On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Four Hundred

Four Hundred

The rest of the night passed in a flurry of activity. The upgrade to the Throne would cost two and a half million ether, which we didn’t have, as I’d done the third Rank 4 Ether Spire earlier, but thanks to Asha’s Tree and Shiro, we were rapidly climbing towards having enough. Of course, then at two and a half thousand astral days to complete, rush building was the only viable option. It’ll take a couple of days in the Material, but I’m sure we can keep Ginneka under control until then…

If I was being honest, other than being irritating, Ginneka wasn’t causing any trouble, and my ill-feelings towards her were likely mostly related to how she and her brother had almost killed Shaeula and me. That was warring against my gratitude for her saving Eri’s life from our own blunders, so overall my feelings towards her were mostly mild annoyance and exhaustion. It’s hardly the first time an erstwhile enemy has become an ally…

“She’s certainly something, isn’t she Aki?” Shiro observed. “Absolutely no sense of shame or modesty as all. She’s all yes, I know I tried to kill you all, but that was like, ages ago nya…” Shiro mimicked her cutely. “And she’s as horny as a teenage boy. Come to think of it, were you ever a horny kid, Aki?”

“No, he never showed any overt interest in girls.” Eri said, her cat ears flickering cutely. She had worked out having two sets of ears was a painful assault on her brain and managed to master shifting them. I had stopped her though, and even encouraged her to practise having more ears and eyes, even if only in private, as she had raged that there was no way she was going to let anyone else, specially not me, see her in such a hideous state. But if she can master the jumbled storm of input that tries to shut down her brain, I think it quite likely she can learn Split Thoughts. I’d imagine that she’d have great compatibility with Body Enhancement as well, and possibly some sort of body modifications too, like a super soldier project, or the Space Marines from that wargame mom used to mention…

“It was quite frustrating.” Eri puffed out her cheeks, and gestured casually, annoyed, but on seeing her normal, ordinary gestures and reactions, I felt a heat inside. It’s so good seeing Eri healed… “It took me a long time to realise what I felt for Akio was love, but by the time I did realise, he’d mastered the art of ignoring girls’ feelings!”

“Guess he was relying on porn mags and the internet then.” Shiro said, her mocking grin at odds with her beautiful features. “You needed to be more charming, Eri!”

“Speak for yourself!” she frowned, crossing her arms under her chest. “I was plenty charming. Besides, I didn’t see him making a move on you either until recently. As for magazines and stuff… no way. The Oshiro’s had an old computer, but since they were poor, the whole family had to share it. And Aiko and me were always in his room, messing around. She’d have dug out a porn mag in a second and teased him about it forever.”

“I see.” Shiro grinned at me. “It’s always fun to learn more about Aki’s past. But now…” she looked at Eri, her smile teasing. “… I’m more interested in the possibilities. Our slutty cat over there showed you the way Eri, if you can change into other girls appearance-wise, then he’ll be desperate to bed you. Imagine it, having your way with any celebrity you like. Hell, you could make a killing on fake porn videos.”

“No way. Even if it doesn’t look like Eri, it’s still her, I’m not interested in showing off what’s mine.” I insisted. Eri blushed and hugged me, revelling in the feeling of her arms being able to grip me tightly again, and her tail coiled around one of my legs. “Besides…” I shuddered then, thoughts of one celebrity, and what she’d do to me if she found out, crossing my mind.

“Whoa, quite the reaction there, Aki!” Shiro smirked. “Guilty conscience? Let me guess, you were thinking of Arisu. Am I right?”

Sometimes it amazes me how the girls all seem able to read my mind. “Sorry, it was an instinctive reaction. But if she found out about such plays…”

“Yeah, squashed like a frog under a tyre.” Shiro mimicked a pancake with her hands, while Eri giggled. “I have to admit, she’s certainly gorgeous, but you know, I don’t think even replicating the appearance would give you the proper experience. She’s a force of nature, all personality. Now, for a play that would be hot… how about a double Shiro orgy, or a twin Shaeula? The possibilities are endless, my lewd little Eri.”

