Oukoku e Tsuzuku Michi

Chapter 414: Celia Battalion’s First Campaign

Chapter 414: Celia Battalion’s First Campaign

Onagosky POV–

Patena Suburbs. Garrison.

「My battalion will head west, and we will conduct a search-and-destroy mission to eliminate the enemy that landed in the Barmewen district!」

Under the clear blue sky, Celia yells as loud and as earnestly as she can to inspire the soldiers of her newly formed battalion.

Celia looks really dignified and cute as she walks around on her horse, peeking at the faces of each soldier.

「The enemy has about the same numbers, and although the details of their branch and composition are unknown, it is assumed that they do not possess heavily-armed soldiers or siege weapons due to how quick their landing was.」

Her pre-sortie speech continues.

If I was doing it, I would think the rest is too much of a hassle and stop here, but for the commander of a new battalion...... not to mention how cute Celia is, having such a lackadaisical attitude would set a poor example for the soldiers, so I let it be.


Whoops, that was close. Our eyes almost met.

I quickly pretend to bow and look down, then hide my face with the visor of the helmet.

「......because the area around the enemy’s landing point is a remote region, there are few villages and military facilities, thus we do not know the exact location of the enemy!」

Celia’s speech resumes.

「If you stare with such zeal, you’ll be discovered!!」

The soldier next to me gives a warning.

That’s certainly true, but your loud voice is a dead giveaway too, so keep it down.

See, Celia thought you were talking secretly and glared at you.

I am currently disguised as a soldier of Celia’s battalion.

The soldier beside me is Irijina.

「Wahaha!! This doesn’t look too bad!!」

Celia’s battalion does not have many female soldiers so Irijina has to act like a man to not stick out.

Since she is rather tall and well-built, it should not raise any suspicion.

「We are heading to the place where the scout spotted them last, but it is quite possible we come into contact with them before that!」

After talking with Leopolt, Celia’s battalion was given the task of finding the enemy that landed and annihilating them.

In the unlikely event of a rout, there are no enemies close enough to come to their aid, so even if reinforcements are sent again at that point, it won’t cause many problems.

If this was any other independent battalion, I would have said, “alright, do your best”, and then flirted with Ivanna, but this is Celia’s battalion and I can’t do that.

Moreover, I couldn’t sleep last night due to being too anxious from what Sekrit said, so I ended up playing around with girls all night.

「Don’t slack during your march――」

So, when I happened to meet Irijina as I was procuring a set of equipment, both of us disguised ourselves and went along with Celia.

Until the fleet finishes its maintenance, all of us can’t move out.

And if anything happens, Leopolt is there to clear any obstacles.

There shouldn’t be any problems at all.

「No matter what kind of situation, defeat the enemy, decorate this battalion with a victory on its first campaign, and answer Aegir-sama’s trust in us!!」

I think she’s almost done her speech.

「Are you sure this is alright? I heard you had a big argument with Leopolt-dono.」

So that last incident even reached Irijina’s ears.

「Even I know not to go off on my own after he said that much. I made sure to tell him.」

It was a 90% lie when I said:

“I want to see the enemy’s real intentions with my own eyes.”

I managed to think up on the spot:

“I also want to determine the capabilities of the independent battalion.”

Sekrit’s sophism also prompted me to say:

“The first campaign is dangerous, and I would have to take command if Celia gets into a pinch, so I’m going to prevent a loss of a valuable resource.”

The truth in my heart says:

“I can’t help worrying about the cute Celia.”

All the above are the four reasons I wrote in the letter.

「Then everything is fine!!」

「Exactly. I’m not that much of an idiot that I would make the same mistake twice.」

Irijina and I exchange smiles behind the cover of our helmets.

「You two over there!! You’ve been chatting for a while now. If you’re looking down on me, I’ll teach you a lesson!!」

She got angry at us.

We have to stay low, so let’s be good from now on.

Several Days Later. On the Western Road.

Celia’s battalion departed Patena and advanced west along a small road.

The Barmewen district is a remote region in Goldonia where development was not a priority.

Nevertheless, that place is Goldonia with roads in good order, so we neither had to walk on a trackless road or push our way through herds of monsters, we simply had to march along the country road with nothing around it.

Irijina and I do our best not to stand out and act like mediocre soldiers.

