Oukoku e Tsuzuku Michi

Chapter 437: Arkland, City of Hardship

Chapter 437: Arkland, City of Hardship

Aegir POV–

「Arkland’s recapture...... that was brutal.」

I mumble to myself as I kick an elliptical rock laying at my feet. It’s a fragment of the destroyed city wall.

Mu, it hit a Royal army soldier. I’ll pretend it wasn’t me.

I look away, turning to inspect the perimeter of the city instead.

At best, it’s a little tattered, and at worst, it’s a mountain of rubble.

The walls are broken in various places, and many residences and buildings within the walls are damaged or completely destroyed.

Lots of buildings, larger ones in particular, have burned down due to the interior being used as a fierce battleground.

I see Myla, in her search for remnants of the enemy, enter a building with smoke still rising from it.

She came back out, not having found anyone, with soot on her face like a child who put two much makeup on to play house.

Because Myla has such a serious expression on her face, her subordinates can’t seem to point it out to her. They averted their eyes.

「Still, Arkland is quite the unfortunate city.」

The fortress city Arkland has changed ownership four times in these last few years.

Firstly, the military nation of Arkland, its original name, was seized by the Allied Forces centered around Golonia by way of military power.

Then, as the kingdom of Treia was being absorbed by Goldonia, Arkland became Goldonian territory.

When things were starting to settle, the South Yuguria Empire occupied it after a hard-fought battle, and now Arkland has been recaptured by us.

Arkland is equipped with a solid set of walls so it often becomes a highly-contested point for a nation’s military base.

The defensive side heavily relies on the fortification of the sturdy walls. The attacking side can’t ignore the powerful fortress and advance.

As a result, Arkland always turns into a scene of carnage.

Similarly, the towns and villages near Arkland have changed ownerships multiple times, however, they are not in as bad of a condition as the city.

Since neither side could really fully protect them, they were not fought over and simply exchanged hands back and forth repeatedly without being damaged.

「It makes the residents really wonder what purpose the walls have.」

It doesn’t help that the walls, which should protect the city, get so badly destroyed every time.

Leopolt and Tristan, who went out to check on the neighboring areas, came back at the perfect timing.

Oh, Tristan tripped on some debris and fell. What a clumsy guy.

Leopolt looks down at him, unconcerned.

And then Leopolt stumbled......no wait, it was Gildress who bumped into him from behind.

After Leopolt wiped out more so than Tristan, he glared at Gildress with an emotionless face.

But the musclehead doesn’t even realize he collided with Leopolt.

I can tell. Leopolt is pretty angry.

Tristan offers a hand to help him up, but Leopolt ignores it and stands up on his own.

Once he was up, he said something and pointed to the west and the south.

I know what that is. That’s him being embarrassed.

As I was thinking of teasing him about it later, an unpleasant scene interrupts me.

Citizens sob as a train of coffins get carried from outside the city.

That is to be expected. If the city was destroyed to such an extent, there was no way the people living there would escape unscathed.

Obviously, there would be a considerable amount of deaths to the population.

「Uuu, Mesa......」

A middle-aged woman, believed to be a family member of the deceased, gives me a glance and then looks away.

That was clearly a look of criticism towards me, although she can’t exactly complain to the army who recaptured the city.

Her only way to stand up to us for her lost family must be to not express any words of thanks.

I walk past without saying anything.

I happen to hear Erich’s voice nearby.

Turning to find the source, I see him giving a speech on a watchtower that didn’t get burned down.

「Gentlemen. My army has defeated the enemy. You can forget about the inhumane invaders and return to the great Kingdom!」

Man, I’m glad I’m not the Supreme Commander.

「As you all know, because of an underhanded trick used by the South Yuguria Empire, the Kingdom was briefly handicapped. However, this fight is a great turning point. It is the start of a huge comeback!」

He speaks in a rousing tone. Despite that, the people don’t seem moved and Erich should notice that as well.

