One Piece: Reborn as Enel

Chapter 165: Confusion, Annoyance, and Melodious Greeting

Chapter 165: Confusion, Annoyance, and Melodious Greeting

_________ POV Narration_________

Stussy couldn't help but sweat a bit as the infamous emperor sat by her side.

She had been entrusted with watching over the one that replaced Doflamingo in the underworld after her failure as the queen of the pleasure district.

It wasn't exactly a downgrade, at least she didn't think of it as one at first. But after Buggy turned out to be a weakling she did start seeing it as a demotion.

At the very least Buggy was extremely easy to control and she could keep tabs on him easily.

Enel's appearance wasn't something that she expected. But the fact that he didn't instantly attack her was a good sign.

Well, it could also mean that Enel was just playing with his food, but she didn't take him for that type of person.

One thing was clear though... Enel surely knew of her identity.

The Sky King didn't even bother hiding it in any way, constantly glancing at her with a smug look on his face.

There was also the proposal that he made to Buggy, which Stussy couldn't help but find amusing.

It was clear to her what Enel was proposing, that the common enemy was the World Government. She knew that a war was going to happen and that it would happen soon.

She did have to restrain herself from bursting out in laughter. It was funny both because of the cheeky way Enel looked at her, and because she knew Buggy's personality at that point.

'There's no way in hell this fucking coward will agree to fight in a war...'

"W-who would we be fighting against exactly?..." Buggy's voice came out as more of a whimper than anything.

"Oh! Just the world government." Enel smiled as he worded out his sentence in a rather casual manner.

Stussy's smile widened beneath the veil she was wearing, as she could visibly notice how Buggy's eyes almost popped out of their sockets, how his skin turned completely white.

"W-world Government?!" Mr 3 muttered as his lips trembled in fear.

He had been trying to make himself as small as possible and stay out of the discussion, but he couldn't help himself from exclaiming his shock.

The other people nearby, Alvida and the rest, seemed to be having similar reactions.

"Yep! It's actually quite obvious if you think about it. I mean, it's what pirates have been facing for a long time now..." Enel nodded as he spoke in a 'matter-of-fact' tone.

Casually inviting the people that didn't even belong in the Grand Line to wage war against the strongest force in the world.

Stussy couldn't help but find it amusing. But she was also a bit confused as to why Enel was doing it.

'On one hand, this Clown does have a rather decent army under him... But it's nowhere near strong enough to merit the Emperor himself to recruit them.'

Stussy was stuck pondering Enel's motives for a few seconds, as the people around her were still processing the invitation that Enel had thrown on their laps.

'Is he trying to send a message to the world government through me?... The message would be his intentions to recruit more and more people, I guess... But we already know he's got an army...'

Stussy simply couldn't wrap her head around the fact that Enel simply wanted Buggy to join him. It was just confusing to her.

She had no way of knowing what Buggy's crew would become in the future. But Enel knew that there was still a large possibility of the Cross Guild happening, so he wanted to become allies with Buggy in advance.

Crocodile and Mihawk were both strong fighters, Mihawk even more so.

They were people that Enel would have to talk to seriously at some point, and gaining an alliance with someone that would be their 'leader' in the future was certainly going to be helpful, at least Enel hoped it would be.

He still didn't know the exact way that the Cross Guild was created. But he did remember that it was likely caused by the dismantlement of the Warlord System which followed soon after the Seraphims were created.

Stussy had no way of predicting the future, which was why her confusion was even more pronounced.

In the end, she figured that Enel was likely just joking around and messing with her head.

And it was working. After all, the knowledge of Francisco and Shiki working with him wasn't pleasant.

Enel was also reportedly in cahoots with the Whitebeard Pirates after the Marineford War, so to Stussy, it was like she was looking at the rebirth of the 'Rocks Pirates'.

'All that's missing is 'Him'... I wonder how much Vegapunk's research has advanced.'

"I-I might need some time to think this offer over..." Buggy finally gave a non-committal answer, exactly what Stussy had expected.

Buggy was in no way confident enough to say no to a notorious Emperor, which was also how his deals with Kaido had gone.

"That is fine. I can give you a few weeks to think it over. Give me a call when you're able..." Enel placed a small transponder snail on the table, smiling as he did so.

"A transponder snail? These did become rare all of a sudden..." Buggy took it and inspected it for a bit.

