One Piece: Reborn as Enel

Chapter 168: Lunarians, Arrival and Time

Chapter 168: Lunarians, Arrival and Time

_________ POV Narration_________

The journey back to the Sky Archipelago did indeed not take long.

Enel and Sengoku had the time to speak a lot more during those weeks, as the two of them had quite a bit of catching up to do.

In the end, Sengoku also learned that Enel had planned to face off against the world government since the beginning, which was why he had decided to betray the marines.

Even though Sengoku had already forgiven him, it was nice to finally have a bit more context to Enel's actions.

Sengoku also told Enel more and more about how the situation with the World Government had been in the last few days before the Baltigo Incident.

They had essentially treated the high-ranking marines in a very similar fashion to how they had before. Treatment could've been said to have actually gotten better.

Akainu was pleased for a bit, before being sent off to Baltigo, being ordered to start a war to take away attention from the World Government's mess.

A lot of things Enel had already heard from the Magma-spitting former Fleet Admiral, but it was nice to hear Sengkou's perspective on things.

Sengoku also learned a bit more about the multitude of people working with Enel now. Including the Golden Lion Shiki, which was a rather great surprise.

The limbless former Fleet Admiral had genuinely thought that Shiki had died at some point, as the Golden Lion had been quiet for a very long time after Roger's execution/his escape from Impel Down.

Sengoku also got a bit surprised to hear that Enel's right hand was also the man that had been the right hand of Rocks D. Xebec.

It raised quite a few questions, and Enel also got to learn a bit more about Francisco's past thanks to Sengoku.

"I was still a young Rear Admiral back then... I rose through the ranks relatively quickly. But I paid attention to their movements and even helped Garp track them down...

I remember the Rocks Pirates being responsible for killing off the last remaining tribe of Lunarians..."

It was... Interesting to say the least.

"I still remember pulling up to that scene... The Jolly Roger of the Rocks Pirates was put as a flag there, among the burning wreckage of the formerly thriving last community of Lunarians...

My mission was to investigate the smoke, but we had been looking for that tribe for a very long time... Alas, the Rocks pirates had gotten there first."

Sengoku gave the first account, as he had been the one to find the remains of that Tribe.

The race of Lunarians was something that interested Enel to some extent. A race that had been specifically hunted down by the World Government.

A race that had been called 'gods'.

Enel hadn't actually known that much about them when first arriving in the world. He hadn't paid attention to all aspects of One Piece after all.

But he had found them mentioned in plenty of texts since then and had managed to learn quite a bit about them.

Including the fact that Lunarians had once resided on the Red Line before the Holy Land was built there. And that their Kingdom had been called the 'Kingdom of Gods'.

Enel had also theorized that the Kingdom of Gods had once been part of the Empire led by the 3 Kings... Although he wasn't able to find many details besides that.

Learning that the Rocks pirates had helped rid the world of Lunarians even further did raise a few questions though...

'How come King joined Kaido anyway?... Well, Kaido might've not even been part of the Rocks Pirates when it happened, so who knows...'

Sengoku now also helped give Enel a few more details regarding Lunarians and the Rocks pirates, as it seemed that they all had their pasts somewhat intertwined.

"It's unknown what the Rocks Pirates were seeking out from the Lunarians... But the one thing we know is that Xebec made sure no Lunarians were left on the Red Line."

The Former Fleet Admiral did his best to look through his memories and told Enel basically everything he knew.

But even then, Sengoku had no way of knowing the reasons and motivations of the Rocks Pirates.

Though he did have a theory.

"I believe that Xebec felt the Lunarian Race would've proven to be a threat to his eventual rule... Much like the World Government did..."

It was an educated guess at best, a shot in the dark at worst. Still, Enel appreciated the information he was given regardless.

"Thanks, Sengoku... I guess I'll have to ask Francisco and Shiki about it. The two of them should have more information." The Lighting Emperor sighed as their journey continued.

"How much until we get there? It's already been two weeks..." Sengoku said as he scowled a bit.

The old former Fleet Admiral hadn't slept during the entire time, instead, he had kept Enel company throughout the journey.

"We are... Already there. Well, almost. I can see it on the horizon." Enel yawned a bit before tapping his cane on the ground and raised Sengoku's bed slightly, giving him a rather nice view of the Sky Archipelago, illuminated by the evening sun as it floated above the clouds.

"... You have good taste in base location at the very least..." Sengoku said as he subconsciously smiled at the view in front of him.

"Well, thank you... It's mostly Shiki's taste, though the Sky Islands before looked no less beautiful. Shiki's the one tasked with navigation due to the nature of his powers." Enel didn't really feel like taking credit for it, but the view was extremely pleasing to the eye.

"Figures... I guess it only makes sense to rely on him, but I can't really bring myself to trust either him or Francisco..." Sengoku scowled a bit as he looked at the multitude of floating islands, the view somewhat souring for him.

"Well then, you and Garp at the very least agree on that." Sengoku chuckled a bit when hearing Enel's slightly frustrated tone.

"But I believe they can be trusted to help deal with the World Government, they both hate it dearly." Enel did have to vouch for his right-hand man and Shiki in the end.

"Fair... But what do you plan to do about them after the war is over?... If we survive of course." Sengoku seemed to accept Enel's words and chose to raise a rather interesting question.

"Both of them are bloodthirsty criminals. Do you think they'll be able to rest easy after the World Government falls?" The old marine's tone was quite serious, causing Enel to sigh a bit.

"Let's just... Get there first. We can worry about that when, or if, we win the war first... For now, they can be trusted, that's all that matters." Enel seemed to be a bit frustrated with the line of questioning, so the old marine decided to leave it at that.

