One Piece: Reborn as Enel

Chapter 143: Dressrosa Incident and Unexpected Aid

Chapter 143: Dressrosa Incident and Unexpected Aid

__________ POV Narration__________

As Oven and Enel embarked on their journey, the situation at Dressrosa took a turn for the worse.

The old King Riku Doldo the III had been doing his best to lead his people better and to repair the damage that had been done by Doflamingo's made reign.

Families that needed to be mended, lives that had been uprooted. The cleanup of the destroyed buildings by itself took months.

Learning of Enel's actions at Marineford did shock their country, but they all had their own issues. So the public soon forgot about it.

The Riku family that had befriended him simply decided to trust in him and in his judgement.

Even with the marines being moved to the Holy Land, the country of Dressrosa was given quite a bit of protection.

More importantly, although the marines were weakened in the Marineford War, those sailing the new world still didn't dare to act up too much.

There were those that sought out the New Emperor, hoping for a chance to join the Sky King's crew, but otherwise, things were just as chaotic as usual in the New World.

Where Doldo's difficulties started at the Raid on Baltigo, or more specifically. 'The Great Massacre'.

The wise king wasn't stupid, he knew that the World Government had rushed into a war in order to take attention from the news that started circulating.

The truth of the Ohara incident did shock quite a few of the Riku Family, but Doldo himself wasn't surprised at all.

The actual disaster that was caused by the Great Massacre was the complete fallout of the Marines and the destruction of most of their foothold in the New World.

The formerly somewhat balanced sea became a chaotic hotpot of misery for the people without strength.

Dressrosa was thankfully not swarmed by Riot Control, as they hadn't marched to the streets after the news about Ohara.

But they were instead swarmed by pirates soon after the news broke out that most of the leading marine figures had died on Baltigo.

Not only that, communications with the marines became non-existent.

The news was only coming to him, the king, from representatives of the World Government. Simply put, low-ranking CP agents.

They only delivered the news to the big cities, and they spread out their propaganda cleanly for everyone to enjoy, while their Pacifistas cut through protestors with their lasers.

The CP agents obviously never talked about that.

They only spoke about the efforts they were making to combat the Revolutionaries and their secret weapon that had erased Baltigo from the map.

Of course, they also counted protestors in most major cities as Revolutionaries. As they were surely crowds incited by the despicable Revolutionary Dragon...

Yeah right...

Neither Doldo nor any person with a finger on the pulse of that situation believed even a word from the CP messengers.

They had obviously entered dark times, and Doldo only knew about it thanks to some of the friends he had made after becoming King once more.

More specifically, Pirate friends. 

They had been once turned into toys by Sugar when Doflamingo was in charge.

But after being turned back, they had somewhat helped the nation and fought against what remained of the Donquixote Pirates.

The wise King made a pertinent choice when deciding to befriend them. He did so behind the back of the marines, but it now seemed like the right move.

They travelled the New World, sometimes reaching out to Doldo and letting him know the situation in other places.

They also kept Dressrosa informed on major movements in the New World. Which allowed Doldo to somewhat prepare for conflicts.

Now, Dressrosa was able to resist attacks from most pirate groups.

Thankfully, Kyros had grown quite a bit stronger and was able to easily hold his own against most pirate captains under a 500 million bounty.

However, their current problem was a bit different than regular pirates. It was more akin to an entire army.

Doldo's connection to his pirate associates was also cut off a few weeks before the attack happened, so they were caught in a bit of a pinch, with little time to prepare.

Currently, at the largest port in Dressrosa, Doldo stood face to face with two people, while his kingdom was surrounded by a few hundred pirate ships, ready to pillage and plunder the hard work of his people.

One figure was of a tall, short-haired black man with a goatee, wearing black sunglasses and a white costume.

The other was a giant strangely shaped black-haired man.

His body seemed to be runny, it was as if he was constantly in a mucus-like state, constantly dribbling everywhere. He wore rather loose clothing and a blue wavy cape that covered him completely.

They were none other than Corazon (or Vergo) and Trebol. Two of Doflamingo's former Elite Officers.

"I can somewhat guess why you are here..." Doldo said as he shook his head slightly.

"To avenge our master, Doflamingo, and take back the empire that he rightfully ruled for a decade," Vergo said as his face remained expressionless.

"Rightful? Erasing memories and enslaving people as he did? Do you think you have any rights here?" A voice rang out from beside Doldo.