"Yeah, they are somewhat rare these days... They're still in circulation in the underworld though, it ain't a big deal.

You have a number written on it, it should put you in contact with one of my people. Feel free to call when you're ready." Enel gave Stussy another sideways glance as he spoke.

"Alright..." Buggy nodded, seemingly glad that Enel wasn't out for his head after all.

"I should probably take my leave now. Please make a decision in a timely manner." Enel slowly stood up and stretched his legs a bit.

"Leaving so soon?" A womanly voice finally broke out for the first time, as Stussy decided to address the Emperor personally after all.

"Of course, I still have other people to meet and talk to... I'm still debating whether to kill you or not though..." Enel spoke just as casually as before, but his words sent a chill down Buggy's spine.

Stussy merely chuckled a bit, smiling under her veil as she pointed a finger at the Emperor's chest.

"You can certainly kill me... But you'll find out soon that it's not a good idea. I'd recommend visiting Vegapunk at some point."

Stussy then reached down into her bra and took out a small log pose. Tilted his head and grabbed it using one of his earlobes, stuffing it in one of his coat's pockets.

"You'll find many answers with him..."

"... Heh, fine. I'll spare you for now." Enel smiled and shrugged, turning into a lightning bolt and exiting through the roof of the tent in a flash of light.

Buggy and his crew were left flabbergasted by that brief interaction. Buggy seemed to have plenty of questions, but Stussy silenced him with a glare.

'I wonder who he's visiting next...'

_________ POV Enel_________


That was certainly odd.

Even as I stand between the clouds to ponder on things, I can't quite put my hand on that woman's intentions.

I did try to leave myself open for an attack, but she didn't seem to even want to attack me in any way.

Was it because she was undercover? Doubtful, I gave her the chance to kill one of the World Government's biggest enemies, but she chose not to try at all.

It feels as if her interests don't lie with the World Government at all.

Is she in some way related to Vegapunk?

But Vegapunk was also working with the World Government, so what's the deal with that?

I'll have to find out. The log pose she gave me does seem to be an eternal pose for some island. I don't really know which one, but I'll find out when I decide to visit.

First off, I should go to the Red-Haired Pirates first. They should still be with Crocus, at the beginning of the Grand Line...

Crocus wouldn't ever leave Laboon alone for too long, so Shanks is likely hanging around there. By now, Sengoku's condition should be stable enough for a journey on a flying ship.

Hell, if I manage to invite Shanks to join us on the Sky Islands I'd have to make their ship float, which will certainly be fun to figure out.

Slapping an engine on it should work well enough though.

I also need to visit Poseidon, to make sure she is safe.

I don't remember much about these parts of the original show, but I remember Poseidon being the crux of Joyboy's prophecy.

It's rather odd that more characters started appearing. What with the other two god fruits...

I guess I am one of them, it's pretty obvious that I'm supposed to be Raijin's incarnation. Orochi made it clear enough back then.

But I don't know how to awaken my ability. It might be too late to awaken it while trying to go against IM directly.

I am not like Luffy, I don't believe I can ignore the laws of reality to revive myself after IM disintegrates me...

I will have to wait for the borders of Wano to open up and grab Pluton as well... So much work.

Alas, considering how powerful Pluton's cannons are, I consider the entire ship to be a huge asset...

I could also look into recruiting Franky and Iceburg, as the two of them are likely the only people alive that know how to build it in its entirety.

Powering it up is another thing entirely, but it shouldn't be difficult to get my hands on Dyna Stones if Sengoku and Garp help me.

The state of the marines right now means that the storage places are not as well defended as before.

There's also the matter of the Whitebeard Pirates. I need to quickly go out and get them. I'm sure I can convince Newgate that it's safer on the Sky Islands now with the way the world is moving.

Hah, I'll get everything done and then focus on my training.

_________ POV Narration_________

Enel's next stop was rather simple. He simply flew over to the Red Line, which wasn't all that difficult to find.

Then he flew in a direction until he finally caught sight of the Reverse Mountain, the very entrance to the New World.

Enel could sense that Shank's crew and ship were underneath the waves, inside of Laboon.

'I guess I should've expected to find them inside of Laboon...'

Enel was a bit confused as to how to call Laboon to the surface, he didn't really know what methods to use and he didn't want to shock Laboon by electrifying the waters around them.