“I’m not lewd… I just… is it so wrong to enjoy sex with the man I love?” she protested.

“No, not at all.” Shiro looked out over the catgirl who was arguing with Shaeula, the pair of them like ice and fire. “I can see why Shaeula doesn’t gel with Ginneka. Shaeula’s like you Eri, a lustful girl, but she only directs it to Aki and those Aki loves. Whereas our silver cat here, she’s just in heat. There’s no way Shaeula would let such a girl have any time with Aki. After all, the harem king doesn’t let his girls sleep around, right?”

“True, I’d hate that.” I agreed. “But saying it that way makes me sound such a hypocrite and a selfish bastard.”

“I guess you are…” Eri agreed. “But who cares? We don’t. Own it, and we still love you anyway!”

“Yes, that’s childhood friend power right there.” Shiro chuckled. “So, no triple Shiro orgies for you. There’s no guy alive, not even you, who could handle three of me in bed anyway…”

As we laughed about that, Shaeula came stomping over, looking back at Ginneka as she was being herded by Asha. “That damn-damn cat. So very annoying. But have no fear. Asha and Hyacinth will watch her so she causes no-no trouble.”

“Do you think she will?” I asked, and Shaeula shook her head.

“No, honestly I do not-not believe so. She is a nuisance, but like most Yōkai, especially cats it seems, when she is defeated, she rolls-rolls over in submission. That does not-not mean we should relax our caution though.”

“I agree. No point taking chances, so for a couple of days until we can get the Throne upgraded, she’ll need to be looked after.” I said.

“Yes, and we will-will need to prepare a welcome for Asha. And…” Shaeula’s eyes shone orange for a moment, her expression slightly troubled, before she smoothed it out. “… your family, no?”

“That’s right. Eri checked out the new estate. It was nice, you said?”

Nice isn’t the word for it. The training school building is awesome, but… this is like being a noble, like Hinata, Motoko or Natsumi!” As she explained more about the house and its furnishings, Shaeula listened intently, offering suggestions and promising to speak to Karen-chan regarding them. When Eri was done, she turned to me. “On a less happy note…” she said, a little unsure. “… I hear that you are going to see that Chinese woman in prison this afternoon?”

I nodded. “First, I have a meeting with my account manager and also Haru-san’s father, as well as someone from Britain. After that… yes, we can’t put it off any longer. Especially now.” I tried to lighten the mood. “I really need someone to manage my schedule! Karen-chan and Haru-san are doing the best they can. At least the meetings are starting to wind down.”

“For now. There’ll always be more…” Shiro teased.

“No kidding. At least I can still train and do work in the Boundary while I’m wasting hours of my life in meetings now.” I joked.

“In that case…” Eri said, her expression firm. “… I’m coming to. I spoke to her before, and I want to see just what decision she’s reached.”

“Yeah, you were quite harsh, Eri. But maybe that was what she needed…” Shiro added.

As they discussed her, I felt a little sick, as I found it far easier to face an enemy such as the golden-eyed devourer, or even Mary Stuart, enemies that threatened those I had chosen to protect, than those like Nie Ling, who had some extenuating circumstances but had still contributed to terrible, terrible things… Yes, it might help to have Eri there, for moral support if naught else…


“… client has already been working with Chase Midas Gold long before the Japanese government and other banks became involved.” Takahashi James-san, my account manager here in Japan was saying. His looks were largely Japanese, like mine, but his face had some subtle Western features, so it was likely he was also a half. “I think that as the first financial institution to recognise Oshiro-sama as an up-and-coming person of merit, we are perfectly placed to handle his financial needs, especially in these troubled times.”

“We would certainly rather keep his assets within Japan wherever possible.” Haru-san’s father was saying, having taken time out of his busy role as Minister of Finance to address this. Beside me, Haru-san was giving me a sympathetic look.

Did you enjoy the party? I thought at her, and she nodded, mouthing back that she did have fun, even if she still found it rather difficult being around men, but that her job involved it, so she would have to get used to it.

