Oukoku e Tsuzuku Michi

Chapter 376: Central Plains Unification War ① North Invasion Begins

Chapter 376: Central Plains Unification War ① North Invasion Begins

South Trisnia – Goldonia Royal Army Third Division Army Corps.

「The South Yuguria army has transgressed the border! They have crossed!」

「Is it only a portion of them!? Or is it the entire training army!?」

Shouting and hurried footsteps dominate the headquarters.

「The enemy is advancing in an attack formation, details unknown! It’s hard to believe it’s an accidental act!!」

「......it’s become exactly as the Military Commissioner said. Get into defensive formation at once and buy some time. Then send a messenger to the capital to request for reinforcements!」

While trying to hide the sense of trepidation, the commander gives out appropriate instructions.

「His Majesty has only ordered us to monitor the training.」

「His Excellency, the Military Commissioner said they would come for sure. That is why we can react so quickly.」

The commander continues.

「The enemy has mobilized pretty much the entire army for training. If all of them move out, a mere army corps of 15 000 won’t be enough to hold them off.」

「Other army corps have been informed of the situation. The Military Commissioner should send reinforcements soon.」

The commander nods and swallows the words he was about to say.

(The other armies are scattered after being ordered by His Majesty to prepare for a non-existent rebellion. If reinforcements are to be sent, it will take some time for them to get ready and move. Does that mean we have to hold out until then?)

Amidst the ringing alarm bells and yelling of soldiers, the sound of countless hooves approaching can be heard.

「The enemy vanguard is coming! Anti-cavalry formation!」

「They’re here? So fast!」

「Iron wagons are mixed in with the cavalry! Be careful of the ballistae.」

「How are we supposed to watch out for them while getting into anti-cavalry formation!?」

「How do I do!? Think about it yourself!」

Headquarters was engulfed in bellowing and hustle and bustle.

Tortoent – Training Exercise “Green” Supreme Headquarters.

Ever since the “training exercise” started, Empress of South Yuguria Wilhelmina has not moved from the room prepared in the headquarters in Tortoent.

In that modest room, to say the least, the woman continued just staring at the door.

A knock would soon be heard and the door opened at the same time.

Normally, such an act would be an utmost rude gesture towards the sovereign, however Wilhelmina does not rebuke the individual and puts words together.

「Let’s hear the report, Zaphnes.」

Those words were spoken without any kind of preamble and the individual was addressed without any honorifics. For an empress, it was a rather coarse and unfitting way of speech.

Nevertheless, the man did not mention anything about that.

「The Goldonia Third Division Corps has been completely annihilated. The trivial squad they met up with was also routed and Trisnia has been successfully captured.」

「Oh, so it’s finally done.」

Wilhelmina nods and exhales softly.

「They persevered for quite some time with only 15 000 even though the western army of 80 000 are a gathering of elites.」

「The battle was decided from the beginning. They were just hell-bent on buying time. As proof of that, although more than 10 000 casualties were suffered by the enemy side, we did not lose more than a few hundred soldiers. Looking at the numbers, it can be considered a complete victory.」

The Third Division Army of Goldonia prolonged the battle against an opponent with five times their military strength for five days before being wiped out.

A small force in charge of maintaining public order nearby was the only group capable of responding to the call for reinforcements since the royal army’s main force could not make it in time.

As a result, Trisnia fell and the region south of Roleil was taken over by South Yuguria.

「Still, to only send 15 000 in spite of the advance notice of a full-scale training exercise on the border. The king of Goldonia must be really fond of the presents. It’s a little bit beyond my expectations for him to be this cowardly.」

Zaphnes smiles in agreement of Wilhelmina’s disparaging comments, but his face quickly reverts to an unpleasant one.

「If Goldonia was serious, they could station enough forces on the borders to match our numbers or surpass them. It actually isn’t a good thing that they are this defenseless. I wanted at least 50 000 to be here.」

The total number of South Yuguria troops which have flooded into Goldonia reach 200 000.

The western army advancing along the river has 80 000, the central army moving slightly inland has 50 000, and then the eastern army heading north to Hardlett’s territory from Kisatto has 70 000.

Almost all of these soldiers are South Yuguria’s top-of-the-line soldiers, leaving the inexperienced trainees as the only soldiers within their land.