Hurting Laboon was a big no-no, both because Crocus would have a death grudge against him and because he'd likely lose any respect that Shanks might've had for him.

'... I think I know a way...'

Enel cleared his throat, preparing to project his voice loudly over the ocean below him.

It was rather simple, Laboon was rather famous for being an Island Whale that particularly enjoyed music, and stuck around with a crew of pirates with the only mission of spreading their music around the world, to put smiles on the faces of all children.

There was one thing that Laboon would respond to... Music.

'It's the one song I remember from the show...'

Enel had no hopes for his untrained vocal cords to match those of the Rumbar Pirates, who lived and died by their music.

But he could still try to emulate it as best he could.

"Yohohoho ~ Yoho-ho-ho~

Yohohoho ~ Yoho-ho-ho~"

Enel's voice felt stunted at first, slowly but surely gaining life as he forced his vocal cords to shift according to the sounds that he made.

"Yohohoho... Yoho-ho-ho...

Yohohoho... Yoho-ho-ho..."

Enel smiled as he felt the sea in front of him shifting. The waters trembling at his voice.

"Gather up all of the crew!~

It's time to ship out Bink's Brew~

Sea-wind blows~

To where? Who knows?

The waves will be our guide!"

Enel smiled as he slowly got into the song, remembering its verses one by one as they flowed out of his throat and rolled on his tongue.

A large shadow seemed to appear from the depths of the seas, and Enel continued singing.

"O'er across the ocean's tide,

Rays of sunshine far and wide,

Birds they sing,

Of cheerful things,

In circles passing by!"

Enel felt a bit strange not having music to accompany his voice, but he could feel the rhythm in his heart regardless.

"Bid farewell to weaver's town,

Say so long to port renowned,

Sing a song,

It won't be long,

Before we're casting off!"

Enel could feel the gigantic island whale pop its head slightly out of the water, a large geyser rising to the sky as it shot water out of its blowhole.

The Sky King could see a badly painted gigantic Jolly Roger splattered on its head.

"Cross the gold and silver seas,

A salty spray puts us at ease,

Day and night,

To our delight,

The voyage never ends!"

Enel smiled as he looked at the gigantic figure of Laboon, who seemed to be wiggling around a bit, before smiling and opening its mouth, revealing a large ship, where a few more dozen voices joined in.

"Gather up all of the crew!

It's time to ship out Bink's Brew

Pirates we,


Are challenging the sea!"

The red-haired pirates joined in merrily, some hanging off the mast, others jumping around and dancing on the deck.

Shanks himself was on their figurehead, happily drinking and singing along.

"With the waves to rest our heads,

Ship beneath us as our beds,

Hoisted high,

Upon the mast,

Our Jolly Roger flies!"

Enel smiled when seeing them, he thought of stopping his song, but then the instruments started sounding on Shank's ship.

The Sky King didn't want to be the one to end the party after starting it. And seeing Laboon's tail happily dancing in the water did make him want to continue.

"Somewhere in the endless sky,

Stormy winds are blowing wide,

Waves are dancing,

Evening comes,

It's time to sound the drums!"

The scene became a full-blown party, as the Red-Haired pirates seemed to climb on top of Laboon, drinking and laughing as they sang along.

"But steady men, and never fear,

Tomorrow's skies are always clear,

So pound your feet,

And clap your hands,

Till sunny days return!"

A large circle of pirates formed as they danced on the whale's head, who seemed to join them, as its tail turned and twisted, creating waves that pushed against the tide of the ocean with ease.

"Yohohoho ~ Yoho-ho-ho~

Yohohoho ~ Yoho-ho-ho~"

Enel stopped singing on a high note, as he turned into a bolt of lightning and landed on the ship.

The red-haired pirates continued singing, the atmosphere maintaining itself at that point.

"Yohohoho ~ Yoho-ho-ho~

Yohohoho ~ Yoho-ho-ho~"

Enel smiled for a bit, looking at the pirates before signing.

'I guess dancing around a bit won't hurt anyone...'


Hope you liked the chapter! Finally managed to write one ;) 

Also, hoped you liked the lil musical at the end.

It's not really the only way he could've gone about calling Laboon... But I just felt like adding it in, as a reminder that I really just write whatever I want to read :)))

If u want to support me look up VeganMaster(Vegan Cult) on Patre_on, you'd also get 10 chapters in advance (or 5 depending on tier)

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