Yeah. I know it’s small consolation, but there’s nothing to fear from your father, and the other two guys, they’re not Chosen, so you could defeat them before they could blink. My thoughts were reassuring. I’m here too.

Yes, but you are the most dangerous one of all, Akio-san. I was surprised when her thoughts came to my head without the aid of the twins helping Haru-san form a link. On seeing my surprise, she held in a giggle. Why so shocked? I practise too. I’ve needed to, otherwise going out into somewhere like Ginza would have been impossible to bear. I can shut out external thoughts unless I’m very stressed, and I can communicate with one person at a time, so long as they don’t resist me. But yes, if you tried to attack me, I’d be helpless, wouldn’t I?

Oh come on, you know I wouldn’t do that, Haru-san. But I’m glad you feel confident enough to make jokes. The atmosphere here is tense…

No kidding. Daddy is in a tough spot. There’s a lot of talk in government that Britain might entice you away, you know? And other countries such as America, now that the news is out, have been scrambling to catch up. Rumour is the President of the United States is going to offer US Citizenship and a significant amount of money and privileges to any Chosen who emigrates there and agrees to provide support to their government and military. He tries to solve everything with money… she paused. Tempted? American girls can be quite pretty, I hear. Suzu-chan certainly is.

No way! Suzu-san is … a little too special for me. Besides, everyone I love is here.

Yes, but the world is changing. Ties such as the country you are born in will hardly matter as much anymore. But for now… best pay attention.

She winked at me, and I answered the question that the representative on behalf of Jeremey Staveley, a British Asian who spoke fluent Japanese, had just asked. Trust a major bank to have good staff for any situation. Mr Staveley knows I speak English, but he’s catering to me as a show of respect, I suppose. That or it’s to help with negotiations with the Japanese government.

“Yes, I do understand about portfolio diversification. But in these troubled times, assets abroad might be vulnerable to seizure or other problems. Besides, I don’t make financial decisions without Hinata’s input.”

“It is rather unprecedented, having a minor handle your financial matters. Legally, she is unable to enter into any binding contracts, requiring parental, or in your case spousal consent, although since you are only engaged, rather than married, it is a little problematic.” The man replied.

“Yes, I get that. I sign and seal all the agreements that Hinata ratifies after we’ve discussed it. Her grandfather oversees a lot of her decisions as well. If mistakes are made, so be it, but I have to delegate.” Besides, Hinata looks her most alluring when she’s planning financial moves and business strategies. Hinata… I can’t really put it off much longer…

See, I said you were the most dangerous one here!

Laughing inside my mind, I continued. “In fact, Hinata is the reason we have such an asset portfolio now. Our shares in various companies and some money and property were all gained through her networking.”

“But your skills.” James-san interjected. “Now, there’s nothing wrong with that. My own wife supports me, while I earn. The issue is… your marital and familial assets will be… tangled, to put it bluntly. The laws have been passed allowing polygamy, which caused a stir, I assure you. But other laws still need updating, for example, in the event of a divorce of one wife…”

“That will never happen.” Haru-san said firmly, surprising her father, who looked at her, a bit put out. “Not to Akio-san, anyway. I know all the girls involved, and I know Akio-san.” Shaeula and Eri-chan would murder anyone who tried to leave and take some of your assets. Hyacinth… she’d scorch the earth on their whole family. You have a taste for scary women, don’t you? As she thought that at me, she continued to address the others confidently. “Yes, the Ministry is working on getting the required laws into place, as it’s certainly not just going to be Akio-san who takes advantage of them, so such situations might arise, no, inevitably will. But for now… don’t worry about it. As for Hinata-chan making financial decisions… yes, it is difficult to accept, for those of us who have been involved in finance and fields of a similar nature… but a number of Chosen are under the age of adulthood. We will have to adjust our thinking.”

“Haru, you’ve put a lot of thought into this…” her father said, and she nodded.

