One Piece: Reborn as Enel

Chapter 123: Truth and Disaster

Chapter 123: Truth and Disaster

_________ POV Narration_________

Enel whistled a bit as he rested inside that compressed ball of metal scraps and ice.

He had created a small space for himself using his staff, turning it into a sphere and coating it in haki as the meteor was compressed.

"Is Garp healthy, Enel?"

Enel heard Sengoku's voice as he lay there, raising an eyebrow at it.

"Yep! He's doing quite well for himself! He and the people of Foosha Village..." Enel raised his tone a bit, starting a conversation with Sengoku without hesitation.

"Good... Good." Enel could sense Sengoku nodding as he spoke, obviously glad that his old friend wasn't affected too much by his situation.

"I don't get why you were even worried. You know Garp better than I do, that guy always tries to make the best of whatever situation you put him in..." Enel said as he smiled a bit, before yawning and wondering if taking a nap was a viable option for him at that moment.

"Indeed... I only wish I knew you better as well." Enel could somewhat hear the accusatory tone in Sengoku's voice, which made his smile a bit strained.

"What's done is done... I don't regret anything, and I still don't despise the Navy or wish any harm upon them."

"Yet your actions did more to ruin us than that of any other Yonko out there..." Sengoku's voice was serious, Enel could basically feel the disappointment radiating off of him.

"... I couldn't just let Garp's grandchildren die off like that."

"Yet, you helped the Whitebeard pirates as a whole. I wouldn't have minded if you had just saved Ace and Luffy. I would've appreciated it, in fact. But you didn't stop there."

"Now I also hear that you're in cahoots with the Revolutionary Army... I honestly don't even know what to say at this point. It's almost as if I've never known you in the first place..."

Sengoku spoke the truth without any holding back, Enel simply blinked a few times, before sighing and pondering whether or not to just come out to Sengoku.

But something inside made him hesitate.

'Is it really safe to tell him? Will he really understand my desires, my ambitions?'

"Yet, it's clear that you are also the same person that befriended me and Garp.

You still chose to help him, and his hometown despite having little to gain from it... You are clearly not a pirate, anyone that knew you even slightly has this same opinion."

At that point, Enel could only sigh and rub the bridge of his nose.

'I guess it's worth telling him at least. He and Akainu already proved they aren't completely with the World Government anymore...'

"So, I am willing to give you a chance to explain yourself. Tell me what you truly want to achieve... Are you, like many others before you, attempting to become the king of the world?"

Enel opened his mouth and was about to answer, to finally tell the old Fleet Admiral the truth. But Sengoku's next words interrupted him, as well as his train of thought.

"Also, Enel... Could you please stop gathering clouds already? You don't have anything left to defend on the island, I also know you don't need clouds to escape..."

There was clearly some concern behind Sengoku's words, but not that much.

Their fight had already proved that Enel didn't wish to harm the marines. He had purposefully spared all of the people he had fought against, with the exception of Government agents, who Sengoku also didn't care much about.

'So why is he gathering clouds again?... Does he plan to do some large-scale attack to prove a point or something?

The World Government had tasked us to personally retrieve something from the island, so maybe he wants to destroy that something?'

Sengoku mulled over that for a few seconds, something simply wasn't adding up.

"Sengoku... I am not gathering any clouds currently...?" Enel was also confused.

His flying ship and storm cloud-making machine had run out of battery a while back, there wasn't much he could've done about it either.

"This... Is it just a storm then?" Sengoku asked, hoping that it was truly just a storm brewing after their disastrous fight.

But the tingle in his spine told something different. His instincts told him that he needed to run in the opposite direction of the island.

However, his body refused to listen, instead, he immediately stopped trying to contain Enel, who immediately flowed out of the compressed marble and also looked at the sky with concern.

"This... Isn't looking natural."

Sengoku, in buddha form, then started running, but not in the opposite direction. No, he ran directly towards the centre of the island, towards Akainu and the rest.

'It is my duty as their elder to help them... Whatever is going on, I am still the one with the strongest defence... If needed, I will use my body as a shield for them.'

Both of them instantly realised that the situation wasn't normal, there was no need for words, Enel only hesitated for half a second, before also rushing alongside the giant Sengoku.

The Akainu and the three admirals on the island weren't sleeping either. All of them got that same foreboding feeling,

And they also noticed the giant Sengoku heading for them, so they decided to meet in the middle to assess the situation.

They met in a few seconds, near the edge of the island. They didn't get to exchange any words, Fujitora didn't even get the chance to question why Enel, the emperor they had been fighting was alongside them.

Because they didn't have any time, the second they got close to each other, they all stopped in their tracks as the sky audibly started cracking.

Like a piece of glass, a giant cloud hung above them, glass-like cracks spreading all across it as pieces started to fall.

Reality itself was being distorted, as the falling pieces seemed to dissipate before reaching the ground.

'What the hell is that?'

Enel's eyes were wide as could be as he looked at the skies, the crumbling facade revealed what could only be described as bizarre, but also horrifying.

A large red eye stared at the entire island all at once, it was just seemingly just as big as the island itself.

The eye seemed to have two black circles around the pupil. Enel felt that it was extremely familiar, but he couldn't quite put a finger on it.

But something was clear... The lighting emperor simply couldn't read the future anymore, it was as if his Future Sight was being suppressed.

