One Piece: Path to Power

Chapter 132: [132] Ultimatum

Chapter 132: [132] Ultimatum

[2820 words]


"Mercy? Orororo! You should be the one asking for mercy!" Orlov roared; his entire body was coated in thick Haki, a full body armour! 

He shot from his position, shooting his fist at the swordsman like a raging bull.

*Clang!* The sound of metal hitting metal as Vlad's blade collided head-on with the punch. Sparks flew from the sheer friction of their clash, bringing about an orange hue in the middle of Yozora Island's darkness. 

The one-armed man felt he was losing strength, prompting him to tilt his blade at the perfect angle and force Orlov to fall forward.

The blade sliced mercilessly, slashing at the man's exposed neck.


Orlov flickered away moments before his head was liberated from his neck. 


The air popped as the 15-footer soared to the sky, his arm clenching into that of bulging muscles. 


"Iron Body: Meteor Slam!"


He fell like a comet, collapsing upon the much smaller Vlad. 


"Night Sword Style: Black Tornado."


With a swift movement, the man's sword unleashed a whirlwind that immediately took Orlov into the air, throwing his aim off and littering him with micro-cuts. By the time he crashed into the ground, there was another attack waiting for him:


"Night Sword Style: Dimension Slash."


Orlov was out of his league and couldn't dodge away from the brutal blade. He crossed his Haki-clad arms, brimming them with Iron Body.

*Clang!* The naval officer grimaced in pain from the blade digging into his arms, cutting through the skin and sawing away at his bones; such was the majesty of a Meito.

"Ugh!" He cried out, the blood splattering and pain shooting up his nerves. Yet even under such stress, the man spat an order: "Now, take the shot!"

Vlad didn't have time to be surprised; all he heard was a continuous volley of bullets from all sides, even a rocket launched from above. 

The blade weaved through the air, cutting bullets, shredding projectiles and slicing most attacks. But a one-armed man could do only so much; he was soon hit with three bullets in the chest and another two in his left thigh.

The veteran Vice Admiral quickly exploited such a window:


"Tempest Kick!"


Orlov unleashed a blinding flash of energy from his armoured leg, slashing at the wounded swordsman with no mercy.

It dug away at the blade that was barely supported by one hand, pushing at Vlad's ribs. The swordsman was launched back, colliding with a stone statue of a knight and collapsing with the bits of rocks.

Blood dripped onto the lawn, seeping into the hedge maze of the Dracule Estate. The wind cried alongside the island's caretaker, conveying its pain.

Orlov's thick boots dug into the shaken soil. The man raised his massive hand and held out a single finger:


"Finger Pistol Barrage!"


The condensed air pockets rained down on the fallen Vlad, hoping to turn him into Swiss cheese.

*Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!* It was Orlov's 'Stubborn Justice' at work!

"Orororo! If you wanna blame anyone for this mess, take it up with the Sin Incarnate!"

The battle-hardened marine had naturally spotted the condition of the fine blade—it was chipped and rusty, perhaps due to Vlad's desire never to unsheath for decades.

*Clatter* The burly man smiled as he heard the sword break near the grip—Yozora fell apart! Still, it wasn't enough for him to stop his assault. 

*Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!*

"Is he dead?" Dragon muttered from the side, feeling sickly at the Navy's actions—all this mayhem for a one-armed, old man.

"Either that or he will be processed at Enies Lobby for his crimes," Shinrai answered in his own way. Even now, his eyes carried irritation from having to sit out from the battle.

The two watched the dark shadow at the core of a giant dust cloud that spanned the entire hedge maze—the Marines hadn't taken any chances!

"Wait, he's reaching for something!"

The soldiers barely saw the enemy drag himself to the center of the flattened maze, but soon disappeared under the dusty veil.

"My father trained me for decades to one day wield you," came a tired voice. "I know I remain unworthy to hold your power, but please, let me at least protect the one who is worthy!"

These are words that echoed out from the foggy hedge maze. 

"I have a bad feeling about this," Orlov muttered.


The air shrieked from the sudden sharpness, sending out tremors through the atmosphere. A bright light reflected through the hazy fog and dust, lighting the way.

Orlov was finally able to make out his surroundings. He saw the crumpled hedge maze as before, but the giant sword fixed into the thick rock had disappeared alongside the yellow-eyed man.


"Night Sword Style: Last Stand!"


Orlov had no time to react. All he saw was a gray-coloured blade slash away at his neck at incredible speeds. 

There was the dust in the air and cricket chirpings in the background before, and now, there was silence.

The Vice Admiral blinked in confusion, 'I'm dead…?' he thought, unable to voice it out. The last thing he saw was a fountain of blood erupting from a headless body before darkness took over.

""Vice Admiral!""

Dragon and Shinrai rushed to the fallen marine, springing to action. Under Vlad's sharp and tired eyes, the latter tried to use his powers.

"Stay with me!" Shinrai held the head, still dripping with blood, and connected it to the neck, an orange light shining at the connection.

However, Orlov's lifeless eyes remained lifeless.

"It seems your powers have limits, young marine." Vlad breathed out, coughing some blood.