「The plan was for the western army to push a larger force back, then have the highly mobile central army surround and annihilate them. A first battle win is a sign of good things to come...... but crushing a mere 10 000 can’t be considered a fatal blow to the Goldonia army. It isn’t going as well as the time in Libatis.」

「Will you struggle if you don’t crush them in the first battle?」

When Wilhelmina provokes Zaphnes, he doesn’t hide his slightly annoyed expression.

「I am not complaining. It will just take some time. Everybody wants to win as quickly and as easily as possible.」

The empress apologizes and urges the man to continue.

「In any case, Trisnia has fallen. The first stage is complete.」

「The first stage at the beginning of hostilities...... successful, I guess. Next, the western and central armies will join together, after cleaning up any remnants, to take down Roleil. We lose our element of surprise, meaning the battle will be tougher and the losses will increase, however we will still win.」

Zaphnes draws an imaginary line with the finger he placed on the map from the river to the east.

「The eastern army will take down Zan Dora, a key point in the south of Hardlett’s territory. Our eastern army has 70 000, whereas Hardlett’s army, while powerful, is 20 000 or so collectively and not to mention there is no sturdy fortress within the territory. We can win without much resistance. Once those three points, Trisnia, Roleil, and Zan Dora, fall, that would be the completion of the first stage of the plan.」

Wilhelmina stays silent and continues to listen to Zaphnes.

「Following that, the second stage involves the western and central armies cooperating to take down the major city of Arkland. Arkland is a fortress city sturdier than most, however we have accumulated enough cannons. If we break the enemy on the field, the city will fall without issue. They won’t expect the walls and gates of the Central plains to be continuously blasted by cannons after all.」

Zaphnes’s finger is dragged further east.

「The second stage will also require the eastern army to target Rafen from Zan Dora. This is the largest and most important point where an abundance of supplies are stored, many cities and maintained roads are gathered, and where a main road to the capital of Goldonia passes through. We absolutely need to bring this city down. While the city encompasses a relatively large area, its walls are like toys, on the level of mid-sized and small cities. We don’t need too many siege weapons here. Hardlett’s cavalry are problematic...... but if we can lure them out and crush them on the field before they can get into their attack, taking care of the rest will be extremely simple.」

Before Zaphnes could proceed to the next part, Wilhelmina interjects.

「Wait, send additional siege weapons to the eastern army just in case. Send the ones being made on rush order as soon as they are finished.」

「......I was thinking of sending those to the western army, where it will help bringing down Arkland. According to the reports from the spies in Rafen, trees are being planted around the walls to decorate the lonely scenery. It will interfere with their attack and it’s easy to spread fire to the walls by setting it on fire. I don’t think we have to worry about that.」

「Don’t say that, you never know what might happen in war, right?」

Zaphnes reluctantly gives in, seeing how insistent she was.

「The third stage will be crossing the North Teries river, invading the west coast, then crushing the republic of Stura and the general governorate of Magrado. Although the amount of forces we can invest while holding a war front is limited, this region is in extreme disorder, so we should face minimal opposition at best.」

「Umu, I have spoken to one of the city states. They have promised to send a support fleet on the occasion that Arkland falls.」

Once the western coast is controlled, the South Yuguria army can march forward without concern for the flank, meanwhile Goldonia is put into a tight spot where they have to not only worry about the south, but also be careful of attacks from the west.

「Then we have the fourth and final stage. We will pincer the capital of Goldonia from three directions, the west, south and east. That will be the end.」

Zaphnes strongly taps the point on the map where Goldonia is located.

「We are equivalent in terms of military strength and equipment, slightly superior in terms of morale with our army not fearing death, but slightly inferior when it comes to supplies and defense.」

「Hooh, so we’re about equal?」

Zaphnes smiles fearlessly.

「No, we will win for sure. I am more capable than the commanders of Goldonia―― and comparing you, who is willing to use any and all sorts of methods to win, to the king of Goldonia whose senses are dulled by his infatuation with a woman...... assuming the same physique, there is no way an idiot would win.」

That was when the door was knocked politely.


「Pardon me! Forever be our great nation and Her Majesty the great Wilhelmina!」

As the soldier salutes promptly and Wilhelmina acknowledges him, Zaphnes is the only one who looks austere.

He smiles sarcastically, as if to say “this is what happens when you incite the citizens too much”.

