One Piece: Reborn as Enel

Chapter 102: Reasons, Confidence and Sky

Chapter 102: Reasons, Confidence and Sky

__________ POV Narration__________

Enel was a bit annoyed at losing the recording, but there wasn't much he could've done in that situation.

He had somewhat expected that to happen, but he had hoped things would work out better.

He could also tell that the explosions weren't meant to actually injure him in any way. At least they weren't meant to injure someone at his level.

They were just meant to destroy the evidence of the government's involvement, as well as the strange 'weapon' they used to turn all of the Sea Kings mad.

Enel was quite annoyed when he found out that they were being tracked, but it wasn't like they had been away from civilization during that entire journey to the Calm Belt.

They had passed by a few islands, and even if they didn't make any stops, their location was likely reported and the Chiper Pol was able to trace them and determine that they were heading for the First Part of the Grand Line through the Calm Belt.

What Enel had trouble understanding wasn't exactly that though...

'Why exactly did they use such a method?'

They must've been aware that Enel was also on the ships, especially after they saw the corpses at Foosha village... So why exactly did they try to attack using only Sea Kings?

They had also revealed the fact that they had other ancient weapons in possession, or at the very least had recordings of a former Poseidon's voice.

Enel doubted that Shirahoshi had been caught, but if the World Government had those types of recordings then they must've already discovered that the powers of Poseidon only manifested in Merfolk...

'Is that why Fishman slaves are sought after among world nobles?... It wouldn't surprise me.'

It was likely that the World Government didn't know the power could only manifest in the royal family that ruled over Fishman Island, so they were trying to find the next Poseidon among the regular population for now.

'Still... To think that mere recordings would hold such power... I guess I still don't know enough about Poseidon yet...'

Enel couldn't quite put his finger on why exactly the World Government had made the decision to reveal one of their cards so brazenly, especially now that they had somewhat acknowledged him as an enemy.

Had they just become completely arrogant and conceited? That was a possibility, certainly would've explained some of its moves as of late...

They had acted against his expectations and imprisoned Garp, who was admittedly a thorn in their side, but they should've thought more about the consequences of such actions.

Because of that, they had completely alienated most of the leading figures of the Marines, which now most likely despised the World Government more than they respected it.

They also targeted Garp's hometown and demonized all of them just as they had done in the past to the people of Ohara.

This was bound to raise many questions, and a lot of people were going to come to their own conclusions on that matter.

A lot of the other marines were also bound to ask questions. As Foosha village was the hometown of the Marine Hero...

Especially since the World Government had tried to portray the World Noble as faultless, and anyone that paid any attention to rumours knew how vile Celestial Dragons were.

Overall, incompetence could've been used to explain all of their recent mishaps.

But Enel somehow found it hard to believe, that incompetence was truly the reason for his enemy's choices. Especially not when said enemy had already been ruling the world for the past few centuries.

So a second way to explain their actions came into mind...

'Are they just really confident?'

So confident in their own powers that they didn't believe the Marines were an important force to them?

So confident that they were simply able to do whatever they wanted...

When thinking of them as confident, another explanation for them taking out the recording of Poseidon came to mind.

'Maybe they are showing off... Trying to make me more cautious. Are they afraid I would just recklessly rush the Holy Land and kill any Celestial Noble I get my hands on.

Or are they baiting me?

Are they pretending to reveal all of their cards, and hoping I'd be enraged and impatient enough to simply attack them? Maybe they have something prepared at the Holy Land to greet me...'

Enel simply had no way to know for sure at that point. He needed more information, but most importantly, he couldn't act rashly.

'For now, let's try to solve my spiritual problems... I have to look more into souls.

Dragon should've gathered most of the information they found by now. If he hasn't then I'll tighten the deadline. I need answers and fast.'

Enel also decided silently that he'd visit the Fishman Islands, just to make sure nothing bad had happened to Shirahoshi.

But for now, Enel decided not to think about the World Government anymore. He wouldn't get any answers if he simply stood around and waited.

For now, he could sense the Sea Kings going back to the depths as his electromagnetic waves scanned the seawater.

'Really... This is more like a futuristic radar than anything...'

Observation haki usually only allowed one to feel the outline of someone's aura.

So being able to perfectly sense the exact shape of everything even underwater when those things weren't in sight was quite liberating.