「On one hand, I can understand that everybody here cannot simply rejoice over the victory. There have been countless fights that ravaged the city, and many have lost family members. I am not making light of the fact that the city was robbed by the cruel South Yuguria Empire. The same goes for everyone’s sacrifices.」

Erich holds up his hand and then a bunch of wagons pull up in front of the citizens.

So the transportation corps left behind during our forced march finally caught up.

The covers on the cargo were lifted and the residents gasped in awe.

The wagons were packed to the brim with gold coins.

「If you are a resident of Arkland, then you will, without exception, receive 5 gold, and if you have lost relatives, you will be given double. Of course, you will all also be given a sufficient portion of food.」

Erich definitely noticed the atmosphere around the citizens.

Distributing gold is an easy but viable solution. Citizens disinterested by the victory announcement instantly became fired up.

「Gold will not bring back your lost families. However, if you have money, you can remove the rubble, rebuild your houses and live for tomorrow――」

Soldiers help to hand out gold to the people as the speech continues.

Erich seems to be unnaturally avoiding eye contact with the mountain of gold.

His face is also tensed up...... it might be from his own pocket.

It’s unknown whether the citizens are satisfied, but at the very least, the air of blame has been cleared.

Someone more stupid might have stood up and happily shouted “Hurray, we won” or “South Yuguria is weak” or “Rejoice, you guys”, which would have provoked the people, but Erich is more than capable of reading the mood.

「It’s certainly not something I can do.」

If I crashed the party, it would be like taking advantage of Erich, and that wouldn’t be cool.

In thinking so, I left the main street and entered the alley.


That was when I heard a woman cry out and the hurried footsteps behind me.

I turned around and found a female peeking curiously at my face like she couldn’t believe what she saw.

「I knew it, you’re the captain from that time......」

Now, where have I seen her before?

「You forgot!? Don’t you remember the time when the kingdom of Arkland fell into ruin――」

Mmm, I still don’t know.

The longer I stare at her juicy ass, the more memories are triggered.

It was in the back alley and I was thrusting from behind――now I remember.

If I’m correct, it was the very first fight. After the Allied forces fought Arkland and Goldonia occupied the city, I was approached by this dancing prostitute, who became one of my favorites. How nostalgic.

We hug each other, but she doesn’t seem too happy.

She distanced herself after confirming I remembered who she was and she stared at me with a frown.

Then, she said a few words.

「I thought you would protect us.」

The expression she displayed was a mix of disappointment and a bit of anger. Her words stung my heart.

At this moment, my hands are too small to protect all the girls in Arkland.

The enemy started off with an ambush. The rearguard was defeated.

I could provide a range of explanations, but they would all sound like excuses right now.

「I’m sorry.」

That’s why I can only apologize.

「Two of my fellow co-workers got mixed up and died. The first was during the loss. The second was caught in a fire yesterday.」

No matter how I think about it, I am just not strong enough. If the same thing was going to happen tomorrow, I might not be able to prevent it.

That’s why I’ll apologize.

「It’s my fault for lacking strength. I’m sorry.」

She slowly approaches me and pounds my belly.

It seems she is actually hitting me for real and not joking, although it doesn’t hurt.

「And then...... my younger brother...... I told him to stay home...... but he went looking for me and......」

Without saying anything, I hug her tightly.

「It’s my fault. If only I was stronger.」

That said, it’s not a guarantee that I could have saved her family.

But right now, I can’t be giving excuses or arguing with her. What I have to do now is to comfort her.

If she wants to blame me, then I will let her blame me as much as she wants.

Her face hits my chest as her fists continue punching me.

「Why did you abandon the city...... if you’re going to abandon it, don’t take it back...... and then my brother wouldn’t have......」

「I’m sorry. I’m sorry.」

I rub her shoulder as she beats my stomach.

I can somehow understand her feelings.

Monsters called countries fought together and people she was close to got involved and died.

The source was South Yuguria and Goldonia, but both are too large for her to hate, and so she felt uncertain about who to direct her emotions toward.

Her next reasonable target would be the army who fought in the city. However, it wouldn’t make sense to speak ill of the army of your own nation that won back the city.

That’s why she decided to attack me, the captain.