Kyros stared at the two Elite Officers without any fear in his eyes. His mechanical leg almost creaked in excitement, as his hand was already on the hilt of his blade, ready to take it out at a moment's notice.

"Hmph, this lowly gladiator sure is loud..." Trebol said with a scowl on his face.

Doldo looked at Kyros, and the two of them seemed to come to an understanding.

'There's really no avoiding this fight... We must at least try to make a last stand here.'

Kyros immediately slashed his blade towards the duo, and Doldo took a step back, drawing his own blade as he whistled for reinforcements.

Kyros was immediately intercepted by Vergo, the former marine that had gone rogue after hearing of Doflamingo's demise.

"Gladiator... You sure seem to have gotten stronger." Vergo said as his blackened fist blocked Kyros's blade perfectly.

With a kick from Vergo, Kyros was forced to take a few steps back and collect himself, realizing that his opponent was a lot stronger than expected.

Kyros was not the only one determined to grow stronger after all... Vergo had been loyal to Doflamingo.

After learning of his captain's demise, his sole goal became to both reclaim the throne of Doflamingo's kingdom and to take revenge on the ones that took part in his downfall.

Vergo sought to become strong enough to eventually hunt down Enel...

Though he was far from strong enough to attempt such a thing, he was still strong enough to subjugate the kingdom of Dressrosa.

Kyros sweated a bit as he narrowed his eyes, his blade turning dark as he clashed with Vergo a few more times.

Each slash of his was either dodged or blocked completely. Vergo showcased a rather extensive mastery of the 6 powers.

Sometimes letting his body bend around Kyros's sword, sometimes using Shigan to push it aside and change its trajectory. 

It didn't take long for Kyros to be at a disadvantage. He had only managed to scratch Vergo's cheek once before the former marine covered his entire body in armament.

Kyros himself received a lot more than a scratch, each exchange led to him receiving a punch, or being pierced by a stray Shigan.

If not for his endurance, he would have already fallen. But he kept forging forward, his will carrying him through the fight more so than anything. 

'I hope Rebecca is at least safe...' That was truly all that Kyros could think about at that moment.

Meanwhile. Trebol quickly started chasing after Dodlo with a laugh, attacking the old king with ferocity.

The guards that tried to stop him failed rather quickly, and Doldo himself was stuck only dodging as many attacks as he could.

It was truly a desperate situation for the Kingdom of Dressrosa. If it was just two Elite Officers, then things would be quite fine, or at least manageable.

But they were surrounded on all sides by groups of pirates of varying sizes and strengths.

Doldo had no clue how exactly Trebol and Vergo had managed to persuade all of them, but they were now besieging the kingdom.

And because of that siege, the morale of their guards was quickly plummeting as volleys of cannonballs seemed to rain down upon them. 

"Stop running old man!" Trebol shouted as he continued to attack Doldo with a relaxed smile.

"If you say so...!" Doldo immediately turned around, grasping at his blade and sending a flying slash right at Trebol's face.

Trebol simply laughed again as a wall of mucus formed in front of him, causing the flying slash to stop immediately.

Doldo could only scowl as he dodged yet another mucus tentacle.

The Wise King knew that he'd lose the second he touched that sticky mucus, if he stopped for only one second, then he'd be immediately captured.

'No room for errors, huh?'

The old king continued his struggles, and so did Kyros, as he tried and tried to damage Vergo, only to end up scratching the former marine a few more times.

'I-is my will really not sharp enough?' Kyros couldn't help but get frustrated at the thought, his blade slashed a dozen times, and Vergo pushed all of the slashes away and punched him in the gut.

Kyros flew back, his back broke through a few walls before he came to a stop. Bloody and battered, the fight had only lasted for a few minutes, yet he was already too battered to continue.

"Disappointing... Thought you were a good stepping stone, but I guess not. I need to defeat more and more powerful people, and eventually reach that hateful emperor..."

Vergo spouted his delusions as he walked closer and closer to the half-unconscious Kyros.

When he got close enough, Kyros swung his sword for one last time. But this time Vergo simply extended his palm and grasped the blade, stopping it instantly.

Kyros struggled a bit, but only managed to cut Vergo's leather glove before the former marine simply clenched his fist, breaking the blade into pieces as he scoffed at the Gladiator's efforts.

"May you rest in peace." Vergo then raised his fist, punching down at Kyros with all of his strength. Kyros simply closed his eyes as he grit his teeth, preparing for the worst.

