One-Click Upgrade: Super Decomposition System

Chapter 333

Chapter 333 - This World Is Not Simple the Era Is Different

Jade King spoke with a hint of melancholy in his voice. “I've hired specialized bodyguards to guard my estate, yet that woman, Lv Yingyu, moves through it with ease! If it weren't for the sea being so close to my residence, and its timely appearance, Lv Yingyu, who fears the sea, might have been the end of me.”

”Moreover, the sea harbors a deep caution towards the Seclusion Family. After a stern warning from Lv Yingyu, she retreated.”

“But I've decided to stop prying into the affairs of the Seclusion Family.”

“I've come to realize that this world isn't as straightforward as it appears. It was a rude awakening that led me to adopt a lower profile and live more quietly.”

Upon hearing this, Jiang Hao's brow furrowed. “The Seclusion Family?”

”It does seem the world is more complex than it appears on the surface.”

“Even though Lv Yingyu's martial arts skills are modest, they're still superior to my own.”

“Plus, Lv Yingyu hails from the enigmatic Seclusion Family. Who knows what formidable figures they might harbor?”

“Considering what Lv Yingyu mentioned, that the Lv Family descends from the First Emperor, the Seclusion Family is likely far from simple.”

”Still, whether they're simple or not, as long as they don't bother me, I'm fine.”

Despite the Seclusion Family's air of mystery, Jiang Hao was not intimidated by them.

At that moment, Song Yu turned to Jiang Hao and spoke up. “If you don't stir trouble with the Seclusion Family, they won't bother with you.”

Suddenly, Soong Wanzhong's expression shifted, and he asked anxiously, “Nephew, Lv Yingyu didn't come looking for you because of the Baiqi Killing Sword, did she?”

Jiang Hao's surprise was evident. But seeing his reaction, Soong Wanzhong realized his guess was likely accurate.

Worry washed over his face as he stood up and paced, muttering, “What to do, what to do?”

Jiang Hao watched his father-in-law's agitation, puzzled by the commotion.

Then, a rhythmic knock sounded at the door. Soong Wanzhong's expression immediately brightened. “Dahai, please, come in quickly!”

As the door swung open, there stood Uncle Hai, just as expected.

After stepping inside and closing the door, Uncle Hai greeted Soong Wanzhong and Jiang Hao with a respectful bow.

“Master, Mr. Jiang!”

Jiang Hao acknowledged him with a nod.

At that moment, Soong Wanzhong's face was etched with worry as he turned to Uncle Hai in haste.

“Da Hai, it's not just the Nether King's Hall that's after the Baiqi Killing Sword; the Lv Family from the Seclusion Families is also in pursuit. What's our course of action?”

Uncle Hai paused, taken aback by the news.

“The Lv Family from the Seclusion Families?”

“Yes, indeed! Last night, Lv Yingyu had already approached my nephew Jiang!”

Soong Wanzhong's face was a portrait of concern.

Uncle Hai's gaze shifted to Jiang Hao, who remained composed in his seat.

Seeing Soong Wanzhong's urgency, Uncle Hai couldn't help but chuckle.

“Master, there's no need for concern.”

“You're selling Mr. Jiang short!”

“The times have changed!”

“Mr. Jiang is a prodigy. While the spiritual energy is only now beginning to resurface, his martial arts prowess has already distinguished him. I, for one, can't shake his memory from my mind!”

“The Nether King's Hall and the Seclusion Families may be enigmatic, but Mr. Jiang isn't someone they can easily manipulate!”

Prompted by Uncle Hai's reassurance, Soong Wanzhong turned to Jiang Hao, his disbelief prompting him to question Uncle Hai.

“Da Hai, are you suggesting that my nephew Jiang possesses a strength that even the Nether King's Hall and the Seclusion Families would fear?”

With a smile, Uncle Hai looked at Soong Wanzhong and replied.

“Master, ever since the resurgence of spiritual energy, each martial cultivator has become a protagonist of this world!”

“And as for individuals like Mr. Jiang, who stand out among martial cultivators, any wise person would think twice before crossing them!”

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