"Fine... You're the captain anyway, you call the shots." Sengoku chuckled a bit as he spoke, finding the situation a bit funny.

He didn't consider himself a pirate in any way. But he knew that the World Government was going to brand all of the former marines as such when learning of their relationship with Enel.

"... It feels weird having you call me captain, never do that again." Enel just scowled at the old marine.

After all, when Enel was in the Marines, he had rarely ever called Sengoku by his title, and Sengoku himself had never requested it. So it was just bizarre to hear Sengoku call him by his title.

Enel landed on the Sky Islands with ease, he was immediately greeted by Garp, who basically jumped on the ship as it was coming down.

"Where the hell is he?!" The former Marine Hero shouted as the ship shook under his feet.

"Calm down you old idiot!" Sengoku shouted at Garp as his bed wobbled with the ship.

"S-Sengoku!" Garp immediately burst into tears when seeing him, before running up and hugging him.

"Get off me you old bastard!" Sengoku immediately got angry and started wiggling around.

Enel scratched the back of his head as he looked at the two old men meet up again. Sengoku was doing his best to push Garp off, even headbutting him, but the former Marine Hero was unmoving.

"I... I thought I had lost ya, Sengoku..." Garp said as he wiped his tears and bloody nose(from the headbutt) on Sengoku's Afro.

Enel sighed when he saw that.

'I guess Garp was a lot more concerned about his old friend than he let on...'

The Lighting Emperor only shook his head with a smile, as he finally landed on the Sky Islands.

He immediately went and grabbed Bonney, leaving the two old men to catch up a bit and speak by themselves.

Bonney was currently training with the Marines, Momonga was acting as the teacher this time around, and he was sparring with Bonney and Bellamy.

The two of them seemed to be giving the One Armed Momonga a difficult time, but the Noble Killer was still more than able to keep up with them.

This time around, the first one to lose was Bonney, who got batted away into a rock, Momonga used the blunt part of his blade thankfully.

Bellamy followed soon after, as he tried his best to land a Death Knock, only to be knocked out by a stomp to the face while in midair.

Momonga simply shook his head, his long moustache shaking in the wind as he sheathed his blade.

"Their progress is quite good, but they've still got a long way to go." The former Vice Admiral said as he looked up at Enel with a smile.

"Glad to have you back, Enel." Momonga smiled as the lightning Emperor landed right in front of him.

"Heh... You seem to have improved a lot more yourself, your haki and swordsmanship both feel a lot stronger." Enel smiled as he patted Momonga on the shoulder.

"I've been hard at work, of course. I've already acclimated with the current state of my body." Momonga smiled once more, somewhat glad that Enel had noticed his improvement.

"I'm surprised you haven't asked Bonney to heal you..." Enel said as he looked at the time-altering pirate slowly waking up and coming out of the rock she had been thrown into.

"I feel no need to regain my arm... I want to keep these scars as a reminder of my failure." Momonga grasped at his stump with a grim expression.

Enel's smile strained a bit, as he realised that Momonga was likely blaming himself for failing to save all of the people in Foosha Village at that time.

"Well... Know that at the very least it's always an option. Bonney is unlikely to refuse you."

Alas, Enel wasn't a therapist. So he only gave Momonga the open suggestion to get healed whenever he felt like it.

Momonga simply nodded, a smile spreading on his lips before he looked around the training field.

"I better get back to it... I'm assuming you're here to grab Bonney, you can go ahead and do so, she's already done for the day."

Enel simply smiled and shook hands with Momonga, saying his goodbyes before heading to Bonney, who was still shakily regaining her bearings.

"Oh... Enel, so you're already here..." Bonney seemed a bit distracted, something that Enel noticed almost instantly.

"Yep... Sengoku's waiting at the ship, I can fly us three." Enel tapped the ground and turned his cane into a small boat.

Bonney just nodded and got on, shivering slightly as her workout wore off.

Enel sighed when seeing that, he then heated up the boat, causing it to radiate enough heat to keep her warm.

"Thanks..." Bonney smiled a bit, seemingly grateful.

They were currently still suspended quite high in the air, the temperature was a lot lower, and some of the weaker people that weren't originally from the Sky Islands did have some issues with the temperatures.

Bonney herself would've been fine if she had worn something more than a small tank top and short pants, but Enel wasn't about to judge her.

The two of them made their way towards Sengoku rather quickly, taking less than 5 minutes to reach it.

"Oh, they're already back?" Enel heard Garp mutter as he landed back on the larger vessel, turning the small boat back into a cane as Bonney landed on the deck.

"Alright, let's just get this over with." The gluttonous pirate said as she walked over to the limbless Sengoku.

"How old should I make you?" The time-altering pirate asked as her hand glowed in a golden light.

"Hmm... I always dreamed of being in my forties again..." Sengoku chuckled a bit as he remembered the times when his hair was naturally black...

"Fine..." Bonney then touched his still intact abdomen, Sengoku made no effort to resist her, his haki didn't flare up either, he simply waited patiently.

And he didn't have to wait long. In a mere second, his body started morphing as his limbs regrew, and his formerly grey hair turned a black colour.

He looked about the same as he had when he was still a Fleet Admiral, his muscles just as pronounced. But it was clear in his facial features that he was younger.

"Hahahaha! It's been a long time since my back felt this good." Sengoku immediately stretched a bit.

Bonney smiled a bit before taking a step back.

"That's my part of the deal held... Now, should I heal you as well, Enel?"


Hope you liked the chapter!

Bit of Lunarian lore incoming btw ;)

Also, the mc getting healed, he did say he'd just yolo it when he came back, and make another deal with Big Mommy if his soul problem came back. 

Sorry for yesterday tho, didn't get much inspiration

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