「Report from the eastern army! Preparations to attack Zan Dora are complete! The Hardlett army has deployed in front, they will attempt to defeat them and take down the city! That is all.」

「I’m grateful that they appeared so soon. It looks like the eastern army can clean things up pretty quickly.」

Zaphnes nods contently.

Then he looks at the map and mutters.

「What about...... Malt?」

「It’s a breadbasket after all. If we are fighting an extended battle, of course we want it.」

Zaphnes rummages around and searches for something.

It was a document detailing the reserve squad currently in the middle of training.

「Then let’s organize a provisional army with the second division central army and occupy it. This is a perfect timing to test the training.」

Wilhelmina’s eyes narrow.

「Don’t tell me you forgot, my capable commander-dono.」

「That’s not it at all...... this country is effectively under Hardlett’s protection. I thought it would naturally fall into our hands once we gain control of Hardlett’s territory.」

「I’m not fond of deception.」

「......my apologies. I forgot about it while thinking of what to do.」

Wilhelmina smiles suddenly.

「The decree is already drawn up. Hand it to the army in training and have them sortie.」

Wilhelmina speaks in a fed-up manner, while Saphnes smiles wryly and bows his head.

Right as the man passes by her, she whispers something.

「There won’t be a second time.」

It was a quiet mumbling, yet it was enough to stand the large man up as straight as a board, almost like a knife was stuck into his back.

「What’s wrong?」

Spurred by the empress, Zaphnes sprints out of the room.

He didn’t rush out so he could distance himself from Wilhelmina as fast as possible, nor did he do so to disguise the sweat dripping down his forehead as sweat from the running. That’s what he told himself anyways.

–Aegir POV–

A Short Time Ago. Rafen Outskirts.

A long snake-like line is marching endlessly with me at its head.

「According to scouts, the enemy has a total of 70 000 of a standard composition. They are making their way to Zan Dora at a relatively slow pace.」

Leopolt reports the information he attained to me in a matter-of-fact tone.

「70 000......」

Celia and Myla gulp audibly.

「If I’m not mistaken, we have――」

「14 000 infantry, 1500 cavalry, 1500 archers, 6000 bow cavalry, 130 cannons altogether, and 60 chariots.」

Celia lists off our forces.

When I pat her head, she seems to become slightly happier, although she remains nervous.

I thought our army was quite sizeable with a considerable amount of bow cavalry participating, but our opponent triples our numbers.

「Don’t tell me Wilhelmina is sending the main army at me.」

Not that long ago, when Lilian and I were drinking and fooling around together, I embraced her as she was acting as Wilhelmina.

She was screaming loudly despite us being in a love inn in town, so maybe we were overheard by South Yuguria spies.

The scenario had me fucking Wilhelmina, who was actually a slut, with my large cock and ended with her pledging allegiance to it, so if she found out, I can see why she would want to crush me.

「You did something so ridiculous......?」

Oops, did I say that out loud? Celia, who was in a cheerful mood after getting her head pat, is now sulking.

「The enemy is heading north with their forces split up into three separate armies. They are likely planning a three-pronged attack on the capital. Which means it’s natural for them to send one army to Rafen, the critical point in the east where there is a maintained road leading to the capital.」

Leopolt ignores my stupid story and continues his report.

「So the army is one of three and has 70 000. This kind of large scale is no joke.」

The war between the Empire and the Federation was also large scale, though that case was ultimately somebody else’s problem.

If I lose this time, my territory will be gone. More importantly, my women will be exposed to danger.

「With the locational advantage, the three times difference is fatal. Can’t we find a way to meet up with a royal army nearby?」

Myla says with a worried look on her face.

As a person who is more knowledgeable in military tactics than me, the direness of the situation must feel more pronounced to her.

「The Fifth Division Army is east of Arkland. Meeting up isn’t impossible.」

「Then let’s send a messenger right away. With this, the king should realize now is not the time for infighting. If we can speak――」

That was when a horse comes running through, handing Leopolt a letter instead of announcing out loud.

「――so meeting up will be impossible after all. Trisnia has fallen. The Fifth Army is heading over there.」


「They didn’t even last a week......」

Myla and Celia are surprised.

It certainly happened quickly.

But considering the 70 000 troops headed my way, I’m sure an equal or greater number was tasked to that city.

If that’s the case, the 15 000 of the Third Division won’t stand a chance.

