One Piece: Reborn as Enel

Chapter 151: Bound Emperor, Plans and Rest

Chapter 151: Bound Emperor, Plans and Rest

_________ POV Narration _________

Kaido didn't quite like his current situation. He had been captured before, so it wasn't that he was unaccustomed to it.

Sure, it was the first time he was captured on a Sky Island, but it wasn't actually the first Sky Island he had been on. He had even jumped off of one of Shiki's islands at some point.

The one thing that bothered him didn't have much to do with his location or imprisonment. It had a lot to do with the people around him.

He was used to people being afraid of him, or at least wary to some extent. Even stronger marines and Admirals looked at him with fear.

But the people that incarcerated him now basically laughed in his face multiple times. Francisco did so more in a rhetorical manner, by not respecting him in any way and still treating him like a child.

And Shiki did so by actually laughing in his face for getting captured. Garp was a bit more indifferent about the situation.

Now, Kaido could somewhat understand Francisco and Garp, as they were both strong enough to face him on an even level, both even surpassing him at some points.

But he couldn't accept the fact that someone like Shiki was also laughing at him.

Kaido was under the impression that he had managed to outgrow all of the other former members of the Rocks Pirates. Including Whitebeard and Shiki, who had grown weak and frail in the Dragon Emperor's eyes.

Hell, Kaido would've killed Newgate before Marineford, had Shanks not stopped him. Well, at least he would've tried to take the title of 'Strongest' from him.

Yes, Kaido was confident in his strength. Francisco was the only person that Kaido really 'feared'. But that fear was only born out of old trauma.

He wasn't afraid of dying per se, but he was also extremely close to his goals.

He would usually accept dying to a strong opponent like Francisco, to him, that was an honourable death.

The situation changed a lot when the Navy became much weaker. The balance of the New World was broken completely, and he wanted to take advantage of that and start the war of his dreams.

But besides that, Kaido also detested Francisco.

'The more 'polite' that old monster acts the more disgusted I am with him...He acts like a sheep while being one of the biggest wolves around...'

Kaido found the fact that Francisco was even pretending to act friendly around him to be insulting.

The Dragon simply couldn't comprehend the fact that someone with Francisco's strength would see humans as anything other than ants.

'The moment I recuperate, I'll kill both the old monster and Shiki... I'm sure I'll find an opportunity to do so. I can already use haki, so I should be able to escape from these bindings easily...'

Kaido knew what he needed to do. He knew how many people were on the island, and he knew what the real threats are.

'Screw meeting that bastard Sky King... I'll just destroy his home, he'll surely seek me out afterwards anyway...'

He was going to seize the occasion and challenge Garp, Francisco and Shiki alongside the remainder of his crew that was also captured there.

He was confident that he would be able to fight Francisco as long as he was careful from the start. Shiki and Garp were going to be a hassle, but at least he'd be able to destroy the island and run away if it turned out that he truly couldn't win.

The Cruel Emperor laughed a bit inwardly as he imagined the looks on the faces of Garp and Francisco as he burned down the place they were tasked to protect.

He didn't laugh for long though, as something entered the corner of his eye. A blue flash of light, followed by the sound of a man walking. A figure stepped out in front of his cage, sitting on a chair and staring at him with a bored gaze.

A shirtless man wearing a white-furred coat and loose pants, twirling a white walking stick on his wrist and humming a bit.

'This... The Sky King is here already?'

Immediately, his plans of destroying the island were halted. As yet another potential danger reared its head.

Kaido looked at the long-earlobed man with a serious gaze, trying to study him closely, trying to see what he was built out of. 

'A man that has managed to make both Francisco and Garp follow him, the one who this territory truly belongs to... I hoped he'd come a bit later. But what's with his state?'

Kaido had seen plenty of reports, but nothing was ever mentioned that he had lost an arm, so it was definitely a recent injury.

'Who the hell did he run into? Did that Red Haired bastard fight him?' The Dragon couldn't really think of many people capable enough to cut off the hand of an Emperor, Shanks was the first person that came to mind.

Mihawk was also a possibility, but Kaido knew that Mihawk didn't care to fight anyone unless they were a swordsman.

"You look a lot weaker in person..." Kaido snarked Enel without holding anything back, a mocking smirk filling his face as the Sky King smiled right back.

'Even if I can no longer destroy this island I'll still be able to escape if push comes to shove... Right?'

"Could say the same for you. Francisco really did almost cut you in two, huh?" Enel was honestly amused when he heard how pathetically Kaido had lost.

Sure it was due to carelessness, but it was still him falling to a single sword strike.

'A single swing to take down one of the most resilient monsters alive...'

It just helped to put into perspective, just how powerful his right hand actually was.

'A man that truly deserved to stand at the top of the world, unmatched talent and strength, huh?'

But Francisco hadn't been unmatched. Far from it actually.

'How powerful was Rocks I wonder? I don't know enough about him, but it might be worthwhile to learn more...'

