Oukoku e Tsuzuku Michi

Chapter 485: A Short Break

Chapter 485: A Short Break

「「「Welcome back!!」」」

Nonna got too ahead of herself and fell, while the other girls ran past her and hugged me at the same time.

They spoke over each other so I couldn’t tell who greeted me.

The girls fight to be the first to cling to my body, the assertive ones leaping toward me, whereas the more reserved girls latch onto my thigh or back.

「Hahaha, this is like a triumphal return from a victory in battle.」

Although the war has not ended yet, the situation is favorable for us. It might be possible for the war to be settled without me being there.

It’s not that I don’t have any feelings for Wilhelmina, but since I’ve been demoted, I’m sure she’ll forgive me if I forget about fighting briefly.

I return embraces and kisses to the women, and also lift some of them up and rub our cheeks together.

「Anyway, let us go inside. Delicious food that took the entire day to prepare is ready for you~」

Maria, who is wearing an apron on top of her pretty outfit, suggests gently.

「We have a turkey that’s thiiiis big. Aegir-sama has to eat lots or else we’ll have leftovers.」

Mel chimes in cheerfully.

I also give Ruu and Kuu kisses after being encouraged by their mother.

「It was me who hunted it though. The size of that thing even surprised me.」

Carla proudly sticks out her chest.

That was when angrily stomping footsteps approached us.

「Urrgh! Carla, how dare you!」

Nonna, with dirt and grass stains on the front of her clothes, charges at Carla.

「Haaah? There’s no way I’ll get hit by such a slow tackle――」

「Do it!!」

「Yes, madam.」

「My apologies, Carla-sama.」

Nonna’s two servants emerge from behind and grab Carla’s arm and waist.

「Wai-, three against one isn’t fair!」

Ignoring Carla’s complaint, Nonna rams at the subdued target at full speed.



Nonna’s flying headbutt lands right in the solar plexus of Carla, who is unable to withstand the blow, and then Nonna drops her gigantic bust on the fallen Carla’s face. From an outsider’s perspective, it looked like her face was mercilessly smashed with a hammer.

Of course, Nonna’s boob hammer is large and heavy, it is also soft and likely won’t cause any injury.

Actually, I’d like her to do that to me. The guards watching from behind are also either awkwardly averting their eyes or leaning forward to hide their erections.

Naturally, Carla proceeds to retaliate.

She catches the masses of flesh swung at her and pinches the tip.

「Kyaaa, that hurt!! Don’t touch my nipple! It’s going to turn black!!」

I’m glad they’re close as usual.

「Nonna, will you welcome me back too?」

「Ah, I’m sorry! Stupid Carla got in the way...... welcome home, Aegir-sama.」

Nonna hugs me and exchanges a passionate kiss with me.

After entwining tongues for a good amount of time, I bury my face snugly in her luxurious bosom and enjoy the sensation by rubbing my cheeks back and forth in her breasts.

There really is no one who comes close to Nonna’s boobs. My face is entirely enveloped.

「Gosh......how naughty.」

Nonna comments, softly pressing the top of my head.

「It really is unfair. No one can compete against Nonna’s enormous breasts.」

「Hmp. If I find a chance and knead her nipples, they’ll turn black someday......」

「Fufufu, it’s a matter of waiting patiently for ten or so years. Once you pass the age of thirty and they start to sag, it’ll be a sight to behold......」

I disregard the wicked conspiracy and, after having my fill of Nonna’s breasts, lift my head and slowly separate from her body.

「Come here.」

I turn and embrace the reserved Rita, Catherine, and the four former royal family members of Treia.

In the process, I fondle Rita’s ass, stroke Catherine’s thigh and tease the bodies of the mother and daughters.

Each of them turn red and welcome my advances except for Catherine, who avoids making eye contact.

「I have something to tell you later......no, something to apologize for.」

「Could it be, you cheated?」

That was automatically my first reaction.