「Look, there are wild watermelons!」

「How perfect, I was feeling thirsty. I’ll split it in half with my sword so hold it steady.」


I cut open the watermelon Irijina picked in one swing.

「Hahaha, it’s just skin and there’s not much fruit to eat! The inside is like a fig!!」

「At least some parts can be eaten...... uu, it’s covered in bugs. Throw it away.」

「......you guys.」

Unable to eat the watermelon, I look up at a standing tree.

「Hey, there’s something growing on the tree. Can’t reach...... poke it with your spear.」

「Leave it to me!!」

Irijina hits and snaps off the branch, knocking off several fruits.

I don’t know what kind of fruit it is, but it looks juicy and edible.

When Irijina and I grabbed the fruit in midair......


I hear a cute cry right behind me.

I turn around and see Celia.

Some of the fruit must have hit her, since there is some kind of liquid on her helmet.

「You idiots! March properly!!」

「Don’t say that and eat this. It might be delicious.」

I instinctively offer the fruit to Celia, but she yells at me and simultaneously kicks me in the back of my thigh where my armor doesn’t protect.

It made a nice whack sound.

「Who do you think you’re talking to!? Dammit, are you looking down on me!?」

Oh, that’s right. I’m supposed to be an ordinary soldier now.

I tried to talk with her like I always do.

The kick she extended her pretty leg to do had quite an impressive force behind it.

If she landed that kick in hand-to-hand combat against a male opponent, it would be sufficiently effective, I’m sure.


Celia looks up at me with a dubious gaze.

I deliberately chose to wear a helmet with a visor so she shouldn’t be able to see my face.

I suddenly realized what was wrong.

If an ordinary soldier was kicked for real, he can’t act like nothing happened.

「Guwah, you got meー」

There was a slight delay from when I was kicked, but I hold my thigh and fall down.

Celia makes a suspicious face and proceeds to kick Irijina in the calf.

「Hieeー ow, that hurtー!」

Irijina also holds her leg and goes down.

It doesn’t seem very convincing. Irijina’s acting sucks.

While looking down on us pretending to agonize, Celia puffs out her chest and threatens the other soldiers.

「I’ll mercilessly kick anyone who goofs off like these two, so all of you better listen! Any comments that make light of me will not be tolerated!」

Celia warns as she kicks my ass.

「If you cut corners because I’m a girl――」

Celia kicks my ass again.

It looks like she is setting an example for what happens to those with poor attitudes by punishing us, maintaining her dignity as a captain, and gauging her command of the squad.

Most of the Celia battalion was chosen from my private army.

All of them know Celia well and aren’t particularly rebellious, but perhaps because of her cute appearance, they can’t help relaxing around her.

She also realizes this and is probably trying to tighten things up.

If that’s the case, feel free to use me.

「Not the faceー」

「Quiet! You invited this on yourself!」

Celia’s kicks don’t do any actual damage to me, but I would rather not have her kick my head, otherwise my helmet will fly off and my identity will be revealed. Also, please be careful not to kick my ass too hard or else I’ll end up getting turned on.

「Horrible...... you don’t have to beat ‘em up that badly.」

「Well, I mean his attitude was pretty terrible. He chased a rabbit earlier and messed up the formation.」

「As expected of Celia-sama, to be able to knock down such a large man with a kick.」

「And look, I’ve known Celia-sama since way back and she just keeps getting prettier.」

The soldiers’ reactions are decent.

A sense of tension is returning to their faces as they’re watching me get kicked over and over.

「Fuu...... fuu...... the next guy who does something stupid won’t get away with such a light punishment! Understood!?」

「「「Yes ma’am! Battalion Commander!」」」

All the soldiers respond in unison.

「Good, resume your march! You guys, don’t keep laying there and stand up!」

Celia gives us a parting glance before hopping back on her horse.



Irijina and I promptly rise from the ground, brush the dust off our bodies and join the others in marching.


It was quite a fresh feeling to be kicked and verbally abused by Celia.

From my perspective, it was like playing around with a small dog, but I’m sure it was frightening to the other soldiers.

To begin with, the face she showed in public was different than what she shows me.

「I’m glad we could help Celia out, though going any further would drag her down. We might also blow our covers.」

「Umu, we’ll march obediently!」

We keep our voices...... not that quiet because of Irijina, and return to the line.