“Of course. I am undersecretary to the Ministry, it’s my job. But I am also a Vassal of Akio-san here. Some might call it a conflict of interest, but I believe it give some invaluable experience and connections to those who matter, allowing me to do my job properly. And for now, I agree with Akio-san, assets held abroad are at risk of forfeiture…”

“Not with us!” the man insisted. “Britain would never betray a hero like that, and our chairman instructed me personally and at length to show you no disrespect, as he says he owes you a personal debt of gratitude mere money cannot repay. Your assets would not only be safe with Barclays, but we have many ideas to help them grow. Although…” he looked at James-san. “Chase is an American bank. I can understand your reservations. The US has adopted a very America-centric set of policies as of late, and rumours say you’ve had your friction with them, Oshiro-sama. Seizure of assets under some nonsensical terrorism or national security law are not beyond the realms of possibility, unlike in civilised Britain.”

“That’s an insult, sir!” James-san shot back, incensed. “Our bank never bows to political pressure! Besides, while I’m sure you have several more Chosen on your books, just like we do…” he used the Japanese term for us. “… Oshiro-sama is a valued customer, even before that. Ms Connors would have my guts if I allowed his assets to be frozen! Besides, imagine the damage it would do to our reputation internationally. Stealing from the hero of Britain…”

“The official position of the Prime Minister is that we should bring your assets under the umbrella of the government. There is less risk that way, and more recourse should foreign powers play hardball.” Suzuki-san said. “There are many advantages as well.”

“And just as many downsides!” the man from Barclays insisted. “Money is all very well, but… dead money is of little value. Investment is the key. And not necessarily to make more money, but…” the man grinned triumphantly, obviously having gathered information from somewhere. “… it seems that Chosen have a great need of wealth for other reasons. And we are world leaders in investment funds!”

“World leaders? Hardly. When you think of accounts for the rich you think Midas Gold!” James-san insisted.

“If it is investment, the government…” Suzuki-san began, but Haru-san shook her head.

“I’m sorry father, but Japan is already stretched, and tensions are starting to rise. Akio-san has already garnered favourable terms, though he should have been further rewarded for his efforts.” She insisted. “A government loan to an individual…”

“It’s not advisable. However…” James-san said. “…Midas Gold specialises in substantial loans for business dealings, on a scale into the billions of dollars. Perhaps even a trillion yen.” He grinned.

“Bullshit. That’s like a tenth of your bank’s yearly profits.” The other man scoffed. “You’d have to be crazy…”

“Is poor little Barclays overawed? What did you make last year? Ten billion dollars in profit? Sure, you’ve a good reputation in Europe, but compared to our financial clout…”

Does it feel good being fought over by these banks, Akio-san? Haru-san smiled at me. I know Fukumoto-san is wealthy, but Nichibotsu profits are still only in the billions of dollars bracket, after expenses, and he invests most of it back into the business, it’s why he is a world leader. He can support you, and has been, but…

That’s right. He’s already spent a lot buying up suitable plots of land for me, as well as investing in staff and resources to help set up our new businesses. Speaking of… we need to ramp up preparations, as soon…

“It’s true. I do need money. But I’m also not interested in paying back vast sums of interest.” Although when Ixitt’s products can be made here, we’ll have money to burn…

“Of course. You have backing.” James-san agreed. “But while I am most definitely in it to make a profit… after all, my yearly bonus depends on it!” he winked, and Haru-san held her hand over her mouth, hiding her smile. “We are also more concerned with what can’t be bought with money. In that we are in agreement with our little friend from Barclays here.”

As the other man nodded, I gestured for them to go on.

“Our proposals are thus.” James-san said. “Oshiro-sama, we know you are planning several revolutionary businesses. Fukumoto-sama, as well as the esteemed Ichijou-sama, have made no secret of it. Now, collateral for loans keeps the rate of interest low…”

“I’m not risking shares in our company or technology.” I said firmly. Hinata would be so disappointed if I did. Other than the split project with Mayumi-san, nobody is getting in on our projects… “That’s non-negotiable for now.”