Catherine has a high sex drive and often loses her sense of reason when she hasn’t slept with a man for an extended period of time.

I left such a woman alone so the risk of that happening is high.

「I’ll tell you later. Later.」

Catherine repeats, still looking away from me.

「I’ll recapture you for sure tonight.」

I gaze off into the distance as Catherine slips away.

Alright, let’s move on.

「There are still several people I haven’t seen yet.」

Claudia and Caise aren’t here to greet me.

It’s a little strange, considering Claudia’s attendant Clara came to hug me.

Don’t tell me something happened to them.

「I am here.」


I hear the voice come directly in front of me, so I unconsciously step backwards.

「So it was Claudia and not a new statue?」

She was standing still in front of the entrance, making it seem like another poorly chosen decorative item by Nonna.

「Aah, my dearly beloved! Equating me to something as beautiful as a carved statue, what are you trying to do by making me fall in love with you even more!?」


The current Claudia is buff and has some kind of oil slathered over her body to make her appear shiny.

On top of that, she displays her body in prominent poses purposely showing off her muscles, creating further misunderstanding.

I frequently see similar statues adjacent to military facilities Erich manages.

I hug Claudia and exchange a sticky kiss with her, discarding the image of Gildress in my mind.

「Aegir-sama’s womanizing is problematic, but it’s frankly respectable for him not to hesitate in associating with ‘that’.」

「Yes......if I was a man, ‘that’ would be outside my comfort zone......」

I’m going to pretend like I don’t hear the whispering.

(......welcome home.)

I turn around when Casie’s quiet voice calls out to me and I see only a pair of white hands sticking out of a tree in the garden.


「Hey, I’m back. Don’t hide over there, come here. You’re acting like a ghost.」

However, Casie doesn’t leave the spot behind the tree.

(......you won’t laugh?)

「What a strange girl. What’s there to laugh at?」

When I spread my arms, she confirms again, this time with Celia, another person who can see Casie.

(You promise you won’t laugh?)

「It’s hard to laugh when you’re acting so creepy.」

Celia hides half her body in the shadow of Leah who is standing next to her.

All the other women either look away or close their eyes.

(Fine, I’ll come out. But if you laugh, I’ll curse you.)

Casie says as she slowly floats out of the tree.

「「Pffft!! Wahahahahahaha!!」」

Celia and I burst out laughing simultaneously.

It’s because Casie’s head and body are the same size just like a snowman.

Moreover, her head is flat like the dough of a pizza and flopping around like a sheet of paper.

「――!! ――!!」

I notice Sekrit has fallen on the ground and is struggling.

She seems to have gotten stuck deep in a pot.

(I’ll curse you, I’m putting a curse on you for sure!)

Casie instantly manifests into a vengeful spirit and flares at me with a harrowing expression.

Although her larger face amplifies her terrifying appearance, the silliness of her round head and body cancels out the effect.

「Hahaha, how did you become such an odd shape? Tell me all the details later.」

I grab Casie as she shouts bitterly and gnashes her teeth, then I kiss her, which reverts her transformation with a poof.

(Sure. Welcome home.)

The submissive Casie follows alongside me, her circular body and head remaining the same. That face of hers really has a big impact.

Now then, I believe the only ones I haven’t greeted are the non-humans――


I hear a scream from the courtyard.

That voice belongs to Lammy. And it isn’t a normal scream. It sounds like she has a monster peeking into her home.

「Why!? Why is there a smoothie here!? I’m going to be eaten, someone heeeeelp!!」

「Eaten? Eaten!」

「Eaten by a smoothie! Swallowed whole!」

Lammy’s scream triggers the harpies.

I thought there was nothing to worry about since it was marching obediently behind Pochi, but it makes sense for others to be frightened by the presence of a monitor lizard over 15 m long.

This must also be the reason why the city of Rafen is still in an uproar.

I’ll follow up with Adolph later.

「Anyways, there is a little something I have to do before the party.」

I signal to Sebastian.