「I see how it is, what a nice plan.」

The one who expressed their opinion is the amused Sekrit.

She, along with the vampire girl, are both assigned to my escort for the time being.

「What’s so nice? Unless you’re an idiot, it isn’t exactly hard to crush a measly 15 000 with 70 000.」

Morale and equipment are important factors, but the most important is numbers.

A slight difference can be compensated by extra efforts by the commander and soldiers. When you reach a difference of over five times, in most cases, there isn’t much that can be done.

「No, I don’t mean that. What was his name......Erich? I’m referring to him.」

Sekrit smiles.

「Those guys in South Yuguria didn’t get what they hoped for. For all they did to lure Goldonia into an ambush, they only defeated a mere 15 000.」

She gives Leopolt a provoking look.

Of course, Leopolt’s expression doesn’t change and he continues to speak in the same uninterested tone.

「The Military Commissioner probably could not station an entire army on the borders by order of the king, so he intentionally left the Third Division there.」

「If he does that, won’t they just get annihilated!?」

Celia barks. Tristan comments with “how cruel” and Myla looks downward having guessed what happened.

「There wouldn’t be any point in stationing 50 000 troops if they were going to be ambushed in the first place, plus the enormous damage would severely affect the whole battle. With that said, a small group of a thousand or so would get routed in an instant and allow the enemy to invade. One army corps isn’t enough to deal a fatal blow even if they were to get wiped out and it’s enough to hinder the enemy’s progress.」

「So the Military Commissioner purposely left the Third Division......」

Celia’s face saddens.

「It’s obvious. The king saw that predicament as a certain defeat and wanted to minimize losses. South Yuguria’s invasion operation also makes sense...... I feel like I’ve seen it somewhere before, but whatever. Both sides are pretty skilled and I think this war will become very interesting.」

Damn Sekrit, you seem to be having fun.

「What are you saying? Aren’t you yourself rejoicing as well?」

「Don’t be stupid. If we lose, I will have to restart from the beginning. My crotch feels like it’s going to bulge out from the tension.」

「Not your chest, but your crotch...... and it’s not crushing.」

I ignore Celia’s jab and pinch Sekrit’s cheek.


「You don’t know?」

Don’t know what?

「You know, you’ve been smiling the entire time since we departed.」

There’s no way.



Why are they avoiding eye contact?

Let’s talk about something else.

「We have taken pretty much the entire army, do you think Rafen will be okay?」

Unlike previous times, we have really sortied with everyone.

All of my personal army, Leopolt, Tristan, Myla, Celia, Irijina, Luna, and anybody else who can take command are here.

In other words, Rafen is totally defenseless.

「Unless Arkland falls or we break, it’s impossible for the enemy to target Rafen. A small group may try to launch a surprise attack, but the temporary defense unit should be enough to handle it.」

「Temporary defense unit, you mean those guys......」

I recall the scene I saw right before departing from Rafen.

「Leave everything to us in your absence. Not to worry, if I we fight like our lives depended on it, these old bones can still do work.」

Gathered before me is a group of individuals aged 50 and older.

They aren’t suitable to be regular soldiers at that age, however they could contribute to a certain extent in a siege defense situation.

Well, this should be fine.

「We’ll show you that we can protect the mansion and city too!」

「And also the high wages and free rent!」

「And the status of the maids serving the feudal lord!」

Gathered before me are the servants and maids of the mansion.

They have spears, crossbows, and other relatively simple to wield weapons in their hands.

I pull one of the maids close to me and whisper in her ear.

「I appreciate you trying to hard, but please surrender if it looks like you’ll be killed. Even if you experience hardships, I will definitely save you, so don’t throw your life away.」


The maid’s face turns red.

Now if I can return safely, I can gobble her up right away.

It pains me to see women having to take up arms. Well, it should be fine.

The problem starts here.

「We will fight for the chief too!」


「Alright, go back to the mountains.」

I immediately point to the peaks in the distance.

They are mountain nation...... that said, I’ve already taken those who can fight, in other words, the bow cavalry, with me. The ones here are those who didn’t become bow cavalry and actually very young children.

「I’ve gone through the adult ceremony! I’m a warrior.」

「I can fight!」

「And how old are you?」

They energetically reply with 8 and 10 respectively.

「Okay, go back.」

When I repeat myself, the kids become disappointed.

