 3, Medium Combat Ships: 7


Eastern Front

Friendly Troops: Malt Volunteer Army (fake): 400

Vandolea Military Volunteers: 5000

Enemy Troops: Malt Garrison: Unknown

Assets: -68 000 gold (cost to dispatch soldiers -50 000)

Sexual Partners: 799

Children who have been born: 70 + 567

Current Location: Rafen

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