Oukoku e Tsuzuku Michi

Chapter 422: Homefront City: Part 2

Chapter 422: Homefront City: Part 2

Third Person POV–

「Get the heresy out of our city!」

「How do you intend to take responsibility for those who were sacrificed!?」

「This church is a place of prayer, we’re not doing anything indecent!」

「Well actually, the victims of war were caused by the South Yuguria soldiers......」

A small number of believers try to counter the large crowd of people shouting in front of the Altair church.

Among the arguing believers, Remia is the only one displaying a different level of intensity.

「Step back, miscreants! What do you think you’re doing, defiling this holy church and disturbing the heart wishing for the peace of many of Her Grace!」

Her way of speech ignited the anger of the masses.

「What’s that tone!?」

「’Her Grace’, my ass! My nephew died because of what you did!」

The citizens grow more furious and start kicking the doors of the church.

「S-......stop it......」

Clinging desperately to Remia’s side is the little Altair, who tries to speak up, but her feeble voice could not compare to Remia who had spoken on her behalf up till now, so there was no way she could hope to reach the ears of the aggravated populace.

「Don’t just stand there! Say something, you’re the leader, right!?」

A man behind the person who kicked the door throws a fist-sized rock.

It wasn’t aimed at anybody in particular and flew in an arc trajectory, landing right next to Altair.


Surprised by the projectile, Altair fell on her bum, and that sent Remia over the edge.

「Apostate, how dare you try to harm Her Grace! I’ll punish you!」

Enraged, she loses her reason, swiftly pulling out a dagger hidden in her chest area and running toward the door.

Altair could not reach her hand out in time to stop Remia because her hips gave out and also couldn’t verbally restrain due to the tumultuous noise drowning out her voice.

At this rate, the commotion would likely see the spill of blood, however, a certain person stepped in.

「Stop this!!」

The sharp female voice pierced through the area.

That voice gave off a hysteric impression rather than a majestic one, although it was enough to draw the attention of both sides.

「M-madam! Everyone, stop for a second.」

「I-it’s Nonna-sama! Hey, don’t fuss!」

Nonna, accompanied by her maids on either side of her and Carla behind her, zooms through the middle of the crowd toward the doors of the church.

Her chest was held high so her giant breasts swayed back and forth as she walked through the sea of people that parted to make a clear path.

「Careful now, what if you hit the madam!」

「Ah...... sorry.」

Sally knocks away the rolling pin picked up by a man.

「Were you going to throw something at the madam~?」

「Of course not......」

Maruru catches a woman with a rock, who hastily tosses it away.

When Nonna reached the front of the church doors, she takes out her paper fan and fans herself as if saying “hurry and open them”.

After looking at each other and seeing Altair fraily pull on their sleeves, they obediently swing open the doors.

「Making me, the legal wife, wait in front of the doors isn’t very polite...... what are you going to do with that? Ei!」

After Nonna entered the church, she gives a harsh stare to Remia who was holding the short sword fiercely, rebuking her and using the back of her hand to knock away the blade――

「......ei, ei!」

――or was about to, but was scared and used the tip of her folded fan to poke at it instead.

Remia had a vacant expression on her face and eventually dropped her short sword after Altair tugged on her sleeve.


Satisfied with the result, Nonna exhaled in content and addressed both sides.

「My goodness, what are you all fussing about in Aegir-sama’s absence!?」

「What is it!?」「What!?」

Sally and Maruru echo their master’s sentiments and emphasize Nonna’s words.

「I understand why you are angry, but what good will forming a faction and protesting do!? Right now, the most important thing is to devote yourselves to the rebuilding of the city, which is my asset, and regain yours and your family’s livelihoods, the wealth and safety of the city, and my fortune! You can complain after all of that!」

Nonna asserts confidently with her right hand held out toward the people.

「I guess...... it’s true that this isn’t the time. Nothing can begin until we restore the city.」

「Yeah, I’ll have to provide for my dead nephew’s wife and daughter...... if I have time to protest, I should be working.」

The citizens mutter noisily.