The Sea was still dyed red in Sea King blood, and it would likely take a few weeks for it to recover its usual blue colour.

Enel landed on the ships, where he was greeted by a blood-covered Momnga, the two Rear Admirals were also just as drenched in blood.

The three of them had killed quite a few Sea Kings themselves, but they surely would've been killed without Enel's interference.

In the end, the two ships continued their journey. With Enel sitting mostly on the deck of the Warship, overlooking the seas in the distance.

He remained vigilant, as he now knew that the World Government likely knew what route they were taking.

But the rest of the journey was thankfully uneventful. They reached Jaya swiftly, with a few days to spare.

On Enel's orders though, no one disembarked, instead, everyone was told to simply hold on tightly to something within the ship.

Even Momonga and the other two Rear Admirals listened to Enel's words, as they didn't test what would've happened if they refused to listen.

"Brace for a rough takeoff!" Enel shouted as the water underneath the ships became energized.

In fact, all of the water within one kilometre of the ships became the same. And the water quickly started shifting, slowly, five pillars seemed to rise from the water.

Momonga looked at Enel with wide eyes when seeing that, and so did Woop Slap, who looked at the pillars with a shocked gaze.

"... The sea is under his control?"

From the distance, the pillars looked like the fingers of a water giant, ascending from the depths while grasping the ships within its palm.

And the ships started to gain altitude, the water level starting to rise quickly underneath them, as they stood in the palm of that giant hand.

Many panicked when feeling the ships they were on shifting, but they had been told to hold on in advance, so it wasn't like they were taken by surprise.

But that also didn't mean they weren't going to scream as they kept gaining altitude.

It got a lot worse when they could see birds actually flying underneath them...

Yes, the giant hand extended to the skies, piercing the clouds with ease and even going further above them.

Eventually, a path opened up for the ships, as the palm of the giant fell apart, freeing the ships as they flowed with the water, diving directly into the sea of clouds.

Enel smiled a bit, as he also started controlling the sea of clouds to hold them up as the ships stabilised in water and stopped swaying.

Enel simply looked at everybody with a smile as he hovered in between the two ships.

"Onwards! To the Sky Islands!" Enel's voice proclaimed loudly as the marines quickly recovered and quickly raised their sails.

The ships sailed forwards for a few more hours, passing through The Heaven's Gate, where the receptionist didn't dare to ask them for an entry fee, as she froze completely when she saw Enel.

The villagers found that reaction to be a bit odd, but they decided not to think about it too much. Enel was a pirate at the end of the day, he was bound to have people that feared him...

So, their journey continued, all until they could finally see it...

A large city, perched up on the clouds. Buildings floating in the air, scooters and wagons flying around as people seemed to be in a celebratory mood.

The residents of Foosha village, and even the marines, looked at the scene with wonder. It was the first time in their lives that they had witnessed such a scene...

Unfortunately, their approach seemed to somewhat kill the atmosphere in the large city... It seemed like the Sky residents weren't all that welcoming to visitors...

Wyper came out of the crowds and to the shore of the island to greet the incoming ships, which managed to calm down the residents greatly.

After all, Wyper was someone everyone on Skypea trusted at that point, Gan Fall's right-hand man and a person powerful enough to protect them.

Those feelings changed again when Enel appeared in front of Wyper, with the ships still in the distance.

"Wyper!" "Enel..."  The two of them shook hands, testing each other's grip strengths with strained smiles on their faces.

Enel seemed to win that competition though, with Wyper giving up and taking back his arm with a scowl.

"Why aren't you wearing a shirt?" Wyper asked as he crossed his arms.

"Don't judge my wardrobe! Didn't have the time to get dressed before going out initially... And I was too lazy to return and get dressed properly afterwards..."

"Whatever... Why are you bringing two ships full of people here?"

"Yeah... About that... It might be better if I explain things to everyone at once. Can you call everyone to Gan Fall's office?"

Wyper simply nodded and flew away, stepping on air as he used Geppo to make his way to Gan Fall's office... He was most likely showing off that he had learnt one of the 6 powers already.

This made Enel smile a bit, as he flashed back to the ships. He told the people there to stop near the shore for now, while he was to deal with their new living arrangements...

Then he headed for Gan Fall's office after a few minutes, where he could feel that everyone had already gathered.

'God... Garp isn't going to like this one bit.'


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