Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1939 Unbreakable Samsara

Chapter 1939  Unbreakable Samsara

All the signs indicated how seriously the ferocious ancient beasts had ravaged the ancient ruins.

It was impossible for the brain to activate its mysterious ability to predict the future by relying solely on its own strength.


"It needs me, it needs my brain!"

Meng Chao came to the conclusion that the ancient civilization's control center needed the brains of the Ancients' descendants. That way, it could carry out plenty of computations to restore certain functions and fulfill its mission.

"Wait, not 'me', but 'us!'"

As he spent more time breaking free from the cycle of reincarnation, Meng Chao gradually recovered some of his senses and strength. His vision also became sharper.

Meng Chao and the charred corpse beside him were not the only ones near the crystal ravines that seemed like crisscrossing brain circuits. He could see dozens of other people who were either embedded in the hollows of the ore bed or tied up by hundreds of crystal threads. They were hanging upside down in the air like puppets.

Meng Chao could vaguely recognize a few familiar faces.

They were all the rescue team members who had gone deep into the remains with him.

Meng Chao's heart tightened, and he quickly ran toward his comrades.

He swept his burning gaze across the surroundings and locked onto a slender figure.

It was Lu Siya!

She was also entangled with the crystal threads and hanging at the center of a "sulcus" like an inverted cross.

Meng Chao almost screamed hysterically for a moment.

However, he quickly saw that although Lu Siya's face was pale, there were no burn marks on her face. Her chest was also heaving a little.

She was still alive.

Most of his companions were still alive.

However, everyone had seemingly fallen into one... no, ten thousand deep, overlapping dreams. No matter how Meng Chao shouted, he could not wake them up.

"So, I wasn't the only one who fell into an infinite cycle of reincarnation. Lu Siya and all the rescue team members did too.

"To put it another way, the ancient civilization's control center doesn't just need me to provide memory data and computing power. It needs more people, or even everyone.

"However, they were probably captured by the ancient civilization's control center a little later than me.

"Perhaps the control center realized that their brains were not strong enough, so it didn't squeeze them as hard as it did me. That's why they've barely managed to hold on until now."

With that said, Meng Chao could tell that most of the rescue team members, including Lu Siya, were in a bad situation.

Judging from their eyeballs' high-frequency twitching and their smoking heads, it was obvious that their brains were at their limit. If they went on like this for a few more hours or even several dozen minutes, they would end up like that comrade from earlier. Their brains would spontaneously combust, and their skulls would burn into black shells.

"I have to pull them out of samsara!"

Meng Chao wanted to pull Lu Siya down.

However, she was suspended in midair. The rocks around him were extremely smooth, and there was practically nothing to grip at all. Furthermore, he had yet to recover the ability to step on air, so he was powerless for the time being.

He could only seek and rescue his team members who were lying on the ground.

Just then, one of his fingers touched a crystal thread on the back of a team member beside him.

A red light that indicated danger and instability rippled out from the crystal thread.

The red light shot into his comrade's spine at lightning speed and traveled along the spinal cord all the way up to the brain.

The rescue team member immediately groaned in pain. Two clusters of blue veins popped out from his temples like dormant vipers and spread out like a radioactive wave. They covered his entire face in an instant and made his originally delicate features extremely hideous.


comrade's central nerves. The amount of information being transmitted was as numerous as the grains of sand in the Ganges Meng Chao frowned deeply.

It seemed that the hollow crystal threads that had extended out from the depths of the ancient ruins had connected with his comrade's central nerves. The amount of information being transmitted was as numerous as the grains of sand in the Ganges River.

Unless they awakened on their own or they were already dead, it was extremely difficult to tear them away from the threads while they were still in a state of "reincarnation."

It made sense when Meng Chao thought about it.

One should know that even waking a sleepwalker abruptly could cause permanent mental trauma.

Not to mention, the rescue team members, who were entangled with the ancient ruins, were performing "future deductions" where time passed a hundred times, a thousand times, or even ten thousand times faster than in the real world.

Their brains were operating like supercars that were racing at top speed and overloading their engines.

If they were not careful and braked too suddenly, there would be no other outcome other than a car crash and death.

"D*mn it, how can I wake everyone up?"

Meng Chao continued shouting the names of the rescue team members.

Those who were trapped in samsara did not respond.

He tried to inject the weakest spirit waves into their bodies too.

Their intense and even violent reactions reminded him of zombies whose souls had been lost. It scared Meng Chao so much that he dared not try again.

However, if he left them alone, everyone, including Lu Siya, would die within two to three hours.

He confirmed this from their increasingly weak heartbeats and increasingly hot foreheads.

Meng Chao was burning with anxiety, butthere was no way out.

All his attempts failed. It even accelerated the brain temperature of several rescue team members.

Meng Chao, who had fallen into despair, took off his helmet and threw it on the ground with a loud bang.

Unexpectedly, a thin mist of light spread out from the front of the helmet.

In the mist of light, a few mottled scarlet shadows appeared in a "sulcus" before him. These shadows extended all the way to the depths of the sulcus.

"This is..."

Meng Chao widened his eyes.

It immediately occurred to him that the vitality magnetic field scanning system on his helmet had been adjusted to a specific frequency. It was specifically used to track Battle God Lei Zongchao!

At the center of the ancient palace, Meng Chao saw Lei Zongchao, who had turned into a dried corpse decades ago.

Now that he thought about it, he was not sure if this was the real world or an illusion created by the ancient ruins.

The owner of the crimson afterimages before him should be the Battle God who had lived in Dragon City for decades, helped the people win the Monster War, and taught Meng Chao everything he knew.

"Battle God Lei Zongchao arrived here before us, but for some reason, he wasn't affected by the ancient ruins or trapped in an infinite cycle of reincarnation. Instead, he was determined to advance toward the control center's core?"

Meng Chao's mind raced, and he nodded. "That's right. The Battle God came here decades ago. Perhaps, it's as if he's been injected with a vaccine and he's already 'immune' to reincarnation!"

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