「I hear Nonna-sama is being frugal for the revival of the city. She even changed the wine she usually drinks during meals to a domestic product.」

「I swear I saw her wearing a ring with a huge jewel on it, but it’s probably my imagination.」

Happy with the reaction from the populace, Nonna nods and turns her attention to the Altair side, raising her left hand this time.

「All of you as well! It’s because you hide away in secrecy that people speak poorly of you. If you’ve done something wrong in Aegir-sama’s absence, then come apologize to me, as the legal wife! Bring a rare item!」

The believers could only nod in awe.

「W-what impressive vigor......」

「I’d expect no less of the wife of someone Her Grace acknowledged......」

「Her shoulder is sparkling like something holy...... I think I saw gold thread woven into the clothes, but it’s probably my imagination.」

Looking towards Altair’s expression and seeing her nod, the believers also lower their heads to Nonna.

「That’s...... good enough.」

A content voice can be heard from the roof of the church.

When Nonna looked up, the black lustre figure disappeared and, after a while, the ground started to rumble.

It was the sound of hooves from multiple approaching horses.

Coming in a horizontal line is a group of mounted police.

Their horses were splendid warhorses that made wagon-pulling horses seem diminutive and leading the charge was someone riding a packhorse that looked like a donkey.

「Stop right there. As someone entrusted with the responsibility of domestic affairs, I cannot overlook further commotion―― huh?」

The one in front of the security force was Adolph.

He ordered the security unit to mobilize when he sensed that the protest was about to develop into a riot.

However, when he arrived, the uproar had settled down, so he looked around in confusion.

When Adolph’s eyes met with Nonna, a radiant smile formed on her face and her chest was puffed out as far as possible. Sally supported her back to ensure she didn’t fall backward.

「Ara, Adolph. What are you doing here? A commotion? I have already resolved it.」

Nonna leans further back and Maruru had to help too.

Her cleavage pushes against her clothes to the point of almost ripping them apart.

「Hey, your clothes are going to tear. That shaking will make you pretty much a female molester. Seriously, they’re so big...... how aggravating.」


Nonna ignores Carla’s warning and laughs loudly.

Everyone’s attention was drawn to her movements.

「Uu...... as someone who works close to God, I won’t be caught up in lewd bouncing.」

The Altair believer clears his throat and averts his gaze.

「Uwa, incredible.」

「In the middle of town like this...... uu, not good.」

「Hey dear!? Didn’t you say yesterday that you couldn’t get it up because of your age? What’s with that erect thing of yours!?」

Some men among the pacified public were still staring at the church unhappily, but they became forward-leaning and couldn’t continue protesting, and moving unnaturally, had to disperse.

Those women they were with kicked their asses.

「This was a surprise...... I predicted the commotion would grow if Nonna-sama came.」

Adolph comments in disbelief, stationing some of the security in front of the church as a safety measure.

「I would have preferred if I didn’t have to mobilize the security unit, but this church was built with Hardlett-sama’s permission. If it was attacked, order would be disrupted and if he found out a female was hurt, he’d go crazy with anger.」

Adolph quickly glances at Remia and Altair.


Understanding the implications, Nonna borrows the hand of one of her maids to stand up straight and puffs her cheeks in discontent.

「We have to discover their true motive, right? Very well, have them come to the mansion and explain their situation.」

Nonna whisks the two of them into a carriage.

Out of concern, the believers close in to stop her, but Altair waves her hand to say she’s fine.

Small cheers could be heard coming from the citizens on the other side.

「If rumors of the upper echelon of Altair being arrested are spread, I wonder if it would soothe the people’s anger somewhat.」

「I don’t know. Can’t they hurry and end the war? It’s getting bothersome just to walk in the city, I hate it.」

Carla responds perfunctorily to Adolph’s mumblings and proceeds to get on the carriage herself.

「I’m sorry, Carla. This carriage only fits 5 people, could you return home on foot?」

「You’re kidding me! That little squirt can squeeze and make space!」

「Ouch! Driver, shake off the savage girl!」

「Oh shut it, maybe if you cut off one of your humongous boobs, there’ll be more space!」

The carriage shook violently all the way back to the mansion, gathering the attention of onlookers in the vicinity.