No matter what she says, I wouldn’t get upset and would accept all her feelings.

In a certain way, I can take it that she trusts me.

I suddenly notice quiet whispers.

Before I knew it, a crowd formed around me.

「Eh, isn’t that Harty? Who is she with?」

「A Goldonian soldier? Didn’t the hunt for stragglers end just now, yet why...... spare me from the house searches again.」

「Ueh!? He has a coat of arms!」

「The seal on his shoulder...... it’s all black...... hey wait, no way, this is bad!」

I ignore the murmurs and continue rubbing the woman in my arms―― Harty.

The name popped in my memory again after it was mentioned, but my feelings about her haven’t changed.

「......I’ve calmed down. My apologies...... if I didn’t take it out on someone, it felt like my heart was going to burst.」

「No problem.」

Harty and I separate.

At the same time, she notices the symbol on my armor.

Her crying face becomes slightly pale as if she made a terrible mistake.

「...... err, captain?」


With a whoosh, the people around me disappeared like water draining away.

Leaving the woman and running isn’t very admirable.

「Captain...... how much of a captain are you?」

I count my fingers as I think about the casualty report.

「50 000, I guess.」

I hear the sound of a door being slammed shut.

It seems they were still curious about what would happen and left a crack in the window or door to peek on us.

「......did I perhaps screw up? L-like this?」

Harty makes a gesture of strangling her own neck.

「No, it’s more like this.」

I embrace her tightly again.

Then I address those in the vicinity.

「I’m sure there are more of you with anger that has nowhere to go. I promise I won’t get angry, so come take it out on me. The offer is limited to women only though.」

If I let a man take it out on me, I’ll probably kill him.

Responding to my offer, a girl about 14 or 15 years old comes out of a house.

The red-eyed girl approaches me silently...... then proceeds to slap my cheek.

A shriek leaked out of a nearby house.

「Why did you mistake my mom for a soldier!!? How did you mistake her for carrying a weapon!?」

She slaps me from the other side and I take it without flinching.

Then she falls to her knees and sobs.

Relieved that she didn’t get punished for slapping me suddenly with an open palm, the girl collapses in tears, which triggers the other residents to come out.

The girls berate me, pound my chest or stomach, and then cry.

I accept their venting and say nothing more than apologies. Gradually, the denunciation reduces to zero and the girls simply cry while hugging me.

「Is it fine if you don’t hit me?」

「Yes...... well...... I don’t feel like it anymore.」

A woman in her thirties clings to my waist.

「I lost my husband, though...... it might be for the better. I’ll find a new man.」

「Sure. Do that.」

A 16-year old girl hugs my back.

「My parents went missing...... I’ll be strong with my three younger sisters.」

「If things get hard, come to me. I don’t mind if you use my name.」

I’m not getting a bad reaction from the citizens.

At the very least, they won’t be hating the Goldonian army.

It feels a little like I shouldered some of Erich’s work.

Now that the commotion is over, I take a break under a charred tree, and that is when Harty comes up beside me.

「Capt―― I mean, Margrave Hardlett......」

「Captain is fine.」

I wrap my arm around Harty’s shoulder and pull her close to me. She doesn’t resist at all.

「Okay, Captain then...... you’re pretty incredible. Just a while ago, there were so many people who didn’t even want the Royal army to come...... and you took care of that so quickly.」

「Only the women though.」

「Fufu, the men were silenced with gold.」

Harty opens her hand and shows me ten gold coins.

「Is that enough?」

「Of course not~ My house was completely destroyed and the shop became a battlefield, so the inside is a sea of blood...... it can’t be used anymore. Our establishment is pretty big so the South Yugurian soldiers ran inside~ And then the Royal army chased after them, and it got really messy.」

They must be really stupid to drag a brothel into their fight. I want to find the commanders and hang them.

「In the end, a group of really burly men burst in and took care of things.」

I think it’s better if I don’t ask about the details.

「But the animosity is unexpectedly strong. Is it because they lost once?」

I ask while embracing Harty.

It makes sense for their trust in the kingdom to waver when the army loses in front of them.

