One Piece: Reborn as Enel

Chapter 93: ‘Abuse’ and Auditorium

Chapter 93: ‘Abuse’ and Auditorium

__________ POV Narration__________

Larthy didn't hold them up for long, Enel and Robin decided to start their classes the very next day.

Robin did spend a bit more time speaking to the Archeology head while Enel ended up just eating some pancakes he found laying there.

He didn't pay much attention to their conversation, but they were mostly talking about poneglyphs.

Their subjects also seemed to involve theories about the hidden history of the world and what the World Government was trying to hide.

'Usual girl stuff, I guess?' Enel munched on random sweets as he was still being ignored.

For some god-forsaken reason, Larthy seemed to not be all that interested in him, an actual Emperor of the Seas.

But she was interested in Robin by the looks of it.

The Head of the Archeology Team did end up giving both of them some advice before they left.

"By the way, not my job what you guys do behind closed doors, but Enel, please refrain from hitting her face, wouldn't want bruises to show up during class..."

Larthy gave the startled Enel a thumbs up after that, Robin raised an eyebrow, she was about to interject but decided against it after thinking about it a bit more.

'I'm not the one being suspected of domestic abuse... He can speak for himself, it's his fault his training is this harsh anyway...'

"... Don't worry! I'll refrain from hitting her face during TRAINING from now on!" Enel tapped himself on the chest and walked out, thinking the misunderstanding was cleared with his words.

Unfortunately for him, no amount of words from a suspect would ever clear suspicions.

Larthy simply sighed as she looked at Robin.

"I guess some would call it training..."

In truth, it wasn't that everyone started thinking Enel was a wife beater, it was just that his training basically consisted of beating Robin to a pulp every day.

That coupled with the two of them sticking together all the time, people started putting 2 and 2 together, leading some to reach that conclusion.

Robin simply shrugged. "He must know something... Otherwise, he wouldn't be an emperor..." Her tone sounded hopeful, as Larthy simply sighed.

'Power Dynamics in their relationship are really skewed...' Larthy placed her palm on her cheek in concern as Robin also started walking back to her home.

'Still, I can't shake this feeling... Nico Robin sure looks really familiar...' Larthy was left alone in her office, to continue drinking from her already cold coffee as she tried to put her finger on the origin of that strange thought.

Meanwhile, Enel was looking everywhere around him with a poker face, wondering how his alliance with Dragon would be affected by the domestic abuse rumours.

'It should be fine, both Sabo and Robin can vouch for this being just regular training, and for the fact that I am single.'

Robin walked behind him, not really concerned by the rumours or clearing up the misunderstanding.

She liked to think of it as retribution for Enel's rough training and the constant beatings he gave her.

She had accepted the training, and she could feel that she was growing stronger, but that didn't mean she had to like the pain that came with it.

Getting a bit of off-hand revenge like that felt satisfying. Of course, it was only fun because it wasn't affecting him directly in any way, Robin didn't actually want to harm Enel at the end of the day.

If she really wanted to stir the pot, she could've started crying some crocodile tears while following Enel, but that would've been a bit too much...

The Newbie Emperor decided to stop caring about the situation altogether and proceeded with the rest of his day as usual.

He didn't spare Robin the harsh training, but he did refrain from hitting her face now, as he wanted her to look well for the classes they were about to conduct.

The classes themselves were held in a rather large auditorium, and not just the Archeology Team was attending, but all of the higher-ups were present at the lecture.

Even Sabo and Dragon seemed to be interested in learning more about Poneglyphs.

Enel and Robin both walked up to the podium, being greeted by dozens of faces, Larthy was also somewhere in the audience, and she seemed to be carrying several notebooks, preparing to write on two at a time by the looks of it.

'Nerd alert...' Enel thought to himself as he remembered how some of his students in the past had been similar.

It was odd how he called others nerds when he was technically the biggest nerd of all.

"Greetings everyone! I'm glad to see so many friendly faces in here." Robin greeted the audience with a bright smile on her face, she was wearing rather conservative clothing for once.

A purplish leather jacket covered her torso and arms, only leaving a bit of cleavage out, as she seemed unable to zip it up properly due to her large 'bust'.

A pair of long jeans and high heels also accompanied it, all form-fitting and with matching colours.

Enel was also back to wearing a black shirt with rolled-up sleeves, dark blue suit pants and shoes. His golden gauntlets were still present, but a little less bulky and spiky.

His staff was strapped to his back, right behind his frilly white coat with the word 'Justice' spelt on its back.

"Well, today we have quite a few things to talk about! This will be an interactive class, so don't expect you'll just be able to sleep through it..." Enel said as his lazy gaze scanned the crowd.

'I figured they'd want more people to know how to read Poneglyphs... But do they actually plan to make it common knowledge?' Enel sweated a bit as those thoughts settled in his mind.

But he didn't let his apprehension or confusion show outwardly, merely starting the lesson the way he had planned it with Robin...

"We'll start off with a question... Can anyone tell me what the Ancient Script is? In broad terms, of course."

A 'student' from the research team raised his hand to respond to that.

"The Ancient Script refers to the language which is encountered in Poneglyphs..." That was about the extent of the understanding that most of the Archeological team had.

"Correct... But not exactly what I was hoping for." Enel's words seemed to confuse some of the people in the room.

Enel sighed as he reminded himself that the Revolutionary Army didn't come close to the understanding that the people of Ohara had in regard to the Poneglyphs.

"The Ancient Script, in the first place, was a language created by the people that wanted to record the history of the world in a covert manner, to prevent the current World Government from erasing all of the records of their past."

"Some theorized it to be the actual language that a once Great Kingdom had used during the Void Century, even knowledge of that Kingdom's existence is something that the World Government considered a threat."

Many people seemed to have questions regarding that, but Enel didn't bother with them for now.

Larthy was mostly writing down what she was hearing, as Enel was remembering more and more about Poneglyphs.

"In my travels, I had discovered that the Poneglyphs originate from the land of Wano, and that is also most likely the origin of that language, where it was created."

Enel could see that even Dragon was surprised by that information, Enel smiled as he continued.

"Gol D. Roger, the former Pirate King, was able to read the Rio Poneglyph thanks to a samurai on his crew, that originated from the Land of Wano."

Enel was then interrupted by Larthy, of all people.

"Do you have any proof? What you are saying is interesting, and certainly thought-provoking... But how can we be sure it's the truth?"

"Physical evidence isn't something I can provide..." Enel shook his head a bit, his eyes closed as he thought about how to respond to that.

It didn't take long though. "That person on Roger's crew, he was called Kozuki Oden... Part of the Royal Family of the Wano Country, he even had a wanted poster at some point, though I was unable to find it."

Enel shrugged and continued to explain more.

"The Kozuki family should be the one where Poneglyphs originated from, the World Government also shouldn't be aware of this, but I was able to find out about it in my travels..."

Murmurs seemed to fill the study hall as the people inside started thinking more and more about the implications of Enel's words.

"So, that paints a more exact picture of the Ancient Script and its origins... Let's continue with the next subject... Ancient Weapons!"

Enel smiled widely, giving everyone a good look at his white teeth as they shined in the light.


Lecture/Exposition time! Hehe, hope you liked the chapter!

Busy day at work(uncharacteristic), didn't get much time to write cuz of that 

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