Enel remembered a technique like that, 'Observation Killing' but he only knew about Shanks being capable of it... No other character had been confirmed to have it at all.

As Enel was still frozen, Kizaru was the first to act, sweating a bit as he sent a volley of lasers toward that giant eye. Explosions filled the skies and pushed whatever other clouds were still in the way.

And that revealed to everyone on the island the fact that that giant eye was truly the only thing in the sky, with no face attached to it.

Something else was also evident, there was not even a scratch on that giant eye from Kizaru's attack.

A red light seemed to shine down in the middle of the island, making Enel gulp as he also started raining lighting onto that giant eye. It was to no avail.

"Don't waste your stamina... WE NEED TO BLOCK THIS!"Sengoku shouted as his muscles trembled.

The red light hit squarely on the centre of the island, and instantly Enel's world stilled.

The light was only one small pillar, but the part that had hit the island seemed to condense into one large, red sphere, which quickly started expanding.

It was like an explosion, but Enel couldn't even understand what it was supposed to be.

It wasn't hot, it wasn't cold, it was simply bizarre.

Enel noticed that the ground was simply being disintegrated before him. At that moment, only one thought was on his mind.


His mind was telling him to simply book it. To give up on any relationship he had built with the marines and preserve his own life.

But at the same time, another part of his mind spoke up.

'Am I really just going to leave them here?'

Out of the marines present, only Kizaru actually had the capability to dodge that strange expanding light.

Aokiji, Akainu, Fujitora and even Sengoku. All of them would die.

Kizaru was also unlikely to abandon his friend and flee by himself. He was somewhat of a weasel at times, but he was a friend with unwavering loyalty to Akainu.

"True Black Amaru!" (True Black Lightning God!)

Enel mustered all of his remaining stamina, pushing his fruit to its utmost limits as his entire being expanded.

He covered himself completely in haki, the lighting he was turning to gained a black tint as his form took shape in the blink of an eye.

He grew and became a giant large enough to match Sengoku in size, completely towering over the Admirals.

Sengoku and Enel were both outside of that sphere. They looked at each other and nodded, both of them jumping in between the others and the expanding light.

The Former Fleet Admiral covered himself in a thick coat of haki his skin shining red, both armament and conquerors, and in tandem with Enel, they both delivered a palm strike with a similar motion.

"Kaimetsu Teki na Eikyō!" (Devastating Impact!)

Sengoku released a powerful shockwave, which broke everything in front of it and exuded enough pressure to flatten everything in front of him.

"Black Thor!"

In tandem with Sengoku's shockwave, Enel's palm released a giant black laser, which threatened to burn everything in front of it.

The laser cut through the ground with ease, letting off powerful explosions across each point of contact.

The Laser Came in contact with the red light first, both of them seemed to stop in place, the black laser bending around the ever-expanding red light as they pushed against each other.

Enel gritted his teeth, as he felt his laser quickly being overwhelmed.

'My haki is too weak! My devil fruit has little effect on this thing!'

Then, Sengoku's shockwave also came in contact with the red light, Sengoku's palm aided Enel's laser, and they both started gaining ground for a few seconds, but that didn't last long.

The red light seemed to be determined to erase everything in sight. And just as quickly as they had made some progress in holding it back, it pushed back with a lot more force.

Kizaru also tried to aid them, shooting off laser after laser towards that expanding light, covering the island in explosions.

Akainu's fists turned gigantic, as he shot dragons of magma towards the red light, only for them to be brushed off just as easily.

Aokiji sent black flying ice birds towards it, only for all of them to disintegrate completely when coming in contact with the light.

In but an instant, the red light was already touching Sengoku and Enel, more specifically, it had come in contact with their palms.

Both widened their eyes, as enormous pain seemed to spread throughout their bodies from that point of contact.

But neither of them seemed willing to step out of the way.

No, instead, Sengoku slammed both of his palms into the red laser screaming through the pain as he pushed against it with all of his body.

Akainu was mad at himself for not being able to do more, he tried to continue to use magma, shooting more nad more towards it, but nothing seemed to work.

Then, his field of view was quickly cut off.

Fujitora acted just as soon as he noticed that the light couldn't be stopped with their attacks. He acted to defend Akainu, Aokiji and Kizaru, the people closest to him.

He controlled gravity with great precision, strips of earth seemed to be cut instantly, as his sword was instantly taken out of its sheath, all of them arched upwards and formed a cocoon of stone.

That earth then instantly turned to ice, as Aokiji also acted, before all of them seemed to cover it with their Armament Haki, turning it into a red sphere of concentrated willpower.

Enel and Sengoku both stood in front of that red sphere of earth and ice, both trying their best to stop that light.

Slowly but surely, Sengoku noticed the skin on his palms being peeled off violently, revealing his muscles.

Enel noticed something similar with his form, he was to the point where he was bleeding in his lighting form.

The light continued to expand, pushing Enel and Sengoku more and more, as their feet broke the ground behind them.

They wended up at each side of the red sphere formed by the rest, their haki combined finally managing to put a stop to the laser.

Enel was happy for but a moment, as he felt that half of his arm had already vanished.

Then, another explosion happened, and he completely blacked out.

The last thing Enel could see was a gigantic red flying slash fighting against the red light.


Hope you liked the chapter! 

Took a few liberties with the way the attack played out, but I kinda like this better(personal taste) :)))

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