A key turns with a click, locking a door.

「......sorry. You are slightly too dangerous right now. I’ll let you out once you calm down.」

「Sure, I don’t mind. As long as this I can raise this child, it doesn’t matter where I go......or what I have to do......fufufufu.」

Here, in one of the guest rooms which was renovated so that the door can only be opened from the outside and windows are barred, is where Piris will live for the time being.

It’s not the best situation to allow her to roam freely.

Normally, it would be logical for her to stay outside the mansion in consideration of the family’s safety, however there is a reason I can’t do that.

「You will have access to a bath and food, so you don’t have to worry. Also-」

I inform Piris with a conflicted expression.

「The doctor has determined you to be indeed pregnant. Based on the time――」

「It is my brother’s child. Fufu, I can tell without consulting a doctor.」

Piris rubs her belly with a grin.

Yes, she is pregnant with the seed of her biological brother, Maestus, whom I killed.

The semen he released on the brink of death reached her womb.

「......my dear brother is within me......my new brother......ufufufufu.」

I carefully instruct the guards standing in front of the door.

「As you can see, she’s unstable and unpredictable, so don’t let your guard down. Nevertheless, she’s pregnant. No matter what she does, stop her gently and refrain from roughing her up.」


The guards salute sharply.

This should be good enough.

「Alright, next......」

I head to the adjacent room which has the same renovations as the previous room applied to it.

「This may be restrictive, but please endure it for now. I can’t let a former assassin free. Sorry.」

I am in Visitacion’s room.

In most cases, a trained assassin would be far more dangerous than the unstable Piris, but I remove the lock on the outside of the door.

「How are the both of you?」

Visitacion gives her breast to her child who starts to cry.

「Have you decided on a name?」

「It’s so sudden, so not yet......」

You can take your time to think about it.

「Let me know if anything inconveniences you. Once preparations are complete, I will provide you with a house. I’ve taken some precautions just in case, so don’t do anything that will create misunderstandings.」

「Yes......err, so I’ve become a mother, huh? Arere?」

Because Visitacion received semen from my demonified dick, she got pregnant in a week.

That’s why the feeling of becoming a mother hasn’t sunken in yet, although I’m sure she’ll eventually accept it.

「And lastly-」

There is no lock or bars installed on the final room, instead a flower decorates the space and a sweet fragrance hangs in the air.

However, there isn’t much furniture aside from the bed which is placed in the middle.

This is Benel’s room.

I approach the woman lying sideways and whisper a few words in her ear.


Nonna, who tagged along, calls out to me from behind in a concerned tone.

「I’m done with the gloomy stuff. I can smell the food in the banquet hall all the way here.」

It’s time to celebrate.

Family members and close friends are having a good time in the banquet hall of the mansion.

Barrels of alcohol are arranged in a rack, countless dishes of food line the table and maids run around busily.

「Since the kingdom is still fighting a war, we cannot hold an extremely lavish banquet in the public eye.」

Nonna says, sandwiching my right arm in between her cleavage as I sit on the sofa.

「But they can’t complain if we throw a party with our own people.」

Gretel, who is wearing an elegant dress, sits down on my left side.

She is the fourth daughter of the famed house of Count Beltz, so she is accustomed to the bothersome considerations of that nature.

She seems to have taken into account her position as concubine when she chose what to wear because the dress is one level toned down from Nonna’s dress, matching the mansion and her own personality, possibly giving her a more coordinated outfit than Nonna.

The choker around her neck is what catches my eye, which upon closer inspection, I recognize as a collar meant for dogs.

「Nonna-san’s clothes may have cost more money, but her aesthetic sense is a little quest――」「Kiiiii!」「I’m terribly sorry!」

Sofia and the mother and three daughters of the former Treian royal family pass by and apologize.

Despite what was said, I don’t sense any tension or uncomfortable nervousness in the air.