Meanwhile, a mighty wind spun around the other rookie, increasing vigorously. 

"No wonder you both are touted as the Future of the Navy. You have good talent and notable abilities at your disposal." Though the final words came at more and more expense, the swordsman slowly succumbed to his injuries.

Yoru fell to the ground, lightly trembling.

*Szzz* Vlad's hand was left scarred, his Haki unable to without the might of the Supreme Blade beyond a single slash. 

Dragon noticed such a sight: "I haven't seen a masterful swordsman as yourself; that must be an excellent blade to leave such a mark." However, his face warped into a mix of anger and reluctance: "You should have surrendered, and now nothing is stopping your execution!"

The old man smiled back, even though his waning strength had left him on his knees: "We all have our time on this planet. I will accept my end graciously." His hawk-like eyes locked onto his young adversary, scanning every detail, "But I wonder, can you take pride in this endeavour, young marine?"


All the swordsman saw in the young man's eyes was apprehension. "Life is truly filled with ironies," Vlad muttered, reading the enemy's hesitation like a book.

"Enough, old man!" Shinrai roared, furious at the fallen Vice Admiral. "There's another three hundred marines that'll be here any second; you'll pay for what you did!"

"Commander Shinrai!" a low-rank marine rushed across the dry soil. "W-We lost contact with Battalion Three and Five!" he yelled. "Only a hundred from Battalion One made it here!"

Dragon narrowed his eyes, looking at the near-dead Vlad, "You're not alone."

This was news to even Vlad, who helplessly cursed under his breath, "Mina, I told you to stay with him."

A person arrived at the fallen swordsman's side: a woman. Though much older than the young rookies, she still maintained elegance.

"What kind of a wife would I be if I didn't stand beside my husband in his weakest moments."

Vlad sighed, though he couldn't help but lightly smile, even in the face of such darkness. Their connection was undeniable, forged in the fires of countless battles and strengthened by their unwavering commitment to each other. 

The woman gave one last smile at the fallen man, beaming life into his soul, and looked at the two soldiers with distaste: "You mischievous Navy rookies don't know how to respect your elders. I can't believe there was a time when we admired you people!"

Dragon sighed, extending his hands.

*Vvooo* *Wururu* A powerful gust of green air spun about, though it now crackled with electricity! The ground was left charred, showcasing the destructive nature of the rookie's powers.

Meanwhile, Shinrai leapt ahead as well: "Shave."

Mina sensed the two attacks and returned with one of her own:


"One Sword Style: Bloody Mary."


The blade was swift and elegant, carrying no hesitation: three consecutive attacks, each slashing at the coming enemy.

"Tch!" Shinrai, who had rushed forward, halted, though not fast enough to evade the hits. The young lad felt the throbbing pain of having his chest, thigh and neck cut open; it was like magma coursing through his nerves. Alas, it lasted but a brief second before mending.

He saw the alarmed Mina watching with those same piercing eyes and opted for something else. With a quick swipe, the broken Yozora was picked up.

Shinrai flexed his arms and sent the weapon with just its grip remaining at the woman, aiming for her throat.

"!!!" The female swordsman didn't know why the broken blade carried far more danger than it was present.




Shinrai's words echoed through and were overshadowed by the flying weapon suddenly transforming!

A sharp blade regrew about its broken stem, almost like a blooming flower! Within seconds, it went from the size of a dagger to a full-fledged sword—Yozora was reborn!

*Clang!* Due to Mina's proactiveness, she was able to divert the blade, parrying it to the side, but not before leaving herself open.


"Abyssal Gust!"


A massive stream of raging winds abruptly arrived, slamming onto the woman's body. The blade was guarded, protecting her body from most of the attack.

Cuts opened along her arms and legs, and the howling winds were as sharp as her sword! 

Mina didn't wait and leapt to the sky with her weapon. Unfortunately, she was one step too late:


"Seismic Thunder."


*Rumble* A bright flash followed by the roar of thunder.

Mina was bathed with millions of volts, her raised weapon acting like a lightning rod, credit to Dragon's attack.

Shinrai joined in the assault as well, picking up a pebble and aiming it at the woman frozen midair.

*Fwooo* the harmless stone soared across the sky toward its enemy. 

At the last second, Mina regained control over her tasered body, but not before the innocent pebble was at arm's length from her.




*Click* *Clack* The tiny pebble suddenly mended to its original shape, which it had previously broken off, transforming into a boulder over five meters in diameter!

Mina was struck, and her lithe body was thrown to the far end of the maze and nearing the stone manor.

A disgruntled Dragon flicked his finger at the last second, sending a gentle gust of air to slow her fall. Her life was spared from any damning injuries, but her ribs were long broken.

Such a brutal, one-sided victory was met with a round of applause:

"That's the future of our Navy! They're incredible!"

"For Justice!"

"Orlov-sama has been avenged!"

The nearby marines, accounting for 120 or so men, burst into a cheer, exclaiming in favour of the two young stars.

Even in the eternal darkness of Yozora Island, these men felt like they were bathed in the light of justice, carrying out the will of their fallen hero, Orlov.

