One Piece: Reborn as Enel

Chapter 49: Totto Land and Family

Chapter 49: Totto Land and Family

_________ POV Narration_________

And so, Oven and Enel stepped on Big Mom's main island, Totto Land which was also said to house a Road Poneglyph, one of the four scripts necessary to access Raftel and catch a glimpse of the fabled One Piece.

Enel knew that his arrival was bound to be a bumpy one, but the people within the territory were seemingly going on with their lives normally, civilians willingly living under a temperamental Emperor's rule.

After all, no one would dare to attack the main territory of Big Mom herself, so this was one of the safest places on earth for them.

Enel knew that this was the case for a lot of Yonko-ruled islands, mainly the ones under Whitebeard's control, Kaido was more of a tyrant than anything and Shanks was a bit of an unknown quantity when it came to territory.

Enel wasn't actually ever able to find anything about the islands that Shanks's territory consisted of, but he didn't really care, as he didn't plan to engage much with the red-haired man.

Now, some would argue that Big Mom was likely a lot more annoying to deal with than Shanks, but Enel had the advantage of already knowing Charlotte LinLin to some extent.

He knew that she, like most other Yonko's, was prideful as could be. He knew that she was thriving off of the souls of others, and he knew of her obsession with sweets (as if that much wasn't obvious from looking at her territory).

The best part... Enel knew that Linlin was somewhat simpleminded. He knew that he wouldn't be able to convince her of anything, as she was impossible to argue with or against.

She was too willful to listen to anyone, she was basically just an overgrown child, with far too much power.

There weren't all that many things she could do that could take Enel by surprise. Enel actually considered her children to be a lot more devious though, he needed to pay attention to that.

Enel didn't see any high-ranking figures of the Big Mom Pirates on his way to the centre of the island, but he was sure that the family was already notified of Oven's return.

Enel also saw plenty of wary gazes directed toward him, especially from the populace. It was rather rare to see a Rear Admiral strutting around on Yonko territory.

"Gotta say, I was expecting a warmer welcome..." Enel said as he and Oven walked through the forests.

"Honestly, I wasn't. I think it's better that we get no welcome than if we were to get a violent one..." Oven said as he looked around the forests with a sneer.

He could hear the trees whispering, mocking the marine that had stepped foot on the territory of an Emperor of the seas.

Enel didn't seem to care for them, they were just trees, after all, not deserving of an opinion on his mind.

Enel did feel someone approaching them, someone that he could somewhat recognize. A man that was around 5 meters (16'8") tall, his hair was short and crimson, same as his eyes.

Two distinct scars were present on each side of his face, looking as if someone had tried to stitch his mouth shut.

He wore a massive light ragged scarf that covered his mouth, a torn leather vest with "CHARLOTTE" written on the back that exposed most of his heavily muscled torso, a pair of dark gloves and pants, a belt with a skull-shaped buckle and spiked boots with spurs.

Enel instantly recognized that figure as Charlotte Katakuri, the elder triplet brother of Oven, and someone that Oven idolized.

Oven seemed excited when seeing his brother, Katakuri's reaction was a bit different though...

"Who did this to you... Oven?!" Katakuri appeared well and truly angered.

Enel raised an eyebrow, and so did Oven.

'Were they not supposed to be informed of Oven's state already?' Enel thought to himself.

Oven seemed to be just as confused, but he answered without hesitation.

"It was Admiral Akainu, Big Brother! He was the one to bring me to Marineford..." Oven said as he looked down at his missing limbs.

His golden pegleg at least looked decent, but that didn't really make up for the fact that he was missing a leg.

Katakuri seemed to get angrier by the second, Enel simply tilted his head to the side, thinking of how to go about avoiding a fight with Katakuri of all people.

"That bastard... I guess this truly means war then. Trust me, brother, we won't stand for this!" Katakuri said as he clenched his fist.

"Thank you for the concern... But I don't know if we should start a war right now." Oven said, looking toward Enel a few times as he sweated a bit.

Katakauri noticed that, he looked at the Rear Admiral in front of him with a wary gaze. At this point, there were very few people that didn't know who Enel was.

Katakuri knew that Enel was likely as strong as an admiral, so he figured his brother was just scared for his life.

"You have no reason to be concerned, Oven. You are home already... You are no longer a prisoner." Katakuri said as he walked closer to his brother.

Oven smiled a bit at that...

"Thank you, brother... But I don't really feel much like a prisoner honestly..." Oven said while scratching the back of his head.

Katakuri raised an eyebrow at that, a bit confused.

"I wasn't restrained during the journey back, we even had a stop to party with a Kingdom's royal line..." Oven said as he turned his head towards Enel slightly, who was just twirling his earlobes and yawning.

Since Oven was willing to vouch for him, then the confrontation with Katakuri was mostly avoided.

Katakuri was staring at him as if he were a weirdo.

"I understand... I'm guessing you don't want this particular marine to be killed then?" Katakuri said as he tilted his head a bit.

Oven just nodded and sighed a bit, knowing that it was going to be difficult to explain to his mother...

Katakuri considered whether or not Enel treated his brother well just for this reason... But he also knew that Enel was strong, strong enough for Katakuri to not be entirely sure of beating him.

Doflamingo may not have been anywhere near as strong as Katakuri, but he was a powerful pirate with an awakened devil fruit. And Enel had taken someone like that down in a matter of seconds without even getting scratched.

Someone with that much strength wouldn't cower in front of a Yonko even.

So Katakuri was at least a bit thankful to Enel for not mistreating his brother. But that didn't mean he was any less angry at the marines for what they had done...

"Very well, I personally won't bring any harm to him... But his fate isn't going to be decided by me." Katakuri said as he shook his head a bit. Oven seemed to get the message too.

"Well, I can bargain a bit... I should be able to make Oven a new arm and leg. Well, as long as I have the required materials." In the end, Enel decided to speak up, which made Oven smile a bit.

Oven knew that Enel was capable of designing him mechanical limbs, but he hadn't mentioned it as he had just been a prisoner until now, so he was still a bit reserved.

Still, he had personally seen just how smoothly Kyros was able to use his prosthetic leg. He knew that he needed the metals to be highly resistant to heat though, otherwise, he wouldn't be able to use his devil fruit at full power without constantly melting them...

Katakuri didn't seem impressed though, he just stared at Enel with a blank gaze.

"It was the fault of you marines that this happened in the first place... Regardless, it's up for Mother to decide what she is going to do with you..."

The tall crimson-haired man said as he sighed a bit.

"Let us continue to the Chateau, Mother is expecting us." Enel didn't seem to care for Katakuri's cold look, he figured he'd be able to clear things up when he got to speak with Big Mom.

Oven also didn't want his family to murder Enel, so he hoped the Rear Admiral would play his cards right this time.

He knew that Enel was strong, but he didn't have any delusions of him being able to escape from Big Mom...


Hope you liked this second chapter!

We're meeting Big Mom next chapter! Wonder how that one's gonna go :))

Btw, Imma start streaming soonish, you can find me on twitch called VeganMaster96(I'll try to link it for whoever cares)

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