Only After I Was Reborn Did I Realize That I Had Childhood Sweethearts

Chapter 99: Mei Fangs Unsettled Mind

Chapter 99: Mei Fangs Unsettled Mind

After the Peng Xue incident, Class 8, where Xia Yuan was, experienced significant changes. However, after the initial period of adjustment, everyone quickly returned to their daily school life.

After all, twists and turns are just temporary events, and the true essence of life is found in the calm and ordinary moments.

The math teacher, who became Class 8s new homeroom teacher, changed the previous competitive atmosphere, and Xia Yuans homework decreased significantly.

During this period, Mei Fang spent most of his weekends accompanying Xia Yuan to study music theory. Besides wanting to soothe Xia Yuans mood, he also aimed to master the ability to recognize and transcribe music, such as writing musical notation based on the melody of a song. Understanding music theory would not only help with Xia Yuans future plans but would also be useful for Mei Fang in making game soundtracks in the future.

After Mei Fang finished transcribing the melody of a popular song and handed it to Xia Yuan for checking. Xia Yuan played the role of a little teacher, using a red pen to mark and gave Mei Fang a perfect score of 100.

Yay, all correct!

Xia Yuan hummed softly, Ah Fang, dont be conceited. Actually, anyone who learns a little music theory can quickly master this kind of transcribing ability, and the melody of popular music is not that complicated.

Oh, I see. I thought I had a talent for this

Seeing Mei Fang feeling a bit disheartened, Xia Yuan immediately changed her tone, The one just now was just a small trial. Ah Fang, you can do even better! By getting more exposure and understanding of different musical instruments, youll be able to distinguish the different parts of a complete composition even better.

Speaking of which, if its a complete composition, can you write out the melody and the music for each part? For example, a song may have guitar and piano parts, as well as percussion.

Well, it depends on the type. If its a popular song like the one we just talked about, or songs from anime, games, and such, with fewer parts, I can listen to them a few times and write out the melody. But if its a classical piano solo, even though its played with only two hands, the parts can be very complex, so it becomes more challenging.

Although its challenging according to what youre saying, you can still transcribe the music, right?

Xia Yuan pursed her lips and shook her head, I havent tried it in a long time. I need to give it a try! Of course, the most challenging would be symphonies.

Indeed, with so many parts in a whole choir, I wonder what their sheet music looks like.

The sheet music for each part is basically different, otherwise, it would be impossible to read.

I see.

Mei Fang couldnt help but sigh, Now that I think about it, the music theory taught by the elementary school music teacher was the most comprehensive. The teacher even taught us how to recognize and draw staff notation. But in middle school, it feels like the music teacher is quite perfunctory, just teaching us to sing a popular song and thats it.

Xia Yuan laughed, After all, in middle school, theres no guarantee of having the next music class after the previous one. Each class is treated as the last, so naturally, its one song per class! By the way I think we havent had music class since the mid-term exam.

Thats fine. Because I can still have music class.

Dont your teachers fight over classes? Why is your class so much better than us?

Mei Fang shook his head, Thats not what I meant. I meant

Mei Fang gently touched Xia Yuans cheek, Ive always had a free childhood sweetheart music teacher teaching me!

Xia Yuan grumbled, Whos teaching you for free!? Pay up! You borrowed 10 yuan from me in kindergarten and never returned it. You dont think I forgot, do you?

Mei Fang was shocked, You still remember that all this time?

How could I forget!? Xia Yuan pouted, At that time it was the first time I went out without an adult with me, and I went with you. You took me to buy lottery tickets, showed me cats, showed me a small bridge, and I had my first taste of cotton candy. I even fell asleep leaning on your shoulder I remember everything about that day, everything.

As Xia Yuan spoke, she became excited again, Ah Fang, is there anything you regret not doing or doing in your childhood?

Why are we suddenly talking about this?