'Soon, I'll have all the Navy cheering me on,' Shinrai clenched his hands, smiling triumphantly. 'The Commander-in-Chief will surely give me merit for this!' The young lad could taste the imminent glory; it was his first step on the path to power.

Dragon was different. His face carried great ambivalence as he stared at the miserable couple, both left near death in their own home. A single thought circled his mind: 'What could warrant such a damning assault. To attack an island with no history of piracy to this…'

Shinrai's voice brought the storm-bringing marine out of his reverie: "Arrest them both."

"I have the cuffs, sir," a Commodore reported, rushing up and attempting to click on the metal bracelets over the downed Vlad.

However, even with a hundred-plus reinforcements absorbed in the glow of victory, the man couldn't stop what was to come:


"Oblivion Press."



The leading Commodore went through the five stages of grief as he felt the cold voice echo in his mind. The others barely even processed the words before they were pressed with a colossal amount of force, their very bodies being stapled to the ground.

It was a dark curtain of despair, drawing over the battalion with its climatic doom. 

"Ugh!" "Auugh!" "Kauuwh!"

The 120 or so men all cried out in unison as their bodies were subjected to weight far beyond gravity, their organs threatening to pop. It was like being forced under a towering waterfall.

"Who is it!?" Shinrai shot back, creating distance from the despairing sight. Meanwhile, a dull wind carried Dragon away, each of the Star Rookies jumping to action.

"Help me, ple–guh!" A marine managed to beg before the damning weight pressed him to the floor—the shrieking earth overshadowed the soldiers' misery.

It took Dragon a few moments to find the culprit—a lithe figure standing near the fallen couple.

He observed her sleek, black outfit, its sharp gold accents catching the dim light. The form-fitting design emphasized a commanding presence, each movement precise and deliberate. She exuded an air of elegance and menace, a figure of undeniable authority in the shadows. 

[Clothing Image (in Discord)]

"The power to command gravity," Dragon murmured, staring at the masked woman with a shaken spirit. "Devil's Architect, why are you here!?"

Raging winds encased the marine, his body crackling with lightning, conveying his strong guard against the woman feared in the Underworld.

Shinrai was just as confused, though his anger at the sight of his fellow marines being pressed overruled his befuddlement.

Another voice greeted the two, a voice of disparagement: "You two brats aren't worthy to stand before our Boss. We'll take you on!"

The Star Duo turned their attention to the other two men who had arrived alongside the Underworld Emperor.

They were well-known.

The one at the forefront had pale skin and resembled more of a white humanoid snake than a human, especially considering the cracked skin and yellow eyes. He had purple tubes connected to the back of his head and neck; whether they were for purpose or decoration, the man was a demon from appearance alone!

"'Bone Baron' Kaiser," Shinrai spat out. "Bounty of 282 million berries."

[Kaiser Image (in Discord)]

The other attacker growled through his sharp canines like a wild dog. The creature donned Egyptian clothing, leaving his brown-coloured upper chest bare. He had pointy ears with the face of a jackal. 

"'Voice of the Dead' Nekrós, a reward of 420 million berries!"

Nekrós, previously named Ebi, had a power many feared—a power to produce endless soldiers! A power he proudly showed off:




The black orb floating over his staff shone with blue light, dawning over the sea of corpses, giving them life.

"You bastard!" Shinrai roared, seeing a fearsome sight—hundreds of corpses stood up in undead glory. A giant body was also there, eclipsing the others in stature and presence.

"E-Even Orlov-sama, you demon!"

It was the headless Vice Admiral!

Dragon wanted to move in and ensure his fallen comrades weren't desecrated but met a brick wall: "Nuh-uh, I wouldn't do that if I were you."

The young marine felt a cold blade aimed toward him, emanating primal sharpness. He saw his enemy, one with white bones protruding from his body; it was Kaiser.

Shinrai gnashed his teeth impatiently, feeling helpless, "The two guardians of Unso Island… The Hounds of Fulcrum!" 


Dragon looked away from Kaiser, even though the latter was within range to kill. The marine's eyes traced over the risen dead, following on the true master of the newly arrived enemies.

"Fulcrum, do you really want to do this? Even if you're in good grace with the Government, you can't just do as you please!"

The words drew a short silence, the attention of others falling on the masked woman.

Her black mask had no design—it was a simple black sheet. Its simplicity, in tandem with the endlessly pressing weight of over a hundred marines, painted quite a frightening picture! Being blanketed by Yozora Island's darkness amplified the woman's ominous existence even further.

"The Government values my Styx Passage far more than the both of you; that little you should know," came the young woman's voice.

Dragon felt eyes lock on him from under the dark mask, her words bringing forth an ultimatum: "Go back and tell Endou and the geezers at Mariejois that Yozora Island is protected by Fulcrum. Any further trespassing will be met with brutal resistance from the Underworld!"

To Be Continued…


Author's Corner. 

Orlov wants the Dracule to blame Damien for all of this mess. Something so important that the Endou overruled Kong and demanded a military takeover. Fulcrum arrived at the last second with her Hounds, facing off against the Star Rookies.

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