One Piece: Reborn as Enel

Chapter 120: Fledgling and True Conquerors

Chapter 120: Fledgling and True Conquerors

_________ POV Narration_________

The fight raged on, with the Shandian warriors and Sky Guards somehow holding on.

Bellamy was hopping around the battlefield everywhere, distracting enemies and helping wherever he could.

He, like many others, could barely do any damage to the Beast Pirates.

Wyper and a few others could actually fight properly, but all of them could at least dodge around and block the Beast Pirates.

Bonney also was quite crucial for the Sky People's defence, as she simply strolled around the battlefield and finished all the pirates she could with a single touch, turning them either into babies or old men at random.

In the end, the fight turned out to be a stalemate on their end, as some of the stronger Beast Pirates had haki, and could hold off Bonney.

Meanwhile, Wyper had yet to learn armament, so he was struggling against those that knew Haki as well.

Thankfully, Bellamy was doing a good job of distracting the beast pirates with his odd movements, but he still couldn't do much damage, and a single stray hit would've been enough to take him out.

Wyper fought and fought hard at that. But he felt ashamed when seeing how weak he was, especially so when he encountered an odd bear-human hybrid with Armament Haki.

'Enel would've been able to kill them all instantly... And here I am struggling against a random and useless piece of shit!'

He was angry, he felt as if he was being left far behind... No, he had been left behind for a long time.

Since the beginning, Enel was much stronger than he was, but he still had hopes that he would be able to catch up one day.

The Bear-Human hybrid swiped its claws at Wyper, laughing all along as Wyper stepped backwards and shoved his Burn Bazooka down its throat.

"SHUT UP AND BURN!" Without hesitating at all, he pulled the trigger, his bazooka releasing a gout of powerful flame right inside his enemy's mouth.

The Bear-Human hybrid reeled back, grasping at its neck and face as they burnt up badly.

Wyper looked around him, seeing more and more of his people get injured by pirates, slowly but surely, he became angrier and angrier.

'Was I always this fucking powerless?!'

In his mind, he kept telling himself that, had Enel been there, the situation would've already been over.

Wyper dashed in, taking on more and more enemies, as wounds accumulated on his body.

Bellamy was inspired by his struggle, so he quickly jumped in as well, not caring for the accumulating cuts and bruises on his body as he bounced around the battlefield as fast as he could.

Eventually, Wyper's body had had enough.

The pirates were circling around him and the remaining Sky Warriors, it was unknown how many of their people had died, and how many were injured.

But one thing was clear...

"... This isn't fair..." Bellamy said as he clutched at his broken arm, his springy step was stopped as his bones ached and a sharp pain shot up all across his body.

Wyper looked at him for a few seconds. Bellamy had only joined them all recently, so it was to be expected that he was among the weaker present.

Yet he had held up quite well throughout the whole thing, refusing to let up all that time.

"It seems this is our end... Huh?" More of the people behind him started lamenting, as the pirates seemed to rejoice in their fear and despair.

Garp and Francisco both seemed too busy with their respective fights to assist them.

Garp specifically was forced to dodge constant lasers from Queen, while sparring with King, batting away sword strikes and talon slashes.

King used his whole body in the fight, refusing to give Garp even a moment of rest.

Francisco was in a similar situation, Sasaki trying to hold him down while Who's Who fought him with either Finger Guns or Flying Slashes.

Wyper realized that they wouldn't be getting any help from them. Even worse, he found it pathetic that he even expected their help in the first place.

'If they aren't able to help us... Then we must help ourselves!'

It was a strange feeling, from the depths of his soul. It was as if his fate had shifted completely.

Beyond anyone's expectations, a wave of Conqueror's Haki washed over the entire battlefield, making everyone turn their heads toward the scene.

Including Garp and Francisco, as well as their opponents.

Francisco simply smiled at the scene, as he felt Wyper's Aura through his Observation. 'He's gotten much stronger... Finally a fitting student!'

Wyper, on the verge of passing out, glared at his enemies with bloodshot eyes.

"YOU THINK YOU'RE TOUGH SHIT?! COME AND GET ME THEN!" He spat out those words with pure vitriol, unleashing his will upon the Beast Pirates.

All of them took a step back, but it was far too weak to knock them out.

And just as Wyper finished his words, the cannon in his grasp hit the floor... He was unconscious. But he didn't fall to the ground himself, no he stood tall as his eyes glazed over.

The Sky People were inspired by the scene, but they were all too tired to move at that point.

The Beast Pirates simply seemed to be looking warily at the unconscious Wyper before all stepping to approach the group again.

"This exceeded my expectations... But I guess Willpower grows the quickest in stressful environments... This has been good training!" Francisco nodded his head once, his smile shining.

He felt the Beast Pirates getting closer to Wyper... Sasaki and Who's Who also both dashed towards him, hoping to take advantage of the fact that he didn't seem to be paying attention.

"No, no... Can't have that..."

It was at that time that every pirate on the battlefield froze, including the All-Stars.

Sasaki and Who's Who both stared on with wide eyes, paralyzed by their instincts.

