Other world chimera [Naruto fanfic]

143. Lazy cats

143. Lazy cats

As night fell and team Yamato set the perimeter for the night Tomoka hummed a simple tune while waiting. Just like the night before, and the one before that one the guard shift would be divided in two parts. Yamato would keep watch first then the girls would do so together right after. However, unexpectedly for Yamato the girl’s weren’t really sleeping.

“So what is it you wanted to talk about?” Nozomi asked as she relaxed with her back against a tree inside Tomoka’s mindscape. The place had changed quite a bit ever since Tomoka’s emotions came back. It became like a world of its own. 

Flowers of all kinds dotted the clearing in which the lake and Tomoka’s library rested. The water looked as clear as ever with fishes swimming leisurely. Bees would go from flower to flower doing what bees do. Butterflies with shimmering wings would create dazzling spectacles as they danced all over the place. 

Trees of all kinds could be seen and even some that didn’t really exist. With leaves of all shapes and colors painting the world in a myriad of colors. Lazy soft clouds would swim in the sky, some the normal white and others with soft pastel colors like pink cyan and more looking more like cotton candy than clouds. 

The girls and even more so the fox loved the change as the place evoked a sense of peace like no other. Even Tomoka liked it a lot more like this. If she had something to complain about it would be that she didn’t have absolute control of the place like before. Things would change without her input or they would remain even if she would like otherwise. 

“About what happened today and some plans of mine I had forgotten to share.” Said Tomoka as she cuddled Hinata who was looking at the clouds. 

“You? Forgetting something? Is the world going to end?” Hinata said with a small smile. Every one of them knew that Tomoka did “forget” stuff.

“Fine, I wasn’t going to tell but changed my mind. Happy?” Tomoka rolled her eyes while saying in an unhappy tone that wouldn’t convince anyone. 

“Nn” Hinata was feeling lazy so she didn’t even bother to give a proper reply. 

“So? What is it?” Nozomi for her part felt a bit of curiosity. 

“Right so, I will first need to give some context.” With that said Tomoka explained about how this mission originally would have been assigned to team Kakashi and how it went in canon. 

“So, are you warning us to be careful or…

“I’m getting there, but no. With our skills they stand no chance. Instead I want you two to hold back in the first confrontation. After all, for my plan to work I need them alive and well, so no killing or crippling wounds please.” 

“Nn.” Nozomi hearing this lost some interest so like Hinata before her she didn’t even bother with words. 

“You two become so lazy when I bring you here. Like two cats or something” Tomoka couldn’t help but complain with a playful smile. 

“Miau.” Hinata said while pushing herself more into Tomoka’s embrace. 

“Should I get you a headband with cat ears? Maybe a cat tail too. Maybe one of those that goes in the butt.” Tomoka was feeling playful, so she decided to tease Hinata a bit while grabbing her butt. However, she didn’t expect the girl’s answer. 

“Mm kinky.” Hinata responded with a soft breathy moan that sent a shiver up Tomoka’s spine. A moment later Tomoka’s face looked like a tomato while her heart beat could compete with a plane's engine. 

Hinata for her part had lost all of her sleepiness and laziness as her brain caught up with what she said and how she said it. Not unlike Tomoka her face was beat red while her heart felt like it would explode any moment. 

Nozomi who was caught in the crossfire couldn’t help but imagine Hinata in such a get up, then Tomoka and lastly herself. With such images going through her mind her face too became as red as could be while her heart pounded like crazy. 

{Get a room already} thought the fox who saw all of this happening while trying to nap. 

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