Only After I Was Reborn Did I Realize That I Had Childhood Sweethearts

Chapter 114

Mei Fang deeply felt the malice from Teacher Ke in this physics exam. After the exam, he took the initiative to find Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi in their exam classroom. Seeing Xia Yuan being comforted by Lin Youxi while rubbing her eyes, Mei Fang understood Yuan Yuan’s feelings at that moment.

He didn’t go up to greet them but chose to leave silently before they noticed him. It wasn’t until they finished eating and saw Lin Youxi return that Mei Fang began to inquire about Xia Yuan’s situation.

“Did Yuan Yuan leave the last two questions blank? That’s such a pity… The questions before the last two could still get you some points. Of course, the last two questions were indeed quite difficult. If we hadn’t practiced similar problems before, I probably wouldn’t have been able to solve it at that time.”

“Ah Fang… I want to discuss something with you.”

Lin Youxi, rarely showing a serious expression, said to Mei Fang, “I don’t think Yuan Yuan should continue studying like this. She already finds it very difficult to learn subjects like physics, and the physics exam in the Advanced Class is even more challenging for her. She’s living in agony every day. I can’t just stand by and watch her force herself.”

Mei Fang nodded, “I feel the same way… I’ve also advised Yuan Yuan not to worry too much about her physics scores. The physics in high school entrance exam won’t be very difficult, and her current grades are enough to easily get into Baimei No. 1 High School. It would be better for her to study liberal arts.”

Mei Fang continued, “But Yuan Yuan firmly told me that she really wants to be in the same class with us in high school. As long as she gets into the Science Experimental Class, we will definitely be in the same class. She has put in so much effort to achieve this goal. How can we possibly persuade her to give up?”

“So, are you just going to stand by and watch her suffer like this?”

“How could you think that’s what I meant?”

Mei Fang felt that Lin Youxi was blaming him a bit, and he also became a bit emotional.

“I was thinking, at least let her strive for the entrance exam of the Science Experimental Class. Only then would the torment she has endured this whole year make sense. She has already invested so much, how could she easily give up just because of a few words from us? If she doesn’t pass, won’t she understand it herself?”

“But that’s still two months away. That’s too long.”

Lin Youxi shook her head, “I feel like Yuan Yuan can’t hold on for another day. She’s forcing herself to smile every day.”

Lin Youxi added, “Moreover, even if she gets into the Science Experimental Class, she will have to endure even more torment when facing high school-level math and physics, right?”


I hate it too…

I hate seeing Yuan Yuan being sad like this.

Even though I’m a reborn person, I can’t do anything…

When I was young, I could take her away from home when she was sad. Now, I’m not even as good as my younger self.

Lin Youxi pursed her lips, “If Yuan Yuan is pushing herself so hard just to be in the same class in high school as us, then I’d rather not join this Science Experimental Class. Let’s tell the teacher today that we’re quitting the Advanced Class.”

Lin Youxi was about to get up, but Mei Fang immediately grabbed her wrist tightly.

Lin Youxi struggled hard to break free.

Mei Fang also held on tightly.

“Youxi… if that really works, I’ll even go with you to talk to the homeroom teacher right now.” Mei Fang said seriously.

“Yuan Yuan wouldn’t allow us to do that. She’s a strong and proud girl. If you do that, it’s like pitying her. She’ll feel like you’re hurting her. Think about it carefully and think about the consequences. She will definitely hate you for that! Please calm down, I’m begging you, okay?”

The quarrel between Mei Fang and Lin Youxi grew louder, gradually attracting the attention of their classmates.

Guo Yun and Yue Xinyi had been paying attention to this, but they didn’t dare to intervene.

The pain of the elites seems to be far greater than the pain of us average students…

Seeing them in such agony, our pain of scoring just a few points in physics seems insignificant.

Under Mei Fang’s pleading tone, Lin Youxi, who was upset, seemed to finally calm down.

After she slowly sat down, Mei Fang’s hand also slowly loosened.

Seeing the red mark left on Lin Youxi’s wrist from his grip, Mei Fang felt very guilty.

If Lin Youxi’s previous unreasonable behavior didn’t count, it seemed like this was the first time he had argued with her like this.

“Does… does your hand hurt?”

Lin Youxi shook her head.

“It’s okay. I was impulsive. I’m sorry, Ah Fang. I really didn’t consider as much as you did. I’ll think about it again.”

“Alright, let’s think of a suitable solution together and then talk to Yuan Yuan,” Mei Fang said gently. “In my opinion, nothing is more important than the relationship between the three of us.”

“I feel the same way.”

Lin Youxi smiled sweetly at Mei Fang, then placed her hand on Mei Fang’s desk.

“What’s wrong?”

“You hurt me just now.”

Lin Youxi lowered her head, looking at her reddened wrist.

Just a moment ago, she insisted it was fine, but this hint was too obvious!

Mei Fang paused, “Should I… help you massage it?”

Lin Youxi kept her head down.

“It hurts a lot.”


When alone, Mei Fang could be as bold as he wanted, but in the classroom, he was usually shy to get too close to Lin Youxi and talk to her.

But today is a special situation.

Mei Fang held Lin Youxi’s hand and gently massaged her wrist.

“Your hand is still cold.”


Lin Youxi didn’t respond much. She just kept her head down and let Mei Fang massage her hand.

Watching this harmonious scene of reconciliation, the shipper girl Yue Xinyi did not show her usual aunt-like smile at this moment. In fact, she even shed a few tears with a slightly sour nose.

It was essential for a shipper not to be envious but to be resigned, resigned to never becoming the main character of the story.

Why don’t I have a childhood sweetheart who cares for me and is considerate of me… Huhu…

Yue Xinyi broke down.

After the monthly exam, the math exam was finished in the day, and the evening was spent discussing the questions. Mei Fang was not paying attention in class, constantly thinking about a solution to their current problem.

Although Lin Youxi’s idea of giving up the Science Experiment Class came up in an emotionally charged situation, her concerns were not unreasonable.

Two months was not a short time, especially considering that the pressure would only increase.

And Mei Fang’s support for Xia Yuan was currently too meager. Hugging and tutoring her wouldn’t free her from her torment.

Although I am no longer the boy who could boldly take Yuan Yuan away from home, there must be another way to break this situation. Although it might be better for Yuan Yuan to go to the liberal arts class in high school, if we were still in the same class before the division into liberal arts and science classes occurred, she might be willing to reconsider…

There must be a way to ensure we’re in the same class without joining the Science Experimental Class…

There’s nothing much to talk about during the evening Advanced Class. Mei Fang sat next to Xia Yuan, seeing her absent-mindedness, he didn’t ask her anything. He just gently held Xia Yuan’s hand during class. When Xia Yuan glared at him grumpily, Mei Fang finally settled down to study.

On the way home, riding their bicycles together, Xia Yuan began to complain about her carelessness.

“I was actually fooled by that devil Teacher Ke… The questions looked exactly the same, but the difference was actually so big.”

“In fact, that question was the hardest on the whole test. I was also fooled at first,” Mei Fang sympathized with Xia Yuan, angrily saying, “That despicable Teacher Ke, I curse that his next instant noodles have no seasoning!”

“Hahaha, Ah Fang, you’re too harsh!”

Xia Yuan was soon amused by Mei Fang’s jokes, while Lin Youxi remained silent, only occasionally adding a few words.

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