"FATHER!" A metallic clang was all he heard, he forced his eyes open as both he and his daughter were sent flying backwards, breaking through a few more walls.

"Rebecca!?! What is the meaning of this? The King instructed you to escape alongside Viola!" Kyros said in an angry tone as he shakily stood up.

Rebecca herself simply pouted, her pink hair covering one of her eyes as she supported her father.

"We would never just leave you two behind! We're a family!" Rebecca said as she gave her father a shaky smile.

"Oh, how touching..." Vergo said emotionlessly as he approached them again. Stepping over rubble and through a few destroyed hoses as he reached them once more.

The pink-haired princess immediately pointed her sword at him, her hands shaking slightly as she tried to gather her courage.

"S-stay awa-" Rebecca stopped herself, her eyes widening as she looked in Vergo's direction. Kyros seemed to have the same reaction, as he supported himself on his mechanical leg.

"Hmmm? Cat got your tongue?" Vergo asked as he prepared to deliver a final blow, but then his entire body froze up in fear.

A creepy sensation crawled down his spine, making the hair on his back stand as he suddenly felt it, a powerful presence standing right behind him.

He had been tunnel-visioned on the pair in front of him, toying with his food. Only now could he notice a massive shadow towering over him. An actual predator bearing its fangs at his arrogance.

"W-wha-!" The former marine only managed to turn around halfway as he tried to use Soru and escape, but his head was grasped in an instant. He didn't even have the time to react.

A large hand completely raised him up from the ground, suspending him in the air as he struggled needlessly against the much stronger opponent's grip.

His glasses cracked and fell off his head as he finally caught a glimpse of the person holding him up.

"Fleet Admiral Akainu..."

Fear wasn't all that was present in his voice, as shock was a great second. It was as if a corpse had risen from the grave to punish him for his sins.

That was all he got to say before his head suddenly started feeling hot. In a panic, Vergo tried to grab at Akainu's hand, trying to pry himself away.

But he had absolutely no chance. He only struggled for a few more seconds, screaming and thrashing around, as his head was swallowed by Magma.

"Jeez... Enel is so sloppy. To think he'd leave such loose ends alive... Still, to think one was even in the marines..." Akainu simply shook his head as Vergo's headless corpse fell on the ground.

"F-Fleet Admiral Akainu!?" Kyros said as his eyes widened, it was as if he was staring at a ghost.

"Yes, yes, shocking, I know. Keep silent for now, our appearance here must be kept secret."

'Our?' Kyros then looked to the side, his eyes widening once again as he saw Trebol had already been turned into an ice sculpture.

Aokiji simply stood over him, his leg pressing the mucus human's head into the frozen dirt.

Viola and Doldo simply stood nearby, staring at the situation with just as much shock as Kyros and Rebecca.

Viola had rushed to help her own father, much like Rebecca, but she could only attack from a distance, as getting close to Trebol was dangerous for her.

She didn't get to fight for long though, as Aokiji arrived soon after her, finishing Trebol off in half a move.

Then they all heard a few explosions, making them turn their heads towards the ships in the distance, they could see light rays raining from the clouds, exploding many of the nearby ships.

Countless yellow lights became explosions that swallowed entire ships, burning and sinking them with ease.

On the other side, they could see a violet glow simply forcing the ships to sink to the depths of the seas. The ocean around Dressrosa was quickly filled with drowning pirates and sunken ships. 

'Were we saved so easily?!' Doldo almost couldn't believe his eyes.

All of the large figures that were thought dead were there. Well, most of them.

Their death was the main reason why Vergo and Trebol could entice so many pirates to take over a kingdom.

Even a single Admiral would've been enough to demolish their gathering after all.

But why were the Marines there? And why were they pronounced dead?

"Hmph... Now that that's done. Let's talk in the castle, I am sure you have plenty of questions." Akainu said as he turned to the Riku family after he was done observing the sunk ships around Dressrosa.

Doldo could only nod, and they all started heading for the castle in that instant, not even bothering to give the corpses behind them a second look.

Kizaru and Fujitora, who had been hiding in the clouds, also joined them on their way to the castle.

And their conversation started as soon as they entered closed doors.


Hope you liked the chapter.

From here on out, chapters do get longer, so chapters like the last one(which was still around 1.5k words) won't really appear anymore. 

The one I uploaded today on Patr_eon was 3.2k words ;))

If u want to support me look up VeganMaster(Vegan Cult) on Patre_on, you'd also get 10 chapters in advance (or 5 depending on tier)

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