However, Celia doesn’t leave our sides.

Did she find out already?

「......you, what’s your name?」

She uses a completely different icy cold tone with me.


I didn’t anticipate having to converse with Celia so I didn’t think of a name beforehand.

If Celia finds out who I am here, she would think that I don’t trust her.

She might let the earlier kicking affect her and lose her composure.

I have to do whatever I can to keep hidden.

「My name is Onagosky.」

A name I heard once in the past slips out of my mouth.

Celia stares at my face.

「......what a perverted-sounding name. Anyway, I won’t let you off easy if you disrupt the order a second time. If you try to do any indecent acts, I’ll cut off your shabby thing with a knife.」

Mmm, what harsh treatment.

Celia sends me one final glare before asking Irijina the same question.

「And you?」

As if answering my prayers to not use her real name, Irijina nods once and replies with a low-pitched voice, resembling closer to that of a male.

「My name is Onicsky! I’ll march seriously!!」

「You’re so loud! Your name sounds very gluttonous......plus you don’t seem very bright, so don’t expect any mercy if you disobey orders.」

Celia says that much before turning her back and urging her horse forward to the front of the formation.

「Sniff sniff...... for some reason I thought I smelled Aegir-sama’s scent...... umumu.」

「We somehow fooled her.」


The march continues――

One Week Later. Barmewen District.

「Deploy scouts in all directions. We will go with the usual three per group and after two hours, send one of you back to report, whether you find the enemy or not!」

We have finally reached the place where we anticipate coming into contact with the enemy.

Celia also acted like a proper commander during the march.

She was strict enough that she wasn’t looked down upon, yet ensured morale didn’t drop.

Even now, she is giving out appropriate orders.

「Irijina―― I mean, Onicsky, what do you think?」

「I don’t know! Those who are good at preparing for war are different from those who are good at fighting!」

I guess that’s true.

「Mix in with the soldiers and watch over them. ......don’t go shouting to everyone that your name is Irijina.」


Irijina laughs as she twirls around the short spear issued to ordinary soldiers.

「It’s been two days since we’ve been dispatching scouts as we march...... it’s about time we get something.」

As soon as those words came out, a scout runs back from the northwest.

「Here it is.」

No more than an hour had passed since the scout left in the northwest direction.

If he returned, that means......

「Enemy discovered! It looks like they’re camping in the low ground to the northwest!」

「A-at last!」

Celia tosses away the map marked with indicators to locate the enemy and jumps on her horse.

「Everyone, get ready for battle! If the enemy is in the low ground to the northwest, it won’t take an hour to make contact with them! Leave your marching supplies behind and drink up your water!」

All the soldiers hurry about and start gathering into their respective companies.

「Are we not getting into a squad?」

Irijina asks.

「We were added at the last minute. It would be odd if a squad had two extra men. We’re a Commando unit.」

I secretly squeezed a two-person Commando unit into the battalion.

There should be nothing suspicious since I was the one who revised the composition.

「Those two idiots over there, hurry and get prepared! If you screw up again, I’m going to kick you!」

My heart flutters with joy as Celia yells at me.

Let’s go to war before a dangerous fetish awakens.

In terms of time, it took 30 minutes for the enemy to appear before us.

「I guess they realized we found out where they were and are coming to us now.」

「Their numbers...... are indeed 1000!!」

I pull out my standard issue sword and check its condition while Irijina spins her spear and does the same.

「Hey, why are those two forming their own platoon?」

「Who knows...... Celia-sama was also perplexed, but we can’t exactly change our composition on the battlefield.」

I ignore the soldiers.

Finally, the battalion was organized and everybody was ready to fight.

「Enemy is changing course to the north! They aren’t attacking us!」

The enemy makes a big detour in front of us.


Shocked, Celia retrieves the map.

「In the north...... is a forest area. They planned to run...... no, they’re avoiding a fight, and focusing on hit-and-run and disturbance strategies instead!」

I see, a small force of 1000 soldiers wouldn’t want to fight a decisive battle in the first place.

They’ll run around trying to threaten our rear or perhaps direct us to a larger army who can clean us up.

「I won’t let them! Eclair company to the right wing, Souffle company deploy to the left wing and divert the enemy’s attention with an attack! Crepe cavalry company advance to the front and right of the enemy, Tart company continue to push out!」

I see the battalion change shape accordingly to Celia’s instructions.