Harty had a troubled expression on her face when I asked the question and then she looked around to make sure no Royal army soldiers were near before whispering in my ear.

「I don’t know if it’s a good idea to say this...... but it wasn’t so bad when South Yuguria took over~」

Harty keeps her words concise, gauging my reaction and feeling relieved by my curiosity, then continues.

「Actually, things were bad after South Yuguria occupied the city only when you left. They didn’t really do anything cruel...... there was no breaking into houses and raping or stealing things. If I had to pick, it was worse when the Arkland kingdom lost the first time~」

「Fumu. That’s interesting.」

「Many soldiers came to our shop...... and for all the times they spent with us, they paid us without haggling the price...... and honestly, we made quite the profit. Well, you still had people shouting “don’t forget your loyalty to Goldonia” or “chase these guys out of our city” and they were thrown in jail for it. But other than that, nothing happened.」

South Yuguria may have committed injustices on a national level, but the citizens don’t see it that way.

「Our touts got too friendly with the higher-ups in the South Yuguria army...... that’s why before the captain and company entered the city, we got scared and chased them to the south.」

Even though the city was occupied, the possibility of some citizens being overly intimate with South Yuguria was still there.

I’ve learned some unexpectedly crucial information.

Not to be conceited or anything, but Erich would probably not spend the time to listen to the residents.

And I doubt anybody has the balls to say “the enemy’s rule was quite peaceful” to the Supreme Commander of their own nation’s army.

It was worth it to let the women vent their frustrations then.

Regardless, it was a rather refreshing experience to be yelled at and hit by women.

Maybe I’ll ask Nonna or Mel to do it next time.

With those thoughts in mind, I take another look at Harty.

She appears to be around 25 years old, 150 cm tall and her body is on the smaller side, but her breasts are big.

She has brown hair and lightly tanned skin.

She has a lewd aura around her suitable for your average working prostitute, and she’s wearing clothes that match, such as a low-cut shirt that emphasizes her boobs and a short skirt 30 cm above her knees.

She doesn’t seem to care about hiding her underwear either judging by the expensive-looking black panties I can see peeking out.

「......did you want to do it?」

Harty takes my hand and smiles.

「How could you tell?」

「Well, your eyes were scanning my body, from my face to my chest, my belly, my legs and then my crotch. It was pretty clear.」

She shifts her legs and rolls up her extra short skirt.

For some time now, she’s been using a sexy voice. That wasn’t the case in the beginning, so maybe this is her style of doing business.

「How much do you charge?」

It might be rude to negotiate price right off the bat, but this is a prostitute’s way of life. If a price is established from the start, she’ll be more relaxed. She can’t just sleep around with a vague definition of how she’ll be compensated, otherwise she can’t survive.

In most cases, she would clearly state a price, but instead, Harty twirls her finger on my chest in hesitation.

「Well, you see~ I mentioned it before, but my house burned down...... and the store is a mess.」

Harty gazes upward at me. He hand adorably tugs on my sleeve.

It was different from how Celia and Pipi naturally flow into that action, rather it was a familiar and calculated move.

I would see it sometimes when a woman comes to me with financial troubles and a sick sibling to take care of or when a woman has to pay off a debt created by her parents and is about to resort to selling herself or when a woman doesn’t like how her friend is showing off an especially large jewel.

Well, the last one is only done by Nonna.

「I don’t need to be paid...... and I won’t take anything for this time...... I just want the captain to look after someone.」

「Sure. Leave it to me.」

I relay my intent to agree through my tone and by hugging her.

「Thank goodness......Lutin, come here.」

Harty breathes a sigh of relief and calls someone over as she clings to my arm.


Appearing before me is a young boy with wooden supports bandaged around an arm and a leg.

My eyes narrow.

「I’m her younger brother. I got entangled in combat and broke my arm and leg. Teehee.」

It’s true that she didn’t say her younger brother died.

「This is a little unfair, don’t you think?」

「Is that...... a no?」

She gives me another sly upward gaze.

I know it’s on purpose, but what’s cute is cute.

