One Piece: Reborn as Enel

Chapter 140: Parasites and Fragments of Souls

Chapter 140: Parasites and Fragments of Souls

__________ POV Narration_________

And so, Enel and Oven headed for Big Mom's chamber early in the morning.

Enel decided to ask Oven to tag along just in case, as he was the only person in the Big Mom crew that he could fully trust.

He also considered Katakuri for a few seconds but decided against it due to a lack of trust and time spent together.

Katakuri was a bit hard to read for Enel, so it was difficult to tell just how friendly the two of them were.

No one really stopped Enel on his way to meeting the Emperor, not even Persopero. But that was mainly because Oven was tagging along.

Big Mom herself seemed to have been expecting Enel to show up, so she wasn't quite shocked when seeing him.

"Figured you'd be back quickly enough... Did you have enough time to think about things?"

"The more I thought about it, the more I realised there isn't much to think about... If I don't accept this then I'll just croak later on." Enel smiled a bit as he looked at Oven for a few seconds.

The newly appointed sweet commander was a bit confused by the situation. He only knew bits and pieces after all.

"My goal involved me dealing with something that my Devil Fruit can't quite defeat... This is my last hope basically..." Enel said as he shrugged a bit, explaining things a bit more for Linlin and Oven.

"I see... So in general, you could say that I am doing you a rather big favour, huh?" Big Mom asked as a large smile appeared on her lips.

"Indeed... I would owe you a large debt if you were able to help me with my situation. I assure you, I am generous when repaying others..."

'This is going better than expected... If we are able to frame this as a deal then she is quite unlikely to simply kill me when she gets the opportunity...

Now, owing a favour to a cruel and bloodthirsty Emperor might not sound like a great idea on paper, but it is a lot better than dying.'

"Good... We'll see about that, Sky King." Linlin said as she squinted her eyes and got straight to work, extending her hand at Enel and grabbing in the air.

A strange green fog seemed to appear in her hand, pouring out of Enel's body, who simply let it happen, not using his will to resist in any way against Big Mom's powers.

Linlin could only scoff at how much green fog she was pulling, it had already created a small cloud above Enel, but she kept going, eventually, she started pulling out a white substance.

'As expected, it's almost as if this thing is tied to his soul... It's like a parasite even, seems to be mooching off of the mind... This thing needs to be cut off, and quickly.'

Big Mom scowled when seeing the green fog suddenly start moving. 

'Sentience? Is that 'God' still only watching while I am doing this?'

The green fog felt extremely familiar to Linlin. Now that she had pulled it out of Enel she could tell much more easily.

She remembered the red eyes that had watched her from Enel's shadow that day. The overwhelming sensation that she has gotten to feel directly on her skin.

But it was different this time. Instead of fear, she merely scowled, there were no eyes. What she was looking at was merely a small part of a soul.

'A fragment... A small fraction of something much greater. It still exudes a pressure much stronger than most fledgling and even advanced Conqueror Haki users ever could...'

It was rather impressive if one was to put it into perspective. A fragment of a soul to be able to exert its will to that extent.

But to Linlin it was nothing much.

'If this fragment is only capable of this much, then cutting it off won't be much of an issue...'

After all, Big Mom had once sailed with people that would've been able to squash that green fog with just the pressure of their Conqueror's Haki.

She had also grown to become a fully-fledged master in using it.

Though she fell short in some instances compared to her former superiors, she was now strong enough to stand at the top of the world.

And if they were still alive and together, Big Mom would've been able to stand proud alongside them.

Without any trepidation, she took off her hat, turning it into a huge cutlass, laughing as she did. "MaMaMaMaMaMa!"

"NAPOLEON!" She called out the name of the homie she used as a hat. An object imbued with a small part of her own soul.

"Yes, Mama!" The Hat, Napoleon cried out as it instantly turned black, lightning rolling off of it.

Big Mom smiled a bit as she remembered a move from one of her former crew members. A movement so basic that it seemed rudimentary, but sharpened to a frightening degree by a powerful will.

"SEVER!" She immediately swung the homie at the link connecting the Green Fog and Enel's soul.

Her sword seemed to turn pitch black at the edge, all of her willpower concentrated on that cutting, razor-sharp edge.

It was something that she had picked up from the former First Mate of the Rocks Pirates. Something she had seen him use repeatedly.

Once, that simple move had even split an entire island in half. It forced fear to creep into the hearts of anyone that was pitted against it.

'A tribute to arguably the strongest swordsman to ever exist... It's been a while since I used this.'

To Big Mom, that was what she was doing.  Though her willpower was somewhat lacking compared to that man, the least she could do was replicate the technique faithfully.

Her will rang out throughout the entire island the castle shook as she showcased her conqueror's haki.

The winds churned and a storm brewed, the trees and the forests shook, and the residents of the island instantly became scared.

Oven himself flinched, but he didn't try to stop his mother, somewhat realising her intentions weren't malicious.