“It was worth a try. But you misunderstand. I doubt my colleague here does though…”

The man nodded. “Our chairman has been a new man, these past weeks. His wife recovered from a terminal, degenerative illness miraculously. Strangely enough, that was the evening he met some important Japanese guests for dinner. He has kept his silence since but has expressed more interest in you then even the hero of Britain merits. He’s also stepped up financial support for Princess Eleanor and her entourage. Now… collateral does not have to be tangible.”

“In exchange for a negligible interest rate, just enough to secure our end-of-year bonuses and keep the shareholders happy, Midas Gold is prepared to loan you significant sums, allowing that you pledge the use of your abilities as collateral, and also promise to look favourably on any requests made. Nothing illegal or immoral, of course.” James-san grinned. “Ms Connors would look poorly on that…”

The more he mentioned Ms Connors, the more I realised she was someone important. Buck sure did introduce me to someone connectedthough at the time she came across as just an employee. There’s definitely a story there. “So what are we talking? Healing? Sure, that’s just an extension of my current business. There are likely others out there that can be bought cheaply…”

“True. There was one American Chosen, but he’s vanished. And we do know of others.” James-san agreed. “In fact, healing abilities are certainly the most sought-after. But the interesting thing is… you’re not a healer, are you Oshiro-sama?”

“That issue touches on the privacy of our citizens, and national security…” Suzuki-san began, but I nodded, silencing him.

“I don’t like revealing too much of my strength, but no, I’m certainly not primarily a healer. I can do a lot of things.”

You certainly can. But the thing I find the strangest is, those around you can as well. Look at me…

With a gentle thought of praise towards Haru-san, I continued. “Now the world is talking about the Chosen after Kyoto and London, it’s only natural for rumours to spread. But any contract would have to be vetted by Hinata, her grandfather and likely the government here as well.”

“Most certainly. We won’t be prepared to have Oshiro-san sneakily taken by the backdoor.” Suzuki-san agreed. “Though…” he looked at his daughter. “Sadly, you are correct. Implementing all the reforms, the payments for Territorial protection, and more… the bills are endless. It’s almost enough to make me wish I had an easy job, like something in MEXT.”

“I hardly think MEXT is easy.” Haru-san chided her father, looking very professional. “Considering that managing the unrest of the population requires significant media and cultural efforts, that Ministry is almost as busy as yours. It’s not like we aren’t involved either…”

“Speaking of culture…” James-san said suddenly, a look of interest on his face. “Did you see the news this morning? It was running in a headline slot, and it’s all over the papers and the internet.”

Is that… I hadn’t the time to watch TV, after the hectic events of last night, but I had an idea. My thoughts were confirmed as he continued. “Arisugawa Arisu-san… I remember that old scandal. I was gutted over the whole mess.” He let out a quiet chuckle. “I admit to her being my dream woman. It’s that cold beauty… to think she was involved in embezzlement, bullying, cheating… but apparently it was all a setup. It all seems too perfect though…”

“I assure you that it’s all true.” I interjected. Before I could elaborate, our British guest looked puzzled.

“Who is this woman? Some sort of celebrity?”

“Oh, you poor fool, not knowing Arisugawa Arisu-san. She was the hottest young actress in Japan, there was even talk she could break into Hollywood. She was gorgeous…” he pulled up a picture on his phone.

She still is. In a cool way…

If she could hear you think that, wouldn’t she be angry?

Hey, it’s simply an objective truth. I’d never dare to hit on her. Besides, I promised her I’d make Shiro happy.

“Yeah, she’s certainly something.” The man agreed. “A scandal, you say?”

“The full works. The only thing she wasn’t accused of was taking drugs, though there were rumours. But it seems to all be a lie.” He looked at me, and I elaborated to defend her honour.

“Yes, it was. Having her name cleared is justice at last.”

“It seems you know more people than I expected. Rumours are she’ll be heading the MEXT-sponsored Charity Gala for the victims of Kyoto.” James-san asked, and I nodded.

“That’s right. As for how I know her… that’s not really important. Just… if you believed the initial scandal, then you should believe the truth that’s coming out now. And she’s a surprisingly interesting woman. Frighteningly smart…”

As we talked about that for a while, my other body, back in the Territory, had just accumulated enough ether to start the upgrade process for a Throne of Heroes to Rank 3. Now it would just take a couple of days of Material time to have enough to finish it off.