A crushing aura surged out from the blind old man that they had been fighting, it was a regal, almost baleful sensation that managed to make their spines tremble in fear.

Waves of red aura seemed to buzz around in the air, each more powerful than the last.

Francisco's figure became impossible to see as the red aura rolled off of him, creating sparks in the air and making red lighting appear all around him.

The aura went on to encapsulate a good chunk of the sea of clouds and the entire shore of Skypea.

The Regular Beast pirates seemed to collapse, foam coming from their mouths. The Sky People seemed to pass out as well, forming a pile of unconscious people, with eyes rolled backwards.

"Wouldn't want my newly discovered gifted student to keel over dead, you see?" The pressure lessened a bit, as the old blind man smiled at the 4 pirates that were still standing.

Garp simply scowled. 'This old fuck... Better have a talk with him later.'

Both Sasaki and Who's Who seemed to take a few steps back in fear as soon as they regained control over their bodies, their legs shaking uncontrollably.

King looked at the situation with horror, his back full of cold sweat.

'I... Have I ever felt Conqueror's Haki this intense?!... Is he on par with Kaido? No, this was a lot stronger...'

Garp scoffed when seeing that King, his opponent, wasn't paying attention to him. With an exhale, he delivered a powerful uppercut to the right hand of the Beast Pirates, sending him flying upwards, with his mask broken and face bones shattered.

"Ignore me more, will ya?!" Garp shouted in indignation as he raised his fist and punched into one of Queen's lasers.

The shockwave of his fist parted the laser and seemed to crush Queen underneath it, the boat he was using as a foothold cracking more and more.

The fight on their side continued, so Francisco also decided to return his attention to his supposed adversaries in that war.

"Hmm... What's wrong?" Francisco turned his head towards Sasaki and Who's Who, both trembling slightly as the old man's attention turned to them.

"Please don't tell me you were intimidated by that much!" Francisco scoffed at them, the corners of his mouth turning downwards in a scowl as he raised his head up high.

"Bah, who am I kidding? You lot have been a disappointment since you appeared on the horizon. I shouldn't have expected more of you!"

The Beast Pirates wanted to retort, but they found it difficult to refute the old man's words.

"I guess I should stop playing around now..." Francisco simply shook his head when seeing how tensed up his enemies were.

The next second, he appeared in front of Sasaki, his blunt cutlass covered in concentrated Armament Haki, shining red as lighting rolled off of it.

The Tobiroppo quickly tried to block Francisco's blade with his own, turning his black in hopes of holding up long enough to dodge.

But it didn't work. His mechanical blade was severed instantly and soon followed his half-transformed head, both of them flying off in the same second.

Francisco merely sighed while shaking his head. "What a shoddy display... I've cut bread with stronger willpower than this..."

Sasaki's head didn't even hit the ground properly, as Who's Who decided to act.

He did what was sensible in that situation, he instantly turned around and started kicking off the air as he tried to fly further and further from the shore of the island.

'What the hell is this thing?!? How the hell are we supposed to fight it!?'

Queen noticed his retreat almost instantly.

"Who's Who! You fucking coward! Kaido won't forget this!" Queen's voice rang out, his rage palpable at his deserting former comrade.

"Fuck Kaido! I want to live!" Who's Who continued to run away, not looking back for even one second.

"So disgraceful..." Francisco said as he turned the tip of his blade towards Who's Who in the distance.

With a single motion, he ran two fingers across his blade, bringing the hilt back, as if drawing a bow.

Haki once again covered that blunt cutlass, turning it completely black, then red, as lighting once again seemed to roll around it.

"Piercing Blade - Autumn Fang"

And with a forward's thrust, the tip of Francsico's blade seemed to release a different type of flying slash.

Who's Who didn't even get to look back when he felt danger approaching, he tried to shift his body, but he didn't manage to do so in time.

He only managed to move for one centimetre, so he covered his body in the thickest layer of Armament Haki he could muster, turning it completely black.

The next thing he knew, half of his torso was missing.

Who's Who was in shock, his body going limp as his eyes seemed to become blank.

Francisco simply whistled a bit, as the former Tobiroppo's body limply fell into the Sea of Clouds, like a falling leaf in autumn.

"The High Sea is no place for weaklings..." Francisco said as he looked over at Garp's fight, which was also close to wrapping up.

'I wonder where Enel is...'

Francisco thought to himself as he watched Garp punch King into the ground.

Queen shot laser after laser, hoping to somehow turn the situation around, but he realized that all was lost when King finally passed out, succumbing to his injuries.

He trembled a bit when Garp turned his head towards him.

"You know, you've been really annoying this whole time..." Garp started walking towards him, cracking his knuckles.

Francisco simply sighed at that, letting Garp continue the fight/torture with Queen.

He didn't waste any time though, quickly calling the rest of the Sky residents to come and help carry the injured and tie up the pirates.

And so, one of the 'wars' ended abruptly. As the might of the Beast Pirates proved to be far from enough to take on Enel's associates.


Hope you liked the chapter!

Sry about yesterday btw, I think I'm saying this a lot lately. Got a new PC, so I had to set everything up properly, which took a bit of time ;)))

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