Though, in truth, he didn't feel all that confident in being able to stop Big Mom's blade by himself. Especially not when seeing the way her sword moved.

He had seen his mother fight before, but what he was watching now was entirely different. 'Was mother always this strong?!'

Enel didn't seem to want to fight back at all, only some sweat rolled off of him as he felt his being pulled out of his body.

Big Mom's will seemed to clash with that of the green cloud, the clash not lasting for even two seconds, as her will completely overpowered the opposing one and cut through it cleanly.

The green mist was severed from the white parts that seemed to make up Enel's soul.

Big Mom looked at the mist for a bit, before she smiled.

'My, my... Doesn't this look tasty!' Immediately, her eyes became excited. and her hands turned completely black.

She grasped at the Mist as it seemed to want to struggle away from her. Opening her large mouth, she devoured the soul fragment in one bite.

Enel looked up at her, a bit tired from the ordeal. His eyes widened completely when seeing her actions.

The fragment struggled, but it was no match to Big Mom's guts, as she burped a bit, rubbing her belly in a satisfied manner.

'This feeling! It's almost as if power is coursing through my veins... It feels so strange, yet refreshing.'

"What the hell are you doing!?" Enel shouted immediately as his eyes widened.

"MAMAMAMA!" Big Mom simply rubbed her belly and laughed, before looking down towards Enel and Oven, who were both staring at her with wide eyes.

"Oh, that? It tasted like cotton candy! And it was just a fragment of a soul from what I was able to tell... I don't know if I'll ever get to taste the whole thing." Big Mom laughed again, making Enel sweat a bit.

"I see..." Enel said as he blinked a few times rapidly, his thoughts frantically going off on Big Mom.

'Well, I guess she's already consumed hundreds of souls... What's a fragment of a god's soul worth anyway?...

No screw that!

We could've run some experiments on that thing!

What if we made it into a homie and interrogated it!? It was an opportunity to learn so much more!'

Enel was a bit mad, but he didn't let it show on his face at all. Just his eyelids trembled a bit before he sighed, and gave up on any thoughts regarding that fragment of a god.

'Big Mom will always be Big Mom, I guess... Even if she becomes a bit less sadistic, her gluttony is unmatched. She wouldn't give up on the opportunity to taste a god's soul, even if just a fragment.'

"Well... Was that it?" Oven asked as he looked around at the throne room that had been turned on its head after Big Mom's attack.

Thankfully she didn't slash through any of the castle walls, as she had only concentrated on cutting the Green Fog, but that didn't mean the shockwaves didn't do any damage to the building.

"It seems so. There is no more green fog around your soul." Linlin said as she looked at Enel.

"In that case... we should check it out properly, shouldn't we?" Enel asked as he closed his eyes and felt his own aura.

He couldn't really spot much of a difference at first, but the more he concentrated, the clearer his mind became. It was almost as if his thoughts were clearer, his mind faster, his breaths slower.

Enel noticed the world around him slow down a bit, as he started spreading to his will, displaying his lack-lustre mastery over Conqueror's Haki.

Big Mom didn't stop him, nor did she clash with him, she just let him experiment with his willpower for a bit.

Oven was just looking on from the side, a bit impressed by what he was seeing. 'Enel... He feels different...'

'This... This feels a lot smoother...' Enel smiled, the more he used his will, the happier he became. He didn't feel tired in any way, he didn't feel as if he was running out of energy either.

"Yahahahaha!" Enel laughed out loud, clutching at his abs with a happy expression.

In that happiness, he let off a much more powerful burst of Conqueror's haki, making Oven even take a step back, and shaking the castle walls a bit.

It wasn't as strong as Big Moms, sure, but it was still impressive. It was at least as strong as Katakuri's from what Oven was able to feel.

"I feel so free..." Enel clenched his fist as he said that as if he was getting used to his own body once more.

"It would make sense for you to feel like that. That fragment seemed to be sapping on a part of your soul for quite some time.

I don't know how much of an effect it had on your thinking, but it was sapping on the 'logical mind' or the so-called, immortal part of the soul." Big Mom said as she waved her hand around a bit.

'So it was resting on the part that got transported into this world huh?... What a sham.'

"Thank you for clarifying that, LinLin... I owe you a huge favour for this, I assure you that won't forget to repay it in the near future."

"Hmm... I expect you to do so."

After that, Enel turned to leave the room, Oven bowed to his mother and turned to leave as well, but he was stopped.

"Oven, you stay. We have to talk." Linlin's voice sounded out in the room, making Enel also stop and raise an eyebrow.

"Family talk, Enel, you can go rest for now." Big Mom looked at both of them as she spoke.

Enel wanted to say something, but he was, after all, a guest. So he didn't overstay his welcome.

'I doubt anything bad would happen... Right?'


Hope you liked the chapter!

Really, what else would you expect from big mommy? :)))

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