I’m not going to let kids fight no matter what kind of faces they make.

「Everyone who did the adult ceremony are warriors, so I thought......」

I pull the 8 year old boy who is still mumbling something towards me.

「Then why don’t you return to the mountains and hunt. When the fighting gets intense, I can’t be sure food will be sent to you.」

I’m not just speaking without thought.

In the case Rafen becomes a battlefield, we won’t be able to transport food supplies.

That means I need the mountain nation to be self-sufficient like they were in the past, especially when the adults are fighting with me as bow cavalry.

Sparkles return to the boy’s eyes.

I do have one doubt though.

「What does the adult ceremony entail anyway?」

My instinct is telling me to ask.

「The male ceremony is when a female close to you peels back the skin and lets out the seed of the boy. If seed comes out, then the boy becomes a full-fledged man.」

「Got it. In that case, I, as the chief, will also perform the ceremony when there is a break in the fight.」

I might be chief in name only, but I’m still their chief. I need to honor their traditions.

Next, I wrap my arm around the girl who answered ‘10’.

「You’re still a child too. You have something to do that’s more important than fighting.」

I gently rub the girl’s stomach.

「Right now, you should treasure your life and grow up strong so that in six years you can give birth to healthy children of mine.」

「The chief’s child......」

The girl blushes and then the boy takes her by the hand back to the mountains.

Good, I look forward to seeing her again six years later.

For some reason, Andrei is nodding in agreement beside me.

Well then, a problem still remains.

「We’re going to fight too.」

「Yes, of course. This place...... Rafen is...... where our paradise, the Chrysanthemum-opening Garden is, and we won’t let that be taken from us!」

「Enemies who threaten the safe space we have finally found......」

「They’ll get a triple stuffing!!」

The Chrysanthemum-opening Garden is―― and I don’t want to admit it―― an eccentric variety of brothel in Rafen, led by the Madam Gonzales.

By the way, the brothel is one where men take other men as customers.

They are generally blessed with excellent bodies and are at the prime age to be used as soldiers, however the commanders collectively rejected the idea of assigning them to an army.

「Oh well, it can’t be helped.......」

Because of Madam Gonzales’s influence, they’re holding striking weapons in the vein of morning stars and spiked clubs, and wearing thick armor. Focusing only on those two things, the squad looks quite tough.

「Why put on such heavy makeup......」

They’re wearing thick eyeliner, dark red lipstick, and some are adorned with cute ribbons.

「Going outside without makeup is just too embarrassing.」

Say that after looking in the mirror. If you can go out in public like that, then it won’t be hard for you to be completely naked in an audience with the king.

「I can’t get pumped up unless I have lipstick on.」

Supposing you had to put on lipstick, you don’t have to make it so thick. The top and bottom part of your lip sticks out and doubles how bad it looks.

Also, at least shave before putting on makeup. The red lipstick looks disgusting on top of the black moustache.

「This ribbon was given to me by my boyfriend. He’ll also fight with Hardlett-sama...... together forever.」

His boyfriend is in my army? ......I’m starting to wonder if I need to be worried.

In any case, the enemy might lose the will to fight after seeing these guys.

All of them are buff for some reason and surprisingly seem capable of making a positive contribution.

「Ohoho, it is also my duty to protect while the man is away!」

Claudia chimes in, showing off her muscular body not inferior to mine.

Lately, she’s been wearing shorts and sleeveless shirts so she can display her body.

She made an extreme change once again. Now she’s no different than those in the Chrysanthemum-opening Garden.

And yet, I enjoyed myself when I embraced her yesterday.

She could endure rougher sex so I didn’t have to hold back, and I got to try a variety of things.

We finally arrive at the most off-putting issue.

Everyone else is keeping a distance from them.

「......I’m counting on you, Pochi.」

Pochi growls in response.

Those nearby scream...... because of how big it is. Its head is much taller than the second story of the mansion.

How much bigger is it going to get?

「Fight, fight.」

「Enemy, enemy, who is it?」

「Food, food, piihー」

The flock of harpies rest on Pochi’s back.

Before I knew it, they seem to have gotten over their fear.

Pochi was always pretty obedient and had a gentle personality.

They can take care of scouting and, if necessary, can protect Rafen from the skies.

With that said, harpies aren’t the smartest creature and will need to rely on Pipi and Pochi.