“All right then, that was a fun distraction. But back to business…” James-san said, his expression changing. “I understand that you have concerns about funds and assets being frozen, but I assure you, the Japanese arm of Chase Midas Gold is fully compliant with Japanese laws and policies. There’s no way for us to simply walk off with it. What would be the benefit, anyway? Making Oshiro-sama an enemy benefits nobody. But when it comes to leveraging assets into increased wealth…”

“Barclays can do it as well. And we are better placed in the British market, and the Princess herself has publicly expressed sentiments that she seeks closer ties with Japan, and yourself especially, Oshiro-sama. It was in the Daily Sun!”

“That rag… you British and your tabloid press…” James-san sniffed, and as the argument continued, I exchanged a look with Haru-san. I get that a solid financial base is important, but this is quite the nuisance…


How much?” Shiro nearly choked as I told them about the meeting earlier in the day.

“In the end, we decided on a credit line of around twenty billion yen, split between Barclays and Chase Midas Gold. Of course, there’s no fees for simply having the credit line.” I made sure of that, knowing Hinata would not be happy if I threw away money for no reason. “In terms of interest, it’s low, but Hinata and her grandfather will have to vet the documentation. In terms of collateral, it’s loose too. They seemed sure that Japan would step in if I defaulted, seeing as I’m an important public figure now. Or if not, then I’d be beholden to them for a number of favours.”

“But what will you do with that sort-sort of wealth?” Shaeula asked. Along with Shiro and Eri, who had met Nie Ling in prison before, Shaeula had tagged along, perhaps weary of dealing with Ginneka. “Controlling more of our Territory here in the Material makes sense, but even that amount of wealth will not-not go so far. Even on the outskirts of Tokyo, land is most-most expensive, no?”

“Yes, although that kind of money would go a long way. But… instead, we need to make ourselves indispensable to Japan and ideally the world at large, so that any country or Chosen than tries to oppose us will find themselves ostracised in turn. Deterrence is key.”

“And the money will help with that?” Eri asked, as we headed towards the cell where Nie Ling was still being held. A number of soldiers, including one of the JSDF Chosen, was with us, since Nie Ling couldn’t be left to normal guards.

“It should. If Ginneka…” Shaeula scowled as I mentioned her name. “… continues to play nice, and I’ve no reason to think she won’t, what with her brother still dead, I think we can move matters along and even scale up our plans. Though I’m going to be busy too. I’m glad I can split myself in two…” I laughed, a touch bitterly. Sure, I’m continuing to train Tsumura Arts while I’m here now, but I will also need to take up my crafting skills again. They’ve been lagging as I’ve not had time, and Ixitt and Bjarki make better gear than I do…

“… but really, there’s one more ingredient for perfection. But yes, I don’t enjoy draining Fukumoto-san’s coffers. Hopefully we can leverage the money into a rapid expansion of our Material powerbase. Anyway, we’re here.” I took a deep breath at the plain, high security door of the cell. Nie Ling… I’d rather face an enemy than her. But…

The cell door buzzed, electromagnetic locks disengaging. The physical locks were then opened, and the door swung open. The cell itself was hardly reminiscent of the sort of prisons one saw in fiction, it was quite roomy, and had a large window, though the glass was the toughest military-grade material, and it was secured by a number of sturdy metal bars. A bed was in one corner, as well as a small desk, and there was a bookshelf that contained some Chinese literature, as well as a large TV fixed securely to the wall. There’s even some potted plants and her own dedicated bathroom…

On seeing us, Nie Ling managed a weary smile, before speaking to me in Mandarin. “I see. I had worried I had been forgotten. It has been a long time. So, have you come to decide my fate?”

As I entered the cell, Shaeula, Eri and Shiro behind me, along with the Chosen soldier, the door was shut, the clicking of the various locks echoing loudly in the sudden silence. All right then. My hardest challenge yet… making something worthwhile out of this terrible, shitty mess…

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