「No, I don’t mind.」

Tricking each other aside, it’s only forgivable if women do it.

「Still, the war isn’t over. Telling me to look after him is-」

「You’re a pretty big deal though, am I right~? It’s not strange for you to have an exclusive prostitute. Lutin takes care of me, you see.」

I guess that’s fine.

I feel like Celia’s going to get mad at me again, but it can’t be helped since I agreed.

Speak of the devil, she is wandering over here.

She probably sniffed me out.

When I raised my hand, she instantly perked up, but when she saw Harty beside me, she knew something was up and returned to being emotionless.

Those eyes aren’t good. Not only is Celia’s cuteness erased, her eyes look exactly like Leopolt’s.

As I’m walking along and looking at Celia’s Leopolt-like eyes, I hear a scream from a nearby building.

「Nooooo!! Stoooop!」

「Piris, don’t yell. Stay still! It’ll feel good soon.」

「Mgh! Moghgh!!」

Harty turns to me with a concerned expression.

That definitely sounds like a woman being raped.

Obviously Erich and I don’t allow such misconduct in the city.

To begin with, Arkland is a city of our nation that we just recaptured.

「Come, Celia.」

「Right! We’ll punish the scoundrel!」

Finally, Celia’s eyes are rid of their resemblance to Leopolt’s eyes.

We reach the source of the voice and I kick down the door of the partially destroyed house.

「You have some guts to violate a woman in my presence. Let me teach you a lesson.」

I see the expected scene after bursting into the residence.

A man has mounted himself on a woman and is also covering her mouth with his hand.

It was actually someone I recognized, Yakov.

The one he has pinned down is the female page he took prisoner.

「This girl tried to flee twice now. I thought doing it once would make her obedient...... plus I wanted to have a taste.」

The page is in tears, trying desperately to keep her legs closed.


「T-this isn’t rape! She’s the kind of girl who gets turned on if I insert it, so even if it’s after the fact, if I get her aroused and make her climax, it’s consensual.」

That may be true, but this doesn’t look good.

The way Yakov has the page held down is the perfect example of how a bandit would rape a village girl.

Besides, it’s too late for excuses.

Celia has already leaped in the air.

「How dare you smear mud on Aegir-sama’s face――」

Celia jumps off both feet and soars straight at Yakov.

「Geh, little miss.」

Celia twists her body in midair and swings her right leg at Yakov.

It’s the stance for a full-powered flying roundhouse kick.

On the other hand, Yakov is still on top of the page and can’t react.

Nevertheless, Yakov doesn’t panic.

Maybe that’s because Celia is wearing sandals.

The difference in stature between Celia and Yakov is evident and unless she is wearing steel boots, the power in her kick isn’t anything special.

If a direct hit landed on his crotch like the other day, it wouldn’t matter, but right now, it looks like her kick will land on either his back or ass.

「Haha, here it comes again.」

Yakov makes light of his situation.

And then Celia’s roundhouse kick hits him right in the ass――



Yakov let out a vulgar groan and then Celia shrieked after the kick.

Celia sprung backwards after she kicked him, her hand on the ground supporting herself and her body half-turned.

What happened?

「It went ‘zlop’...... my toe slid inside! Nasty!!」

Celia flips the canteen she carried on her waist upside down and pours water over her right foot, shaking it to eliminate whatever filthy thing she touched.

「I-it went right up my asshole...... m-my ass...... guoooh.」

Yakov faints in agony.

That’s not all. I grasp the potential crisis and start running.

「Yakov you bastard, how could you do that to my cute Celia’s toe!?」

I swing my foot with all my might just like Celia did.

「W-wait! The General’s kick isn’t a joke!」

I’m not going to listen to a scoundrel’s words.

My kick lands squarely on Yakov’s ass.


Yakov let out a cry that was not on an audible wavelength.

Only the heavy sound of impact resonated in the room.

Time seemed to stop for a few seconds. And then the result showed.

「T-the feeling in my ass is gone―― n-no. I’m gonna turn into...... nuaaah!!」



Celia and Harty avert their eyes.