Nonna is just squealing in anger after her sensitive ears picked up the criticism, and the house is relatively peaceful otherwise.

「The food looks delicious, but it’s different from what’s normally served in a banquet.」

I know I’ve come up with excuses to skip many banquets and haven’t attended enough to say I’m knowledgeable enough, but the dishes in those kinds of events are usually presented in a fancier manner and contain numerous luxurious and rare ingredients.

In comparison, the dishes in this party are more ordinary food, cooked with painstaking effort.

This must also be because we can’t go overboard during war......no, it’s probably to make it seem like a party of appreciation to restore our spirits.

I taste one of the dishes.

「This seasoning is definitely made by Maria. It’s incredibly delicious.」

I’m actually more fond of this type of food.

Having to use two or three utensils to eat a single dish in a high-class setting is unbearably annoying.

「What’s most notable is the giant turkey Carla captured. Something this splendid won’t be served in a banquet...... it certainly is a big one though.」

The roasted bird is sitting in the centre of the table and gives off steam which rises to the ceiling.

A quick glance estimates the size to be at least 3 m with a weight of over 100 kg, I’m impressed she hunted this.

「I can go on for an hour talking about how much work it was.」

Carla boasts, cutting into the roast turkey first as the one who brought it back.

I proceed to grab by hand the healthy portion of meat she slices off and take a bite out of it, to which Nonna complains from behind.

「Why don’t I share some stories to accompany the drinks――come on everyone, eat. The servants too. No need to hold back.」

My words act as the signal for everyone to crowd around the turkey.

At the same time, costumed individuals climb onto the stage prepared in the hall, and theatrics and music begins to play.

Lilian is the lead actress and Yoguri, who likely wrote the script, is looking on in the corner in content with her arms folded.

I savor the seemingly endless amount of meat and Maria’s cooking, cheering in support for the play, and enjoying the music and conversation.

This is a party without any high-class dishes or exquisite wine which requires gold to calculate the price, nor is there any prolonged greeting of nobles whose names are extended by multiple titles.

There is no formality as the drunk Christoph challenges Mack to an arm wrestle and gets flung away, Yakov gropes a maid’s ass and receives a slap, and Tristan, who is drunk and in a good mood, escorts a familiar-looking girl outside with his arm around her shoulder.

Jim is chatting with a maid in between sips of his drink.

He occasionally shouts “justice” while wiping away tears. I wonder what that’s about.

All of a sudden, cheers erupt from the spectators of the play who just witnessed a dramatic sword play scene.

「Haau. I can still drink.」

「Geez~ If you drink anymore, you’ll get wasted again.」

My gaze shifts to the dizzy Celia who has her glass refilled by Leah.

Celia and Myla are with the others, yielding the spots beside me to Nonna and the others for this party.

Anyway, those two really get along, huh.

「It’s fine today. I’m sure Aegir-sama will be fucking Nonna and them. I’ll get drunk, leave and then go to bed.」

Leah sits beside Celia who lays on the sofa.

「Mm, I was planning to be embraced by master too......but before that――」

Leah whispers something in Celia’s ear.

Then, she lends the wobbling Celia her shoulder and takes her away from the party.


What is this throbbing in my heart?

I want to run after them, but my gut is telling me not to.

It’s telling me the best move is to hear the truth from Leah in front of Celia tomorrow.

The night falls as we continue to indulge in the food, theatre, and drinks.

「Alright, let us call it a night for now. To those who are returning home, please be safe.」

Nonna claps her hands to draw the banquet to a close and everyone disperses as the noise gradually dies down.

However, Nonna herself, as well as the other women and about half of the maids, don’t leave even after the light of the chandeliers dim.

Nonna claps her hands once more.

Promptly, candles on the tables are lit, illuminating the hall to a third of the earlier brightness.

Then, I hear the soft sound of the friction of clothes.

Looking closer, I see the girls have stripped their gorgeous dresses, revealing rather racy outfits not very appropriate to show strangers.