Just chatting casually

Xia Yuan smiled slightly, Because I always feel like theres nothing I regret, and I can only be grateful for what I did back then. For example, listening to your advice and running away from home, trying my best with Youxi to convince Aunt Mei to let you stay

Xia Yuans smile looked very sweet.

And theres the recent incident, I always feel so lucky and happy. Every time I encounter a crisis, theres always someone there to protect me.

So, Ah Fang, if theres something youve wanted to try but havent done yet, you must tell me. If its still possible to achieve now, I will definitely help you make it happen.

Regrets about things

Unsatisfying endings

Of course, unsatisfying endings usually refer to when two characters you were shipping in a story didnt end up together, but Mei Fang still liked to use it to explain the regrets he wanted to make up for after being reborn.

In his past life, Mei Fang had many regrets, but he had already made up for quite a few in the past few years, and now he was a bit more accepting of things.

Apart from not getting into a good university and Zhang Ming going and disappearing to a foreign land, there didnt seem to be anything he particularly regretted at the moment.

On second thought maybe there is?

For example

Mei Fang looked up and told Xia Yuan seriously, Actually Ive always wanted to learn to play a musical instrument and perform on stage, like guitar or piano

Xia Yuans eyes widened, Ah Fang are you serious?

If you want to laugh, go ahead, I know I cant sing well, but I still envy those singers who shine on stage.

Mei Fangs eyes showed an infinite longing, I want to be as cool as them too.

Upon hearing Mei Fangs words, Xia Yuan stopped smiling. Im sorry Ah Fang! I really didnt mean to mock you. I was just a bit surprised. Ill listen to you. Do you really want to be a big star in the future? But it seems to me that you actually prefer coding.

For me, coding and game development are more like a career, while learning to play a musical instrument is purely a personal hobby. You see, I dont have the look or charisma to become a star. But if I could step onto a stage, even just once, I would be content.

Thats not true!

Xia Yuan vehemently denied, shaking her head. Our Ah Fang is already very handsome! I think you can definitely become a star! You have great roller skating skills, youre gentle with people, you can code and make money from games, youre mature and reliable, and you have super, super powerful Ah Fang energy. Well, in short youre amazing!

Hehe I feel a bit embarrassed after you put it that way.

This time, when Mei Fang talked to Xia Yuan about these things, it was not to encourage her to pursue a musical path, but his sincere words

In fact, it was mentioned earlier that besides his love for gaming, Mei Fangs favorite hobby since childhood was music. He liked classical music, light music, and pop music.

However, he had always stopped at the level of liking. He never had the deep desire to pursue it because he didnt think he had the talent or time for it.

His mindset changed after watching a certain performance in his second year of high school.

During his student days, the only performances he had the opportunity to see were the New Years Eve party in his class and the school singing competition. During the singing competition in his sophomore year, when he saw a classmate with whom he got along well being selected as one of the top ten singers, and when she changed her usual image and sang wholeheartedly on the stage under the spotlight, he suddenly had a strange and otherworldly feeling.

It wasnt just admiration for her on stage, it was a more complex feeling. He realized that people around him could also shine like that. If he had pursued this dream earlier, could he also have stood on that stage and showcased his singing talent?

In his previous life, Mei Fang didnt have the affluent conditions to learn music from a young age. Moreover, expressing a desire to perform on stage would have been ridiculed by his male friends. Mei Fang deeply buried this dream in his heart, even though he enjoyed singing alone at home and never went to karaoke.

In this life, Mei Fang has always been focused on making money and reliving childhood memories with Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi. His passion for coding was ultimately for game development and to pursue his dream of becoming a game producer. Xia Yuan became more and more enthusiastic as they talked, as it was the first time she realized that Mei Fang loved music more than she had imagined. She couldnt help but stand up and take Mei Fangs hand.

Now that weve talked about this, lets go now!

Go where?

Xia Yuan smiled at Mei Fang. Where else? Were going to buy a guitar!

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