I also retrieve the page and leave the room.

I’ll at least have pity on him and ask a spare pair of pants to be delivered.

I focus on the page so I can forget the sound and smell I experienced.

「Your name, it was Piris, right?」

「Not telling!」

The page flicks her head away from me as she is carried on my shoulder.

She seems to be cheeky enough to spit on me.

「Answer Aegir-sama’s question right now!」


She starts trembling when Celia threatens her.

I see, she’s rebellious but isn’t too courageous.

She doesn’t seem to be older than 20.

Her hair is short and bluish, with straight bangs that perfectly cover her forehead.

Her skin is pure white, although I don’t catch any trace of makeup being used.

She is wearing the same clothes as when she was captured, a simple tank top that was under her armor and rather short pants.

Her breasts are practically nonexistent and her butt is on the smaller side, but it looks juicy enough to eat.

She looks more like a boy than Celia does.

「Y-you and that barbarian are not enemies of our Empire! Release me this instant and surre――」

「Shut up!」

Celia slaps Piris on the ass, which makes her scream.

「I-if you’re going to kill me, kill me! As His Excellency Maestus’s attendant, I am always prepared to die――」

Piris tries to act tough, but when Celia draws her sword, she starts shaking like a leaf.

As brave as she wants to be, she is definitely scared deep down in her heart.

I doubt this commander Maestus really used her as his right-hand.

「Even though Celia is afraid of ghosts and bugs, she still has courage after all.」

「Wah! Please don’t say anything unnecessary!」

Celia blushes. Fufufu, how cute.

「So, you’re his lover?」

「Insolent! I am His Excellency’s loyal retainer. Calling me a lover isn’t proper...... I mean, don’t dishonor His Excellency’s name like that!」

Anyways, it’s a fact that she is someone close to that handsome commander.

I might learn some information, so I’ll keep her safe.

「Until then, maybe I’ll get her to pour my drinks.」

I see what Piris thinks about that suggestion.

She bares her teeth in anger...... then she shrivels in fear when Celia glares at her...... and I contemplate something about the split second of blank space in the meantime.

「It feels like something similar happened.」

I twist my head and hear another woman scream from a different building. This again?

I take a peek and...... this time, it’s Gido.

「S-stop it! Don’t rape me! Let me go!」

「Then how about you stop? I’m not doing anything.」

Gido is laying on his back on the bed of the dilapidated house and has a screaming woman swinging her hips on top of him. This can’t be considered rape at all.

「U-uuuu, not fair.」

「What are you referring to?」

I see Gido move for the first time as he uses his hand to violently grab the woman’s hair.

「Y-your face and penis! You have such a large cock even though your face is so childlike...... a woman can’t defy that!」

The woman makes a frustrated face and shakes her hips.

「Fufufu, then rock your hips more. Move with your breasts on my belly...... or hold them up to your mouth and suck on them.」

Gido grins and arrogantly gives out erotic instructions.

「......he’s gotten really cocky.」

「If you tell me to, I can go and kick him.」

Reflecting on what happened earlier, Celia is wearing her steel boots this time.

「No, it’s fine. We’ll let it pass. It’s not like he’s doing anything bad.」

Gido groans and mercilessly sprays his semen inside the woman.

「I came. If you want me to take responsibility, use your mouth to clean it up.」

「Uuu...... obeying even though he’s the worst...... women really can’t oppose a handsome face and a big dick, huh.」

I leave Gido behind and walk away.

「He’s been getting a little too overconfident lately.」

He has really become accustomed to battle and playing with women and he is full of confidence both on the battlefield and in bed.

「This is when he’s the most dangerous. Be careful.」

I don’t know if anyone heard me just now.

With our small battle behind us, we begin our march to the enemy’s largest base, Trisnia.

Ten Days Later. Near Trisnia.

「There is no resistance midway, huh?」

Tristan responds to my muttering.

「The enemy didn’t anticipate our marching speed. Instead of a second Arkland, where they’re in an incomplete defensive position, they chose to retreat and group up with their allies.」

「Or it’s possible they disregarded everything other than Trisnia’s defences from the very beginning. That is also a convincing argument considering that city’s geographic conditions and strategic importance.」

Leopolt adds.