Melissa is wearing something in between a dress and undergarments, or maybe it’s just a set of strings.

The maids, who I thought left the room briefly, came back changed into a maid uniform which exposes their breasts and a short skirt that doesn’t hide their underwear even while standing.

「The following is a late night party――restricted to household members only. Aegir-sama, no need to hold back――enjoy yourself to your heart’s content.」

Nonna, who is wearing a dress that barely covers her breasts, dives into my arms.

I unconsciously stand up, stick my hands out, and roar.

Protagonist: Aegir Hardlett. 25 years old. Autumn.

Status: Goldonia Kingdom Margrave. Great Feudal Lord of Eastern Area. Mountain Legend.

Friend of the Dwarves. Friend of the King of Aless. Dragon Slayer Hero.

Elf Mediator. Sex King of White City. Mad Demon God

Condition (demotion)


Nonna (raising the curtain), Carla (concubine), Mel (concubine), Celia (dead drunk), Leah (taken to an inn), Pipi (breeding duty), Miti (concubine), Maria (concubine), Catherine (concubine, repent)

Gretel (dog wife), Melissa (mother), Kuu (lover), Ruu (lover)

Mireille (lover), Casie (deformed), Rita (head maid), Yoguri (playwright), Alice (ass lover), Marceline (lover), Daughters – Stephanie (lover), Bridget (lover), Felicie (lover)

Sofia (lover), Dorothea (capital mansion supervisor), Claudia (black lustre), Clara (lover), Celestina (worn out), Monica (worn out), Adela (pro lover), Suzy (girlfriend), Solana (free-loader)


Myla (dead drunk), Irijina (dead drunk), Luna (dead drunk), Sebastian (butler)

Gido (lonely), Leopolt (staff officer), Adolph (preparing for action), Tristan (staff officer), Agor (assistant commander)

Yakov (party), Mack (party), Jim (one night’s error), Christoph (party), Guigue (fainted)

Altair (founder), Remia (tattled)


Sekrit (free-loader), Ivanna (patrol), T-99 (base registered), Brynhildr (training)

Natia (elf guide), Felteris (pervert), Ijaris (slightly aroused), Yularen (mentally tired)

Annette (conviction), Piris (insane, pregnant), Baroness Rukino Escaote (reserved), Seika (protecting mother), Naesys (expecting), Nasis (anxious), Busco (appointed), Zillia (foreboding), Visitacion (became a mother)

Benel (coma)


Lammy (scream), Alraune (nourishment), Mirumi (mermaid), Pochi (relief), Messerschmitt (greeting), Schwartz (horse), Tropical Smooth-scaled Monitor Lizard (with residence)


Army – Southern Goldonia

Under Protagonist: (Injured rejoined at Rafen)

Escort Unit: 30 ⇒ 40

Infantry: 2400 ⇒ 2700

Cavalry: 300 ⇒ 350

Archers: 300 ⇒ 350

Cannoneers: 360

Bow Cavalry: 5800 ⇒ 6500

Independent Celia Squad: 180 ⇒ 250

Conscripts + Security Unit: 5400 ⇒ 0 (disbanded)

Cannons: 40, Large Cannons: 21, Dwarven Cannons: 15, Field Artillery: 15, Chariots: 35


Reinforcements / Allied Forces

105 Army Corps: 3000 ⇒ 3300

Elves: Black: 200, White: 200

New Penal Unit: 150 ⇒ 150 (annihilated)

God Altair’s Army: 550 ⇒ 1000

Teries Fleet: Battleship Suvorov, Battleship Leviathan IV (temporary), Large Combat Ships: 3, Medium Combat Ships: 7


Ally Forces:

Western Front:

Royal Army: 15 000

Conscripts: 20 000

Eastern Front: ???

Enemy Force: insignificant

Assets: -10 000 gold

Sexual Partners: 798

Children who have been born: 70 + 567

Current Location: Rafen

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