We wouldn’t be able to catch up to the enemy if they try to break away by simply chasing.

However, since they are a landing army, they should all be infantry, whereas we have cavalry.

If we send cavalry to flank them, the enemy will be worried of a potential charge and forced to take a defensive stance.

When their marching speed lowers as a result, we’ll surround them from the left and right.

「The Commando unit will go with the Tart company to the front!」


It feels nice to be ordered around by Celia.

It’s a pleasant change from the annoying Leopolt.

And so the fighting began.

The cavalry utilized their movement advantage to circle around to the front of the enemy at an angle.

And as predicted, the enemy begins to rearrange themselves in an anti-cavalry formation, lowering their speed instantly.

That allowed the two tasty-sounding companies to surround from both sides.

Arrows were fired by the enemy as a form of intimidation while they accepted the threats from the pincer and don’t make any proactive moves to counterattack.

It appears as if the enemy stopped moving completely to skirmish with us.

「Tart and the Commando unit will charge in from the front! At the same time, Eclair and Souffle will commence an all-out attack!」

Although our overall numbers are the same, it’s pretty much safe to say who the victor is with the successful partial encirclement.

「Mu, not good!」

Just before we made contact with the enemy in front, Irijina yells out.

The enemy getting pincered moves up towards us...... in other words, they all shift to the front.

「Change in the enemy formation, they’re looking to get into charging formation――!」


After leaving only a handful of soldiers on each side, the majority of the enemy army run right at us.

「Are they aiming to breakthrough head-on!?」

There are three options for them to take when they’re about to be surrounded.

The first is to fall back and pull out of the encirclement...... which in this case is impossible with our cavalry flanking.

The second is to spread out their forces around the perimeter and defend...... which is possible but undeniably disadvantageous.

The third is to charge and focus their attack on one portion of the enemy...... which, if successful, could turn the battle around.

「The diversionary attacks from the sides are too obvious.」

If the attack was fiercer, the enemy would be required to commit more forces on the side.

Unfortunately, most...... over 700 of the enemy soldiers are running at us from the front.

Adding together the Commando unit and Tart company only equals about 300――which is less than half of the opposing force.

「Stop charging, get into defensive formation! Eclair and Souffle come back!」

Celia hastily adjusts her instructions.

However, no matter how you look at it, the companies won’t make it in time from the sides.

「Let’s go!」

I unsheath my sword and run up to the front of the formation.

It’s the point in front of Celia where the enemy will engage.


Irijina lifts her spear and follows me.

The battle has begun.

「Smash right through them! Get out behind them!」

I deflect the sword of an incoming enemy, who comes charging with his sword raised, upward with my shield.

「I won’t let you pass so easily.」

Instead of using my sword, I swing my elbow sharply into his unguarded stomach.


When the enemy soldier reels back, I aim carefully with a slash through his throat, cleanly cutting his head off.

Since I can’t use my Dual Crater, I can’t cut through armor by force like usual or else my sword will easily snap.

I have to target vitals with precision.

「Move it!」


An enemy soldier lunges forward with his spear.

I dodge to the side right before it hits me, catch the shaft under my armpit and headbutt him.


His own running momentum adds to the impact as his face indents into the steel armor and he falls motionlessly on his back.

「Hey, don’t pass me without permission.」

I sweep my sword at the face of the soldier trying to run around me.

The blade doesn’t cut deep, only partially tearing bits of his eyes and nose, causing the enemy soldier to collapse while screaming in agony.

Next, I block the slashes of two running enemies with my shield and sword respectively, then trip each of them by taking out their legs with a low kick.


I stab one of them in the windpipe after he falls.

「S-stop...... uggyaaah!」

I stomp on the head of the other who fell on his stomach and crush his skull.

I finish by dashing by an enemy and gouging out his face in passing, then turn my attention to Irijina.

「Wahahaha! Bring it on!」

Irijina is actually really lively.


A crowd of enemy soldiers thrust their spears at Irijina, who jumps back at a speed that doesn’t match her large frame, and evades by a hair’s breadth.


She replies with a thrust of her own at such a high speed that the enemy couldn’t react.

The enemy soldier dies instantly after getting impaled through the eye while still standing up and in a lunging posture.