Incidentally, the Majino fortress line once built by Treia was a bit of an obstacle, but thanks to Erich’s instructions, we were able to beautifully detour around and make the enemy abandon their defences and retreat.

I look to the rear.

Unlike our initial march, our current pace is slow――or rather, it’s a more normal speed.

In other words, the slower squads......like the group of siege weapons, is keeping up with the rest of the army.

「What’s worrying is the enemy’s cavalry.」

Myla says.

「Erich is also wary of them. The reason for the excessive security around the siege weapons must also be for them.」

To prevent an ambush by the enemy cavalry, we aren’t spread too far apart.

Putting it in another way, we’re basically giving free rein to all enemies outside of our marching route.

An enemy squad can be seen moving slowly towards Trisnia at the edge of our vision.

Perhaps a unit that was protecting a village somewhere iis reuniting with the enemy’s main army.

Normally, we would dispatch cavalry to eliminate them, but Erich strictly ordered us not to scatter, so we’re ignoring them.

「Both sides are gathering at Trisnia. Everything might be decided in one battle.」

「I believe that is Lord Radhalde’s aim.」

Celia states cooly.

「Will the enemy use their trump card again? In that case, I will defeat them with my spear!」

「I will assist with my bow!」

Irijina and Luna display their enthusiasm.

「Be careful......」

「Yeah, I’ll be rough with you again after it’s all over. Look forward to it.」

Gido exchanges a kiss with the woman following along with the transportation corps and then faces the front.

His expression is the embodiment of masculinity and his eyes that are brimming with confidence sparkle brightly.

No matter how I look at it, he’s in top form, but I’m getting a bad feeling for some reason.

Lastly, in the small carriage next to us...... the carriage Piris is riding, a quiet whisper leaks out.

「I believe in you. Step brother......I pray for your good fortune......」

I see, so that’s how it is.

Protagonist: Aegir Hardlett. 25 years old. Summer.

Status: Goldonia Kingdom Margrave. Great Feudal Lord of Eastern Area. Mountain Legend.

Friend of the Dwarves. Friend of the King of Aless. Dragon Slayer Hero.

Elf Mediator. Sex King of White City.


Myla (militia commander), Leopolt (staff officer A), Tristan (staff officer B), Celia (battalion commander)

Yakov (post- ), Irijina (commander), Luna (bow cavalry commander), Gido (in perfect condition?)

Ivanna ( ), Brynhildr ( ), Annette (princess of the 105), Sekrit ( )

Piris (step-sister), Harty (military prostitute)

Army – Southern Goldonia

Under Protagonist

Escort Unit: 75

Infantry: 7000 ⇒ 7200

Cavalry: 750 ⇒ 770

Archers: 850 ⇒ 870

Cannoneers: 430

Bow Cavalry: 7500 ⇒ 7600

Independent Celia Squad: restructuring

Conscripts + Security Unit: 17 000 ⇒ 17 300

Cannons: 50, Large Cannons: 25, Dwarven Cannons: 16, Field Artillery: 20, Chariots: 50

Reinforcements / Allied Forces

Aless Soldiers: 13 928 ⇒ 13929

105 Army Corps: 3800 ⇒ 3850


Battleship Suvorov, Battleship Aless of Aless (?)

Large Combat Ships: 2, Small Combat Ships: 8, Transport Ships: 20

Ally Forces: Frontal Warfront – Royal Army: 77 000 ⇒ 78 000

Conscripts: 50 000 ⇒ 52 000

Enemy Force

Frontal Warfront – Regular Soldiers: 29 000

Conscripts: 70 000 ⇒ 75 000

Cavalry Army: 25 000 ⇒ ???

West Coast of River – Regular Soldiers: 40 000

Magrado Local Army: 30 000

Meldora Fleet: annihilated, only a few small ships remaining

Assets: -10 000 gold

Sexual Partners: 783, children who have been born: 69 + 565

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