In the end, the young Altair and Remia were taken back to the mansion so their story could be heard, but Nonna wasn’t actually interested in listening to their church activities or methods of acquiring believers, she wanted to learn about their relationship with her husband.

Everything else that followed was empty complaining.

She didn’t use harsh words, rather it was gentle yet persistent sarcastic remarks.

It wasn’t a cross-examination anymore and family members are starting to gather to see what was going on.

「This has been going on since noon, right? It’s already evening.」

Mel mutters, unimpressed.

「This girl’s real persistent. All the sarcasm doesn’t affect her. It’s almost admirable.」

Carla says in disgust.

“I can hear you!”, Nonna says, to which Carla answers with a “I’m letting you hear me!”

「Don’t you feel bad? She might be called ‘Her Grace’, but she’s still a child in many ways.」

Melissa sympathizes with the little girl who has to endure the constant cynicism and is on the verge of tears.

「You’re right. Still it would still be better if she cried like that girl......」

At the same time as Carla’s response, Remia shouts something back and Nonna’s mouth moves twice as fast.

「She’s taking everything so seriously, which makes her babbling continue longer than it needs to. I’m sure she’s irritated because Aegir isn’t here and she can’t buy what she likes. She just had to ignore her meaningless rant.」

Nonna once again yells at Carla, which she casually brushes off.

Pouting, Nonna takes out her frustration on Remia.

「Even so, I still feel bad. I’m going in.」

「Me too.」

Melissa and Maria couldn’t stand watching and moved the young Altair into the similarly-aged Celestina’s room.

「Don’t worry, I’m not anyone scary. Why don’t you talk to me about what you like?」


Celestina’s inherent kindness and kind smile gradually softened the expression of the tear-stained face of Altair.

「I will also go to Her Grace.」

「You will not. I haven’t finished talking to you yet.」

「Besides, it’s important to allow her to talk without a guardian.」

Nonna and Melissa obstructs Remia’s path, who tries to force her way past regardless.

They get into a fight and Nonna’s hand accidentally touches Remia’s crotch.


Nonna could not believe what she felt.

「Y-you’re mistaken!」

Remia jumps back. The other girls could not understand what happened.

Nonna trembles and inhales.

「Nooooooo!! Kroll! Kroooolll!」

Nonna claps her hands frantically as she screams.

It didn’t take long for Kroll to rush in with a pot lid.

「What’s going on!?」

Nonna runs all the way to the window and points to Remia.

「That woman...... no, that person, peel away the lower half! Get that person naked!」


Kroll let out a dumb sound after giving Remia a double take.

Not only was he ordered to take off someone’s pants, he had to do it to the female in front of him.

「Just do it!」

「I can’t do something like that do this woman―― ow, ow, ow, ow!」

As Kroll hesitates, Nonna pulls on his ear.

「That person isn’t a woman! He’s a man and there’s something disgusting attached down there! He’s definitely a rapist targeting us!」

Her screams echo to the other girls, causing them to step back from Remia.

If Remia was a perverted crossdresser, it would be dangerous to stay close.

Kroll’s expression tenses up and he pounces on Remia.

「S-stop it...... noooo!!」

Remia struggles, but can’t hope to win against Kroll, who is already holding his weapon, the pot lid.

「Stop resisting, pervert!」

Kroll pins down Remia and tears her ankle-long skirt.

An unusual sense of arousal wells up within Kroll as he rips off Remia’s underwear, eliciting a shriek from her.

And then――


「I knew it, he was a man.」

「It’s not like Aegir’s, but it’s disgustingly big.」

Dangling in between Remia’s legs was something resembling a penis, which was larger than an average man’s.

Nonna covers her eyes with her hand while hiding behind her maids, while Maria and Mel also hide behind the girls who can fight like Carla and Mireille.

「There’s no way to talk your way out of this. I can only see this as someone disguising themselves and waiting for an opening to assault us.」

Melissa’s gaze became more unsparing.

「Kroll, get him naked and tie him up. After that, summon the security unit.」

Nonna looks at Remia ruthlessly.

Kroll did as he was told and stripped the upper body as well.