The Sky king then also pondered more on the position of 'right hand' a bit.

Now, Garp was also a contender for the spot of 'Right Hand'.

But the old marine didn't actually want to be called a pirate, so he was just the resident trainer and annoyed old man to everyone, though extremely powerful and well-respected.

"Hmph, I don't know who you think you're dealing with, but pirates from his era are cutthroat and extremely dangerous... If I were you I'd be expecting a sword in my back any second." Kaido smirked as he stoked the fire a bit.

"Don't bother trying to create a rift between us. I trust Francisco more than I trust your flimsy words and skewed worldview." Enel simply scoffed at his shoddy attempt though.

"'Trust', huh? Suit yourself, I don't care... Just don't be surprised when it eventually happens." Kaido said as he stared the Sky King in the eye without any fear.

"Sure, sure. Now, to get to the point. What the hell are you even doing here, Kaido?" Enel glared at the bound man with renewed ferocity, momentarily surprising Kaido as well.

That intensity made the Dragon somewhat question Enel's actual strength.

'Is he really able to defeat Francsico?... He killed Jack and fought the Navy, but that doesn't help me compare him with that old monster...'

Still, Kaido found it unlikely that someone as young as Enel was as strong as Xebec. So he decided that he had no reason to fear Enel alone.

"Hmph, this land was ripe for the taking. Many would obviously try to take it if they discovered it first." Kaido simply scoffed.

"Don't go around kidding yourself. You aren't the first to discover this place. Far from it. What I mean is that you were supposed to have a job elsewhere." Enel narrowed his eyes at the Dragon Emperor and spoke with a smile.

"Huh? A job? Really now?" Kaido scoffed at that once more.

'What does he know? Has he been paying attention to my actions in the past?!'

"You were supposed to be in Wano right now, waiting for Joyboy to arrive... Why are you wasting your time here?" Enel looked Kaido dead in the eye as he said that.

The Dragon Emperor stood silent for a while, looking at Enel with narrowed eyes.

"How do you-"

"Does it matter? I will let you go for now. You'll be free to leave and take your goons with you."

"Hah, cryptic talk is for weaker men, but I guess you won't give me more details. Still, what you are doing is just foolish. You really think I won't be back to claim this land with the rest of my forces?!" Kaido immediately started laughing, simply thinking that Enel was simply joking around with him.

"You and the rest of your forces, huh?" Enel smiled mockingly as he repeated Kaido's words.

"If you really do try that, then you'll just be killing yourself and dooming your men." Enel simply smiled, stating the obvious as he proceeded to stand up and walk towards the door.

"And one last thing... Don't underestimate the World Government just because they appear weaker now. It's because of them that I lost my arm."

The Sky King decided to give Kaido one last warning, not wanting him to actually go ahead and attempt a raid on the Holy Land.

"... I'll keep that in mind..." Kaido said in a low voice, somewhat confused by the entire conversation.

"Someone will come free you soon. If you harm anyone on your way out I'll make sure both of your arms remain on this island." Enel then simply left the prison, disappearing in a flash of blue light after he spoke the last words of his sentence.

He reappeared in his small old cabin, filled with dust and unused. The back of his head hit the pillow and his eyes peered at the ceiling above him.

He could only sigh as countless thoughts surfaced in his mind.

_________ POV Enel _________

As much as I'd love to be able to ally myself with or simply kill this bothersome warmongering Emperor, I still need him in Wano as of right now.

The more I thought about it, the more I realized that his presence there is needed most.

The world government will seize control of that country as soon as they find out he's missing.

Not only that, but I also need him to help awaken Nika in the future. Even with my current allies, having a person with a 'God Fruit' on my side is certainly going to help.

I'm sure the others won't fully agree with this, but I think they will be able to at least trust my judgement...

It's been quite a while since I've had the proper time to rest though... I should probably go ahead and do that right now.

Well, I still have work to do. I need to speak with Bonney and see what deal I can make with her. By now the news of my missing limb should've reached her as well, so she'll probably be expecting me as well.

There is also the New Marines that I need to contact, and I am quite sure that I'll run into Hina there, a reunion that's really been a long time coming, I hope she is safe at least...

Other than that, there is contacting Buggy, scouting out the sunken remains of God Valley and training my Conqueror's Haki more earnestly.

I must also work towards Awakening my devil fruit. Like that Mythical Beast said. I don't exactly know what to think about that yet, but it is better to listen to its advice for now.

I need to be prepared, by the time Nika awakens I need to have everything ready.

I can't really shake the foundations of this world with a half-baked plan.

My current power still feels like it won't be enough, but at least I can now grow without any restrictions thanks to Big Mom...

I need to be able to face IM by myself, even if I'll have allies by my side.

I don't want to see anyone else end up like Sengoku while in my care...

Well, I'll have time for all of that after resting for a bit. It's been quite a few days before I slept. Even blinking is straining at this point...


Hope you liked the chapter! 

Umm, not much else to say besides the fact that I gotta take a shit

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