As I shift my gaze, I happen to see a bunch of hands sticking up from the aqueduct.

It’s Mirumi and her children.

I’ll have them protect the waterways. We don’t want poison to be added to our water source after all.

Nuh, a little girl caught a glimpse and pissed herself.

How unfortunate.

「I don’t like fighting, but I’ll do my best to protect this place!」

Looking over more, I see Lammy wearing a headband saying “certain victory” and psyching herself up.

(I won’t lose either.)

Casie is floating next to her, wearing a headband that says “putrefaction”.

She probably meant to write “invincible” on it. I hope she doesn’t change from a ghost to a zombie-type creature.

By the way, the girls are applying a fire-proof paint to the alraune growing adjacent to the city walls.

The guards suggested cutting down the plants, but there’s no way that can be done.

Besides, I think they’ll come in handy.

I told ‘her’ that she could do anything to enemies who attack the city after all.

「Alright, I guess it’s about time we depart.」

Someone calls out to me when I hop on Schwartz.

「Feudal lord-sama, I like this city. It’s safe and food is plentiful...... although the tax is a little high.」

It’s a town girl. If you have a complaint about tax, go tell Adolph.

「There are no domineering nobles and the feudal lord-sama is kind.」

Another town girl comments.

「Peasants like us without land and a place to go are also able to live here. We have no other place to go!」

This time a tanned man shouts loudly.

「Us too. The only one who willingly accepted unique people like us is the feudal lord-sama.」

Madam Gonzales has come over.

So he is aware that he is not like others.

「He never persecuted us...... nor demanded for our asses. Even though my ass is open.」


If you keep saying gross things, I’ll throw you out.

「Everyone will be in trouble if Rafen disappears.」

「We will do our best, so the feudal lord should also......」

「Please win.」

「I’ll win, even if you don’t tell me.」

I give a simple reply and turn my back on the citizens.

Many precious women are in this city. I don’t intend to let it be taken from me.

「We will win and return to Rafen.」

「Yeah, important people are here.」

The young soldiers are motivated.

Myla nods contently, but I know the truth.

Those guys were virgins just yesterday.

I thought it would be pitiful if they died that way so I asked some prostitutes to help for free.

Some high-class prostitutes whom the young soldiers could not afford with their wages also participated, and after a wonderful time, these guys were suddenly fired up.

I’ll stay quiet, since I’m sure Myla would kick me if she found out.

The soldiers who were granted permission to cum inside the retired prostitutes look manly and hardened, far from the new recruits they actually are.

「I’m going to be a father after this battle ends.」

Ooh, do your best.


「Hm, I zoned out.」

Celia’s voice brings my attention back on the scene in front of me.

Zan Dora is close.

「It appears we arrived before the enemy. Or perhaps they are delaying the march deliberately and waiting to defeat us in field battle.」

「Bring it on then. A field battle is exactly what I want.」

Fighting an enemy who has superior numbers is probably not a wise decision.

However, almost all my territory is on the open plains and each of my cities have not been fortified with castle walls.

As a result, there is no other choice except a field battle.

「If we can intercept here, there is some preparation we can do. A mere consolation though.」

The enemy will come soon.

There will be a fierce battle over Zan Dora.

「I thought so.」

Sekrit puts her hand on my cheek.

「You really have a nice face right before a fight. So rough and innocent...... yet sexy at the same time. I can’t get enough.」

She sticks out her tongue and licks my face. Myla and Celia flare up at her.

I don’t plan on enjoying the war.

Maybe a bit.

「I just feel a little excited.」

Protagonist: Aegir Hardlett. 25 years old. Spring.

Status: Goldonia Kingdom Margrave. Great Feudal Lord of Eastern Area. Mountain Legend. Friend of the Dwarves. Friend of the King of Aless. Dragon Slayer Hero.

Elf Mediator. Sex King of White City.

Escort: 150 men

Infantry: 14 000, Cavalry: 1500, Archers: 1500, Bow Cavalry: 6000, Cannoneers: 450

Total: 23 450 men.

Cannons: 60, Large Cannons: 30, Dwarven Cannons: 16, Field Cannons: 20, Chariots: 50

Assets: 200 000 gold (recruiting, military preparations -3500), (Rafen defense -1800), (sortie -45 000)

Sexual Partners: 775, children who have been born: 68 + 565 (non-human)

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