「Hmp, hm, hmn!!」

She follows up by stepping in and unleashing a swift three-thrust combo.

One manages to block with his shield, but the other two were stabbed in the neck and face, and both collapse.

「I’m not done yet!!」

She uses brute strength to knock the shield out of the remaining enemy’s hand and then lands a horizontal swipe to the body before he could recover.


The enemy’s armor crumples from the blow and the impact was powerful enough to transmit inside, as the soldier coughs up blood and drops to his knees.

She’s as strong as always.

Irijina seems to fight as a warrior whenever she is feeling amped up.

「I can’t be talking about others―― can I!?」

I push off the ground and leap in the air, slicing down into the shoulder of the soldier aiming a crossbow.

Those movements of mine rewarded me with the attention of the enemy archers.

Three of the arrows they fired are on target.

I cut one down of them with my sword, block one with my shield, then allow the last one I can’t evade to come close enough for me to tilt my head and deflect with my helmet.

「T-those two are dangerous!」

「They fight like distinguished soldiers...... wait, they look like ordinary soldiers.」

The enemy falters, albeit just slightly.

I wonder if the sweets companies have returned yet.

「Eei, don’t hesitate! They’re merely smallfry who are getting ahead of themselves!」

「Yeah, smallfry!」

「Oooh! It’s the Dodoron father and son!」

「They’re the pair who racked up ten kills!」

Coming out of nowhere is a middle-aged...... no, an aging warrior.

He’s wielding a rather large one-handed sword and a long rectangular steel shield.

The person directly behind him is a younger version of the first, wielding the exact same weapons.

Everything from his equipment to his gestures are the same and it grosses me out.

「When that kind of shoddy fighting goes up against a skilled veteran, they’ll reveal faults in no time. Skilled warriors like me or my son!」

「Yeah, warriors!」

「Oh, his son, huh?」


The older warrior stands in front of me while the youngster stands before Irijina.

「Here I come!」

「Sure, whenever you’re ready.」

With a short grunt, he assaults me with his sword.

It was a nice downward slash.


I was a little casual in meeting the slash with my shield and the impact surprised me a little.

He has strength and speed not typical of an average man at his age, so he was able to push back my shield ever so slightly and cause the edge to bend.

「You did well to block my attack! A big accomplishment for smallfry like you, but you still can’t be called a warrior!」

The man makes consecutive attacks on my shield.

He must be trying to use his power to knock my shield away.

「Mon! Gngh! Don!」

His strength increases with each successive attack.

My shield continues to be pushed closer toward my body.

「I’ll end it with this!!」

The man winds back for a swing with all his might.

He creates a rather large opening for someone who showed such speed earlier on.

I observe calmly as I decide what to do and realize where the man is looking.

I see.

「Right there!」

His slash was not directed at the shield I’ve readjusted, it was sent toward the other hand, knocking away the sword I was gripping loosely.

「See that!? A warrior always watches his enemy’s movements! That’s the difference between me and a smallfry!」


I wait for the old man to finish speaking and then bash the shield he’s swinging, hitting it into his face.

The piece of steel molds tightly around his face and instantly crushes his eyes, nose, and mouth.

The man doesn’t utter a sound, and convulses before falling over.

「I’m taking this.」

I don’t expect an answer from him so I simply pick up the man’s sword without saying much else.

If that’s all he’s capable, Irijina should be fine.

「Warriors are constantly watching the enemy―― gyaaaaaa!!」

「Wahaha! I don’t only have my spear!」

I just managed to catch a glimpse of Irijina kicking the enemy.

Her entire body weight was behind that front kick which knocked her opponent over, allowing her to plunge her spear through the back of his head.

Well, that’s what I thought.

「Now then, how’s the battle looking like――」

That was when Celia’s pretty voice rings out.

「Tart company, open up the middle! Don’t take them on head-on, scatter to the left and right!」

「Hey, you’re kidding.」

I couldn’t help commenting.

Celia’s order is basically allowing the enemy to break through the center.

Both companies immediately go back.

If only they persisted a bit longer.

「Split to either side!」

「Open up the front!」

They can’t disobey Battalion Commander Celia’s orders though.

Ally soldiers create a path for the enemy soldiers.

Irijina and I can’t go off on our own to fight, so we also obey.

The enemy cut right through us and runs out behind us.