The moment he did, larger-than-average breasts spilled out.

「Um, this person also has boobs.」

Kroll turns back rigidly.

「I smell a man over here......」

For some reason, even Catherine showed up.

Remia ended up in the same way Altair was, half crying, after explaining herself.

Kroll took several slaps from the women and was sat in the corner of the room with a blindfold on.

「I see, you have both...... it makes sense since Aegir-sama would never keep a crossdressing man by his side.」

After hearing her circumstances, the group of women talk privately among themselves.

「Anyways, I’ve explained myself. I’m going to Her Grace now.」

Just when Remia was about to stand up, someone grabs her shoulder.

「It’s a woman I’ll be doing it with. And it doesn’t count as cheating if it’s with a woman.」

It was Catherine who grabbed her after being lured by the smell.

Her face was flushed and her breathing was rough like she ran at full speed for some time.

「It’s not metal or wood...... it’s a warm dildo with blood flowing through...... haa...... haa.」

「Is that girl doing it again?」

「Yeah, there have been many laborers lately, and the smell of sweat from half-naked men all over the city have been wafting in.」

Catherine has an extremely high desire for sex and becomes sexually frustrated if deprived of a man for an extended period of time to the point that she gets so turned on that she loses her sense of reason.

If left alone, the fear of her cheating is high, so Melissa and the other maids in the mansion normally help disperse some of that pent-up lust, but Catherine’s body can’t help reacting to a living person’s rod.


Catherine takes Remia’s hand and leads her to the giant bed located in the shared room...... which was popularly named ‘the room of love’.

「Wait a second, I want to be with Her Grace!」

Remia tries to resist, but is dragged away by the ghastly-looking Catherine.

The other women follow in succession.

「Don’t pay too much attention to them. Besides, you can hear them having fun.」

In Celestina’s room, the two girls giggle together.

「So Altair’s teachings are――」

「I see. But then, big brother...... I mean, Hardlett-sama, is being ignored. Is that why――」

「Funii, God has given Hardlett-sama the right to rule over people――」

They talk passionately about something.

「Besides, we are also...... his women after all.」

「Unfaithfulness is out of the question, but if it doesn’t involve cheating, then-」

「It’s fine since we have experience with other women too.」

The eyes of the females become beast-like, which made Remia shudder in fear.

――The Next Morning.

Remia lies spread eagle on the large bed.

Her arms and legs are stretched out powerlessly and her eyes stared vacantly at the ceiling.

A cloudy fluid was scattered everywhere, from the sheets to the floor and of course her body, and a distinctive stench filled the room. Normally, the first impression anyone would have of the liquid is a proof of being violated, but it was actually something secreted by Remia herself.

Only two people were left in the room.

The other women returned to their own rooms after being satisfied.

A single tear trickled down Remia’s cheek from the corner of her eye, however, it was licked up by a pink tongue before it could stain the sheets.

「Ara, are you crying?」

Catherine’s expression, now overflowing with affection, was completely different to the horrifying appearance she had last night as her tongue crawled up Remia’s face and her hand gently brushed Remia’s disheveled hair.

「Last night was incredible. It was for you as well, right?」

Catherine’s hand moves down to caress Remia’s face, then traces along her neck and then to her chest.

「Fufu, you don’t have to say anything. I can tell by how messed up you look.」

Catherine finishes with a soft kiss on her lips and puts only a gown on her body before getting up to leave.

「Ah, I forgot one thing.」

Catherine stops in front of the door, turning around as she combs her hair.

Without moving her head, Remia simply shifts her eyes to where the voice came from.

「I received a message from Nonna-san saying, “Until Aegir-sama returns, you are to come every week to report the details of your church activities. Alone―― to avoid any mayhem.” So, let’s have some fun again next week, ‘kay?」

Catherine smiles and closes the door behind her.

「......Your Grace.」

Remia extends a hand up in the air.

At the same time, a petal from a rose placed in a vase by the bedside drifts to the floor.

Then she hugs her own body, that starts to tremble, in a comforting manner......

「It felt good...... with females...... this is also a form of Altair’s love......if this spreads within the religion......」

The future of the religion of Altair is bright.

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