Our encirclement was broken and they’re the ones who have us surrounded from the front and back.

「What is Celia thinking?」

「Muu...... in this situation, we’ll have to turn the entire army around and try to surround them back.」

However, her next order went beyond my imagination.

「Eclair, Souffle, Tart, and also the Commando unit, gather in the center. Fortify the defenses of the headquarters while slowly retreating.」


If we all congregate around one point, we won’t simply be surrounded.

We’ll be completely on the defense.

If we do that, the headquarters will be on the verge of crisis, or worse, we’ll suffer heavy enough casualties that we won’t be able to mount an offensive.

「Regardless, it was bad the moment we allowed them to breakthrough. It’s like we’re telling the enemy we’re in trouble.」

Sure enough, the enemy’s morale increases after they divided us and they gradually transition into an attacking formation.

「The enemy is on the defense! Something must have happened.」

「This is our chance, let’s finish them off.」

「Did you see the enemy general? It’s a young girl, so there’s nothing to be afraid of!」

The South Yuguria army is indeed highly trained.

It doesn’t take long for them to change direction and assault us.

「Maintain formation and retreat slowly, retreat.」

Celia’s voice also gets louder.

We haven’t collapsed yet, we just can’t start an attack.

「...... it can’t be helped.」

We’re one-sidedly defending.

Not to mention the enemy is riding high, so if we don’t hold firm, they can break us apart.

I put my hand on my helmet to secure it.

At the same time, Celia raises her sword.

「Waffle company, reveal the ambush!」

A furious cry erupts suddenly and a squad led by spearmen charge into the enemy from the side.

The position of the surprise attack was diagonally to the rear of the enemy...... perfect.

「An ambush!?」

「Were they hiding the whole time!?」

「Don’t tell me they let us breakthrough so they could lure us in......」

「All of you, stand your ground!! Don’t take one step back now!」

The three companies who were being pushed back up to that point plant their feet and withstands the enemy’s attack.

Having gathered in the middle, the three companies thwart the enemy’s offensive like sturdy bedrock.

「Crepe cavalry company, charge forward!」

The pincered and confused enemy have to deal with cavalry too.

That settles it.

The enemy can’t do anything more.

「Wow. She won.」

「Umu! Amazing!!」

Celia showed me excellent leadership far beyond my expectations.

Even if I took over, I don’t think things would have gone as smoothly.

While preventing the enemy from getting through the middle, the battle becomes a melee, and their side should be suffering more losses than us.

「Very impressive......I have mixed feelings though.」

I’m definitely happy Celia has matured into a clever girl. However, it feels like she’s escaping from the palm of my hand.

「You two idiots, what are you doing!? The enemy has collapsed. Pursue them!! ......what’s with that strange look?」

Oops, she got upset again.

I stop directing my warm gaze at her and commence the rout of the enemy.

That’s how the enemy offense falls apart and, unable to keep their formation together, surrenders without incident.

South Yuguria is not known to give up so easily, however, it was natural for them to do so without a clear path of escape.

「I am...... the squad commander. I concede...... so please promise that you will spare the lives of the soldiers.」

The enemy commander kneels on the ground.

Celia was somewhat astounded at the sight, but manages to squeeze out her voice.

「Very well. The condition is that all of you will have to strip down to only your underwear and have your hands bound with rope, then all the commanders will be captured and taken in a carriage to Patena.」

Celia answers in as strict of a voice as she can speak in.

In my eyes...... no, probably in everybody’s eyes, she is just too cute.

「I thank you for such generous treatment......」

The enemy hung their heads in frustration.

They could look happier since they surrendered to the adorable Celia.

「Alright, I’ll leave the rest to you.」

After the negotiations ended, Celia holds out her chest and walks off with dignity oozing from all over her body.

I instinctively follow her.

As soon as the prisoners of war were a fair distance away, Celia’s dignified expression relaxes.

「Fu...... fufufufu. I-it worked. The plan worked perfectly!」

Celia repeatedly pumps her fist in celebration.

「I won! It’s a complete victory! I overwhelmed an opponent of equal numbers!」

Celia bounces up and down happily while she continues doing the cute gesture.

「All my studying has bore fruit! I’m sure Aegir-sama will praise me!!」

Celia spins around and dances.

It’s tough holding back from wanting to pat her right now.

Eventually, Celia recomposes herself and walks off.

Of course, her expression hasn’t returned to Leopolt’s level of a sour face, it still has traces of glee.


Celia realizes my presence.

「I also watched the way you fought. It seems you aren’t just an idiot.」


「By the way, why don’t you take off your helmet? There are no more enemies here. And your voice......」

That’s because I don’t want my identity to be known.

I also alter my voice slightly, which causes Celia to tilt her head suspiciously.

「Whatever. When we get back, I’ll arrange a reward for you. For now, you’ll have to make due with this.」

Celia shares a tiny bit of the precious alcohol she brought along.


Celia and I tap our cups together and gulp down the victory drink.

That was a mistake.

The fighting is over, the cute Celia is smiling beside me, and I’m drinking like I usually do―― which naturally leads to a kiss.



I stretch my body briefly after leaning in for a quick peck on the lips.

「Alright, time to go back home......」

I flinch in reaction to the sudden murderous intent.


Several knives stab into the spot right beside my foot.

「I’ll kill you.」

More short swords fly without delay.

I try telling her to wait, but she doesn’t let me speak.

Celia is expressionless now.

Whenever Celia reaches the maximum level of anger, she becomes blank-faced.

She enters a state where words no longer have any effect.

When she gets like this, I can only run.

「We’re leaving, Onicsky.」


I pull Irijina’s hand and run away at full speed.

Knives clearly aiming for our vitals rain down from behind.

In any case, Celia did very well.

When she gets back, I’ll heap lots of praise on her.

One Week Later. Patena.

「Celia. My cute Celia. My smart Celia!」

「Wah, phf! Auuuau! I’m happy, but fuwaaaa. People are looking at us!」

Irijina and I returned home early so I could pat and praise Celia when she came back from leading her battalion on their first campaign.

「You even defeated an enemy of equal numbers so skillfully.」


Celia looks dubiously at the report clutched under her arm.

Oh no, I didn’t see the battle report yet.

「I heard from Leopolt. He told me what happened and how you did it.」

I make up a reason and resume rubbing Celia.

Leopolt can deal with the rest later.

Celia melts in my arms and looks up happily at me.

「By the way, Aegir-sama.」

「What is it, my cute Celia.」

「Do you know soldiers named Onagosky and Onicsky?」

I turn my head to the side and reply casually with whistling mixed in.

「I can’t say I know the names of every soldier. What about those two? Did they do well?」

She did say she would give out rewards.

「I’ll kill them.」


「I’ll find them and kill them.」

Anyways, Celia’s battalion won.

Not much damage was taken in their brilliant first victory.

「I’ll go check the register. They should be in the army. I’ll go find them and end their lives.」

「C’mon control yourself now.」

Protagonist: Onagosky. 25 years old. Summer.

Status: Goldonia Kingdom Margrave. Great Feudal Lord of Eastern Area. Mountain Legend. Friend of the Dwarves. Friend of the King of Aless. Dragon Slayer Hero.

Elf Mediator. Sex King of White City.


Celia (triumphal return), Myla (short break), Irijina (Onicsky), Luna (commander), Sekrit (practicing)

Leopolt (staff officer), Tristan (staff officer), Gido (escort unit), Yakov (placated), Brynhildr (vampire, free), Ivanna (refreshed), Annette (princess of the 105)


Under Protagonist: 42 000

Escort Unit: 100

Infantry: 10 450

Cavalry: 1100

Archers: 1200

Cannoneers: 450

Bow Cavalry: 8700

Independent Celia Squad: 930

Aless Soldiers: 14 000

105 Army Corps: 4940

Cannons: 60, Large Cannons: 30, Dwarven Cannons: 16, Field Artillery: 20, Chariots: 50

Battleships: 1, Large Combat Ships: 5, Small Combat Ships: 20, Transport Ships: 20 (Under maintenance, resupplying)

Stationed in Port City, Patena

Enemy Force: Confirmed Portion

Western Army: Approx. 50 000, Magrado Local Army: Several Tens of Thousands, North Coast Landing Force: Surrendered

Fleet Stationed in Tebia: (Battleships: 3. Large Combat Ships: 10, Medium Combat Ships: 50, Small Combat Ships: Approx. 100)

Assets: 0 gold

Sexual Partners: 783, children who have been born: 69 + 565

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